I feel sorry for the new year resolutioners..



  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    SNIP No, but I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.


  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    Some people like to think that they're better than other people. It helps them get out of bed in the morning. I say we let them have it, OP.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Is this the new variation on the 'why is everyone so mean?' thread?

    It gets a little makeover for December/January. Do you even seasonal fashion?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    How about choosing to eat differently (healthily).... wait for it..... for forever?

    That *is* dieting.

    No, I am not "dieting" but I have changed my "diet". Permanently. The word relies on context as you well know.

    Yes, you are dieting, as are most of the rest of us here.

    The fact it's a long-term diet doesn't change what it is - a diet.

    It baffles me why so many people are terrified of this word...

    probably because of all the fad diets out there...and most people that "diet" tend to do it for six months and then stop ...

    Some people associate "diet" with short term, as opposed to long term ...it is more of a word association thing.
  • TammyWesting
    TammyWesting Posts: 3 Member
    Yikes. I guess it's a good thing I started today and not next month!

    The new year is what's prompting me to get myself together though and it's really daunting to see in black and white just how much I need to lose but I certainly won't be forgetting this thread. I'll be using it as motivation and a reminder to stick with my plan a month from now when the newness wears off and my enthusiasm wanes.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    This thread has proved my point exactly.
    Only a handful of decent people here.
    I think on January 1st I will add as many resoulutioners as possible and support them, encourage them and try to keep them going.
    Not going to keep wasting my time on shallow narrow minded people.

    You can start or fail any day of the year. If they choose to wait and start at a later date. Good for them. If they wake up one day or are half way through a slice of triple chocolate cake and start right that second. Good for them. Either way, they should be treat the same.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • mamabisme
    mamabisme Posts: 59 Member
    Last year, I was one of them. In the past year I've managed to lose quite a bit and completely change my lifestyle. Yes, many will fail but the same can be said about those who start any other day of the year. Don't discount someone's ability to succeed just because of their chosen start date.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    This is just a general statement, and not a judgement call about anyone:

    Perhaps fewer Resolutioners would quit if more of them were getting support from people who are already on their way to achieving their fitness goals. When you're just starting out, this *kitten* is tough. Coming here and seeing so much negativity and lack of faith in their success will probably be more detrimental to their journey than helpful.

    It's not the responsibility of this forum to ensure all newbies succeed 100% of the time, but being more encouraging -- and less sure they won't stick around -- might help.

    I would highly recommend checking out a thread where the OP is actually receptive and willing to take the advice they are asking for. It is a very different situation than when someone posts a thread asking for opinions on a ludicrous diet or practice and gets upset when the responses are rightfully less than positive. But, again, it's hard to know this when you are not active in the community or offering any of the "support" you lament no one provides.

    Totally agree with you.

    I was a member of the site for a while before I ventured into the forums. When I first poked around, I knew nothing of IIFYM, TDEE or anything like that. What I "knew" was a lot of out-dated mythology (breakfast is the most important meal of the day! 1200 cals is totally maintanable! don't eat back exercise cals!). At first I fell into the "wow, people are mean" camp. But then I actually did a lot of reading and a lot of searching, and a lot of paying attention. I realized people were not being mean, they were being factual, and helping others out with their knowledge (most of which has come from their success). When I see someone that has lost over 100lbs, I tend to think they might know what they're talking about.
    A lot of new members (again, not all) do not take the time to listen to the advice and support being given. They come in with a plan and an idea that they want to do, and anyone that debates or disputes that plan and idea is instantly labeled as being mean or unsupportive.
    It's a two way street, if you ask a question you need to be prepared for all answres, whether they are the answers you want or not, and you need to be open to new ideas in order to succeed.

    Edited 'cause I can't spell :p

    Well put. This is pretty much what I was going to say.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    How about choosing to eat differently (healthily).... wait for it..... for forever?

    That *is* dieting.

    No, I am not "dieting" but I have changed my "diet". Permanently. The word relies on context as you well know.

    Yes, you are dieting, as are most of the rest of us here.

    The fact it's a long-term diet doesn't change what it is - a diet.

    It baffles me why so many people are terrified of this word...

    probably because of all the fad diets out there...and most people that "diet" tend to do it for six months and then stop ...

    Some people associate "diet" with short term, as opposed to long term ...it is more of a word association thing.

    agree, and they come here too with the idea in their heads that they have to suffer (hence waiting til after the holidays), thinking they won't be able to have a cookie, or pie, or bread or whatever and cut out all the stuff they enjoy..
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Being a lurker and watching the advice given even though most wasn't taken from the original poster, I learned a lot and I thank all of you judgmental mean people cause you have shown me that I can eat good food, not starve and be miserable and lose weight!
    A lot of us write posts specifically because we know many lurkers will read it and benefit from it, even though (or especially when) the OP of a thread is already obviously a lost cause.

    I was a lurker for 5 months and I can't tell you how much I benefited from these posts.

    eta: I actually kind of can if you look at my ticker.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I will support them just as much as I support everyone else.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    How about choosing to eat differently (healthily).... wait for it..... for forever?

    That *is* dieting.

    No, I am not "dieting" but I have changed my "diet". Permanently. The word relies on context as you well know.

    Yes, you are dieting, as are most of the rest of us here.

    The fact it's a long-term diet doesn't change what it is - a diet.

    It baffles me why so many people are terrified of this word...

    probably because of all the fad diets out there...and most people that "diet" tend to do it for six months and then stop ...

    Some people associate "diet" with short term, as opposed to long term ...it is more of a word association thing.

    well, for the year that I was actively losing, I WAS ON A DIET! and I don't care to play word games and have others tell me what it is and what it isn't, FOR ME... for me, IT WAS A DIET, because I knew that I would not be eating at a deficit FOR LIFE... so, call it what you will, but I call it a DIET!
  • jen14128
    jen14128 Posts: 24 Member
    Can't agree more... I also resent the fact that my gym will be a zoo until like January 15th.

    So true. January is the only month where I go to the gym at 6 am instead of PM, lol. There are just too many people there after work.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Yikes. I guess it's a good thing I started today and not next month!

    The new year is what's prompting me to get myself together though and it's really daunting to see in black and white just how much I need to lose but I certainly won't be forgetting this thread. I'll be using it as motivation and a reminder to stick with my plan a month from now when the newness wears off and my enthusiasm wanes.

    good for you, glad you got something positive from this! good luck.
  • mshoneysmile7
    mshoneysmile7 Posts: 80 Member
    Some people like to think that they're better than other people. It helps them get out of bed in the morning. I say we let them have it, OP.

    Agreed... Some people forget where they've started... Kind of like when a nobody from nowhere becomes a celebrity...
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I agree with what a lot of people said about how it's true for a lot of people. Many people make it their new year's resolution and just don't stick to it. If someone wants to change their life for the better, why decide "I should really do this, but I'm going to wait a month so I can have more time without working hard". If you're truly committed, you'll start the day you think of it.
    Also, some people may start this New Years and not fail. And that's great for them! :flowerforyou:
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    So, start a thread predicting everyone will be nasty, get push back (people don't like being called nasty) and claim the push back is proof of nastyness.

    You should go in to politics. Clearly you have the brains and reasoning skills to make you a contender on the national level.
    I particularly like the way you bring people together by calling them narrow minded, judgemental and horrible.

    Way to "Be the change you want to see in the world."
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    The majority of them will fail. That's just a reality. Does that mean they get less support from me? No, but I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.

    A few years before I met my husband he started a New Years resolution to lose weight. He lost over 50 pounds and has kept it off to this day. There is nothing wrong with resolutions. Quit being such a hater.

    It's not being a "hater". It's fact; the majority of those who start a new year's resolution to lose weight will fail.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Some people like to think that they're better than other people. It helps them get out of bed in the morning. I say we let them have it, OP.

    Ironic post, considering your username.