I feel sorry for the new year resolutioners..



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The majority of them will fail. That's just a reality. Does that mean they get less support from me? No, but I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.
    I disagree. I think it makes total sense. No need to start your journey on December 1 - that would be a sabotage. When I stopped breastfeeding my baby it was December (when I cut calories at all breastfeeding it was NOT a good thing!) - I was not going to try to start my new life right before Christmas. It is a lot easier to get 10 months under your belt before you face the dangerous time between Halloween and New Years Day. I totally get it. And I am not done - but I would consider myself a success.

    what is so dangerous abut Halloween to new years? We are talking about three days - Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas - over an almost 90 day period...throw in new years eve and a Christmas party and you are talking about five days...that's like 5% of the time..
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    How about choosing to eat differently (healthily).... wait for it..... for forever?

    That *is* dieting.

    No, I am not "dieting" but I have changed my "diet". Permanently. The word relies on context as you well know.

    Yes, you are dieting, as are most of the rest of us here.

    The fact it's a long-term diet doesn't change what it is - a diet.

    It baffles me why so many people are terrified of this word...
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I see you only joined 2 months ago and have not experienced the resolutioner rush yet. Why don't you you spend a few months helping them all and then report back on how you feel next year? Or is that too hard to do from up on your high horse?
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    This was my post on a related thread, does it make me mean and uncaring?....


    But in all honesty we all had to start somewhere and I endorse anybody trying to improve their lives.

    Also the more people that join MFP keeps it going, which is a good thing.

    Feel free to creep my post history and see how many helpful links,info and support I have provided.

    Humor and humility goes a long way.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Is this the new variation on the 'why is everyone so mean?' thread?
    Even worse. It's "I'm outraged on behalf of hypothetical people because of what I imagine other people will think about them in the future."
  • SofaKingRad_II
    I see you only joined 2 months ago and have not experienced the resolutioner rush yet. Why don't you you spend a few months helping them all and then report back on how you feel next year? Or is that too hard to do from up on your high horse?

  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    As someone that started Dec 26th of last year I found MFP on New Years Day, I would have failed if it had not been for the so called judgmental people you are criticizing. When I started I did all the things I had always done to diet, drastic deficit, get rid of all the good food and I was miserable!

    Being a lurker and watching the advice given even though most wasn't taken from the original poster, I learned a lot and I thank all of you judgmental mean people cause you have shown me that I can eat good food, not starve and be miserable and lose weight!

    If the New Year resolutioners are ready to make a change they will, if they aren't they won't. But I do want to thank all of you that give your time to post over and over again, because it does help!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    This thread has proved my point exactly.
    Only a handful of decent people here.
    I think on January 1st I will add as many resoulutioners as possible and support them, encourage them and try to keep them going.
    Not going to keep wasting my time on shallow narrow minded people.

    You can start or fail any day of the year. If they choose to wait and start at a later date. Good for them. If they wake up one day or are half way through a slice of triple chocolate cake and start right that second. Good for them. Either way, they should be treat the same.

    we are not decent, because we do not agree with you....???? Ok then ..have fun with all the new years resolutioners, they will probably only be active for about a month...
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    Most New Years resolutions fail, whether they are weight loss related or something else entirely, does that mean resolving to change things in the coming year is a bad thing? No. Does that mean that people shouldn't try to make 2014 better than 2013? No. I think we should always strive to do better tomorrow than we did today, even if today was awesome!

    Yes, strive to do better TOMORROW, not three weeks from now. Putting it off for whatever reason means you're not mentally ready. Temptation is always everywhere. My co-workers to this day continue to put slices of cake on my desk and try to get me to quit my diet and even go so far as to tell me that I can just throw it up afterwards. Should I stop dieting until I get a new job? No, I just tell them no thank you and go back to work. At the end of the day, you are the reason you fail or suceed, no one else.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Is this the new variation on the 'why is everyone so mean?' thread?
    Even worse. It's "I'm outraged on behalf of hypothetical people because of what I imagine other people will think about them in the future."

    Followed by "...and I've failed so badly and behaved so poorly I'm going to hide from this profile and create a new one. Again."

    What a piece of work...
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    This thread has proved my point exactly.
    Only a handful of decent people here.
    I think on January 1st I will add as many resoulutioners as possible and support them, encourage them and try to keep them going.
    Not going to keep wasting my time on shallow narrow minded people.

  • KnitSewSpin
    KnitSewSpin Posts: 147 Member
    The majority of them will fail. That's just a reality. Does that mean they get less support from me? No, but I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.

    A few years before I met my husband he started a New Years resolution to lose weight. He lost over 50 pounds and has kept it off to this day. There is nothing wrong with resolutions. Quit being such a hater.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    The majority of them will fail. That's just a reality. Does that mean they get less support from me? No, but I think someone waiting for a start date to change their life already has the wrong attitude going in.

    I had a start date. I succeeded. I need to have schedule and plan specific methods or I will fail. Not everyone who feels they need to have a start date will fail or has the wrong attitude.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,108 Member
    sigh. Talk to us after you've gone though three or four years and posted answers to a couple questions. Or the same question eleventy seven times in one day. I think until you have actually helped a few people, you don't have room to talk.

    It's kind of like not voting and then complaining about the government.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    it was the same last year... a lot of posts expecting them to fail. and you know what, many did! but you know what else, many did not! I think I made about 20 new friends, who were considered, "resolutioners" last January... I ended up deleting more than half within just a couple months for no activity, however, I still have a handful of them, most of who have lost a good amount of weight. we all had / have a starting date, and whether its 1/1 4/12 7/8 or 11/10... it really doesn't matter, its just as hard for all of us, failure rates are just as high, and success will come to those who truly want it. I say good for them, if their new years resolution is to take control of their lives and their bodies, why shoot them down, lets build them up! we all started at some point... 1/1 is no worse of a date than 9/17.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Being a lurker and watching the advice given even though most wasn't taken from the original poster, I learned a lot and I thank all of you judgmental mean people cause you have shown me that I can eat good food, not starve and be miserable and lose weight!
    A lot of us write posts specifically because we know many lurkers will read it and benefit from it, even though (or especially when) the OP of a thread is already obviously a lost cause.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    I started my journey Jan 1st of this year and here am 31 lbs. lighter so ha ...I'm not much for new years resolutions but this one I wasn't giving up on , I have 9lbs to go and till my goal, which I want to hit by my 30th birthday Feb 9th so I can say I did it , and didn't have to give up any of the foods I love or ever set foot in a gym, love gyms but to costly. I wish the new years resolutions the best of luck if I can do it so can they , I have two children 19 months apart , age 3 and youngest 21 months and a sahm my daughters always get in the way of my exercising they always want to play so I can only do it when they are not home or asleep. I share a car with my husband who works up to 60 hours a week 3rd shift so there no excuses . best of luck to everyone !!
  • knittinlady
    knittinlady Posts: 143 Member
    I was one of them. I'm still here, and quite a bit thinner, stronger and healthier than I was. I was obese on January 1 of this year. Now I'm ten pounds away from the "normal" range. I decided in December that I needed to do "something". I'm a little OCD, so I had to start on the first of the month. And as it turned out, the next month was January. I'm glad I didn't find MFP until February.

    Have a little respect for the former "resolutioners" who stuck around. :flowerforyou:
  • mshoneysmile7
    mshoneysmile7 Posts: 80 Member
    Hmmm.... I guess I kinda see what some of you all are saying... Waiting until Jan 1 2014 may mean you're a procrastinator and may not stick to your new year’s resolution. But what I don't understand is what difference does it make in the date you start? I can't speak for everyone, but I'm pretty sure that those who were overweight and have lost didn't just wake up & say "HEY... I'm going to live a healthier life".... And I'm not talking to YOU... The one who will say "I DID!".... If they try and fail, it's no harm done to you... You just have to share the machines for a few weeks at the gym. Maybe some people need time to prepare... Maybe research.... or eat everything they can until they're ready to live healthier... NYR's go with the New Years Spirit... New mindset, new habits, new surroundings, etc... In my opinion, that's a great time to try something new... *Kanye Shrug*
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    This thread has proved my point exactly.

    You've completely missed the point(s) of the posters that have posted here.

    That is on you, seeing as how you a) made an ironic OP judging people about judging people; and b) already are set in your thinking and didn't want to actually read and see what people actually posted.