Post your most recent workout



  • knowitall3321
    knowitall3321 Posts: 5 Member
    35 minute run, followed by P90x Chest and Back and finished up with Ab Ripper X
    Over all, about 90 minutes in the gym ^-^
    That was yesterday though, I'm planning on doing 45 minutes on the elliptical today to help stretch out my body.
  • mathcook
    Yesterday 15 minutes running on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the rower, 15 minutes on the elliptical, 15 minutes on the stepper, today gym closed so 90 minutes walking in a howling gale & driving rain by the sea, loved every minute
  • TomZot
    TomZot Posts: 165 Member

    sets reps lbs
    Bench Press 3 6 195
    Triceps Pushdown 3 6 70
    Bosu Ball 3 10
    Lat Pulldown 3 6 160
    Shoulder Shrug 3 6 45
    Biceps Curl, Dumbell 3 6 30
    Hamstring Curls 3 10 40
    Oblique Extensions 2 10
    Hip Flexor, Machine 2 10 100
    Back Extension 2 25
    Abdominal Crunches 2 25 10
    Quadriceps Extn 3 10 30
    Seated Row 3 6 160
    Reverse Pec Deck 3 6 100
    Pec Fly 3 6 145

    Today: 4 miles on treadmill at 8:00/mile.

    Edit-- Sorry, spacing doesn't carry over properly.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Yesterday - box jumps, plank-ups, wall-sit, ball slams.
    Stationary bike HIIT (10 minutes), treadmill run (20 minutes).

    Seriously considering going out for a run today.
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    I just finished T25 Alpha Total Body. I loved every minute of it.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Yesterday I ran a nice slow 15km in 98 minutes.
  • Catlover165
    Catlover165 Posts: 19 Member
    23 mins of aerobic low impact & 30 mins of Yoga :happy:
  • HoaryMarmot
    HoaryMarmot Posts: 36 Member
    4:51 ride at recovery pace: 68.4 miles, 14.1 avg speed.
  • bjdw_1977
    bjdw_1977 Posts: 442 Member
    On the kayak.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    10 minute treadmill warm up
    push ups
    more abs
    10 sprints
    1 mile brisk walk
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Today I just trained with my new sandbag!

    Rotational lunges
    Staggered press right side
    Staggered press left side
    Side lunges
    Clean & Press

    1 min each exercise + 30 seconds rest. x2 and then medicine ball abs.

    300 calories in 30 minutes
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    BB Squats
    60k x 12, 100k x 12, 140k x 12, 160 x 12, 170k x 12, 180k x 8

    Leg Press x 3 sets
    210k weight x 15 reps at each foot placing - plate top wide/middle, plate middle wide/middle & plate low wide/middled

    Leg Extensions
    42k each leg x 7 sets, done back to back, no rest

    Seated Ham Curls x 4 sets
    84k x 15 followed by 42k single leg curls

    Standing Curls
    5 plates x 7 sets done back to back (each leg)

    Lying Curls
    8-10 plates both legs then single leg til failure

    Body Weight Lunges - six room lengths
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    55 minutes of TurboFire. Fire 30 and Stretch 10
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    Strength training day at Bootcamp.

    Dumbbell snatch (25lbs, but I could have gone heavier today)
    TRX Twist
    Single arm overhead press on a stability ball (20lbs)
    Single arm 2 point row (30lbs)

    Can't think of the name of the exercise, but we have these new TRX bungee stick things and do a motion like using a pitchfork to move hay with a ton of resistance...if that makes sense.

    For the finisher: Bear crawls

    Tomorrow is a rest day and Saturday I will run 15 miles.
  • Bonnieg318
    Bonnieg318 Posts: 156 Member
    Turbo Fire- Fire Starter!! Getting back at it I feel great!!
  • handers2014
    100km bike ride, in 3hrs and 40mins, having to wade through flooded rivers (Cobham) and then walk back 5kms when I got a double puncture!

    Yoga to then stretch out.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Close hand pushups, Pistol squats and Pike pushups

    Ashtanga Yoga: 5 x Surya Namaskar A and B, then Primary Series; 75 minutes.

    - pull-ups and yoga tomorrow.
  • kallibrae
    kallibrae Posts: 209 Member
    I'm heading to my regular hour Zumba class tonight! Going to try my hand at planks afterwards.
  • spookyjo
    spookyjo Posts: 76 Member
    Stronglifts workout A
    C25K W1D2