Holy sexism, batman!



  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    The truth of the matter is she should be able to walk where she damn well pleases without being harassed by anyone, as well as anyone else out there that wants to walk down the road and mind their own business. But we all know in our society we have those people who seem to think they have the right to harass others, even berate them, even do bodily harm to them. Freedom of speech should NOT lend its self to harassing others for any reason.

    I suggest if your going to continue to walk down the street at night alone you learn to protect yourself and carry a weapon of sorts. A GUN would be my first choice, either a stun gun or one that shoots bullets. MS is open carry and honestly when I move I will be purchasing myself a gun and using my right to do so. I'm also going to get the permit to conceal carry. Although at this point I'm not getting any catcalls or even a second look, not sure if I should be thankful or upset....:laugh: Hey I'm old so yeah!!!
  • W0rthless_Her0
    You wanna know whats sexist? The title of the thread. Why batman?

    Why not batgirl?


    Now THATS sexist!
  • Illini_Jim
    Illini_Jim Posts: 419 Member
    This is why I don't look at women.

    Wait, what? Does not compute...
  • wiscck
    wiscck Posts: 185 Member
    She got catcalled and harassed because she was a woman. Chances are those guys wouldn't have done it to a man. That makes it sexism.

    Check out the Twitter account @EverydaySexism for more examples. It's horrifying and disturbing, but it's important that everyone realizes that this still goes on, and it happens no matter how women are dressed or what their posture is. FFS, telling the OP that she wouldn't have been catcalled if she had been standing up straight just feeds into the whole culture that allows this to happen.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    And this is why I'm a feminist.

    Sorry this had to happen to you - I know it sucks.
    Let's be honest; you don't have to be at your goal weight to get attention. You don't need to have a Baywatch bod to turn heads. You don't even need to be looking for attention to get it.

    Earlier tonight: I've had a few glasses of wine. I head to the liquor store 10 mins away at 9:00 pm, alone, but made sure my mum and boyfriend knew what was up just in case. Everything's great until I get home, and on the walkway to the building is some guy. No big deal. Across the way on the grass is another guy. Now it's kind of a deal. But still, head down, keep marching, and don't look like you're asking for trouble, right? Wrong. Catcalling. Not flattering. I never pull the door closed on anyone, but tonight I made an exception, both for the outer and inner (key access only) doors. Once I'm in, two inebriated guys come out of the elevator. No catcalls, just uncomfortable looks. You know the kind when you're coveting a fancy dress or plate of food? Not the look anyone is supposed to give a stranger. I walk in a wide arc around, then get in the elevator and lay on the "close doors" button, just in case. My heart doesn't stop pounding until I'm behind the locked door of my apartment, and even then, I keep an ear out just in case anyone saw my floor from the lobby.

    Say what you want. Say sexism is a myth, and feminism is redundant because women have no reason to feel marginalized. If you can't feel safe walking around your own home, there's a problem.

    Not looking for pity or attention, just a little positive support.

    I'm sorry I guess I just don't see how this would make one conclude to become a feminist? Also I'm not sure if that word means what you think it means, or offers the protections you think it does?
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I only like girls, so I only hit on girls. Am I sexist?
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I'd rather acknowledge the fact that the world is what it is and conduct myself accordingly.

    I consider this to be an exceptionally good strategy.

    I think that really this type of situation is something the OP and most women in reality will have to handle as they lose weight. Life presents you with another type of reality you have to learn to deal with when you lose weight.

    It's not fair, or right or just however.
  • Loss4TheWin
    I can understand the cat calls being annoying. The guys that catcalled didn't have the best execution. Catcalling doesn't work. Also, OP was not specific as to what the catcalls actually were. That's key information.

    Also, two guys walked past her. Many times two guys have walked past me and I've felt weird. This is not a big deal.

    I would not mind a night that involved some ladies in the immediate vicinity of my place leering at me, so long as they are good looking ladies.

    Can't tell if troll or...or....I don't even know what the "or" would be. Some mixture of clueless, insensitive, boorish, chauvinist....
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Earlier tonight: I've had a few glasses of wine. I head to the liquor store 10 mins away at 9:00 pm, alone, but made sure my mum and boyfriend knew what was up just in case.

    So you were drunk driving? Everything after that has no credibility. You were drunk and paranoid you'd get popped for what you did, you then took said paranoia and projected it towards men.

    That is sexist, but not in the way you're trying to craft the narrative. Please stop drinking and driving.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    She got catcalled and harassed because she was a woman. Chances are those guys wouldn't have done it to a man. That makes it sexism.

    Check out the Twitter account @EverydaySexism for more examples. It's horrifying and disturbing, but it's important that everyone realizes that this still goes on, and it happens no matter how women are dressed or what their posture is. FFS, telling the OP that she wouldn't have been catcalled if she had been standing up straight just feeds into the whole culture that allows this to happen.

    I don't think anyone told her she wouldn't have gotten catcalled but only that it might have made her less likely to suffer other problems that might ensue.

    I sincerely believe that NOT ONE single person so far offering advice has done so with the intention of subjugating OP her remanding her to a role of second class citizen as a woman. I have read some of these posters before and sincerely feel they were offering these suggestions out of concern for OP's safety in the future if heading out at night alone is common practice that she intends to repeat.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    And this is why I'm a feminist.

    Sorry this had to happen to you - I know it sucks.
    Let's be honest; you don't have to be at your goal weight to get attention. You don't need to have a Baywatch bod to turn heads. You don't even need to be looking for attention to get it.

    Earlier tonight: I've had a few glasses of wine. I head to the liquor store 10 mins away at 9:00 pm, alone, but made sure my mum and boyfriend knew what was up just in case. Everything's great until I get home, and on the walkway to the building is some guy. No big deal. Across the way on the grass is another guy. Now it's kind of a deal. But still, head down, keep marching, and don't look like you're asking for trouble, right? Wrong. Catcalling. Not flattering. I never pull the door closed on anyone, but tonight I made an exception, both for the outer and inner (key access only) doors. Once I'm in, two inebriated guys come out of the elevator. No catcalls, just uncomfortable looks. You know the kind when you're coveting a fancy dress or plate of food? Not the look anyone is supposed to give a stranger. I walk in a wide arc around, then get in the elevator and lay on the "close doors" button, just in case. My heart doesn't stop pounding until I'm behind the locked door of my apartment, and even then, I keep an ear out just in case anyone saw my floor from the lobby.

    Say what you want. Say sexism is a myth, and feminism is redundant because women have no reason to feel marginalized. If you can't feel safe walking around your own home, there's a problem.

    Not looking for pity or attention, just a little positive support.

    You're a feminist because guys stare at drunk women? What a deep and meaningful reason for the label you have applied to yourself.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Earlier tonight: I've had a few glasses of wine. I head to the liquor store 10 mins away at 9:00 pm, alone, but made sure my mum and boyfriend knew what was up just in case.

    So you were drunk driving? Everything after that has no credibility. You were drunk and paranoid you'd get popped for what you did, you then took said paranoia and projected it towards men.

    That is sexist, but not in the way you're trying to craft the narrative. Please stop drinking and driving.

    Um, where did it say she drove a car? It sounds to me like she walked.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Earlier tonight: I've had a few glasses of wine. I head to the liquor store 10 mins away at 9:00 pm, alone, but made sure my mum and boyfriend knew what was up just in case.

    So you were drunk driving? Everything after that has no credibility. You were drunk and paranoid you'd get popped for what you did, you then took said paranoia and projected it towards men.

    That is sexist, but not in the way you're trying to craft the narrative. Please stop drinking and driving.

    Where did it say she was driving?
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Earlier tonight: I've had a few glasses of wine. I head to the liquor store 10 mins away at 9:00 pm, alone, but made sure my mum and boyfriend knew what was up just in case.

    So you were drunk driving? Everything after that has no credibility. You were drunk and paranoid you'd get popped for what you did, you then took said paranoia and projected it towards men.

    That is sexist, but not in the way you're trying to craft the narrative. Please stop drinking and driving.

    Have you been drinking?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    The truth of the matter is she should be able to walk where she damn well pleases without being harassed by anyone, as well as anyone else out there that wants to walk down the road and mind their own business. But we all know in our society we have those people who seem to think they have the right to harass others, even berate them, even do bodily harm to them. Freedom of speech should NOT lend its self to harassing others for any reason.

    I suggest if your going to continue to walk down the street at night alone you learn to protect yourself and carry a weapon of sorts. A GUN would be my first choice, either a stun gun or one that shoots bullets. MS is open carry and honestly when I move I will be purchasing myself a gun and using my right to do so. I'm also going to get the permit to conceal carry. Although at this point I'm not getting any catcalls or even a second look, not sure if I should be thankful or upset....:laugh: Hey I'm old so yeah!!!

    ... so you'd shoot someone for catcalling you? Seems legit.

    Thanks for giving moonbats, idiot libtards, and dems fuel against us gun owners.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Earlier tonight: I've had a few glasses of wine. I head to the liquor store 10 mins away at 9:00 pm, alone, but made sure my mum and boyfriend knew what was up just in case.

    So you were drunk driving? Everything after that has no credibility. You were drunk and paranoid you'd get popped for what you did, you then took said paranoia and projected it towards men.

    That is sexist, but not in the way you're trying to craft the narrative. Please stop drinking and driving.

    Um, where did it say she drove a car? It sounds to me like she walked.

    That will be the out, for sure. However if you read how it was written, it's apparent that she drove, particularly with telling her boyfriend, and parsing location by time not distance. There are cues there that are really apparent.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    The truth of the matter is she should be able to walk where she damn well pleases without being harassed by anyone, as well as anyone else out there that wants to walk down the road and mind their own business. But we all know in our society we have those people who seem to think they have the right to harass others, even berate them, even do bodily harm to them. Freedom of speech should NOT lend its self to harassing others for any reason.

    I suggest if your going to continue to walk down the street at night alone you learn to protect yourself and carry a weapon of sorts. A GUN would be my first choice, either a stun gun or one that shoots bullets. MS is open carry and honestly when I move I will be purchasing myself a gun and using my right to do so. I'm also going to get the permit to conceal carry. Although at this point I'm not getting any catcalls or even a second look, not sure if I should be thankful or upset....:laugh: Hey I'm old so yeah!!!

    ... so you'd shoot someone for catcalling you? Seems legit.

    Thanks for giving moonbats, idiot libtards, and dems fuel against us gun owners.

    "libtards"? What are you, 12?
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Earlier tonight: I've had a few glasses of wine. I head to the liquor store 10 mins away at 9:00 pm, alone, but made sure my mum and boyfriend knew what was up just in case.

    So you were drunk driving? Everything after that has no credibility. You were drunk and paranoid you'd get popped for what you did, you then took said paranoia and projected it towards men.

    That is sexist, but not in the way you're trying to craft the narrative. Please stop drinking and driving.

    Um, where did it say she drove a car? It sounds to me like she walked.

    That will be the out, for sure. However if you read how it was written, it's apparent that she drove, particularly with telling her boyfriend, and parsing location by time not distance. There are cues there that are really apparent.

    Um, I read it with the impression that she walked. Are you trolling or something?
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    "No one, is to look at anyone else, ever, again!" - paraphrased from Bill Cosby.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Have you been drinking?

    Woo boy, now THAT was clever. Just... amazingly clever. You, you need a trophy or something.
