Daily Check In - Winter 13/14



  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Feb. 23rd Saturday

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? nope.
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? planned my meals
    What would I have done differently? exercised
    What are today's personal goals? stay under in calories & some exercise

    Mon - back exercises, triceps extensions, dips & push-ups
    Tues - Dancing 25 min.
    Wed - back exercises, triceips extensions, dips & push-ups
    Thurs -
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? not sure
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? didn't set any
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? drank 64oz of seltzer water and went for a 5 mile walk
    What would I have done differently? nothing
    What is today's personal goals? check in, track food and the elliptical.

    GW at the end of the Winter check in? 195

    Sun- 5 mile walk
    Mon -
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? got up and went to step class
    What would I have done differently? shouldn't have bought chex cereal ... now I want to make chex mix
    What is today's personal goals? stay under in calories, track
    Winter goal (3/19) - 225

    Sun- 60 step DONE
    Mon - rest
    Tues - 60 body pump
    Wed - step?
    Thurs - 60 minutes body pump or 45 step
    Fri - 60 min step
    Sat - 60 min step & body pump
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? I did not track last night's dinner. We went out to
    celebrate my daughter's b-day so I didn't know what the calorie count would be.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Don't know went off plan for dinner.
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Saw my two daughter's and SIL and had a great visit.
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    What are today's personal goals? Stay focused, drink my fluids, stay on track with my program.

    Mon - Leslie Sasone 2 miles w/weights 34 min + Biking 15 min.
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? no
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? exercised
    What would I have done differently? Not use food to try to help hurt feelings... only makes things worse.
    What are today's personal goals? stay under in calories & some exercise

    Mon - back exercises, triceps extensions, dips & push-ups
    Tues - Dancing 25 min.
    Wed - back exercises, triceps extensions, dips & push-ups
    Thurs -
    Sun - back exercises, triceps extensions, dips & push-ups

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? nope
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? nope.
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? planned my meals
    What would I have done differently? exercised & not let a craving get the better of me.
    What are today's personal goals? stay under in calories & some exercise

    Mon - nope
    Tues -
    Wed -
    Thurs -

    Am seeing some muscles from the push-ups. :smile: Just need to do them more consistantly.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? no - waaay over on calories
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? didn't have a bedtime snack
    What would I have done differently? no chex mix, made a real supper instead of grazing
    What is today's personal goals? stay under in calories, track
    Winter goal (3/19) - 225

    Sun- 60 step DONE
    Mon - rest DONE
    Tues - 60 body pump DONE
    Wed - step? need to figure out something to do on Wednesdays
    Thurs - 60 minutes body pump or 45 step
    Fri - 60 min step
    Sat - 60 min step & body pump
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes, back on track and back to program.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Back to my routine of eating and exercise.
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    hat are today's personal goals? Stay focused, drink my fluids, stay on track with my program.

    Mon - Leslie Sasone 2 miles w/weights 34 min + Biking 15 min.
    Tues - Leslie Sasone 48 mins. - 2 miles
    Wed -
    Thurs -
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? planned my meals & exercise
    What would I have done differently? nothing
    What are today's personal goals? stay under in calories & some exercise

    Mon - nope
    Tues - back exercises, push-ups, triceps extensions & dips
    Wed -
    Thurs -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes, but had a few more snacks than I should on this
    plan and was up a pound today. So back to staying on the plane.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Did 2 miles with Leslie Sasone
    What would I have done differently? Kept my snacks to the plan.
    hat are today's personal goals? Stay focused, drink my water, stay on track with my program.

    Mon - Leslie Sasone 2 miles w/weights 34 min + Biking 15 min.
    Tues - Leslie Sasone 48 mins. - 2 miles
    Wed - Wii Fit 40 mins + 15 min biking
    Thurs -
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? no
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of?
    What would I have done differently? didn't need french bread and butter
    What is today's personal goals? stay under in calories, track
    Winter goal (3/19) - 225

    Sun- 60 step DONE
    Mon - rest DONE
    Tues - 60 body pump DONE
    Wed - nothing yet today ....
    Thurs - 60 minutes body pump or 45 step
    Fri - 60 min step
    Sat - 60 min step & body pump
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? didn't set any
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? went to the Y
    What would I have done differently? nothing
    What is today's personal goals? check in, track food and the elliptical.

    GW at the end of the Winter check in? 195

    Sun- 5 mile walk
    Mon - 35 elliptical
    Tues - 35 elliptical
    Wed - 35 elliptical
    Thurs -
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Nice job working out this week! Keep up the good work :flowerforyou:
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? planned my meals & stuck with the plan
    What would I have done differently? exercised
    What are today's personal goals? stay under in calories & some exercise

    Mon - nope
    Tues - back exercises, push-ups, triceps extensions & dips
    Wed - nope
    Thurs -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Wii Fit 39 min
    What would I have done differently? Nothing
    hat are today's personal goals? Stay focused, drink my water, stay on track with my program.

    Mon - Leslie Sasone 2 miles w/weights 34 min + Biking 15 min.
    Tues - Leslie Sasone 48 mins. - 2 miles
    Wed - Wii Fit 39 mins + 15 min biking
    Thurs - Pilates class 60 min.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Just slipped over by 100 cal...darn it.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Treadmill 3.5 miles 45 min @ 10-12 incline
    What would I have done differently? Hid the M&Ms I found at 1 a.m.
    hat are today's personal goals? Eat light when I go out with the girls. Workout afterward. No excuses.

    Mon - none (driving from Michigan to Tennessee)
    Tues - Treadmill 35 min - Abs workout 10 min.
    Wed - Treadmill 45 min
    Thurs - Treadmill 45 min - Abs workout 10 min.
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? probably
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no - didn't track all my food
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? another day on the elliptical
    What would I have done differently? nothing
    What is today's personal goals? check in, track food and the elliptical.

    GW at the end of the Winter check in? 195

    Sun- 5 mile walk
    Mon - 35 elliptical
    Tues - 35 elliptical
    Wed - 35 elliptical
    Thurs - 35 elliptical
    Fri -
    Sat -
  • goldk
    goldk Posts: 1,651 Member
    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Just slipped over by 100 cal...darn it.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Treadmill 3.5 miles 45 min @ 10-12 incline
    What would I have done differently? Hid the M&Ms I found at 1 a.m.
    hat are today's personal goals? Eat light when I go out with the girls. Workout afterward. No excuses.

    Mon - none (driving from Michigan to Tennessee)
    Tues - Treadmill 35 min - Abs workout 10 min.
    Wed - Treadmill 45 min
    Thurs - Treadmill 45 min - Abs workout 10 min.

    Welcome Amy8400 :flowerforyou:
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Amy -- Welcome from me, too! :smile:

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? yes
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? planned my meals & made myself exercise
    What would I have done differently? not eaten that bag of potato chips
    What are today's personal goals? stay under in calories & some exercise

    Mon - nope
    Tues - back exercises including sit ups & planks, push-ups, triceps extensions & dips
    Wed - nope
    Thurs - back exercises including sit ups & planks, push-ups, triceps extensions & dips
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Welcome Amy :flowerforyou: Happy to see you join our group of motivated and accountable

    Well my weight has been stalling this week so I am going back to Phase 1 of South Beach
    to get my metabolism going again. I will do this for two weeks and see if I can make
    some progress.

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? Not quite, snacked on some crackers and had
    cappuccino which was an added 100 calories. :ohwell:
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? Yes
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? Went for a massage to my RMT because my back
    was tight and sore.
    What would I have done differently? Nothing and did rest after that for the rest of night with
    ice and icy hot patch.
    What are today's personal goals? Drink my water, back to Phase 1 for two weeks, biking -done

    Mon - Leslie Sasone 2 miles w/weights 34 min + Biking 15 min.
    Tues - Leslie Sasone 48 mins. - 2 miles
    Wed - Wii Fit 39 mins + 15 min biking
    Thurs - Pilates class 60 min.
    Fri - Biking 45 min.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,073 Member
    Shirley -- I hope your back is better soon.

    Did you stay within your nutritional goals? almost --- only 49 calories over.
    Did I reach yesterday's personal goal? no
    What did I do yesterday that I am proud of? didn't go too overboard with food.
    What would I have done differently? not had a Salted Caramel Bar at Starbucks
    What are today's personal goals? stay under in calories & some exercise

    Mon - nope
    Tues - back exercises including sit ups & planks, push-ups, triceps extensions & dips
    Wed - nope
    Thurs - back exercises including sit ups & planks, push-ups, triceps extensions & dips
    Friday- nope