Beware the uninformed



  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Alright guys, good work today. I'll meet you back at the secret bully group in an hour for milk and graham crackers.

    make it pop tarts and ice cream and I'm in like a dirty shirt

    wait. "In like a dirty shirt"? What does this mean?

    I have to admit, I'd rather have cookies and ice cream.

    #rebel food

    Come sit by me. My shirt is clean and I have both cookies and ice cream.

    (also my hair is clean too and smells nice. Irrelevant but I'm throwing that out there anyway)

    You know, I think I'd rather have milk and graham crackers. I'm kind of cookied out right now.

    But, I am definitely not cuddling ILiftHeavyAcrylics'ed out right now. I don't even think that's possible.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Alright guys, good work today. I'll meet you back at the secret bully group in an hour for milk and graham crackers.

    make it pop tarts and ice cream and I'm in like a dirty shirt

    wait. "In like a dirty shirt"? What does this mean?

    I have to admit, I'd rather have cookies and ice cream.

    #rebel food

    Come sit by me. My shirt is clean and I have both cookies and ice cream.

    (also my hair is clean too and smells nice. Irrelevant but I'm throwing that out there anyway)

    You know, I think I'd rather have milk and graham crackers. I'm kind of cookied out right now.

    But, I am definitely not cuddling ILiftHeavyAcrylics'ed out right now. I don't even think that's possible.

    In for cuddles with Otter and Amber!!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Alright guys, good work today. I'll meet you back at the secret bully group in an hour for milk and graham crackers.

    make it pop tarts and ice cream and I'm in like a dirty shirt

    wait. "In like a dirty shirt"? What does this mean?

    I have to admit, I'd rather have cookies and ice cream.

    #rebel food

    Come sit by me. My shirt is clean and I have both cookies and ice cream.

    (also my hair is clean too and smells nice. Irrelevant but I'm throwing that out there anyway)

    You know, I think I'd rather have milk and graham crackers. I'm kind of cookied out right now.

    But, I am definitely not cuddling ILiftHeavyAcrylics'ed out right now. I don't even think that's possible.

    In for cuddles with Otter and Amber!!


    I'm kind of cookied out too at the moment but I'll use whatever bait I have to if it gets CMR over here.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    A bit late in...
    At this point I find myself wondering why any of you are even on this website.
    (Please read in the voice from the beggining of the original "The Prisoner" series._
    I am here for INFORMATION.

    I want to be 'supported' by, as your initial post suggests, useful information.
    If I provide information that is incorrect, has been superseeded by new evidence or the like I do want people to be "supportive", I want them to clearly explain why I I'm incorrectly informed.

    So, of course the first thing when I saw your first post here was to have a look at what information you are offering.
    So, in response to a 114lb female trying to gain weight who is actually losing, you reply:
    As you build muscle your metabolism will increase, as muscle even at rest requires more than fat does. This is one of the issues with BMI calculators, they don't always account for muscle mass vs. fat mass. if you are eating bad stuff that is high in sugar this could be affecting your metabolism as well. Try to hit your calories using healthier foods like whole-grain pastas, breads and brown rice, as well as plenty of lean protein like chicken or 93/7 beef.
    First off, yes muscle at rest does require more calories than fat. But a very small amount. At the high end, maybe 10 calories per pound. When compared to fat, we're talking 2-6 calories per pound more than fat. So if she lost 20lb of fat and put on 20lb of muscle (a massive amount), we'd be talking no more than 120 calories extra and quite possibly a lot less.
    I would suggest mentioning this was a red herring and confusing.
    Then you talk about sugar. Can make a bit of a difference to some, but she says she's working out a lot, so I expect this would apply:
    For your body composition, it doesn’t matter if a carb is classified as simple or complex or if it has a high or low glycemic or insulin load or index. Only the total amount of carbs in your diet matters and this only matters because carbs contain calories.
    For your health, the source of carbs is only relevant if you’re unhealthy. If you’re already healthy, it generally doesn’t matter.
    (It cites numerous studies by the way.)

    You also mention 'healthy foods' - a particular bug bear of mine.
    Personally, I don't see how any one food (perhaps about from something strongly poisonous) can be 'unhealthy' or 'healthy'.
    All foods can be consumed as 'part of a healthy lifestyle' in appropriate moderation and not have negative affects.

    So, from my point of view, your first post should certainly be taken with a big dollop of "thy who is without sin..."
    This is one reason I generally do do my own research, often reading the studies cited (or not) when trying to improve knowledge.

    No; I do not post this to 'make you feel small' - if anything, I'm strongly agreeing with the point in your first post, which amuses me :).
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Just a quick rant here. There seem to be quite a few people who peruse the forums simply looking for someone to argue with. It's not a very intelligent decision if you attack someone who actually knows what they are talking about, because if you would just listen and learn, you might find ways to be healthier. The internet is full of trash blogs and studies that are completely inaccurate. In order to find the best information, you need to stick to medical websites, or talk to those who are experts in the field, or have a lot of training and education.
    I myself work in the medical field and have for many years. I've studied diet and fitness as well, independently of my job, for college courses and for my own benefit. Just because someone tells you something in a forum, please don't assume they know what they are talking about. Please take the time to ask them what their expertise is in the area about which you are receiving information and advice.

    stop assuming that you are the only one that knows what they are talking about just because you work in the medical field. a lot of individuals have outdated knowledge

    ^This. So much this. Plus, I remember the last time someone claimed to work in the medical field and gave some crap advice, it turned out they just did data entry.

    Then there was the guy who was a trainer, then bodyguard, then Nurse...and that last one was scary as hell to claim as he was also suggesting people PM for medical advice.

    So OP....Bonjour is all I'm going to say to you on that. :laugh:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Alright guys, good work today. I'll meet you back at the secret bully group in an hour for milk and graham crackers.

    make it pop tarts and ice cream and I'm in like a dirty shirt

    wait. "In like a dirty shirt"? What does this mean?

    I have to admit, I'd rather have cookies and ice cream.

    #rebel food

    Come sit by me. My shirt is clean and I have both cookies and ice cream.

    (also my hair is clean too and smells nice. Irrelevant but I'm throwing that out there anyway)

    You know, I think I'd rather have milk and graham crackers. I'm kind of cookied out right now.

    But, I am definitely not cuddling ILiftHeavyAcrylics'ed out right now. I don't even think that's possible.

    In for cuddles with Otter and Amber!!


    I'm kind of cookied out too at the moment but I'll use whatever bait I have to if it gets CMR over here.

    Thanks. *sniff* I was feeling sad when Otter and Lishie left me out.

    Can I haz White Chocolate Snickerdoodles?

    Even cheese Danish ...:heart:
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    I hope you are happy. I had to go to the store and get graham crackers. But I eat them with peanut butter so the protien cancels out the carbs and makes it calorie free. The milk acts as a buffer.

    I'm not sure as to what but "acts like a buffer" always sounds all scientifical.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    mccindy, how about a link to this alledged "Attack"...usually it is someone (you) being too sensitive.

    My guess? It's here:

    Specifically, where she speaks about lengthening muscles and such.


    Oh dear god. First yoga and now pilates can "lengthen" your muscles...Bwahahaha. Who knew genetics could so easily be overridden????

    mccindy, how about a link to this alledged "Attack"...usually it is someone (you) being too sensitive.

    My guess? It's here:

    Specifically, where she speaks about lengthening muscles and such.


    It's this:

    A low carb debate.

    Oh my jesus.
    " When protein and carbohydrates are eaten together, the carbs are stored as fat. "

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    I hope you are happy. I had to go to the store and get graham crackers. But I eat them with peanut butter so the protien cancels out the carbs and makes it calorie free. The milk acts as a buffer.

    I'm not sure as to what but "acts like a buffer" always sounds all scientifical.

    But since you ate fat, protein, and carbs, the carbs are going to turn to fat, according to mccindy. Careful.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Alright guys, good work today. I'll meet you back at the secret bully group in an hour for milk and graham crackers.

    make it pop tarts and ice cream and I'm in like a dirty shirt

    wait. "In like a dirty shirt"? What does this mean?

    I have to admit, I'd rather have cookies and ice cream.

    #rebel food

    Come sit by me. My shirt is clean and I have both cookies and ice cream.

    (also my hair is clean too and smells nice. Irrelevant but I'm throwing that out there anyway)

    You know, I think I'd rather have milk and graham crackers. I'm kind of cookied out right now.

    But, I am definitely not cuddling ILiftHeavyAcrylics'ed out right now. I don't even think that's possible.

    In for cuddles with Otter and Amber!!


    I'm kind of cookied out too at the moment but I'll use whatever bait I have to if it gets CMR over here.

    Thanks. *sniff* I was feeling sad when Otter and Lishie left me out.

    Can I haz White Chocolate Snickerdoodles?

    Even cheese Danish ...:heart:

    I didnt mean to leave you out!!
    I didnt know you wanted cuddles!!
    Sorry sweetie!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    ALL my cookies are for CMR:heart:
  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    At this point I find myself wondering why any of you are even on this website. Obviously it's not to support or help anyone; it's just to find ways to pick people apart and make them feel small, even if they are just trying to express themselves. It's a sad first world we live in when the Internet gives us the means to reach out anonymously and hurt other people without discretion.

    um, have you BEEN on the internet before? hello? :huh:

    Also, isnt' if "I'm off like a dirty shirt?" :laugh:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Alright guys, good work today. I'll meet you back at the secret bully group in an hour for milk and graham crackers.

    make it pop tarts and ice cream and I'm in like a dirty shirt

    wait. "In like a dirty shirt"? What does this mean?

    I have to admit, I'd rather have cookies and ice cream.

    #rebel food

    Come sit by me. My shirt is clean and I have both cookies and ice cream.

    (also my hair is clean too and smells nice. Irrelevant but I'm throwing that out there anyway)

    You know, I think I'd rather have milk and graham crackers. I'm kind of cookied out right now.

    But, I am definitely not cuddling ILiftHeavyAcrylics'ed out right now. I don't even think that's possible.

    In for cuddles with Otter and Amber!!


    I'm kind of cookied out too at the moment but I'll use whatever bait I have to if it gets CMR over here.

    Thanks. *sniff* I was feeling sad when Otter and Lishie left me out.

    Can I haz White Chocolate Snickerdoodles?

    Even cheese Danish ...:heart:

    All the snickerdoodles and danish for you.
  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    there are COOKIES in this thread? :heart:
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    I hope you are happy. I had to go to the store and get graham crackers. But I eat them with peanut butter so the protien cancels out the carbs and makes it calorie free. The milk acts as a buffer.

    I'm not sure as to what but "acts like a buffer" always sounds all scientifical.

    But since you ate fat, protein, and carbs, the carbs are going to turn to fat, according to mccindy. Careful.

    That's ok. I have these Ninja Fat Fighting Capsules. I read Dr. Oz recommends them. You take them after eating and millions of tiny ninjas come out, you know when the capsule dissolves, and they beat the fat down. Then the fat is like, all transformed into muscle.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I hope you are happy. I had to go to the store and get graham crackers. But I eat them with peanut butter so the protien cancels out the carbs and makes it calorie free. The milk acts as a buffer.

    I'm not sure as to what but "acts like a buffer" always sounds all scientifical.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    there are COOKIES in this thread? :heart:

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Just a quick rant here. There seem to be quite a few people who peruse the forums simply looking for someone to argue with. It's not a very intelligent decision if you attack someone who actually knows what they are talking about, because if you would just listen and learn, you might find ways to be healthier. The internet is full of trash blogs and studies that are completely inaccurate. In order to find the best information, you need to stick to medical websites, or talk to those who are experts in the field, or have a lot of training and education.
    I myself work in the medical field and have for many years. I've studied diet and fitness as well, independently of my job, for college courses and for my own benefit. Just because someone tells you something in a forum, please don't assume they know what they are talking about. Please take the time to ask them what their expertise is in the area about which you are receiving information and advice.

    stop assuming that you are the only one that knows what they are talking about just because you work in the medical field. a lot of individuals have outdated knowledge


    I work in the medical field and I didn't/don't know anything diet and fitness related. I can deliver a baby like nobody's business, though.

    What's your fastest time? :bigsmile:
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    ALL my cookies are for CMR:heart:


    I hope you find cauliflower in your fridge Cranq!!
  • Aleta7
    Aleta7 Posts: 92