Need tips to lose weight



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    yes you did! i weighed 195 and i am just following doctors orders and my charts look so amazing!

    Do you see the quote button on the bottom of the post you are replying to? Please use it. Otherwise it looks like you are talking to yourself.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    when did I say I owned the place when I just gave my OPINION based on my experience, !!! so since you been on the website for a while that means you know more then me even though I have been training for years!!!just because I' wasnt part of some forum I dont know what i'm talking about

    What have you been training for years in? Opinions based on experience, are just opinions and should never be given as absolute truths that will work for everyone.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 185 Member
    Eat less. Move more.

    It's really that simple. I love that others are so generous to offer advice, but hope you won't let comment wars distract you. Ultimately, everything that works is some combination of eating less and moving more, and different things work better for different people, but any plan that you can stick to long term is a good one. If you have more than 25 pounds to lose, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Over time, you will find what works for you. The 60 weeks it's taken me to lose 51 pounds have been a joyful journey, not drudgery. I've learned LOVE moving, and try to learn to LOVE cooking nutritious food. Not spectacular results, but i know i will never see those pounds again because I lost slowly. You're welcome to friend me.
  • Lovinglife12
    I think there is a lot of great advice here, you just have to figure out what works for you and your body. For me, cutting out carbs is what works best. I stay away from rice, bread, pasta, sodas, sweets etc when trying to lose weight. I eat a lot of protein, veggies and some fruit. Lots of water. And exercise at least 4-5 times a week. I've tried eating at a deficit while still eating brown rice, wheat bread etc and I do not lose. When I am at a weight I am happy with, I eat anything I want in moderation and maintain just fine. But I know others who do lose while eating those foods, everyone's body isn't the same I guess. And I also feel really bloated and yuck when I eat carbs. I feel much better when I limit them. I do have some cheat days but they don't usually stall my weightloss since they aren't constant.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    You don't have to give up anything . . . just change how much you eat and hit your calorie goal. Drinking more water never hurts.
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
  • misschoppo
    misschoppo Posts: 463 Member
    you'll just put all the weight back on if you continue with old habits and eating unhealthy like pizza, and ice cream..

    I raided the cookie jar last night & ate bicuits for dinner because we had a power cut & I couldn't cook anything.....last week I had pasta (yummy carbs) twice for dinner.....over the course of december I probably ate half my bodyweight in chocolate, sweets & desserts....I weigh 104lbs...yes eating unprocessed foods it great but there is no reason at all to cut out any food that you enjoy, you just work around it & if I want that pasta for dinner or that extra slice of cake, I'll have a lighter lunch or I'll get off my *kitten* & do an extra work out. There is no need to give up any single food or food group in order to lose weight, you just eat less of it i.e. portion control, or "save" calories elsewhere, or move more so you can eat more. If you were living off junk food and never ate anything unprocessed I agree that wouldn't seem a particularly healthy choice to make but you can lose weight regardless of whether you are eating "healthy" or "unhealthy" foods.

    OP, As some others have suggested cutting back carbs I would say I agree with that, if I ever want to lose a few lbs I find the easiest way for me to do that is reduce my carb intake but not cut them out. I also find that snacking on things like nuts, seeds, olives & berries during the day keeps me satisfied so I naturally don't overeat when it comes to actual mealtimes. You just need to find what works for you :smile:
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Simple. Calorie deficit.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I am very glad you asked this question!!

    You do not need to remove ANY foods from your diet at all!!!

    Weight loss is all about calories in versus calories out. So long as you are eating below your maintenance calories, you will lose weight. Even if you eat pizza, cake, ice cream, soda, etc.

    I think this depends on you. If you have certain foods that trigger overeating episodes for you, sometimes it's easier to figure out ways to fit them in for special occasions and not keep them in your house. I can't keep candy in my house. Period. The end. I can eat pizza at a restaurant but not in the house. I will eat the pizza, then kill a pig in pen and turn it into bacon and fry it and wrap it around shrimp and scarf it all down while robbing a chocolate factory after if I order it for home use.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    [...] Never mind.
  • jbuk33
    jbuk33 Posts: 10
    you can literally build your nutrition however you want it to be. calling it a diet is short term which then you can worry about gaining everything back. if you're trying to make a lifestyle change why would you try to GIVE UP food? thats not living. for example ive trained multiple women specifically and have had them have great success if a if it fits your macros approach and they had to give up nothing it just turned into a numbers game. veggies and chicken and rice is not realistic to eat everyday for the rest of your life just to keep weight off. big picture is just do your research having other people make suggestions just off of what they did doesnt make it positive that it'll work for you. your body doesnt know "good" vs "bad" fat your body uses what it gets to make you work. people in general all hold glycogen differently some may feel they look "bloated" and some will get a constant supply of it being utilized throughout the day. SO in closing, experiment, figure out your body and what it likes and what it doesnt like. dont rely on a forum being your god send to all your fitness questions.
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    You need to learn how calorie dense foods are so you can make good choices. Best way to do that is by logging on myfitnesspal! Once you've learnt this, if your really hungry and low on calories to spend you can choose a low calorie dense food. If you've got lots of calories spare you can have a treat!(pizza and ice cream!!!)

    If you don't want to count calories and want to restrict food then it's trial and error. It also depends on what your weakness is. If it's chocolate then restricting your pizza and ice cream intake won't help. If your a carb fiend then limiting unhealthy fats won't do jack. If your a fried food nut then eliminating gluten and starch..,, you get the picture. Take a hard look at you diet and work out why you got fat and target that area.

    Still I think mfp and calorie counting works the best and is the most versatile because you can eat anything and still make it work as long as you maintain a deficit. Also your educating yourself all the time on different foods calorie values.
    comes down to calories and working out
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    I think everybody needs to find a solution that fits them. You'll need to cut out some unhealthy foods if you eat a lot of them now, but what you should allow yourself depends on what you consider necessary. For example I've cut out sugar and now I don't crave candy or chocolate at all - so it's not a sacrifice for me. But I wouldn't cut out the occasional glass of wine.

    What works for me is:
    - Quality over quantity for exercise. I do 'sneak in' exercise by walking as much as I can, but for gym hours I hate going too often so just make it burn while I'm there.

    - Green tea. Or tea in general. If you're really starving, starting with a cup of tea can stop you from binging as it 'settles' the stomach a little bit.

    - A lot of protein early in the day. I eat sort of in my own version of paleo (allow myself rice and some beans) and starting the day with an omelet with some meat and vegetables really makes me full for a long time.

    - Low cal snacks around the house. Always get the munchies in the evening :)

    Also, don't buy any tips you get. I've heard so many people go on about the importance of breakfast. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself to eat a big breakfast. For me, a cup of coffee is better when I've just woken up and I'll rather have a big brunch. People are different.

  • saradord
    saradord Posts: 129
    when did I say I owned the place when I just gave my OPINION based on my experience, !!! so since you been on the website for a while that means you know more then me even though I have been training for years!!!just because I' wasnt part of some forum I dont know what i'm talking about

    What have you been training for years in? Opinions based on experience, are just opinions and should never be given as absolute truths that will work for everyone.
    exactly thats why its an opinion!!! I have been competing in fitness competitions and play competative sports so my experience is based on personal trainers and nutritionists , so I do have some clue on how to lose weight and be healthy
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I am very glad you asked this question!!

    You do not need to remove ANY foods from your diet at all!!!

    Weight loss is all about calories in versus calories out. So long as you are eating below your maintenance calories, you will lose weight. Even if you eat pizza, cake, ice cream, soda, etc.

    I think this depends on you. If you have certain foods that trigger overeating episodes for you, sometimes it's easier to figure out ways to fit them in for special occasions and not keep them in your house. I can't keep candy in my house. Period. The end. I can eat pizza at a restaurant but not in the house. I will eat the pizza, then kill a pig in pen and turn it into bacon and fry it and wrap it around shrimp and scarf it all down while robbing a chocolate factory after if I order it for home use.

    Binging is disordered eating.

    Eating unusually large amounts of food
    Eating even when you're full or not hungry
    Eating rapidly during binge episodes
    Eating until you're uncomfortably full
    Frequently eating alone
    Feeling that your eating behavior is out of control
    Feeling depressed, disgusted, ashamed, guilty or upset about your eating
    Experiencing depression and anxiety
    Feeling isolated and having difficulty talking about your feelings
    Frequently dieting, possibly without weight loss
    Losing and gaining weight repeatedly, also called yo-yo dieting

    If you have any symptoms of binge-eating disorder, seek medical help as soon as possible. Binge-eating disorder usually doesn't get better by itself, and it may get worse if left untreated.
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Eat anything you want in moderation. And the best exercise is one you enjoy and keep doing. Losing weight is simple. Very simple. But not easy.
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    What foods should I take out of my diet and what foods should I add?
    What are good workouts to do.?

    Good thread OP, I enjoyed reading it.. Hope you learned.... something :laugh:
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    What foods should I take out of my diet and what foods should I add?
    What are good workouts to do.?

    Good thread OP, I enjoyed reading it.. Hope you learned.... something :laugh:

    Agreed. That was...interesting. Hehe.
  • yvette118
    yvette118 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you to all who put helpful things on here :smile: