90 Days Mcdonald's Diet with results



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I'm working on better food choices this year so, theres not a lot I can eat on the menu anymore .but in a pinch I could have a garden salad and yogurt and berries. or oatmeal.

    They have some other salads that are pretty damn good.
  • This is as useless as the Supersize me as a "study". Cholesterol is only one measure, and it is shown in many studies it always improves with exercise alone. Completely worthless to say anything about McDonalds food pro or con based on this, the only thing you can show is the obvious: if you have a calorie restricted diet of anything, and the restriction is causing a calorie deficit, below what you use daily, you will lose weight.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'm working on better food choices this year so, theres not a lot I can eat on the menu anymore .but in a pinch I could have a garden salad and yogurt and berries. or oatmeal.

    The southwest chicken salad is really good actually.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    This is as worthless as the Supersize me as a "study". Cholesterol is only one measure, and it is shown in many studies it always improves with exercise alone. Completely worthless to say anything about McDonalds food pro or con based on this, the only thing you can show is the obvious: if you have a calorie restricted diet of anything, you will lose weight.

    You may consider that obvious but many here will argue that. Some will even tell you you cannot lose weight eating "junk". So for that point alone I don't consider this worthless.
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    This is as worthless as the Supersize me as a "study". Cholesterol is only one measure, and it is shown in many studies it always improves with exercise alone. Completely worthless to say anything about McDonalds food pro or con based on this, the only thing you can show is the obvious: if you have a calorie restricted diet of anything, you will lose weight.

    Don't remember how well it was done cuz I watched it a few years ago but there's a documentary called Fat Head that is the same thing as what OP posted and I'm pretty sure they show a lot of test results. It was made to counter Super Size Me.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    im surprised at the risk this guy took. you may have lost weight but should be nervous for the havoc the chemicals and non-food will wreak on your body. maybe 3 months wasnt enough time to have long-term effects but that is NOT food and it is NOT good for your health.

    their "meat" is made out of the same substance as yoga mats , and left out for a year, does not rot or look different at all

    Yoga mat comment.

    I never really worried about yoga mats before this comment. Now I find myself wondering a. how they taste and b. what they're made out of.

    Yoga mats are clearly made out of delicious beef.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    In before the roll...

    Great. Now I'm craving McDonald's.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    In before the roll...

    Great. Now I'm craving McDonald's.

    Me too. :grumble:
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    A burger is about 600cals + fries (300-500cals) + drink (i get a diet one, so 0) + sauce kills my day everytime i go to the mcdonalds.
    I think there's a little hypocrisy in saying fast food doesn't cause obesity... A menu is at least 1000 calories and isn't even that filling, or nutritious... Of course it's okay to enjoy some from time to time but it is definitely not something you should eat everyday... you can get skinny eating 3 burgers per day but will you feel full? energized? healthy? don't think so.

    There's nothing inherently unhealthy about a 1000 calorie meal. I feel full and energized with multiple burgers in a day because of the fat and protein I get out of it.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Yeah but there's no telling what all those toxins are doing. He might have lost weight but it doesn't mean he's healthy.

    Damn...I am way too late for that!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    A burger is about 600cals + fries (300-500cals) + drink (i get a diet one, so 0) + sauce kills my day everytime i go to the mcdonalds.
    I think there's a little hypocrisy in saying fast food doesn't cause obesity... A menu is at least 1000 calories and isn't even that filling, or nutritious... Of course it's okay to enjoy some from time to time but it is definitely not something you should eat everyday... you can get skinny eating 3 burgers per day but will you feel full? energized? healthy? don't think so.

    I get the thread is long but really, it's worth a read. He did not eat burgers 3 times a day. Someone already posted his diet which included a lot of their lighter options like the egg white egg mcmuffins, salad and oatmeal. I think he mostly had burgers and fries for one meal.

    OP says fast food does not cause obesity, then shows how this guy ate the healthier options at the McDonald (which nobody ever gets) to lose weight... sighs
    I agree with eating below your TDEE to lose weight etc. but this is just a purely provocative post

    If no-one ever got the 'healthier' options, do you honestly think they would actually still have them on the menu. Seems like a pretty crappy business model to me.
  • Don't remember how well it was done cuz I watched it a few years ago but there's a documentary called Fat Head that is the same thing as what OP posted and I'm pretty sure they show a lot of test results. It was made to counter Super Size Me.

    "Well I heard a study somewhere that says that whatever you said is wrong too"... OK sure...

    But even if there was such a study, just so you know, cholesterol markers improve with minimal exercise added to any situation, as does blood pressure and HDL/LDL balance. (BTW, the whole cholesterol level guidelines are very uncertain in view of new studies) This is why I always disagree with those who say forget exercise in losing weight. A mere 30min walk 3-5x/wk can make a huge difference in health, whether or not you lose weight, and if you don't eat back the calories, it helps with the weight loss.

    I'd say in any case of course its better to eat McDonalds on a restricted diet and exercise than eat packaged food from the grocery store, have a weight problem, not count calories and not exercise. It really shouldn't be "news" to anyone paying any attention, and it doesn't help to promote this as "new and interesting" when a bunch of people looking for an excuse to continue eating high calorie foods and would love someone to validate them doing it, and probably had a problem reducing their intake in the first place (the addictive qualities in these foods are engineered) are listening.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    In. In for this catastrophe of 'you're wrong! It's never my fault! I blame McDonalds!'

    And also the part where people attack OP for promoting 'dangerous' things.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Don't remember how well it was done cuz I watched it a few years ago but there's a documentary called Fat Head that is the same thing as what OP posted and I'm pretty sure they show a lot of test results. It was made to counter Super Size Me.

    "Well I heard a study somewhere that says that whatever you said is wrong too"... OK sure...

    But even if there was such a study, just so you know, cholesterol markers improve with minimal exercise added to any situation, as does blood pressure and HDL/LDL balance. (BTW, the whole cholesterol level guidelines are very uncertain in view of new studies) This is why I always disagree with those who say forget exercise in losing weight. A mere 30min walk 3-5x/wk can make a huge difference in health, whether or not you lose weight, and if you don't eat back the calories, it helps with the weight loss.

    I'd say in any case of course its better to eat McDonalds on a restricted diet and exercise than eat packaged food from the grocery store, have a weight problem, not count calories and not exercise. It really shouldn't be "news" to anyone paying any attention, and it doesn't help to promote this as "new and interesting" when a bunch of people looking for an excuse to continue eating high calorie foods and would love someone to validate them doing it, and probably had a problem reducing their intake in the first place (the addictive qualities in these foods are engineered) are listening.

    oh, good, now we can add food addiction to this fun mix. Damn, those pre-cut apples are engineered to screw with me!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    Yeah but there's no telling what all those toxins are doing. He might have lost weight but it doesn't mean he's healthy.

    ^^^^ I concur ^^^^

    OK, so that's two people who didn't read the post. LOL
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Calories in Vs calories out = weight loss. Yes.
    Quality = health.

    Don't try to change the subject people. Everyone knows this isn't healthy, just talking weight loss.

    Oh wait! 3 people who didn't read it.

    His blood markers IMPROVED. So yes, it WAS healthy. lmbo
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Calories in Vs calories out = weight loss. Yes.
    Quality = health.

    Don't try to change the subject people. Everyone knows this isn't healthy, just talking weight loss.

    Oh wait! 3 people who didn't read it.

    His blood markers IMPROVED. So yes, it WAS healthy. lmbo

    Keep going...you will find a lot more. =)
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Don't remember how well it was done cuz I watched it a few years ago but there's a documentary called Fat Head that is the same thing as what OP posted and I'm pretty sure they show a lot of test results. It was made to counter Super Size Me.

    "Well I heard a study somewhere that says that whatever you said is wrong too"... OK sure...

    But even if there was such a study, just so you know, cholesterol markers improve with minimal exercise added to any situation, as does blood pressure and HDL/LDL balance. (BTW, the whole cholesterol level guidelines are very uncertain in view of new studies) This is why I always disagree with those who say forget exercise in losing weight. A mere 30min walk 3-5x/wk can make a huge difference in health, whether or not you lose weight, and if you don't eat back the calories, it helps with the weight loss.

    I'd say in any case of course its better to eat McDonalds on a restricted diet and exercise than eat packaged food from the grocery store, have a weight problem, not count calories and not exercise. It really shouldn't be "news" to anyone paying any attention, and it doesn't help to promote this as "new and interesting" when a bunch of people looking for an excuse to continue eating high calorie foods and would love someone to validate them doing it, and probably had a problem reducing their intake in the first place (the addictive qualities in these foods are engineered) are listening.

    I gave the name of the documentary. It's on Netflix and probably all over the internet. Go watch it. I never said he was right or wrong, just that I watched it a few years ago and couldn't remember the exact details of it but they did a ton of tests through a doctor and showed the results. Stay medd.

    Edit: also I never said they did a lot of cholesterol tests. I said a lot of test. As in many different kinds, I just can't remember what they were.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Don't remember how well it was done cuz I watched it a few years ago but there's a documentary called Fat Head that is the same thing as what OP posted and I'm pretty sure they show a lot of test results. It was made to counter Super Size Me.

    "Well I heard a study somewhere that says that whatever you said is wrong too"... OK sure...

    But even if there was such a study, just so you know, cholesterol markers improve with minimal exercise added to any situation, as does blood pressure and HDL/LDL balance. (BTW, the whole cholesterol level guidelines are very uncertain in view of new studies) This is why I always disagree with those who say forget exercise in losing weight. A mere 30min walk 3-5x/wk can make a huge difference in health, whether or not you lose weight, and if you don't eat back the calories, it helps with the weight loss.

    I'd say in any case of course its better to eat McDonalds on a restricted diet and exercise than eat packaged food from the grocery store, have a weight problem, not count calories and not exercise. It really shouldn't be "news" to anyone paying any attention, and it doesn't help to promote this as "new and interesting" when a bunch of people looking for an excuse to continue eating high calorie foods and would love someone to validate them doing it, and probably had a problem reducing their intake in the first place (the addictive qualities in these foods are engineered) are listening.

  • jenovaprojekt00
    jenovaprojekt00 Posts: 15 Member
    I can attest to this. I work at McDonald's and eat it for at least one meal 4-5 times a week and I'm dropping weight like it's cool! And despite what everyone thinks, our food is good quality compared to other fast food chains!

    I usually get a cheeseburger but put it on a wrap with lots of lettuce and a couple packs of apple slices, fills me up and is under 400 calories... It really tests my self control everyday though, the fries smell so frickin good, I just wanna start shoving them in my mouth lol and then go back and "quality test" some nuggets... Then there's the shakes, frappes, cookies, UGH! (I did have me a cookie the other day tho)