90 Days Mcdonald's Diet with results



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member

    Yeah but there's no telling what all those toxins are doing. He might have lost weight but it doesn't mean he's healthy.

    Exactly...I don't need to put my hand in a fire to know its hot. No thanks McPukes makes me do just that puke. I used to like McDonalds like alot of people but after not touching it for years I don't have a taste for it anymore...and that is fine with me. I really don't even understand how people will fight and defend their McDonalds so agressively...people did without fast food for century's however did the human race survive?

    I don't think you understood my sarcasm with the "Inb4" comment.

    I was implying that this n=1 experiment is a good example of how creating an energy deficit is a reliable way to lose fat and improve health markers and this has been demonstrated before with the twinkie diet.

    My Inb4 was implying that it's only a matter of a few minutes before someone will come in here and make a claim about "toxins" because that's typically what happens even though the evidence in this particular experiment (and in the twinkie diet) show that the health markers that were monitored, improved despite the fast food diet.

    Overall nutrient sufficiency and total energy intake have an effect on diet. If a diet consisted of only burgers and fries I would expect health problems in some capacity long-term. I would NOT expect the same issues if someone ate at McDonalds every meal provided they ordered available fruits and vegetables. Having not been to McDonalds in a long time I have no idea what the options are, but I bet there's enough variability in the menu that one could meet nutrient needs.

    And I wouldn't have any concerns over "toxins".

    Now having said all of that, I'm not suggesting it's optimal, I don't eat McDonalds myself because there are other fast food options I'd prefer (Five Guys), and I don't care who chooses to eat at McDonalds.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    So bottom line-
    It IS possible to make healthier choices at McDonalds (or any other restaurant), and stay within your calorie and macros goals.

    Whether or not we CHOOSE those choices, is up to us as individuals.
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    im surprised at the risk this guy took. you may have lost weight but should be nervous for the havoc the chemicals and non-food will wreak on your body. maybe 3 months wasnt enough time to have long-term effects but that is NOT food and it is NOT good for your health.

    their "meat" is made out of the same substance as yoga mats , and left out for a year, does not rot or look different at all

    Yoga mat comment.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    So bottom line-
    It IS possible to make healthier choices at McDonalds (or any other restaurant), and stay within your calorie and macros goals.

    Whether or not we CHOOSE those choices, is up to us as individuals.

    And exercise is good too (he also added walking).
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member

    awesome results OP
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    McDonald's is gross, In for five guys

    I'm kinda offended by this!

    It's like mentioning Kim Kardashian and Kate Middleton in the same sentence.


    Dayum Dayum DAYUM!
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    I get the whole (although I think it's a beyond silly First World dispute) between the two seemingly ever divided camps regarding what is ok to eat. Wether or not thats anyones business is another conversation but, do you guys really LIKE McDonalds food? Or is this just bear poking?

    I'm inclined to ask because I can't stand it and neither can my son, although the eggnog shakes and dipped cones rock, and we aren't True Believers of either camp. We end up at Wendy's just because they seem to have higher quality food.

    I prefer Wendy's and Five Guys myself but isn't that just a matter of personal preference? Why is McDonald's singled out as the great evil? Does it make you a better person to hate McDonald's? Does it make you feel feel superior? I know for a fact that Five Guys doesn't serve fresh apples and milk.

    Thank you for proving my post. The escalating hostility earns you bonus points.

    I think you get the points for passive aggressiveness. It's cute.

    I truly have no hostility, I just get an absolute kick out of who these threads attract. You definitely took the bait. Good fish.

    Um, ok?

    you are claiming the middle ground and yet that is what this thread was about. Do you not get that?

    Yes, I got that. What I did not get, and what I was asking about is WHY it's so divisive and such a hot trigger point. FFS my reading comprehension is just fine. it's just seeing the hair trigger flying rages regarding something thats just a place like so many others that puzzles me.

    Since I'm new i wondered if there was a history (there often is with threads) or if this really was such a divisive issue. I don't now why anyone would think I was upset, I'm simply bemused.

    There is a small and very vocal group that seems hell bent on McDonald's destruction because it's just bad, and all evidence to the contrary be damned. It's not like I own stock in the place, I just don't get the rage. And hell, until this last year I probably ate their burgers less than 5 times in my entire life. I was myself rather surprised in early 2013 when I walked into one and saw the way the Happy Meal had been redone. I personally think that the company has the right idea.

    Well then, see you and I share the same opinion and have from the onset of this thread. I think their lunch and dinner food is gross, not immoral. I just came late to the argument, It's like going to a friends house for Thanksgiving and not quite understanding what everyone is so angry about.

    Edited to add that I also think Burger Kings food is nasty because the taste never leaves your mouth and Taco Bell always makes me farty. I thought I should practice full disclosure.

    It's a matter of taste. I honestly don't get people getting worked up about food they don't like. Then again, I'm the type that will eat just about any food that is prepared properly. My question then about feeling superior stands. Why even say "oh it's gross?" What's the benefit?

    Benefit? This is a thread about a certain kind of food. I think it's gross. I also think that tripe is gross and I can't stand the smell of cooking liver. It's in context and non inflammatory unless you are looking for a fight. I could be more sophisticated and say I don't care for these foods, but i didn't think it would be so inflammatory to state it otherwise.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    im surprised at the risk this guy took. you may have lost weight but should be nervous for the havoc the chemicals and non-food will wreak on your body. maybe 3 months wasnt enough time to have long-term effects but that is NOT food and it is NOT good for your health.

    their "meat" is made out of the same substance as yoga mats , and left out for a year, does not rot or look different at all

    Yoga mat comment.

    I never really worried about yoga mats before this comment. Now I find myself wondering a. how they taste and b. what they're made out of.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    Yeah but there's no telling what all those toxins are doing. He might have lost weight but it doesn't mean he's healthy.

    Exactly...I don't need to put my hand in a fire to know its hot. Not thanks McPukes makes me do just that puke. I used to like McDonalds like alot of people but after not touching it for years I don't have a taste for it anymore...and that is fine with me. I really don't even understand how people will fight and defend their McDonalds so agressively...people did without fast food for century's however did the human race survive?

    I'm not defending "my" McDonalds. I'm arguing against the idea that one specific type of food or restaurant makes us fat.

    Well ya of course...this isn't a foregin concept. I don't know why then people need to keep using McDonalds as a example...we get it cals in cals out ...eat at a deficit you will lose. But thing is Most McDonalds and other fast food places ARE bad for you. Sure they may have a handful of items healthier to choose from but lets face it they are mostly CRAP. And I do get it that what someone puts in their mouth is their choice..but some people just don't understand or aren't educated on food. And I do feel for them. These fast food places pay millions in advertising tricks (adversiting designed to mess with hook in the young and impressionable they sexualize the ad's as well use misleading terms and make sure to have their ad's everywhere you look! Again I won't join this movement, its wrong.

    I think people have already discussed why McDonalds - they are the biggest fast food chain.

    I agree people can be uneducated when it comes to how they are really eating and marketing etc but topics like this open the discussion and people may actually learn the difference instead of just fearing food.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    im surprised at the risk this guy took. you may have lost weight but should be nervous for the havoc the chemicals and non-food will wreak on your body. maybe 3 months wasnt enough time to have long-term effects but that is NOT food and it is NOT good for your health.

    their "meat" is made out of the same substance as yoga mats , and left out for a year, does not rot or look different at all

    Yoga mat comment.

    I never really worried about yoga mats before this comment. Now I find myself wondering a. how they taste and b. what they're made out of.

    see i would go and lick mine but its get layers of old sweat on it.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I get the whole (although I think it's a beyond silly First World dispute) between the two seemingly ever divided camps regarding what is ok to eat. Wether or not thats anyones business is another conversation but, do you guys really LIKE McDonalds food? Or is this just bear poking?

    I'm inclined to ask because I can't stand it and neither can my son, although the eggnog shakes and dipped cones rock, and we aren't True Believers of either camp. We end up at Wendy's just because they seem to have higher quality food.

    I prefer Wendy's and Five Guys myself but isn't that just a matter of personal preference? Why is McDonald's singled out as the great evil? Does it make you a better person to hate McDonald's? Does it make you feel feel superior? I know for a fact that Five Guys doesn't serve fresh apples and milk.

    Thank you for proving my post. The escalating hostility earns you bonus points.

    I think you get the points for passive aggressiveness. It's cute.

    I truly have no hostility, I just get an absolute kick out of who these threads attract. You definitely took the bait. Good fish.

    Um, ok?

    you are claiming the middle ground and yet that is what this thread was about. Do you not get that?

    Yes, I got that. What I did not get, and what I was asking about is WHY it's so divisive and such a hot trigger point. FFS my reading comprehension is just fine. it's just seeing the hair trigger flying rages regarding something thats just a place like so many others that puzzles me.

    Since I'm new i wondered if there was a history (there often is with threads) or if this really was such a divisive issue. I don't now why anyone would think I was upset, I'm simply bemused.

    There is a small and very vocal group that seems hell bent on McDonald's destruction because it's just bad, and all evidence to the contrary be damned. It's not like I own stock in the place, I just don't get the rage. And hell, until this last year I probably ate their burgers less than 5 times in my entire life. I was myself rather surprised in early 2013 when I walked into one and saw the way the Happy Meal had been redone. I personally think that the company has the right idea.

    Well then, see you and I share the same opinion and have from the onset of this thread. I think their lunch and dinner food is gross, not immoral. I just came late to the argument, It's like going to a friends house for Thanksgiving and not quite understanding what everyone is so angry about.

    Edited to add that I also think Burger Kings food is nasty because the taste never leaves your mouth and Taco Bell always makes me farty. I thought I should practice full disclosure.

    It's a matter of taste. I honestly don't get people getting worked up about food they don't like. Then again, I'm the type that will eat just about any food that is prepared properly. My question then about feeling superior stands. Why even say "oh it's gross?" What's the benefit?

    Benefit? This is a thread about a certain kind of food. I think it's gross. I also think that tripe is gross and I can't stand the smell of cooking liver. It's in context and non inflammatory unless you are looking for a fight. I could be more sophisticated and say I don't care for these foods, but i didn't think it would be so inflammatory to state it otherwise.

    Okay. So why post in a thread about it?

    Do you seek out threads about tripe and liver and say "oh, gross?"

    In my experience, we don't see those often. What we do see is a group who seems to feel moral superiority over not liking McDonald's. Your comments were of the variety I often see and so I asked the questions. You never did answer them. That's not an attack, it is a restatement of fact. If you choose not to answer them, okay, but I find the reaction to them telling.

    And for the record, properly prepared Pho is incredible with tripe and you haven't eaten chicken livers until you've had them from a small neighborhood yakitori-ya.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    In for the ensuing debates
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    In for the ensuing debates

    You're late. :flowerforyou:
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    I get the whole (although I think it's a beyond silly First World dispute) between the two seemingly ever divided camps regarding what is ok to eat. Wether or not thats anyones business is another conversation but, do you guys really LIKE McDonalds food? Or is this just bear poking?

    I'm inclined to ask because I can't stand it and neither can my son, although the eggnog shakes and dipped cones rock, and we aren't True Believers of either camp. We end up at Wendy's just because they seem to have higher quality food.

    I prefer Wendy's and Five Guys myself but isn't that just a matter of personal preference? Why is McDonald's singled out as the great evil? Does it make you a better person to hate McDonald's? Does it make you feel feel superior? I know for a fact that Five Guys doesn't serve fresh apples and milk.

    Thank you for proving my post. The escalating hostility earns you bonus points.

    I think you get the points for passive aggressiveness. It's cute.

    I truly have no hostility, I just get an absolute kick out of who these threads attract. You definitely took the bait. Good fish.

    Um, ok?

    you are claiming the middle ground and yet that is what this thread was about. Do you not get that?

    Yes, I got that. What I did not get, and what I was asking about is WHY it's so divisive and such a hot trigger point. FFS my reading comprehension is just fine. it's just seeing the hair trigger flying rages regarding something thats just a place like so many others that puzzles me.

    Since I'm new i wondered if there was a history (there often is with threads) or if this really was such a divisive issue. I don't now why anyone would think I was upset, I'm simply bemused.

    There is a small and very vocal group that seems hell bent on McDonald's destruction because it's just bad, and all evidence to the contrary be damned. It's not like I own stock in the place, I just don't get the rage. And hell, until this last year I probably ate their burgers less than 5 times in my entire life. I was myself rather surprised in early 2013 when I walked into one and saw the way the Happy Meal had been redone. I personally think that the company has the right idea.

    Well then, see you and I share the same opinion and have from the onset of this thread. I think their lunch and dinner food is gross, not immoral. I just came late to the argument, It's like going to a friends house for Thanksgiving and not quite understanding what everyone is so angry about.

    Edited to add that I also think Burger Kings food is nasty because the taste never leaves your mouth and Taco Bell always makes me farty. I thought I should practice full disclosure.

    It's a matter of taste. I honestly don't get people getting worked up about food they don't like. Then again, I'm the type that will eat just about any food that is prepared properly. My question then about feeling superior stands. Why even say "oh it's gross?" What's the benefit?

    I feel compelled to point out that you referred to this thread as 'bait' and referred to me as a fish. It's seems sort of disingeniious to take the high road.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I get the whole (although I think it's a beyond silly First World dispute) between the two seemingly ever divided camps regarding what is ok to eat. Wether or not thats anyones business is another conversation but, do you guys really LIKE McDonalds food? Or is this just bear poking?

    I'm inclined to ask because I can't stand it and neither can my son, although the eggnog shakes and dipped cones rock, and we aren't True Believers of either camp. We end up at Wendy's just because they seem to have higher quality food.
    Personally, I think McDonalds is delicious. My younger son prefers Wendy's but the older one could care less as long as he gets chicken nuggets. I usually just can't fit what I want into my calories without having to eat like a bird for the rest of the day, so I just nix it altogether and go think outside the bun at Taco Bell. I don't want a small fry and chicken nuggets... I want at least a medium with a nice greasy double cheeseburger. Yum!!
    ETA: Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich is amazing though!

    Your younger son had good taste. And I was just about to ask you if you tried their spicy chicken sandwich but you edited in time.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I get the whole (although I think it's a beyond silly First World dispute) between the two seemingly ever divided camps regarding what is ok to eat. Wether or not thats anyones business is another conversation but, do you guys really LIKE McDonalds food? Or is this just bear poking?

    I'm inclined to ask because I can't stand it and neither can my son, although the eggnog shakes and dipped cones rock, and we aren't True Believers of either camp. We end up at Wendy's just because they seem to have higher quality food.

    I prefer Wendy's and Five Guys myself but isn't that just a matter of personal preference? Why is McDonald's singled out as the great evil? Does it make you a better person to hate McDonald's? Does it make you feel feel superior? I know for a fact that Five Guys doesn't serve fresh apples and milk.

    Thank you for proving my post. The escalating hostility earns you bonus points.

    I think you get the points for passive aggressiveness. It's cute.

    I truly have no hostility, I just get an absolute kick out of who these threads attract. You definitely took the bait. Good fish.

    Um, ok?

    you are claiming the middle ground and yet that is what this thread was about. Do you not get that?

    Yes, I got that. What I did not get, and what I was asking about is WHY it's so divisive and such a hot trigger point. FFS my reading comprehension is just fine. it's just seeing the hair trigger flying rages regarding something thats just a place like so many others that puzzles me.

    Since I'm new i wondered if there was a history (there often is with threads) or if this really was such a divisive issue. I don't now why anyone would think I was upset, I'm simply bemused.

    There is a small and very vocal group that seems hell bent on McDonald's destruction because it's just bad, and all evidence to the contrary be damned. It's not like I own stock in the place, I just don't get the rage. And hell, until this last year I probably ate their burgers less than 5 times in my entire life. I was myself rather surprised in early 2013 when I walked into one and saw the way the Happy Meal had been redone. I personally think that the company has the right idea.

    Well then, see you and I share the same opinion and have from the onset of this thread. I think their lunch and dinner food is gross, not immoral. I just came late to the argument, It's like going to a friends house for Thanksgiving and not quite understanding what everyone is so angry about.

    Edited to add that I also think Burger Kings food is nasty because the taste never leaves your mouth and Taco Bell always makes me farty. I thought I should practice full disclosure.

    It's a matter of taste. I honestly don't get people getting worked up about food they don't like. Then again, I'm the type that will eat just about any food that is prepared properly. My question then about feeling superior stands. Why even say "oh it's gross?" What's the benefit?

    I feel compelled to point out that you referred to this thread as 'bait' and referred to me as a fish. It's seems sort of disingeniious to take the high road.

    Oh it is. It was bait for those of you who feel superior in eating a certain diet. Yes, I just made my own conclusion. Of course, it also had some damn good information but, as usual, you missed that part.
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    I get the whole (although I think it's a beyond silly First World dispute) between the two seemingly ever divided camps regarding what is ok to eat. Wether or not thats anyones business is another conversation but, do you guys really LIKE McDonalds food? Or is this just bear poking?

    I'm inclined to ask because I can't stand it and neither can my son, although the eggnog shakes and dipped cones rock, and we aren't True Believers of either camp. We end up at Wendy's just because they seem to have higher quality food.

    I prefer Wendy's and Five Guys myself but isn't that just a matter of personal preference? Why is McDonald's singled out as the great evil? Does it make you a better person to hate McDonald's? Does it make you feel feel superior? I know for a fact that Five Guys doesn't serve fresh apples and milk.

    Thank you for proving my post. The escalating hostility earns you bonus points.

    I think you get the points for passive aggressiveness. It's cute.

    I truly have no hostility, I just get an absolute kick out of who these threads attract. You definitely took the bait. Good fish.

    Um, ok?

    you are claiming the middle ground and yet that is what this thread was about. Do you not get that?

    Yes, I got that. What I did not get, and what I was asking about is WHY it's so divisive and such a hot trigger point. FFS my reading comprehension is just fine. it's just seeing the hair trigger flying rages regarding something thats just a place like so many others that puzzles me.

    Since I'm new i wondered if there was a history (there often is with threads) or if this really was such a divisive issue. I don't now why anyone would think I was upset, I'm simply bemused.

    There is a small and very vocal group that seems hell bent on McDonald's destruction because it's just bad, and all evidence to the contrary be damned. It's not like I own stock in the place, I just don't get the rage. And hell, until this last year I probably ate their burgers less than 5 times in my entire life. I was myself rather surprised in early 2013 when I walked into one and saw the way the Happy Meal had been redone. I personally think that the company has the right idea.

    Well then, see you and I share the same opinion and have from the onset of this thread. I think their lunch and dinner food is gross, not immoral. I just came late to the argument, It's like going to a friends house for Thanksgiving and not quite understanding what everyone is so angry about.

    Edited to add that I also think Burger Kings food is nasty because the taste never leaves your mouth and Taco Bell always makes me farty. I thought I should practice full disclosure.

    It's a matter of taste. I honestly don't get people getting worked up about food they don't like. Then again, I'm the type that will eat just about any food that is prepared properly. My question then about feeling superior stands. Why even say "oh it's gross?" What's the benefit?

    Benefit? This is a thread about a certain kind of food. I think it's gross. I also think that tripe is gross and I can't stand the smell of cooking liver. It's in context and non inflammatory unless you are looking for a fight. I could be more sophisticated and say I don't care for these foods, but i didn't think it would be so inflammatory to state it otherwise.

    Okay. So why post in a thread about it?

    Do you seek out threads about tripe and liver and say "oh, gross?"

    In my experience, we don't see those often. What we do see is a group who seems to feel moral superiority over not liking McDonald's. Your comments were of the variety I often see and so I asked the questions. You never did answer them. That's not an attack, it is a restatement of fact. If you choose not to answer them, okay, but I find the reaction to them telling.

    And for the record, properly prepared Pho is incredible with tripe and you haven't eaten chicken livers until you've had them from a small neighborhood yakitori-ya.

    Oh, FFS, did I break up with your sister or something? I honestly think you have me confused with another poster or just need to, I don't know what really, win?

    Food Unitarionism? WTF? Seek out? Really?

    Dude, i have to go eat lunch. You can construe that however you see fit.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I get the whole (although I think it's a beyond silly First World dispute) between the two seemingly ever divided camps regarding what is ok to eat. Wether or not thats anyones business is another conversation but, do you guys really LIKE McDonalds food? Or is this just bear poking?

    I'm inclined to ask because I can't stand it and neither can my son, although the eggnog shakes and dipped cones rock, and we aren't True Believers of either camp. We end up at Wendy's just because they seem to have higher quality food.

    I prefer Wendy's and Five Guys myself but isn't that just a matter of personal preference? Why is McDonald's singled out as the great evil? Does it make you a better person to hate McDonald's? Does it make you feel feel superior? I know for a fact that Five Guys doesn't serve fresh apples and milk.

    Thank you for proving my post. The escalating hostility earns you bonus points.

    I think you get the points for passive aggressiveness. It's cute.

    I truly have no hostility, I just get an absolute kick out of who these threads attract. You definitely took the bait. Good fish.

    Um, ok?

    you are claiming the middle ground and yet that is what this thread was about. Do you not get that?

    Yes, I got that. What I did not get, and what I was asking about is WHY it's so divisive and such a hot trigger point. FFS my reading comprehension is just fine. it's just seeing the hair trigger flying rages regarding something thats just a place like so many others that puzzles me.

    Since I'm new i wondered if there was a history (there often is with threads) or if this really was such a divisive issue. I don't now why anyone would think I was upset, I'm simply bemused.

    There is a small and very vocal group that seems hell bent on McDonald's destruction because it's just bad, and all evidence to the contrary be damned. It's not like I own stock in the place, I just don't get the rage. And hell, until this last year I probably ate their burgers less than 5 times in my entire life. I was myself rather surprised in early 2013 when I walked into one and saw the way the Happy Meal had been redone. I personally think that the company has the right idea.

    Well then, see you and I share the same opinion and have from the onset of this thread. I think their lunch and dinner food is gross, not immoral. I just came late to the argument, It's like going to a friends house for Thanksgiving and not quite understanding what everyone is so angry about.

    Edited to add that I also think Burger Kings food is nasty because the taste never leaves your mouth and Taco Bell always makes me farty. I thought I should practice full disclosure.

    It's a matter of taste. I honestly don't get people getting worked up about food they don't like. Then again, I'm the type that will eat just about any food that is prepared properly. My question then about feeling superior stands. Why even say "oh it's gross?" What's the benefit?

    Benefit? This is a thread about a certain kind of food. I think it's gross. I also think that tripe is gross and I can't stand the smell of cooking liver. It's in context and non inflammatory unless you are looking for a fight. I could be more sophisticated and say I don't care for these foods, but i didn't think it would be so inflammatory to state it otherwise.

    Okay. So why post in a thread about it?

    Do you seek out threads about tripe and liver and say "oh, gross?"

    In my experience, we don't see those often. What we do see is a group who seems to feel moral superiority over not liking McDonald's. Your comments were of the variety I often see and so I asked the questions. You never did answer them. That's not an attack, it is a restatement of fact. If you choose not to answer them, okay, but I find the reaction to them telling.

    And for the record, properly prepared Pho is incredible with tripe and you haven't eaten chicken livers until you've had them from a small neighborhood yakitori-ya.

    Oh, FFS, did I break up with your sister or something? I honestly think you have me confused with another poster or just need to, I don't know what really, win?

    Food Unitarionism? WTF? Seek out? Really?

    Dude, i have to go eat lunch. You can construe that however you see fit.

    And I'm angry? Okay. Enjoy your day.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I get the whole (although I think it's a beyond silly First World dispute) between the two seemingly ever divided camps regarding what is ok to eat. Wether or not thats anyones business is another conversation but, do you guys really LIKE McDonalds food? Or is this just bear poking?

    I'm inclined to ask because I can't stand it and neither can my son, although the eggnog shakes and dipped cones rock, and we aren't True Believers of either camp. We end up at Wendy's just because they seem to have higher quality food.

    I prefer Wendy's and Five Guys myself but isn't that just a matter of personal preference? Why is McDonald's singled out as the great evil? Does it make you a better person to hate McDonald's? Does it make you feel feel superior? I know for a fact that Five Guys doesn't serve fresh apples and milk.

    Thank you for proving my post. The escalating hostility earns you bonus points.

    I think you get the points for passive aggressiveness. It's cute.

    I truly have no hostility, I just get an absolute kick out of who these threads attract. You definitely took the bait. Good fish.

    Um, ok?

    you are claiming the middle ground and yet that is what this thread was about. Do you not get that?

    Yes, I got that. What I did not get, and what I was asking about is WHY it's so divisive and such a hot trigger point. FFS my reading comprehension is just fine. it's just seeing the hair trigger flying rages regarding something thats just a place like so many others that puzzles me.

    Since I'm new i wondered if there was a history (there often is with threads) or if this really was such a divisive issue. I don't now why anyone would think I was upset, I'm simply bemused.

    There is a small and very vocal group that seems hell bent on McDonald's destruction because it's just bad, and all evidence to the contrary be damned. It's not like I own stock in the place, I just don't get the rage. And hell, until this last year I probably ate their burgers less than 5 times in my entire life. I was myself rather surprised in early 2013 when I walked into one and saw the way the Happy Meal had been redone. I personally think that the company has the right idea.

    Well then, see you and I share the same opinion and have from the onset of this thread. I think their lunch and dinner food is gross, not immoral. I just came late to the argument, It's like going to a friends house for Thanksgiving and not quite understanding what everyone is so angry about.

    Edited to add that I also think Burger Kings food is nasty because the taste never leaves your mouth and Taco Bell always makes me farty. I thought I should practice full disclosure.

    It's a matter of taste. I honestly don't get people getting worked up about food they don't like. Then again, I'm the type that will eat just about any food that is prepared properly. My question then about feeling superior stands. Why even say "oh it's gross?" What's the benefit?

    Benefit? This is a thread about a certain kind of food. I think it's gross. I also think that tripe is gross and I can't stand the smell of cooking liver. It's in context and non inflammatory unless you are looking for a fight. I could be more sophisticated and say I don't care for these foods, but i didn't think it would be so inflammatory to state it otherwise.

    Okay. So why post in a thread about it?

    Do you seek out threads about tripe and liver and say "oh, gross?"

    In my experience, we don't see those often. What we do see is a group who seems to feel moral superiority over not liking McDonald's. Your comments were of the variety I often see and so I asked the questions. You never did answer them. That's not an attack, it is a restatement of fact. If you choose not to answer them, okay, but I find the reaction to them telling.

    And for the record, properly prepared Pho is incredible with tripe and you haven't eaten chicken livers until you've had them from a small neighborhood yakitori-ya.

    Oh, FFS, did I break up with your sister or something? I honestly think you have me confused with another poster or just need to, I don't know what really, win?

    Food Unitarionism? WTF? Seek out? Really?

    Dude, i have to go eat lunch. You can construe that however you see fit.

    oh dear, that family comment wasnt necessary this is supposed to be chit chat and fun.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I get the whole (although I think it's a beyond silly First World dispute) between the two seemingly ever divided camps regarding what is ok to eat. Wether or not thats anyones business is another conversation but, do you guys really LIKE McDonalds food? Or is this just bear poking?

    I'm inclined to ask because I can't stand it and neither can my son, although the eggnog shakes and dipped cones rock, and we aren't True Believers of either camp. We end up at Wendy's just because they seem to have higher quality food.

    I prefer Wendy's and Five Guys myself but isn't that just a matter of personal preference? Why is McDonald's singled out as the great evil? Does it make you a better person to hate McDonald's? Does it make you feel feel superior? I know for a fact that Five Guys doesn't serve fresh apples and milk.

    Thank you for proving my post. The escalating hostility earns you bonus points.

    I think you get the points for passive aggressiveness. It's cute.

    I truly have no hostility, I just get an absolute kick out of who these threads attract. You definitely took the bait. Good fish.

    Um, ok?

    you are claiming the middle ground and yet that is what this thread was about. Do you not get that?

    Yes, I got that. What I did not get, and what I was asking about is WHY it's so divisive and such a hot trigger point. FFS my reading comprehension is just fine. it's just seeing the hair trigger flying rages regarding something thats just a place like so many others that puzzles me.

    Since I'm new i wondered if there was a history (there often is with threads) or if this really was such a divisive issue. I don't now why anyone would think I was upset, I'm simply bemused.

    There is a small and very vocal group that seems hell bent on McDonald's destruction because it's just bad, and all evidence to the contrary be damned. It's not like I own stock in the place, I just don't get the rage. And hell, until this last year I probably ate their burgers less than 5 times in my entire life. I was myself rather surprised in early 2013 when I walked into one and saw the way the Happy Meal had been redone. I personally think that the company has the right idea.

    Well then, see you and I share the same opinion and have from the onset of this thread. I think their lunch and dinner food is gross, not immoral. I just came late to the argument, It's like going to a friends house for Thanksgiving and not quite understanding what everyone is so angry about.

    Edited to add that I also think Burger Kings food is nasty because the taste never leaves your mouth and Taco Bell always makes me farty. I thought I should practice full disclosure.

    It's a matter of taste. I honestly don't get people getting worked up about food they don't like. Then again, I'm the type that will eat just about any food that is prepared properly. My question then about feeling superior stands. Why even say "oh it's gross?" What's the benefit?

    Benefit? This is a thread about a certain kind of food. I think it's gross. I also think that tripe is gross and I can't stand the smell of cooking liver. It's in context and non inflammatory unless you are looking for a fight. I could be more sophisticated and say I don't care for these foods, but i didn't think it would be so inflammatory to state it otherwise.

    Okay. So why post in a thread about it?

    Do you seek out threads about tripe and liver and say "oh, gross?"

    In my experience, we don't see those often. What we do see is a group who seems to feel moral superiority over not liking McDonald's. Your comments were of the variety I often see and so I asked the questions. You never did answer them. That's not an attack, it is a restatement of fact. If you choose not to answer them, okay, but I find the reaction to them telling.

    And for the record, properly prepared Pho is incredible with tripe and you haven't eaten chicken livers until you've had them from a small neighborhood yakitori-ya.

    Oh, FFS, did I break up with your sister or something? I honestly think you have me confused with another poster or just need to, I don't know what really, win?

    Food Unitarionism? WTF? Seek out? Really?

    Dude, i have to go eat lunch. You can construe that however you see fit.

    oh dear, that family comment wasnt necessary this is supposed to be chit chat and fun.

    It seems that some of us are having more fun and games than others . . .