Anyone starting 30 Day Shred soon? Sept 2010



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I just finished level 2/day 7. I can complete the whole workout with little to no modifications. Sometimes my knee will start to bother me, so I will do a modification for 5 to 10 seconds and then pick it up again. I will do level 2 through next week and then I'm moving on to the third level.
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    Great job leela!

    Clarissa, you can do it, don't give up!

    L2D2 today! Man those new weights kicked my butt. I still am not doing great on the plank twists, but I'm getting there!

    layman, I hope your knee starts doing better. Don't avoid the Dr. though... You have the opposite fear that I do... I hate going because I'm afraid they'll tell me I have some disease or something. >< But abbiez has a lot of good suggestions! Try working out just the upper body. Feel better. :)
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    Great job on the workouts all! Completed L1D5 today! Just trucking along. :happy:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Well, decided it was time for me to suck it up, I just finished Level 1 Day 2 :) And I went all the way through and only took one 5sec break :) Woot Woot!!
    Nice Job!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    I just finished level 2/day 7. I can complete the whole workout with little to no modifications. Sometimes my knee will start to bother me, so I will do a modification for 5 to 10 seconds and then pick it up again. I will do level 2 through next week and then I'm moving on to the third level.
    sounds like we are right at the same place! I think I will be ok to start L2 on Monday Ahhhh:indifferent:
    I watched level 2 whileon my eliptical the other night definately tougher but me must do it!!:sad: :bigsmile:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Great job on the workouts all! Completed L1D5 today! Just trucking along. :happy:
    Go Clarissa Go!!:wink:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    IT IS WORKING!! Down 3 lbs this week! You all have helped me to stick to this! THANK YOU! Here's to 3 more weeks!:drinker: Ok I am late getting ready for work! Just had to share what the scale had to say this morning! I guess he is not so bad after all! lol:bigsmile:

    Great job! Keep up the good work. :bigsmile:

    I'm dreading/looking forward to level 2 today... I wonder if we log it the same or different?

    Well I see your doing level 2 already GOOD FOR YOU!!!:flowerforyou: I am sure we should log in differently since it a more intense workout! Since there isn't a selection in the database for 30DS I would say just keep using what we have been using to log just add more minutes maybe up it 50-75 additional calories??? Anyone else have a suggestion??
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Need to but weights though, bottles of water are not heavy enough..

    if you don't have weights, try can's of soup! jillian only uses them for the added resistance not for bulking up. so if you have a couple large cans of soup if the water bottles aren't heavy enough, try filling them with sand and put a little water in the sand. :happy:
    Great idea Clarrisa!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hi everyone just finished doing one of my last days of L1 I will do it again one more time tomorrow. Monday I plan to do L2 early in the morning to change things up a bit and also because I plan on doing Zumba again Monday & Tuesday night @ my gym. I did it last week for the first time WOW I was pouring sweat and wasn't even doing it right!!LOL :blushing: :laugh:

    Also thought I'd share how I discovered a way to increase my workout and kick it up a notch, after Jillian releases me from her death grip, I jump on my Eliptical. The first time I did it I couldn't believe how great it felt! Since my legs had already been worked out and warmed up it was so easy that for the first time I actually HAD to up the resistance! it felt awesome I was pouring sweat it was AWESOME!! So now I am logging in my 30DS shred workout WITH Eliptical together for over 400 calories burned!! I did it again a little while ago and the eliptical was almost effortless and at a level 2 resistance the entire time! I could have kept going but I just did what I logged into to do. Afterward I noticed I felt warm all over all my muscles were very warmed up!! It felt so great!! I still have a family walk planed for later when it starts to cool down outside. I told my husband we have an hour scheduled for our walk!! LOL :tongue:
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    That's great mrsj! Way to get a workout in!

    I'm going to keep logging mine the same. I wouldn't want to overestimate, and I already avoid eating my exercise calories, so I don't think it would make a huge difference anyway for me.

    I just made cookies with a 10 and a 6 year old and no way do I want to work out right now! :sad: But I will go for it... If only to get my 2lbs done by tomorrow, weigh in day! Chugging water, here I come. :sick: (But hey, I didn't eat any cookie dough!)
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    NONE of the cookie dough?! Great willpower!!!
    So we are almost half way through the 30 days!! I have missed a few days but not working out so I don't feel too too bad. Its 5:16am and I am about to start L2D1 Have a great week everyone!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    O M G!!! ok all done WOW!! Anita is My GURL!!!:laugh: :tongue: LOL:tongue::happy: Gotta get ready for work!!
  • xLyric
    xLyric Posts: 840 Member
    NONE of the cookie dough?! Great willpower!!!
    So we are almost half way through the 30 days!! I have missed a few days but not working out so I don't feel too too bad. Its 5:16am and I am about to start L2D1 Have a great week everyone!

    None of the dough... but the next day had 4 cookies. :noway:

    Did L2D3 yesterday, and my arm muscles actually hurt! It was weird, that has never happened before. I was super tired and also hadn't had my normal after workout drink, but I did have normal milk, so I don't know what it was. Hopefully it's better tonight. I took a nap today, so that might solve at least one problem.

    I'm still starting the moves a few seconds late and taking short (4-5 second) breaks inside them... Most of them are fine but those planks kill me!

    How is everyone doing?
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    L1D3, I love Anita :laugh: Felt good, sweated like crazy, now it's time to shower and change into something nice enough to take hubby out for his birthday. We've had a very stressful day, of all days, we lost our pet bearded dragon of 6yrs and his Grandpa fell on the concrete outside trying to get into his truck. Smacked his head on the concrete which he also did last night (both times I was there to help, although this morning it was just him and myself so I called my MIL and Aunt in law who called 911 even though I told them he told me not she did instead...) Including in the house, he has fallen 5 times in 12 hrs... he refused a trip to the hospital by my taking him or the emt's who showed up. And yelled at my MIL for calling the doctor so she jumped his case and left. His son, Pat, left work early to take him to the hospital, when he refused again, Pat jumped his case as well and left. My hubby, Nick, is a grandpa's boy for sure and it's tearing him apart knowing he can't really do anything to help right now without upsetting Grandpa. It's been an eventful day. So I took it out on 30day shred. Hopefully dinner and maybe a drink and a slice of cheesecake will make Nick feel a little special on his day.
  • louloubabydoll
    louloubabydoll Posts: 44 Member
    L1D8, not losing any weight, if anything gained a half!!!! Dont want to measure yet a s TOTM. Soul destroying. :-(
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    Hey guys,
    I'm back! Fell off for a little bit, but I am ready to start again. I figured since it had been a week, I would start over.

    I do have a question for those of you that can help me out. I had a cyst removed from the top of my wrist a month and a half ago. I cannot do push-ups, bending my wrist that way and then putting my weight on it, is just not possible. It may sound stupid, but I have to do them the girl way and use fists instead of flat palms to the ground. It works, but I am not sure if I getting the benefits of a regular push-up.

    What do you think?
    Also for those of you that are on level 2, do you think that it will be hard for me as well?

  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    L1D8, not losing any weight, if anything gained a half!!!! Dont want to measure yet a s TOTM. Soul destroying. :-(
    Don't get too discouraged! I don't care what that scale says each and everytime. Like last week for instance, I weighed on wed. morning scale stayed the same weighed again the next morning down 3 pounds and has stayed down for those 3 all week. I am feeling REALLY bloated today so I will probably skip weighing in this week, what I won't skip is eating right and excercising!! Aunt FLO can hide results for a short time each month but once she's gone everything I did while "she" was visiting IS going to show up. I don't stress about it because there is NO WAY an overweight person such as myself can eat like I am eating and excercise like I am excercising and not lose weight! NO WAY! So if it doesn't show up one day on the scale IT WILL show up on another, as long as I keep giving it no choice but to go down. I don't believe I am in anyway in danger of a plateau because I am just to heavy for that right now. PERSISTANCE IS GOING TO WIN THIS ONE NOT NO SCALE!! Soul Destroying??? Really? I say NO! Soul Awakening YES!! Give it all you got no matter what that scale says and I KNOW you will have the last word, not the scale! YOU GOT THIS!!
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I'm up to L1D8 completed today. I can tell some of my muscles are doing their work, because, even though my jeans are still tight in some spots, they are loose around my tush & thighs.

    Want to congratulate everyone on their workouts! And Anita for avoiding the evils of cookie dough (even with the cookies the next day lol)

    loulou, i'm at where you are now. i've put on almost 6lbs since i've started this. i know some of it is my TOTM coming up and some of it is water retention from muscle repair since I haven't been able to let them rest & repair a day. Friday I start L2D1 after I bring my daughter to the doc for her oncology checkup
  • ceredonia
    My DVD should be in tomorrow (if not, I'm going to do the Level 1 that's on On Demand anyway)! Order from Amazon--less than $9! Jeez!

    I'll be posting daily blogs/updates on my profile, so feel free to friend me if you need a partner to keep track with. I know I'll forget to find the appropriate thread everyday, plus if it's in my profile I'll see it everytime I log into MFP (which is a lot, haha) and remember what level/day I'm on.

    I'll be doing a before/after picture too! I have super high, probably unrealistic hopes that my thighs shrink a little and my muffin top melts off!

    I'M EXCITED! I hope I don't DIE during the first day! Hahah...

    @ren315: I was taught in a kickboxing class that if you can't do pushups with flat hands, try putting hand weights on the ground and gripping those (works well with the metal weights at the gym). They'll elevate you enough, it works for me. You could probably use your fists, but I bet that'll hurt after awhile.
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    I shredded this morning, L1D2. I am very sore now at work, my arms are really feeling the pain!! Keep up the good work and maybe I won't notice it as much in a few days.

    Ceredonia....thanks for the advise with the dumbbells, I will try it tomorrow and let you know how I did!