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The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I hate making those calls to owners. 3 in the morning and you're waking them up to let them know their pet is crashing unexpectedly.

    I would have been awake with worry anyway. I would have cried a lot. But if you did all you could, then you did all you could and hating you wouldn't bring my baby back.

    I told that to my vet when we had to put Sandi down. Surgery was too expensive, with not too great of odds for survival, and I did the best I could for her at the time. Hating myself, my family, or my vet for our lack of funds and having to put her down wasn't going to bring her back or change anything.

    I made them(my vet office) cookies and thanked them for being so kind and honest with us about the whole ordeal.

    There was really only so much that they could do and they are a very great office.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited June 2015
    My in-laws just lost their cat, J. He was actually mine for a few weeks when I was living in an apartment in 2000 or so where I shouldn't have had him. When I got caught, we asked my fiance's parents if they wanted him and they said yes. It's weird, animals love me, all animals...but J never even liked me. He was super timid and wasn't really social in general but it baffled me that he didn't love me. We named him J because we were stoners and thought it was funny...like a joint. Idiots. He pretty much always got called Bird or Birdman though. He was a polydactyl! His favorite treat was 3-D Doritos. They were mini Dorito puffs that came in a canister. He'd get them for Xmas. So weird. Last time I saw him he was 8 lbs, down from close to 20 in his prime but he looked happy. He was probably 16 or 17. One time we brought him over to my apartment where I had 2 kittens and he SHAT on my fiance's lap, he was so terrified of them. They were pretty rowdy kittens though...Joan and Fabby. Poor Bird. They still have a jack-a-chon idiot named Jeff that we have to dog sit for TWO WEEKS! He drives me batty...always follows me around the house rubbing his moustache on me...perv...

    Outta here in half an hour and going for a bike ride. Kid's last week of school so bye-bye daily bike rides after this. Kid has zero interest in learning to ride her bike...or drive her Power Wheel. Her dad was Mr. BMX so her not riding her bike is getting to him! But I was a super late bike rider...

    Hope you have a good time @lilaclovebird!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Sunday is my Monday :) I'm here.. anything exciting going on?

    Nothing exciting going on. BUT I have a second date after work! :smiley::blush::wink:

    I'm excited but trying to keep a level head at the same time.

    Hope it's awesome. Let us know how it went!

  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Now pick a least favorite! Mine is "Objects in Space." It just felt too slow for me.

    Hmm... "The Message," despite Jayne's awesome hat. :D
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,488 Member
    @lilaclovebird Woohoo for the call back!!! Good luck!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Funny story. Dog comes in with Nystagmus (eyes twitching back and forth). No head tilt and unsteady stance. It happened right when we had a thunderstorm roll through so I'm thinking seizure or brain tumor. We give Diazepam and the nystagmus gets worse. One of the nurses says, What about Vestibular syndrome? (Where the nerve that tells you if your head is tilted gets inflamed and doesn't work right). I'm like, "No, the heads not tilted." She says, "Look in the ear anyway." So I do. Sure enough. The ear drum is ruptured and the dog has vestibular syndrome. Stupid doctor. Listen to your nurses. :laugh:
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,509 Member
    Poor pup - I had a vestibular syndrome attack a couple of years ago due to virus. It was horrible, I was off work for 3 weeks (not horrible) and couldn't lift my head off the pillow without vomiting and falling down.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Crap! I just realized the dog I lost last night belongs to the same family whose dog I lost three nights ago to a broken Epihyoid bone in the throat. I really feel like crap now! F.... Me! I know it's not my fault, but the same family three days apart? Come on! Even Karma isn't that cruel. :frowning:
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,488 Member
    That super sucks, I'm sorry :(
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    This date went AWESOME! AMAZING! I don't think I can ever go back to dating *kitten*. This man is quick to respond to phone calls and texts, he is considerate of my time and he makes me feel desired and wanted!

    I have to keep a level head about this....BUT I'VE FOUND A *UNICORN!

    *Unicorn: A nice guy who is ACTUALLY nice and isn't using 'nice guy moves' just to get into your panties.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Glad your date went well. :smile:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    If you are in the confessions thread, you may remember this confession:

    #2- I totally have the hots for my co-worker/supervisor and I struggle with the moral dilemma of holding to my own personal code of ethics and keeping my feelings(lust) to myself.

    Yeah...I'm totally dating my coworker/supervisor now....

    We are doing well at keeping work and our outside social activities separate.

    Judge me if you must, but it is not against policy and things are going great so far. Taking it day by day.

    That being said, I can never go back to dating *kitten*. This man values my time, responds promptly to texts and phone calls, and makes me feel desirable and wanted. Now that I have had someone who treats me with respect and kindness, I can never go back to anything less.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,488 Member
    edited June 2015
    I dated my a co-worker for a couple years, he's my fiancé now. Woot woot! I've since changed work places for other reasons. But it's totally doable it you guys can keep up the separating work and home life.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I made my wife my secretary. Does that count as sleeping with a coworker? :smile:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I totally thought I was going to get the whole 'you shouldn't do that' lecture.

    I'm glad I didn't! :smiley: You guys are so supportive! Thank you! :smile:
  • RedRockChic
    RedRockChic Posts: 69 Member
    edited June 2015
    Twice I married a person I started dating from work. I wish you the absolute best of luck, wishes, blessings and emotional stability.

    I can assure you, there will never be another husband from the company cache. Ever.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    While I started dating my fiance in high school, we have worked together many times over the years...even in our very tumultuous early 20's. We always managed to keep it cool at work even when things at home were not cool. This last stint has been 7 or so years...so I agree. Dating a coworker can work!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Twice I married a person I started dating from work. I wish you the absolute best of luck, wishes, blessings and emotional stability.

    I can assure you, there will never be another husband from the company cache. Ever.

    I don't see myself getting married again.

    My mother says 'Never say never!' So, now I say "I don't see myself getting married again." Because I don't. I don't like that stupid piece of paper. It makes many lives easier, but also makes many lives more complicated and I am not a huge fan. But whatever happens happens. My Aunt Sheri said no to marriage for 35 years before making an honest man out of my Uncle Sonny, so we'll see.

    Right now, I am calling what we have a 'companionship'. We like each other's company well enough and the extracurricular activities are nice :naughty: , but one day at a time.

    We'll see where it goes and if we develop the big feels then awesome. If not, also awesome. We are just two colleagues who happen to like seeing each other and taking each other's clothes off in our off time.

    Trying to keep a level head about this. He has flaws. I can name a couple already, but wait and see is the main thing right now. I'm not going to force anything one way or the other. I am excited but I am not writing in a journal planning our whole lives together.

    My only struggle is he is my supervisor and now that he has seen what I am capable of outside of work, he wants me to do a bit more while at work. Something about me being exceptional and how I should try for promotions or some such nonsense. :smiley:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    While I started dating my fiance in high school, we have worked together many times over the years...even in our very tumultuous early 20's. We always managed to keep it cool at work even when things at home were not cool. This last stint has been 7 or so years...so I agree. Dating a coworker can work!

    This is the biggest worry. I am great at it because I waited tables and bartended and even when serving my husband, when I was married, and we were fighting, no one could tell. I was just as friendly with him as anyone else.

    I could be totally PISSED OFF at a table and you wouldn't be able to tell. One of the good things to having worked in customer service for so long I guess. :smiley:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I didn't go for a bike ride yesterday. I ended up scouring the cities for that electric green hair color! Finally found one tub of it. Sooo...expect a new profile pic with badass hair soon! I think we'll add a dollop of dark green so it isn't too yellow-y neon green. So excited! Our tater tot is going to gramma's overnight so I may go fishing with my guy later or ride my bike...maybe to the brewery. I've fell off the daily yoga and better eating bandwagon. Better hop back on before I can't fit into those newly re-discovered dresses I found in the bottom of my closet that suprisingly fit the other day. When I do daily yoga and eat better, I feel better. So why do I choose to be stiff and tight and achy and have a burning tum by eating crap and being sedentary???