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The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Last biology final I took...I studied drunk...got an A! (I knew I could nearly fail the final and still get an A in the course so I wasn't super motivated to study that last night) But I wouldn't recommend it...I knew the material pretty well before studying...I'm an over studier...but still freak on test days thinking I won't remember anything!

    I studied drunk for every biology class I ever took in college...I think it's a requirement. :lol:

    I find that if I show up for class, I absorb the material like a sponge.

    @Frankie_Felinius beautiful as always in your new profile pic. :kissing_heart:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    Oh dear. I guess I didn't want to be freaky, but maybe I fit right in. Of course I just finished sanitizing the toilet, something I can't help doing when I remember how many people work or live here. So maybe I just don't want to talk about it.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member

    I think they all are...but that's just me.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Some kid in the breakfast room is chomping his cereal so hard I can hear it from 20 feet away. I kinda wanna punch his parents in their faces.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @SongDragon - I hear you on that one. We only have 20 people that work here and not all of them use the same bathroom as me and I still clean it from time to time. I just don't trust other people to clean up after themselves when they are done. And girls, I'm not just talking pee. One of my co-workers is either on too much fiber or the wrong kind.
  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    @sufferlandrian It's worse in that some days, some of these people have truly poor hygiene. As in one claims it's because she can't see, but her poop will end up on the floor. And then there's the incontinence factor. Oi. So. My night shift is over until next week. Now it's day shift time to confuse my body.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Pro Tip: If you stagger in the door, drooling,reeking of alcohol, and barely able to put together a coherent senence, no, I'm sorry, I don't have a room for you.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Pro Tip: If you stagger in the door, drooling,reeking of alcohol, and barely able to put together a coherent senence, no, I'm sorry, I don't have a room for you.

    I wouldn't even have a space in the PARKING lot for that kind of nonsense...
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Makes me glad I work here. That would drive me nuts. And if you had a room, room service would be pissed because there would be vomit all over the room.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    And other guests would be pissed because he'd probably making all kinds of noise. And let's face it, no one wants that around their kids.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Yep. Good call. I sure hope he didn't drive there to look for a room.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Soooo...three fire alarms went off in a span of five minutes or so within a half hour of me walking in the door. Awesome! They are scheduled to replacing this shizz this week...not soon enough for this broad...ugh...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    That would make me plenty grumpy...I don't like loud noises!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited August 2015
    As a guest...I'd be unhappy about it but I know shizz happens...and it happens all hours of the day and night. As an employee...I'm so sick of it! I just dread all the a-holes that in the morning will act like I personally pulled the alarm and did it solely to piss them off.

    And loud doesn't do it justice! It is disorienting, it is SO loud! Also the panel starts beeping, the phone starts ringing off the hook, all the emergency lights start flashing and it is just a clusterfudge of sounds & lights!

    (Loud noises don't bother me too much but ya know what REALLY gets me? Multiple sounds. Like if the TV is on in one room and my fiancé is listening to a podcast in the other and my kid is singing. I feel like my brain can't take that much stimuli of sounds! I haven't always been that way but it really agitates me nowadays.)
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Might I suggest calling your boss and telling him your vomiting in the bathroom and letting him come in and take the flak. That would inspire him to hurry the repairs. :smile:
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I always miss the good stuff when I'm off!! How's everyone tonight?

    @Frankie_Felinius you're beautiful either way. I don't where make up daily (or monthly lol)
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Doing good. So far all good clients tonight. I love nights like that.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Alright! I've finished one round so far. I've eaten my salad and some watermelon. I'm drinking some water and I'm about to pay some bills.

    Later, I might go to my car and pull out my recipe book I'm putting together. :smiley:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    The weather! It is sixty degrees right now! Ba da ba ba ba...I'm lovin' it.

    Getting my new driver's license tomorrow. Last pic was in 2011!