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The official nightshift thread....



  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I remember reading The Green Mile and loving it and I was really suprised at how close the movie was to the book. That one sticks out as a book to movie done right.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    @bethanie0825 I have had sooo many failed attempts. Still do. And you probably need closer to 10 million bobby pins because I have like, 23 hairs on my entire head and I use 5 million!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I thought Ender's Game was possibly the best movie adaptation I've ever seen. Anyone read those books?
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Hi folks. No. I didn't crash my bike or get taken hostage by ISUS. After an 86 hour shift over labor day, three 14 hours shifts and then a 62 hour shift over last weekend, I was cooked. I wasn't riding, logging or much of anything. I was in survival mode grabbing cat naps and mixing 5 hour energy drinks in with my monster Zero Ultras. Got some sleep today so I'm feeling almost human again. Still can't figure out where I hurt my heal, but I'll work on that. :smile:
    Wow...now apologize to your kidneys!
    J/k. Glad you're ok!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I finished my apron today! I made mistakes every single step of the way and it looks wonky on but I am SO PROUD OF MYSELF! I get discouraged easily and I actually finished something without crying or throwing my machine out the window. I'm going to go get more fabric and try again. I hope my family and coworkers are ready for some free, poorly made aprons! I'm gonna keep bangin' 'em out until I'm satisfied with one. I posted a pic of me wearing just my apron on my Instagram, for two reasons. One, because I now know I can clothe my nekkid body, if needed. Two, from time to time I post pics of myself that are outside my comfort zone that the old me would have never TAKEN, let alone posted publicly. Even me at my most fit! (and dammit, I was 'effin' hot now that I look back on it)I've said it before, social media can be super positive and encouraging, if that is what you seek. It has greatly improved my self-image, self-acceptance and confidence (body-wise at least). I use my "pinup" name on all other social media besides MFP, I don't really want them linked together so I don't want to put that name so the two names wouldn't come up in a google search...but if you want to follow me on IG, just search hashtag "firstsewingproject"...I'm the gal with the blue hair just a couple pics in under "new posts". Or hashtag "eforeffort"...also pretty close to the top of the new posts. Then you can sheck out my page and see if you wanna follow me or not! Warning: it is A LOT of my face, beer & makeup. No worries if you aren't interested in seeing an abundance of those things, lol.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    What is an 'instagram' and how does one use it?
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Update on SSP(if anyone is interested)

    So we met at his place Sunday morning, no coffee, because he doesn't drink coffee, but he did make iced tea. I wanted an explanation. He told me about the supervisor's class he took while in Houston and what it told him about relationships with subordinates and how it scared him. Something about being able to be 'friendly' but not being able to be friends or have relationships with them outside of the work environment. That's PART ONE of why he dumped me.
    Part two was that he was getting nervous about how attached I was and how attached he was GETTING! So on the BRIGHT side, I'm a really amazing girl and he likes me. But I'm not quite worth putting his career in jeopardy. Which I think is totally understandable, he's been doing this job for years and years and he's looking at retiring in a decade or so. He wants me to stay where I am and have the opportunity to use the tuition reimbursement and open hours of nightshift to get a degree.

    Anyway, I gave him his kindle back that he let me borrow, he mentioned something about it not being destroyed and I said I didn't even THINK about it despite how hurt and mad I was because I am a rational human for the most part.
    He said he thinks the circumstances suck and now he is one of those dumb ones. When I asked what he meant, he brought up that we had a conversation once about the men who were dumb enough to let me walk away from them. I told him not to worry about it and that I won't be waiting around for circumstances to change and that I don't expect him to either. He made some joke about him being eternally single and whatnot, we said our good byes and I left.

    I wanted to scream in his face and call him a hypocrite because him and the Lt hang out, ride motorcycles, and have dinner about once a month. If that isn't considered being 'friends' I don't know what is. If the Lt can be more than 'friendly' with his sergeants, why can't he(SSP) be more than 'friendly' with me?

    Oh well. He's made his choice and I'm already down a pound so, his loss.

    I don't think I want to be with a guy who is going to be breaking things off because he's afraid of his own feelings anyway. That just shouldn't be a reason.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    He's been doing this job for years. He was well aware of the recommendation not to have relationships with subordinates. That is not a new concept. There have been more people fired for that problem in the last 20 years than could be employed at two Walmarts. Yes, that guidance has been around since before I joined the military in 1984. It's called Fraternizing and in government and larger businesses, the policy has been around for decades. If he was willing to risk his job when you started seeing each other, why not now? I'm sorry that his fear of losing his job didn't kick in sooner or that he couldn't find a better way to let you know what was on his mind.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    What is an 'instagram' and how does one use it?

    It is a social media app/platform...like Facebook or Twitter or Snapchat. It is all pictures though, as opposed to typed posts. You post your pics, you follow people who post stuff you like. My feed shows me pinups, tattoos, animals, funny stuff, beer. I really prefer it over anything else. I've only been on FB maybe a year and I'm about done...but my love for Instagram grows daily!

  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    And thanks for the update...of COURSE we're interested!

    And I definitely think you came out on the winning end at this point. Maybe your paths will cross down the road...after he has retired or you aren't his subordinate. Or maybe it won't...

    I can imagine what he felt like in that class though! I bet he felt like they were talking to HIM...that guilt ya know...he was probably flushed and sweaty...I would be! Sheesh...
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    He's been doing this job for years. He was well aware of the recommendation not to have relationships with subordinates. That is not a new concept. There have been more people fired for that problem in the last 20 years than could be employed at two Walmarts. Yes, that guidance has been around since before I joined the military in 1984. It's called Fraternizing and in government and larger businesses, the policy has been around for decades. If he was willing to risk his job when you started seeing each other, why not now? I'm sorry that his fear of losing his job didn't kick in sooner or that he couldn't find a better way to let you know what was on his mind.

    He wasn't a supervisor before. He just got the promotion to sergeant in November and the ceremony was in July. He didn't even take the supervisor class thing until last week and never understood anything to be a problem in Houston because he didn't spend much time with his supervisors there.

    Here at the detachment, each other is all we really have because we have all these vets and animal techs and sciency people that want almost NOTHING to do with the police department. Where he was, he had nurses, doctors, patients, administrators, lab techs, pharmacy techs, and drivers to associate with. All people outside his department. As a regular commissioned officer it would have been 'frowned upon' but no real problem as he would not be my direct supervisor. As a sergeant, he's my direct supervisor and that's where the problem is.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited September 2015
    And thanks for the update...of COURSE we're interested!

    And I definitely think you came out on the winning end at this point. Maybe your paths will cross down the road...after he has retired or you aren't his subordinate. Or maybe it won't...

    I can imagine what he felt like in that class though! I bet he felt like they were talking to HIM...that guilt ya know...he was probably flushed and sweaty...I would be! Sheesh...

    He did. He told me he did. He said the class was basically all about how to keep himself, the department, and MD Anderson from getting sued and how relationships ending badly was big proponent of things like this or friendships feeling violated or favoritism being shown.

    He said he kept having to ask himself if he was being too hard on me during my evaluation because he's seen the effort I put into things outside of work and has higher expectations. Then when the lieutenant had him correct a portion of my evaluation and raise my score higher, he almost redid the whole thing.

    ETA: To be honest I think he is shocked I took it so well and was so calm during our talk. I'm dealing with TOM right now so even I'M a little surprised. Not one tear was shed until right before I fell asleep thinking to myself about how it wasn't fair. When I woke up, I realized life isn't fair. So I journaled it, weighed in, did some strength training, and moved on.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    It was messing with shizz a little...if there were no romantic ties...he never would have had to question himself.

    It isn't an "I told ya so" kind of thing...you're a smart girl...I know you are aware of it too. How did HE NOT see how it could be an issue??? Oh yeah, the whole "not seeing things from anyone else's perspective" thing!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I swear schools are a breeding ground for diseases that the government uses for biological warfare. As soon as one of the flu outbreaks can't be controlled, we'll see it being studied in a lab somewhere in USAMARAC Maryland.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I swear schools are a breeding ground for diseases that the government uses for biological warfare. As soon as one of the flu outbreaks can't be controlled, we'll see it being studied in a lab somewhere in USAMARAC Maryland.

    A section of Lab 2 is now cordoned off as off limits bio hazard area right now. My commissioned officer on duty asked me why and I said 'I don't know and they don't pay me enough to find out!'

    We have normal bio hazard areas but nothing above level 2 generally. This room now comes with a suit and everything.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    @lilaclovebird -of course we're interested, what do you think ww have lives or something? Anyway, I sort of get his reasoning, but I suspect one day he will come to understand that he could've made it work, and regret his decision. You, on th he other hand, will move on to bigger and better. I know it still hurts, but that will get better, too.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited September 2015
    @lilaclovebird -of course we're interested, what do you think ww have lives or something? Anyway, I sort of get his reasoning, but I suspect one day he will come to understand that he could've made it work, and regret his decision. You, on th he other hand, will move on to bigger and better. I know it still hurts, but that will get better, too.

    I cleaned his whole house, did his laundry, and everything...I only do that for people I am REALLY fond of.
    I clean my friend Alycia's kitchen. But ONLY the kitchen...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I just googled if I could wear makeup to the colonoscopy...the answer is no. It also answered, yes, you are too effin' vain...kiiiiding. But clearly I am. I knew I'd have to take my polish off (which is super cool, btw...it is a green/orange color shift...reminds me of a beetle!) but I waaaannnna wear makeup...

    I have to stop eating at 330 pm today...until TOMORROW afternoon. And today is one of my looooong days...the ones where I eat an extra meal I'm up so long. I'll be hittin' the bouillion and Jello HARD...
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I just googled if I could wear makeup to the colonoscopy...the answer is no. It also answered, yes, you are too effin' vain...kiiiiding. But clearly I am. I knew I'd have to take my polish off (which is super cool, btw...it is a green/orange color shift...reminds me of a beetle!) but I waaaannnna wear makeup...

    I have to stop eating at 330 pm today...until TOMORROW afternoon. And today is one of my looooong days...the ones where I eat an extra meal I'm up so long. I'll be hittin' the bouillion and Jello HARD...

    :grimace: <
    my face about this WHOLE thing....
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    @lilaclovebird I agree with @sufferlandrian it's kinda well known but some agencies don't care as long as you keep the romantic stuff outside of work. I too think he's gonna realize he screwed up. But I'm glad you got his reasoning behind it. Def helps move forward.

    @Frankie_Felinius sucksville. :# I had one several years ago and slept thru the whole thing. Woke up just enough to leave. Then slept. I don't remember anything about it. I hope your is as not memorable!! And I don't Instagram either but have been thinking about it. My great friend raves about it all the time.