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The official nightshift thread....



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    @hamptontom - the MFP version of that usually goes something like: "I know you can't spot reduce, but how can I spot reduce my stomach/hips/thighs/legs?" followed by 362854578 pages of the OP getting mad because they are being told that they can't spot reduce.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    @hamptontom - the MFP version of that usually goes something like: "I know you can't spot reduce, but how can I spot reduce my stomach/hips/thighs/legs?" followed by 362854578 pages of the OP getting mad because they are being told that they can't spot reduce.

    oh, man...it gets BRUTAL out there sometimes. and just as in real life, there are all kinds...from awesome people to flat-out *kitten*. some dude the other day said in a thread, "I just laugh whenever I see overweight people doing abs..." - how 'bout that, folks?

    somebody called him on his abundance of compassion, but i think it was too little, too late. i don't have the energy for that kind of pointless confrontation anymore...but that don't mean i don't put it on a sticky note in my brain.

    brains...the only part of the human body that it's ABSOLUTELY possible to spot reduce.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Will this night never end?! I'm tired and I'm tired of putting animals down. I'm ready to go home and hug the kids and go to bed.

    I don't envy your job, man.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @hamptontom - the MFP version of that usually goes something like: "I know you can't spot reduce, but how can I spot reduce my stomach/hips/thighs/legs?" followed by 362854578 pages of the OP getting mad because they are being told that they can't spot reduce.

    ROFL!!! That is so true. :smile:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Rode my bike in to work tonight. It was pretty nice. I can't wait for my new bike to get finished. The bike shop is custom building it. Should be a sweetheart. :smile: It's going to have fenders and a bell. I'm going to ride around town laughing like PeeWee Herman. :laugh: HaaHaa. :smile:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    That's my new frame, I'll show you the rest when it's done. :smile:
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    Rode my bike in to work tonight. It was pretty nice. I can't wait for my new bike to get finished. The bike shop is custom building it. Should be a sweetheart. :smile: It's going to have fenders and a bell. I'm going to ride around town laughing like PeeWee Herman. :laugh: HaaHaa. :smile:

    fenders and a bell will be an interesting look with that frame...you just need a whitewashed wicker basket with plastic flowers on the front and you'll be SET. :)

    seriously...i don't know where you live, but it's PERFECT bike riding weather in Nashville. especially at night.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    We've had snow already and it was 32 degrees when I left work this morning. It's supposed to warm up this weekend with highs in the high 60's. That will be perfect. :smile:
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Now I am in envy of you, @sufferlandrian. I love that kind of weather, can't wait for it here.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I can't think of many places I would live besides here. It's beautiful all year round. This was a bad year for forest fires, but that's not a common occurrence.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    Fortunately, they are not.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Spent my entire night at work, eating. Stressful night equals stuffing my face. I thought I'd gotten past this...if you need me, I'm hiding under the covers.
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    ^ I wonder which is better, that or going into a rage at the stressor... probably both equally unhealthy.

    *hides too*
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    @bethanie0825 -I still have the same problem, and I've been at this a looooong time. So, I don't have the answers, but at least I can commiserate.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    It was just bad. I got home and felt bad about it so I ate before I went to sleep. Smh like I haven't learned anything the past 18 months. And it was carby and a lil fatty so it went straight to my butt I'm sure.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    peaks and valleys, friends. life is peaks and valleys. if you're perfect all the time, you become complacent. slipping and falling every now and then forces you to watch your step and keep your eyes on the path.

    don't be too hard on yourself.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    HOLD THE PHONES, FOLKS - there's a new thread in the Diet and Weight Loss forum with the subject line "is starvation mode real?" and it's up to 80-something comments already.

    hold all my calls and put on some popcorn.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Wow. Seriously? I can't watch. It's like a B grade horror movie. :smile:
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    I shouldn't be that way about stuff like that...the first three weeks or so I was here, i did a Search and read through at least a dozen results before I would ask a question. and the more I learn, the more intimidated I get...there's a bit of a "layers of the onion" aspect to learning about food and fitness and such, for sure.

    but then again, as the current presidential primary season proves, people long ago stopped being ashamed of flaunting their own stupidity.

    i will be kind.
    i will be kind.
    i will be kind.
    i will...