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The official nightshift thread....



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I have never even seen a Wawa. Meatballs, you say?
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I only had access for a short time...lived in VA for a month or so...fell in love with Wawa and haven't been to one since...oh, 2008. Wish we never would have met...lol

    We did recently get a bunch of Kwik Stars (I think?) and they are as good as it gets around here...
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Never had Wawa. I saw one near Virginia Beach once but that's as close as I've got. But I love meatballs <3

    I never get carded anymore. I don't think I look old but I don't look young anymore. I never thought I'd grow out of thinking I had a baby face and now I want it back lol
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    We have Sheetz and their made to order sandwiches are pretty damn tasty. We're getting one where I work at some point along with an iHop, which will open anyday. Lord help me
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I walked over 7000 steps yesterday and my Up band and MFP say I got negative 251 calories? But Friday I walked over 5000 and got +200 calories over the day...I love and hate technology. I haven't messed with anything accept uninstall and reinstall the Up app bc it wasn't syncing all day. Grrr....

    And I left my purse at home and didn't bring dinner to work. Happy fricken Monday.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    @health_guard Nah, it's still all effed up so you might want to check yours too. I'm hoping it'll fix itself today while I'm asleep.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited November 2015
    Never had nor heard about wawa before.
    I walked over 7000 steps yesterday and my Up band and MFP say I got negative 251 calories? But Friday I walked over 5000 and got +200 calories over the day...I love and hate technology. I haven't messed with anything accept uninstall and reinstall the Up app bc it wasn't syncing all day. Grrr....

    And I left my purse at home and didn't bring dinner to work. Happy fricken Monday.

    I've been having issues with my fitbit getting negative numbers. I believe it fixes itself by the end of the day but still its odd.

    First time I remember learning of Wawa was a tattoo on Johnny Knoxville of their logo...didn't really learn WHAT it was until years later talking to Southerners who mentioned one. Then years after that, I finally had the opportunity to take advantage of their bounty!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    So....how did everyone feel after Paris? How are you feeling right now?

    I was feeling afraid. So now, to combat this fear, I am learning SO MUCH about Islam and it is amazing. That is all.

    *goes back to reading and watching educational videos*
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I'm nervous although I don't think anything will happen near me. More so bc it'll happen without warning. I feel bad for all the people seeking refuge from the fighting but the terrorists are using the crisis to move. And I feel bad for all the Muslim people and practitioners of Islam who are peaceful and want nothing to do with the radicals.

    It's a mess :/
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    I have never even seen a Wawa. Meatballs, you say?

    take the rest of the week off and run away to Philadelphia with me, and you'll see many. there's other cool stuff there too (Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, arrogant sports fans), but when you leave, you'll miss Wawa the most.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I'm nervous although I don't think anything will happen near me. More so bc it'll happen without warning. I feel bad for all the people seeking refuge from the fighting but the terrorists are using the crisis to move. And I feel bad for all the Muslim people and practitioners of Islam who are peaceful and want nothing to do with the radicals.

    It's a mess :/


    Because I feel like the majority of Muslims are looking at ISIS like "I don't know if you're reading the same Quran WE are, but THIS one says we're all created equal and should be nice to each other...."
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Sad more than scared. Sad that it happened...sad about peoples' reactions. I'm not a religious person but I find religion fascinating and Islam in particular is very interesting and very misunderstood (so many assume every Muslim is a radical). From one super empathetic person to another...even though I don't AGREE with them...if one even SLIGHTLY understands how devout the radicals are for their religion...they would get why they do what they do. It doesn't make it right. It doesn't. But it is something that can be understood. Those people TRULY believe that non believers are scum and should be eliminated...because they TRULY believe it is the right thing to do...based on their beliefs. Again, doesn't make it right....at all. But it bothers me that people can believe in their own faith and may have beliefs that people not of their religion don't have but can't understand a DIFFERENT faith. (For example...just an example...I know not all Christian are anti gay...a Christian against gay people...doesn't think that even a...let's say, agnostic...shouldn't engage in homosexuality because it is against THEIR religion...not the agnostic's...the Christian's. But then can't understand why radical Muslims believe that non believers are tainting the earth and need to be destroyed.) Their belief is much more extreme, true...but it is still just a belief based on one's own religion...not understood by others. Sure, mass killings are wrong...but so is persecuting gay people as a whole and killing them emotionally because they are told they are sinners, disgusting, defective, not real families, not allwoing them to marry, etc. just because their life doesn't jive with others beliefs.

    Bottom line: I hate when any religion puts it's beliefs on others and expects them to live the way they do and if they don't...they have hell to pay...whether it is death or dishonor from words and actions. I also hate people not understanding others intentions or drive. You DO NOT HAVE TO AGREE with something to understand it or the person but even attempting to see something from another's perspective...it is amazing how your entire outlook changes. So much less closed mindedness, so much less ignorance, so much less hate.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    So....how did everyone feel after Paris? How are you feeling right now?

    I was feeling afraid. So now, to combat this fear, I am learning SO MUCH about Islam and it is amazing. That is all.

    *goes back to reading and watching educational videos*

    Aside from the initial gut-check, and from knowing people who knew people who died there (crew members for the band), the aftermath has descended into the usual "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out" crap that we always reach for first in these parts, it seems.

    Personally, I'm every bit as afraid of the Dylann Roofs and the Timothy McVeighs as I am of the nameless bearded phantoms that seem to scare the *kitten* outta everybody else. People like to forget that, oh hey - we have extremists here, too...but they're just loner freaks who play too many video games. When someone whose faith we don't identify with or understand starts bloodletting, then we have to condemn 1.5 billion practitioners of a particular religion and paint them all with the same brush.

  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    @lilaclovebird @bethanie0825

    Yes! I always think about all those peope who are NOT radicals and who are like WTF?? I feel so bad for them. People who say "Just kill 'em all."...they don't think about all of the innocent people who want NOTHING to do with the radicals. The terrified old ladies...the innocent babies. The people that had war dropped on their doorstep for NOTHING they did. Can you IMAGINE being in your little town some where, minding your own business and WAR comes to your home??? And the rest of the world hates you because of a small percent of radicals of your religion??

    I hate when people make comments about "take care of your own" when referencing war. To me...your own...is every human being...of whatever ethnicity, color, religion, race, etc. So killing every Muslim so non Muslims are safe...is caring for our own? Killing innocent children...that are a different color or religion than you...isn't taking care of anything...
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Sad more than scared. Sad that it happened...sad about peoples' reactions. I'm not a religious person but I find religion fascinating and Islam in particular is very interesting and very misunderstood (so many assume every Muslim is a radical). From one super empathetic person to another...even though I don't AGREE with them...if one even SLIGHTLY understands how devout the radicals are for their religion...they would get why they do what they do. It doesn't make it right. It doesn't. But it is something that can be understood. Those people TRULY believe that non believers are scum and should be eliminated...because they TRULY believe it is the right thing to do...based on their beliefs. Again, doesn't make it right....at all. But it bothers me that people can believe in their own faith and may have beliefs that people not of their religion don't have but can't understand a DIFFERENT faith. (For example...just an example...I know not all Christian are anti gay...a Christian against gay people...doesn't think that even a...let's say, agnostic...shouldn't engage in homosexuality because it is against THEIR religion...not the agnostic's...the Christian's. But then can't understand why radical Muslims believe that non believers are tainting the earth and need to be destroyed.) Their belief is much more extreme, true...but it is still just a belief based on one's own religion...not understood by others. Sure, mass killings are wrong...but so is persecuting gay people as a whole and killing them emotionally because they are told they are sinners, disgusting, defective, not real families, not allwoing them to marry, etc. just because their life doesn't jive with others beliefs.

    Bottom line: I hate when any religion puts it's beliefs on others and expects them to live the way they do and if they don't...they have hell to pay...whether it is death or dishonor from words and actions. I also hate people not understanding others intentions or drive. You DO NOT HAVE TO AGREE with something to understand it or the person but even attempting to see something from another's perspective...it is amazing how your entire outlook changes. So much less closed mindedness, so much less ignorance, so much less hate.

    The truth is that radicals exist in any and all religions(yes even Pastafarians and Buddists). A lack of empathy breeds horrible actions based on the extremist views created by a lack of variety in education.

    In addition we end up judging an entire culture or religion on the acts of the few that we are exposed to and we only expose ourselves to what we choose to be exposed to. So many people are choosing to limit themselves and their children which is SUPER distressing. Parents fighting educational systems to ban learning about Islam in schools because they feel that what they hear on the major media resources is the truth. The only truth in media is that they are professionals at fanning the flames of fear and outrage, which creates a false and fear-based hatred due to a lack of broader, objective, and fact-based knowledge.

    We have so few popularized objective media sources for those of us who simply want the facts and the ability to form our own opinions. It's just so much easier(read: lazier) to take those few actions we are exposed to and use those to put whole vast groups of people in a particular box and then never give them the opportunity to let them leave said box. Then we choose to sit in our own ignorance because "trying to understand other people is hard."
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    hamptontom wrote: »
    [you'll miss Wawa the most.

    I like QuickChek's coffee better, although both are mediocre at that.
    We have so few popularized objective media sources for those of us who simply want the facts and the ability to form our own opinions. It's just so much easier(read: lazier) to take those few actions we are exposed to and use those to put whole vast groups of people in a particular box and then never give them the opportunity to let them leave said box. Then we choose to sit in our own ignorance because "trying to understand other people is hard."

    That's why media is so popular, of course. It does the f*cked up part of thinking for us.

    I'll keep the rest of my opinions to myself as they tend to unpopular.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    belimawr wrote: »
    hamptontom wrote: »
    [you'll miss Wawa the most.

    I like QuickChek's coffee better, although both are mediocre at that.
    We have so few popularized objective media sources for those of us who simply want the facts and the ability to form our own opinions. It's just so much easier(read: lazier) to take those few actions we are exposed to and use those to put whole vast groups of people in a particular box and then never give them the opportunity to let them leave said box. Then we choose to sit in our own ignorance because "trying to understand other people is hard."

    That's why media is so popular, of course. It does the f*cked up part of thinking for us.

    I'll keep the rest of my opinions to myself as they tend to unpopular.

    Could it be we are addicted to outrage?

  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    We're addicted to the victim mentality.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Here's my thing with the Syrian refugees: 99.87% are probably fine, upstanding people. But the .12% that might not be could still do a whole lot of damage. I'm honestly not sure what the solution is.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    So our department answers the phone for public works afterhours. A pretty common occurrence in 911 centers to be after hours answering points for other departments. Today was water cutoff day. We get a list after 5p and if you didn't pay before close of business, no water for you; you wait till business hours and call public works.

    However some burn the midnight oil and pay at the last minute so their water gets cut off. A water meter guys works thru the evening and is suppose to get those last minute payees on. He missed one. Spoke with the resident (husband) who was frustrated but very understanding that there's only so much I can do on my end. Called water meter guy 4 times over the course of an hour with no answer. Called a separate number and guy said he'd get up with the water meter guy or the resident and get it straightened out.

    Then the resident's wife calls and proceeds to chew my *kitten* up one side and down the other. She and her master's degree didn't want to listen to my rational story and instead wanted to yell so loud that I could hear an echo from the room she was in. I'm not doing my job and she's gonna file complaint on me in the morning, yadda yadda yadda. Demanded that I send one of my "officer friends" over to explain why she doesn't have water.

    Just bc you live in an effluent town doesn't mean you can treat the employees like *kitten*. You're no better than I am just because your house is bigger and you pay way more in property tax than I do. I too, have a college degree and have hundreds of con-ed hours just to maintain my certifications. I absolutely understand your frustration at not having water when you should. But I'm not the reason you don't have water. Pay your bill before it's due, not at the last possible second.

    A wise teacher once asked a class who was more important; the garbage man or the post man. We all said post man. She then asked who would be more important after not showing up for two weeks.

    Moral of the story? Your job makes you no more or less important than someone else. Everyone deserves your respect.

    Grrr.....I need a cookie.