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The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    What? That doesn't make sense.

    I am confused.... :neutral:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I do love nights where my only patient is a dog that ate the owners pot. If I can keep them from having seizures, they do really well.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    edited December 2015
    I know, the DR and PA student were confused too. Especially the PA student, she came in first and asked what I was there for. Explained the hyperthyroid results and that I had some blood drawn in October but no one had called about it, and this was a follow up for that. The look on her face had me concerned.

    Of course I googled and I guess it's not common but it can happen either bc of the meds or bc of a couple different autoimmune disorders. He did a whole Thyroid panel so I'm hoping for some answers when I wake up later on. ** I really should've asked why no one called me 6 weeks ago but I was kinda in shock **

    For now, I still love the pumpkin pie I just ate :)

    Crazy dog owners...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I was guessing the meds. If you are being treated for hypo...it can make you hyper over time. Gotta find that balance.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    edited December 2015
    That's kinda what I read too. The meds for hyper drove can drive levels out of whack and send peeps in the other direction. I'm tired of feeling off. Either shaky and panicky or feeling so blech I don't have the energy to do anything. I thought it was just my body adjusting to being normal again. Wrong.

    I hope it's figured out sooner and not later. I'm already outta money on my flex card :/
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I do love nights where my only patient is a dog that ate the owners pot. If I can keep them from having seizures, they do really well.

    Hopefully things turn out well. They should really just make the crap legal so they don't have to hide it in places where animals can get into it and get sick. :disappointed:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I'm still baffled why some eat pot. I've been around dogs who were around pot and never ate it. My own cats were around it back in my youth and they never ate it. So weird. I think most people assume it is harmless to their pets and don't even think to keep it out of their reach...we didn't...and we aren't particularly ignorant folks. Our cats liked to be around us when we smoked, wanted in the room if the door was closed (one cat would give you the nastiest stinkeye & get up & leave if you lit a cigarette while she was on your lap, but if you lit a joint...she'd stay, lol...)
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Gonna get a tree this (our) weekend! Yay! We've decorated the living room but our big corner windows look so empty with no tree! I remember when we pulled up to this house for the first time, I thought how nice a Christmas tree would look...then immediatley wiping that thought away since our house hunting was going crappily at that point. While waiting for the negotiating and approval and all that, I kept thinking about the tree in the window. Five windows kinda wrap around one of the front corners of our living room, two on the front, three on the side. It really is a perfect spot for a tree.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    edited December 2015
    In this case it was the THC butter he used on the bread he threw away. The dog did fine and is going home.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I had no idea that there was any such thing as THC butter. #liveandlearn
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I've heard of pot brownies but not pot butter. Wow lol. Glad the doggy is good to go.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    oh, man...pot brownies.

    road story:

    i was on a two-week west coast run with a band in Northern California, and we were playing a room in Arcata (in Humboldt county, which would mean something to people who were afficionados of a certain kind of horticulture, if you get my drift) - we were on a bill with a band called Great American Taxi, led by this guy Vince Herman (also of Leftover Salmon), who seems to have cultivated this reputation as being something of the John Belushi of the jam band culture...in terms of his thirst for life, as it were.

    Well, we got to soundcheck early, and ate at around 4pm...then played our set, then they played their set - and we wound things up around midnight, and I hadn't eaten anything for some 8 hours or so at that point.

    So we're in the green room, which is a haze of pot smoke and patchouli - and I should mention that while I don't have any axe to grind with folks who are on the cannabis bandwagon, I just never caught the bug...never really smoked weed at all, and my only real experience with it had been a couple of instances where somebody had whipped out a recipe and put it into brownies or something like that.

    In the green room, everybody is getting reacquainted, bands and road family and such, and - there's nothing in the green room to eat. Usually, there's a deli tray or some veggies or something, but this night, there's nothing...nothing except this tray of cookies that somebody had brought.

    So I had a cookie.

    And, since it didn't suck, I had another cookie.

    We continued to hang out for a while, until our driver came through and reminded everyone that we had to be in Portland, Oregon the next day, so I grabbed another cookie, wrapped it in a napkin, and put it in the pocket of my fleece.

    We got back to the hotel room (after my having eaten the third cookie on the way), and were sitting in the hotel room I was sharing with the drummer (I was the "new guy", so I was delegated "rooming with the drummer" status), talking about the setlist and the gig the next night, and I stood up to get my laptop out of my bag...

    ...I felt my knees straighten in slow motion and when they fully extended, it felt like I was continuing to rise out of my chair for several seconds...our guitar player looked at me and asked me what was wrong.

    "nothing," I said. "at least not that I can tell."

    he started looking a little harder at me, scrutinizing me a little more.

    "are you sure? you looked like you were gonna topple outta your chair."

    "i know...just got a little dizzy for a minute or something. not sure where that came from."

    "you didn't really participate in the festivities at the gig, did you? you normally don't even touch the stuff."

    "no, man. I just hung out...I was hungry, so I had a couple of cookies, but that was it."

    he looked over at Steve, the drummer, and they exchanged this look of simultaneous horror.


    "well, three, actually...i ate the third one on the way back to the hotel. there wasn't any food around, and I was famished, so I...."

    "dude - stop. how many cookies did Vince eat?"

    "i dunno...i wasn't counting. i don't think he ate more than one, though. i'm not sure."

    Bob leans in closely to me, looking at me like a father who'd just bailed his son out of jail..."Tom, look - when you're in this situation, do HALF of what Vince does. that's a rule. never, ever do THREE TIMES what Vince does. this isn't good."

    So now, I'm realizing what I've done...and am simultaneously freaking the f@(k out.

    Meanwhile, Steve (the drummer) is reassuring me - "don't worry, man...I'll stay up with you, bro. I won't let you die. you'll be fine...you just gotta stay awake."

    Thanks, Steve.

    So I'm lying there on the bed in this hotel room, watching the textured paint on the ceiling swirl around like some kind of weird acid-drenched planetarium show...the ceiling seems like it's inches from my face, and the air conditioning unit, under the window right next to my bed, seems like it's fifty feet away.

    I don't know if I ever drifted off to sleep, but minutes later (or so it seemed), the driver knocked on our door to load up for the drive to Portland. I just grabbed my boots and my coat and lumbered out the door, threw up in the parking lot, and boarded up. I think I slept the whole seven hours up the coast.

    I sure hope the buttered-bread eating doggie had a friendly, paranoid drummer around to keep him in a perpetually irrational and paranoid state until the effects wore off.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Christmas shopping is DONE!

    Even though I work tonight(right now) I ran a bunch of errands today.
    1) Went to the UPS store and shipped my Confession Thread Secret Santa Gift. THAT was way more expensive than it ever should have been. Stupid ocean. Stupid me or putting it off and having to expedite it... :angry:
    2) I went to Home Depot and returned the closet door track for the correct size for part ONE of SSP's Christmas gift.
    3) Got my vehicle inspected.
    4) Walked the dogs
    5) Got all paperwork set up for registration renewal this month.
    6) Got a new pair of shoes that were on sale for $16!!!!
    7) Picked up some more cold meds for my mom so she can hopefully get better.

    Finally went to bed at like 2pm and had choir practice at 7:30pm...nixed the whole choir practice idea because getting enough sleep is part of caring for myself physically and psychologically. It is also caring for everyone else emotionally. :naughty:

    Also, Scarves are 50% off and I think I might get my mom one for her birthday, even though she has a million already.

    1) Go to SSP's house and start some laundry and set up his closet door track to he actually HAS closet doors...
    2) Walk the dogs
    3) Go to the work Holiday Luncheon(just to prove I'm not anti-social)
    4) Go bra shopping :weary:
    5) Help my mother continue to decorate for Christmas

    Right now it's beginning to look like a holiday store exploded in our house....
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    totally jealous. since rent has a habit of coming at the first of the month, it'll be the middle of the month before i even get started in earnest...but that's ok. it's a short list, and most of it will be arriving on my doorstep. :)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    hamptontom wrote: »
    totally jealous. since rent has a habit of coming at the first of the month, it'll be the middle of the month before i even get started in earnest...but that's ok. it's a short list, and most of it will be arriving on my doorstep. :)

    Most/all of my shopping will be arriving on my doorstep Wednesday and Thursday so Thursday will be spent wrapping everything...don't know where we're gonna put it since we were adopted by an approximately 8 month old chewing monster.

    I got him a rawhide bone...a BIG one. It was gone in an hour and a half!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Ladies and gents, meet Liam. Our newest addition.




  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    He's a cutie! We get ours nylabones. They chew the hell out of them. And you can get them at Wally World.

    I finished up shopping for my step son but have no idea what to get my hubby. NO IDEA. He got me something after we decided we weren't going to get gifts for each other. He sucks lol :)

    @lilaclovebird you look amazing!! I loathe bra shopping too but the girls always look better afterwards and I feel better bc the damn things actually fit.
  • pie_eyes
    pie_eyes Posts: 12,964 Member
    What's up
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Lilaclovebird - Love the new dog. :smile:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    He's a cutie! We get ours nylabones. They chew the hell out of them. And you can get them at Wally World.

    I finished up shopping for my step son but have no idea what to get my hubby. NO IDEA. He got me something after we decided we weren't going to get gifts for each other. He sucks lol :)

    @lilaclovebird you look amazing!! I loathe bra shopping too but the girls always look better afterwards and I feel better bc the damn things actually fit.

    We have to watch what we get them because Tessa has some allergies but I'll definitely look into nylabones.

    Thanks for the compliment! :blush: I will definitely hate the ACT of bra shopping but I'm hoping to get something nice just for me to feel more comfortable.

    Liam IS adorable but he has a lot of scars on his nose, ears, and legs. The Animal Control guy (when we went to report a found dog and see if he was chipped) said he didn't think anyone would be looking for him. He thinks with all of his wounds and whatnot, he may have been a bait dog that someone just abandoned out in the country. That makes me SO MAD :rage: but I'm glad he found us.

    He has little doggy nightmares often and gets TERRIFIED if you accidentally knock something over or if you are too loud. So he may have been abused as well. :cry:
    He's learning that this is a house where the most injury he gets is a bop on the nose with the slipper he should not be chewing on. He gets *bop* No! and then a toy exchange. He's learned to leave my mother's slippers alone...apparently mine are still up for grabs sometimes. But I need a new pair anyway. :mrgreen: