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The official nightshift thread....



  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I love everything bagels!!! I just ate the last two tamales. :'( I miss them already...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited December 2015
    I gotta unload...sooo...sorry and or thanks in advance.

    I've been having "lady issues"...mentioned the cyst last week. Well, Tuesday I had some scary shizz happen so I call my doc. They tell me she wants to see me that day. I call my fiance and he comes home from work so he can take me and not have to bring the kiddo in the room with me. We get there and the doc was kinda rude to the lady in front of me, rushing her. (Last time I went, it felt rushed but that was the first time and I've gone to her for years.) I just thought "Eh, maybe she's having a bad day." She calls me in and she is in a big hurry telling me that someone is in the ultrasound room (which is what they said they were going to do over the phone) and she has a woman in labor. Fine, I get it, she is an OB...this happens. As I'm explaining my symptoms/issues she tells me it is either bowel related or "mid-cycle" related (I wasn't mid-cycle). She leaves the room and says she will get me in for an ultrasound as soon as she can. Comes back a few minutes later and says she has to go perfom a c-section and I need to reschedule after the holidays. No peeing in a cup, no pelvic exam, no nurse to check me out, no reference to another doc. I walked the fudge out and went to the ER. They couldn't figure out what was wrong so they told me to see my gyn...who I had just left! (They did acknowledge I clearly had more than one problem so I'm not just being a nut job.) The doc gave me a reference to a new gyn but I couldn't make an appointment last week. So now I still have all the issues and things are getting worse. I've had zero appetite for months, losing weight without trying...scary stuff.

    My fiance knows what is going on but he is such a effin weirdo about illness that I can't really talk to him about it...and he is being a complete selfish azzhole lately...just what I need right now! My anxiety has already been quite severe lately and now THIS? And then him stressing me out on TOP of it??

    Ugh. Again...I had to get this out. I don't have friends or really anyone to talk to. I don't want to tell my fiance I'm scared because then he will REALLY worry but the truth is...I'm scared. I don't get scared often...especially with health concerns but this time...

    I'm not asking for sympathy or expecting to be comforted with a "It will all be fine." I just need to get it off my chest and I know you guys are always good for listening...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    That stuff really can be scary...I remember the 1st Dr appt I went to with my issues, the nurse practitioner said, "Ok, first we gotta check ya for cancer!" Mind you, I was under a tremendous amount of stress at the time; my mom's kidney's were in the process of failing, but we didn't know that yet, she was in and out of the hospital, my stepdad was being a huge....well, it wasn't fun. Sooo, when I started to cry after she said the "c" word, she slapped me on the knee and was like, "YOU'RE GONNA BE FINE!"

    I did not go back to that office. I did not have cancer.

    Anyway, I wish there was something I could do, that stuff can feel really scary...but I will say a prayer for you!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Stuff like that is scary and if you're listing your symptoms as you did here, she should have been patient and thought about what they could do to give you some comfort until she could get you in for an ultrasound.
    You're scared, obviously, and that doctor was no help.
    I definitely understand the 'not having someone to talk to' about stuff and I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to vent to us.

    I'll be hoping with great fortitude that you can get some help with your stuff quickly and that it isn't anything major beyond a surgery to remove an offending ovary. I also hope that if you DO need surgery you get another doctor to do it. I wouldn't want her to be rushing around and leaving stuff in there... :angry:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    I sure hope after an appointment like that, she didn't charge you for the office call. If I acted like that, other vets would quit referring clients to me. What a jerk. Hope the new GYN is better.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Thanks for the kind words.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Oh wow. I hope you get it resolved soon and it's nothing super serious.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I sure hope after an appointment like that, she didn't charge you for the office call. If I acted like that, other vets would quit referring clients to me. What a jerk. Hope the new GYN is better.

    I bet YOU could fix her! :smiley:
  • Bonny132
    Bonny132 Posts: 3,617 Member
    Curiosity killed the cat after this showed up in my recent postings The official nightshift thread.... 666 new

    Saying that, I do hope you feel better soon, and that you need to have nothing more to do with that particular office, being understanding to someone who is scared should be high up on a Dr's list, unfortunately, a lot does get de-sensitived after a while, and forgets that each patient needs some level of emotional care as well as medical care. My step dad is a nurse, so we have discussed this quite a few times, as he sees it daily. Hope you get your results back soon and that it is good news (as in something that is easily treated, not invasive, and you'll recover quickly)
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    It is sleeting like crazy right now! Speaking of Mother Nature...the other day there was a tornado warning...right before we were to leave to celebrate a pre-Christmas. I got all of the cats in the basement (in case we needed to move quick...those jerks do not co-operate) and kept an eye on the news. They said one was confirmed over our city and they were moving fast. I looked our back window and could see the clouds moving SO fast coming from the direction that previous confirmed tornados. I grabbed pillows and comforters and we hung out in the basement for awhile...none ever formed in the "city" part of my city. It was only about 20 minutes or so from the time we first were alerted and the time we left but it got scary for a second!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Our head housekeeper calls every morning to ask how many rooms we had. She also never says bye or goodbye or any kind of closing word. I never know if the call is over until I see the line go dead. Wtf?
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    @Frankie_Felinius Good Lord, I hope you feel better soon and find a better Dr's office. They need some better staff or the staff needs to be reminded of bed side manners.

    I'm so tired of the rain and everything being wet. I can't take down my garland outside bc it's still wet. And rain chance everyday till this weekend.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Our head housekeeper calls every morning to ask how many rooms we had. She also never says bye or goodbye or any kind of closing word. I never know if the call is over until I see the line go dead. Wtf?


    Scary about the Tornadoes. As ya'll know, I live in Texas but thankfully, nothing near us at this time. It's just cold as SMURF outside!

    Thankfully, I have this hot ham, mashed sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole to keep me warm.

    Also, all this sodium plus my newly intensified workout regimen is probably why I haven't lost the 7 pounds I've gained since Christmas Eve.... :neutral:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    **TMI ALERT **

    Sooo...I call the doc I was referred to and she is out of town for two weeks. I was told this after I explained my symptoms and gave all my info. I asked for a reference to another doctor since I'm feeling sickly and I can't wait that long and they told me they didn't have any, that I had to wait two weeks to schedule an appointment. So, I go to the ER...again. Turns out, I'm just effin crazy. They did an ultrasound and found nothing, labs came back fine. The effed up part is that last time I felt this sensation, they diagnosed me with an ovarian cyst...this feels bigger and worse but there is nothing?? And my gastro found nothing yet I have nausea that stops me in my tracks 10 times a day everyday and my appetie is a quarter of what it was and I have diarrhea that keeps me from doing things some days. But nothing. And get this shizz...the day after I was in the ER last week, I developed a yeast infection. Somehow that wasn't picked up on the tests they ran. The doc said today "Well, it looks like a yeast infection, just waiting on the test to confirm it." She gets the test results and it shows NO YEAST INFECTION...yet I CLEARLY have one. WHAT?! The doc gives me an anti spasmodic saying this effin "baby" kicking is just gas or a muscle spasm. Guess what...it is nearly 12 hours later and those sensations are not any less.

    So it turns out I'm so effin crazy that I'm manifesting physical ailments that show up ON/IN my body but not on paper.

    What the actual fudge???

    I should be happy they didn't tell me they found anything suspicious but it is really effin difficult to be positive. Add this to the list of issues I have that don't really have successful treatments...you're just told to learn to "cope" with. I'm like, the opposite of a hypochondriac...I've had health issues since I was 18 and I just brushed them aside for YEARS until now when I feel like I'm falling apart...and I'm just looked at like I'm a nut.

    And I come in to work and the breakfast area is in an unacceptable state...again. Apparently if a breakfast person calls off...whoever takes over for them is allowed to do a horseshizz job. My effin' manager was here today and it still is unstocked, dirty and they left the creamer & waffle batter out...so both had to be tossed. This happened one month ago and I sent pics to my boss of the mess/emptines along with a note explaining how it was unacceptable. Gotta be kidding me...

    On the plus side? It snowed! Lots of snow! And it was a breeze to drive in thanks to my new tires.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited December 2015
    **TMI ALERT **

    Sooo...I call the doc I was referred to and she is out of town for two weeks. I was told this after I explained my symptoms and gave all my info. I asked for a reference to another doctor since I'm feeling sickly and I can't wait that long and they told me they didn't have any, that I had to wait two weeks to schedule an appointment. So, I go to the ER...again. Turns out, I'm just effin crazy. They did an ultrasound and found nothing, labs came back fine. The effed up part is that last time I felt this sensation, they diagnosed me with an ovarian cyst...this feels bigger and worse but there is nothing?? And my gastro found nothing yet I have nausea that stops me in my tracks 10 times a day everyday and my appetie is a quarter of what it was and I have diarrhea that keeps me from doing things some days. But nothing. And get this shizz...the day after I was in the ER last week, I developed a yeast infection. Somehow that wasn't picked up on the tests they ran. The doc said today "Well, it looks like a yeast infection, just waiting on the test to confirm it." She gets the test results and it shows NO YEAST INFECTION...yet I CLEARLY have one. WHAT?! The doc gives me an anti spasmodic saying this effin "baby" kicking is just gas or a muscle spasm. Guess what...it is nearly 12 hours later and those sensations are not any less.

    So it turns out I'm so effin crazy that I'm manifesting physical ailments that show up ON/IN my body but not on paper.

    What the actual fudge???

    I should be happy they didn't tell me they found anything suspicious but it is really effin difficult to be positive. Add this to the list of issues I have that don't really have successful treatments...you're just told to learn to "cope" with. I'm like, the opposite of a hypochondriac...I've had health issues since I was 18 and I just brushed them aside for YEARS until now when I feel like I'm falling apart...and I'm just looked at like I'm a nut.

    And I come in to work and the breakfast area is in an unacceptable state...again. Apparently if a breakfast person calls off...whoever takes over for them is allowed to do a horseshizz job. My effin' manager was here today and it still is unstocked, dirty and they left the creamer & waffle batter out...so both had to be tossed. This happened one month ago and I sent pics to my boss of the mess/emptines along with a note explaining how it was unacceptable. Gotta be kidding me...

    On the plus side? It snowed! Lots of snow! And it was a breeze to drive in thanks to my new tires.

    If it looked like a yeast infection but tests came back neg. did she test for a bacterial infection or Trichomonas vaginalis?
    Were you tested for any other STDs? Nevermind the fact that your partner is probably super faithful because you would murder him if he wasn't and I would help you hide the body... It doesn't matter where it came from right now. It only matters that you figure out what is wrong and how to get you better.
    Have they ruled out a parasite? I know you just had a colo-whatsit, but could it be possible you had a little parasite that was disrupted by all the 'activity'?

    At least you have snow! :grin:
    More importantly, I DON'T have snow! :innocent:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Always treat the patient, not the numbers. I don't care what the test said. If it looks like a duck and quack like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a yeast infection.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited December 2015
    Always treat the patient, not the numbers. I don't care what the test said. If it looks like a duck and quack like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a yeast infection.

    I thought it would be a duck..... :confused:
    Also, I thought I had a yeast infection and so did my doc until she tested and it was a bacterial infection and I had to take what felt like the worst antibiotic in the whole world. :mask:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited December 2015
    They tested for all of the above. Twice. Last week and today.

    The parasite thing is suspicious to me too...but it doesn't feel like it. It feels like a balloon being quickly slightly inflated and deflated, which are what kicks feel like...I just don't think that is what a parasite would feel like. And it is SO localized in one spot, which is more to the front and very low...where ovaries are. It feels like there is a lot of blood flow going there...you know what I mean? Probably not. It also feels like something is pressing on a nerve because my hip gets twitchy sometimes when "it" sits a certain way or whatever position I'm in bothers it. And twice since last week I've been hit with instant pain in my whole left hip area...lasted about 10-15 minutes both times. I just don't think it is a parasite but I did think of that as a possibility...

    The docs also don't seem to think all of this is related but it just so happens I have three different "lady" issues, my body is breaking out in hives, my digestive system is so haywire it affects my daily life, I developed a rash just in my undereye area and I'm having weird cystic acne popping up inside my ears. Not in my ear canal but behind that bony cartlidge up top...nothing that can be seen beause it is like between my skull and ear but painful. I'm erupting from the inside out...but none of it is related?
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Always treat the patient, not the numbers. I don't care what the test said. If it looks like a duck and quack like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a yeast infection.

    Agreed. You obviously have something going on...I hate they haven't found out what it is yet. Keep being persistent, you know your body best.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @Frankie_Felinius Paging Dr. House!