Group LLC September Challenge!



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart:heart: Tammie........... I am on the French adkins diet. It is a lot better than adkins to me. I am losing better than I ever have. my first week wont be up till Monday. I get lean protein, 1 1/2T oat bran a day, non fat cottage cheese, non fat greek yogur tl ots of waterThe beginning the second wek I will add non starches veggies every other day And keep alternateing betweem the two I am hoping to reach 10 lbs by
    Monday. and will make a big pot of veggies soup then. I am loving this and so far I have not been hungry

    to me the oat bran mixed in my yogurt taste like graham crackers. yummy no mesuring except the oat bran on the days i get veggies i get 2T oatbran.He says that is his secret weapon. This cme out in Women World a couple eeks ago. So far there is no book out here in the usa I tried to order on from Britton but they are sold out and put me on the waiting list, there is a lot of information on the web sit Just type in Dr. Dukan diet in search
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sept. 27 SW 2 05.1,
    Sept 28 Cw 201.5 lost- 3.6
    Sept 29 CW 200.5--lost 1 lb Total lost 4,6
    Sept 30 CW1 99,5 lost 1 lb, Total lost 5.6 lbs
    Oct. 1 CW 199.4 Gain .4 lb
    Oct 2 CW 19.7..6 ;ost 1.3 lb/ lost 1. 8 lb
    Oct 3
    Oct 4
    Oct 5
    Oct 6 ]
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sept. 27 SW 2 05.1,
    Sept 28 Cw 201.5 lost- 3.6
    Sept 29 CW 200.5--lost 1 lb Total lost 4,6
    Sept 30 CW1 99,5 lost 1 lb, Total lost 5.6 lbs
    Oct. 1 CW 199.4 Gain .4 lb
    Oct 2 CW 19.7..6 ;ost 1.3 lb/ lost 1. 8 lb
    Oct 3 cw 196..3 LOST 8 LS
    Oct 4
    Oct 5
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    They said st this point of the diet. you will lose 2 lbs per week. so I guess I have started it. So i will be checking in next Monday But will report in on my menue.Monu everyday.

    Breakfsast: scramble eggs with non fat cheese. 1/2 c yogut with 1 1/1 T of oatbran bbig glass of Crystal light. orange drink.

    lynch Deli Ham cottage cheese with salt nd peppe
    Suppe rgrilled fish. glass of milkSugar free Jello1/2 c cottage cheese,

    snack: 1/2 c yogurt. greek Sf Tomrrow I get veggies.

    :heart: marie
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hey everyone! Happy Monday! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry for not checking in, but most of you know I've had a rough week!

    So do you guys want a new October thread, or would you rather I started a new thread and we just kept it going until we hit 500 posts?? Thoughts? :smile:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hiya, ladies - I'm back from vaca, 6 pounds heavier, to be expected, but it'll come back off eventually...

    Won't have time to go back through all the posts, though - playing catchup at work, unfortunately....

    MARIE - sounds like you're doing GREAT! :happy:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I say we start a new Thread for October through December and maybe post up some Yummy LC Holiday Recipes and Challenges to get through all the Holiday get togethers! I know this month is already full of them for me and im trying to push myself to stay on track
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    @ tammie: so maybe we should do a holiday challenge thread! What does everyone think of that??
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I think that's a great Idea
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Ok everyone, starting today, let's post our challenges here:

    I'll keep this one running through the holiday season!!