Group LLC September Challenge!



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am challenger myself to losse 5 lbs by Holoween I am going to do it by eating lots of veggies and fruit. I planned on keeping my carbs to 100 a day I know I can't do 20 grams a day for any lenght of time.So I am going to be like a turtle lose slower but will win the race in the end.
  • dmhaag
    dmhaag Posts: 172 Member
    I saw a post about this LLC group on another thread called "Anyone Doing Atkins." I would be intersted in joining. I have been doing Atkins since January and have lost pretty consistently on it (over 50 pounds since January). I am in OWL now, with spurts back to Induction when I feel like I've hit a plateau. I also did original Atkins 6 years ago, and lost 70 lbs, but ended up moving in with my grandmother and her home cooked southern meals for a year, and gained it all back. I don't really like the tracking and message boards on the Atkins site, and love that there is a group here on MFP.
  • dmhaag
    dmhaag Posts: 172 Member
    OK I know I am starting the last week and a half left of this month, but I have a couple goals I actually want to accomplish before the 30th:

    1. I want to establish a more organized exercise plan. I have been doing it sporadically on days off and mornings when I don’t have to be in until a little later at work, but I have found that without a set plan it's harder to stick to. In my eating I am very organized, even down to the times that I eat every day. I need to do the same with my exercise, even if it means adding it as an alert on my iPhone calendar.

    2. I want to give up pre-packaged foods as much as possible, except in "emergency" situations. I've found that Atkins bars and other packaged foods stall my weight loss, and I actually notice I feel better on days when I don't eat them. I am down to about 3 days a week eating Atkins bars, but I would like to cut it down to just situations where I am away from home and I have one in my purse to tide me over if I don't have any suitable options.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    dmhaag Good morning and welcome to our group Sound like you are doing great on the adkin diet, Congrads to you. Keep it up. we all have to fine what best for our body:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: THIS IS A NEW WEEK and a new beginning Leaving all those high carbs behind me. . I do allow myself 1 piece of toast for breakfast, some fruit and 1 c cottage cheese
    :heart: For lunch I have 2 oz og lean protein, 2 cups of light veggies , fruit
    :heart: For dinner 2 oz of lean meat, 2 cups of light veggies, 1/2 cup corn or some other starchie veggies. , fruit

    :heart: Bedtime snaack 1 c grapes. or some other fruit

    I know this is more carbs most of you are eating but this keep my blood sugar under comtrol and keep me satisfy. I feel like I am in control:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Marie:heart: .

    Have a jolly week and happy eating

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Where are all of my buddies. this morning.?

    I am really begaining to like eatin all of these veggies for lunch and dinner. I am cooking a big mess of summer squash this morning.And a head of cabbage the scales is liking them too. my blood sugar is just great. This morning it was 79 the lowest it has ever been in the morning. I couldn't be happier. The fruits and veggies is pay off. and water. Have a wonderful day all. ,<<<<<hugs>>>>>> MArie
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Hello Marie! I'm not sure where everyone is! It's been very quiet since last week! :sad:

    YUM! I love squash! Glad that the changes you have made are paying off all the way around! :smile:

    Welcome dmhaag! :flowerforyou: Great goals! Be sure to check in with us often to help keep yourself and everyone else accountable!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Happy Hump Day ladies! How's everyone doing today? :flowerforyou:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Good Morning my LC Family :happy:

    My challenge for the rest of the week is to drink a lot of water :drinker:, Eat very LC since i have been off for a week now and to Workout very hard this week....

    Hope everyone is doing great and is having a wonderful wednesday
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My challenge for today is increase my water. I have already had 3 glases and plan on 2 more by noon. I am just shooting for 8 glasses a day for now. For the passed 3 mornings my blood sugar has been below 70 That has never happen to me before. All these veggies and fruit is paying off. I also get lots of water in my fruits and veggies.

  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Good morning and happy autumn! :smile: Well...I wish it felt like fall! It's freakin' 95 here today!! :noway: Going to be this way through Saturday. Ugh.

    Great job Marie! Glad to hear that you're getting your blood sugar under control!! :drinker:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I wish it felt like autumn here! Today it's going to be around 87's by the weekend we will be over 100 around here i hate it.. I can't wait for cold weather and be able to go for walks with out sweating to death.... Hope everyone has a great day!
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    You and me both girl! I'm so sick of this heat!! Won't it ever go away?! I want cool, crisp mornings where I can see my breath! I want to snuggle on the couch with a hot cup of chai tea in the evenings!! Where is fall?!?!?!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    saverys Here is one of my faverite way for chicken. I seen here you were looking for some chicken recipes
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Thanks Marie! I am looking for some new chicken recipes to serve to my picky husband who seems to be like a 2 year old in his eating habits!! :grumble:
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    How about pouring mushroom soup over chicken thighs and baking it until the skin is nice and crispy! :bigsmile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    iN THIS WEEK woman world mag. there is new diet the French 's Adkins diet. claim you can lose 1 3 lbs a week. you primary just eat lean meat,egg whites greek fat free yogurt, faat free cottage heese on phase one called the attack phase and the next day you add light veggies, you alternate betsween the two phase. everyother day. Too much protein for me.

    I am going thru something I don't understand. My blood sugar is running a lot lower than it ever has no matter what i eat. I called the doctor and the nurse said when I have a low drink orange juice. I think I really. need to see the doctor. about this. my fasting blood sugar this morning was 66 and has been like that for 4 or 5 days.. And that is very unseable for me. way unseally . We have plenty of orange juice on hand And I have quit taken my insulin, Will see if I can go see the doctor monday morning, and take my record with me.
  • ColetteDuchnowski
    How about pouring mushroom soup over chicken thighs and baking it until the skin is nice and crispy! :bigsmile:

    That sounds good. What is the carb count for mushroom soup?
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    For 1/2 Cup it's about 9 carbs and 2 grams fiber
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Sounds like something I would totally eat. :happy:

    Beware the sodium in the canned soup though-they can be crazy sky high!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi My ffirst day on this french diet I lost 3.6 lbs. I know it was a lot of water for I pee allday and night. But I take it anyway I can, It went find yesterday. I had about 60 carbs it all came from cottage heese and non fat milk. So did a lot of sodium. Be going to grocer store in the morning. Will check sodium out on cottage cheese. and greek yogurt, I love drinking the milk. The chicken wasn't bad either. I will stay on this till Saturday and then will be adding some veggies everyother day. I had cottage cheese, non fat milk, and grilled chicken yesterday. Today it will be the same until Saturday morning when i start adding veggies every other day, I eat some od thw premited whenever I felt like eating, I tried to order his book but amazone do not have any, But there is a lot of information on the internet, Will be reporting in again tomorrow,

    :heart: Marie
    Sept. 27:heart: SW 2 05.1,
    Sept 28 :heart: Cw 201.5 -- 3.6
    Sept 29
    Sept 30
    Oct. 1
    Oct 2