Over 200 New year New Me Part 33



  • purpleprose
    I'm a little peeved at the scale this morning because it was mean to me! It showed 188.0, which is ridiculous considering I had lower sodium yesterday than a normal day for me. I'm having crazy fluctuations this week, apparently and I'm hoping to see 185 again tomorrow morning.

    My weights for this week:
    Tuesday: 189.0
    Wednesday: 185.0
    Thursday: 188.0

    So weird..I've been better on my sodium, have been drinking my water AND I have at least another week before TOM visits. What gives?

    I feel your pain. My scale has been whackadoodle all freaking week! I hope that it shows you a better number tomorrow morning.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    so dead this morning...where is everyone.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Quick check-in for yesterday.

    Cals : Under w/exercise = 1480
    Water: 128 oz
    Fiber: 33 grams (over by 19!)
    Exercise: Hot Yoga for an hour = 425 cals burned
    Proud: Good day full of good eating, water drinking, and exercise. Don't get much better than that!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Congrats Deb on sticking that 240's even with pizza.You should be proud!!
    Heather-I am sure you will see 185 again very soon so don't sweat it.
    Momma- you definitely do need to take care of you!!Get at it!!
    Purple-Keep working hard and I am sure your scale will reflect it soon

    My tummy has been bothering me for the past few days.Not sure if its a virus or just bloated but either way I am miserable.Managed to stay within calories yesterday and eating very light today because my tummy hurts.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Nancy -- Hugs to you. Like Deb said, it's almost the weekend, woot!
    Deb -- Woohoo to 249!!!
    Heather -- Scales are lame.. My weight tends to fluctuate like crazy from day to day no matter how good I am. Then when I'm bad, the fluctuations become almost unbelievable. Days later, I'm still recovering from my 4 days nutso-fest.
    Purple -- Hooray, to relosing! I'm in that boat with you.
    Ann -- Feel better soon!

    I was up nearly 8 pounds (yeah.. 8) from my lowest ever weight (191.8) on Tuesday morning. This morning I'm back down to 196.2 so I'm feeling better but definitely not good about that number. My lowest weigh-in weight is 193.0 so I'm definitely not going to show a loss this week. I'll be happy just to flush out another pound or so of this (hopefully) water weight.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - love your new ticker :smile: Love the baby :bigsmile: and the 43 lbs to go...you can do it !!!!

    I am in tears right now (good tears)!! I am trying to figure out hte payment plan for my mom since she paid for serena's surgery and all , well Jeremy's bonus wasn't as much as i thought, so i was sending it to her what we could pay,...she told me don't pay her back. She said put the money to my student loans or our new house...i really really was paying her back , but this helps soo much with our house fund

    There is still some money i will owe for serena's surgery, that i owe to the hospital and anesthesiologist and stuff, but soon as i get bills i am going to call and make arrangements, usually they will.

    I feel soo blessed to have such a wonderful mother, she has helped us out financally over the last few years alot, and helps with the girls all the time.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-Yes it's time to fix momma! You are a priority too and you wanna be around forever for your family. Love you. Take care of yourself!

    Nancy-Hugs! Hope this school year isn't as rough as it has started out to be.

    Deb-Whoa! 70 pounds. That's so great!! Even with the pizza. I'm a little envious.

    Heather-I've been the same way. I've been all over the place on the scale this week. Lets blame gravity or something. I dunno! I almost threw mine out the window this morning.

    Julie-I'm right there with you. I was up 7 pounds Tuesday. Ridiculous! What gives!? Here's to hoping you see another pound or two drop by tomorrow!

    Okay. So....I have decided that I blame not losing and the ups and downs on the scale on ME!!!:explode: Me being naughty and going out to eat. Even if they were more healthy choices. My wallet can't afford it and my body doesn't want it. I'm tired of the 211 and up I have been seeing and I'm over it. Starting today no eating out for me for lunch! I will allow myself to eat dinner out once a week if I behave during the week for lunch. This will help me lose weight and my poor checking account.

    I got up and went to the gym this morning. I originally shut off my alarm and was going to go back to sleep because my throat still hurt. I laid there for about 5 or 10 minutes and said "nope Jessica..no more excuses get your big fat *kitten* out of bed" and I did. And I did interval running and it kicked my BUTT! I almost died on the 5 minute jogs...I didn't like that AT ALL! I'm hitting up yoga class tonight with my friend..pretty excited..thinking maybe some light cardio tomorrow and then cycling class Saturday. I'll stop rambling now.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-WOW I know how that feels when a Mom tells you not to worry about it. You have a wonderful Mother! Sooooo happy for you!! My parents did a similar thing for me when I went to go buy my last car. Yay for getting to save money!!

    Julie-I meant to comment yesterday on your ticker. Love the baby! Does somebody have baby fever now?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Way to go on getting up early for the gym and deciding not to eat out for lunches. You can and WILL get past the 211 soon.

    Deb: Your mom sounds like a wonderful lady. I'm so glad she's been able to help you out so that you can take care of other things. So awesome! Give her a big hug!

    Julie: I'm sure you'll be able to get rid of some more water weight. I'm irritated because the scale was mean even though I was really good yesterday, even with the potluck at work. But, being female isn't easy, I guess. I don't think men even realize how lucky they are!

    Today I'm pondering what I want to be when I grow up. For a while I was thinking personal trainer (and still am considering it), but my co-worker suggested physical therapy because of how I light up when I talk about the kids I volunteer with. I know I need to do something different and that I'll need to go back to school for a career change...well, and because I do want a bachelors degree. I just don't know where to start or who to talk to in order to find out what would be a good match for me. I wish going back to school weren't so expensive!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good morning gals,

    It has been so long and I am still not caugh up on posts..sorry. It has been a really long month for me especially with Ramadan...well ltoday is the last day of fasting/Ramadan, followed by a 3 day EID al fitr, festival/holiday that symbolizes the celebration of Break-fasting. Hubby and I plan on taking the kids to a mini vacation ( friday - Sunday) so for 3 days they will play and have lots of fun before school really starts. It's a well deserved trip...

    I will be back to normal and doing my normal thing(s) first thing MONDAY morning.

    I am still 201.8 - 202.4 so I am hoping to be below 200 in 2 - 3 weeks...I think I can..I think I can.

    Have a great day girls!!!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-Thanks for the encouragement. I really want to stick with this plan. I'd love to be out of the 200's by the wedding. It's gonna be tuff but I think doable if I can stay focused. I like the idea of physical therapy. Sounds like something you would really be interested in. But I wish school wasn't so expensive too. Makes it difficult to really wanna go back.

    Laila-That's great that you have been able to maintain your weight! I know you will see the 190's soon. We miss you! Have a great time on your vacation.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - you sound like you have a plan...the eating out gets to you both on the scale and the $$$. We used to go out all the time , i would go out at lunch too..guess that is why i was over $300 and broke :sad: We know try to limit eating out to 1x a week.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    okay we are such dorks !!!

    ON saturday mom is getting the girls...We are going to studio movie grill...lvoe that place...hubby snagged free tickets so we just need to pay for the dinner...they have awesome coconut and panko crum chicken tenders...yummmy..

    anyway...so before that we are going to go to the mall and go try on clothes :smile: we will probably not buy anything as we have no money and don't want to waste $$ when we still have weight to loose...buy hubby is only like 25 lbs away from his 1st goal (of 225 lbs,) he thinks he will go lower more like maybe 200...but all his clothes are too big, we are really curious what he really can fit int.

    Of course i want to try on stuff too :smile: I have smaller stuff in my closet but not the same as getting something of the rack and trying it fits...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-How great is it you look forward to trying clothes on!? Its a good feeling huh? Enjoy your weekend with your hunny!

    Okay so I wanna know what you guys think of my plan of attack for meals tonight. I'm leaving work at 6 to drive home and change and then head to Yoga. So instead of eating at 9:30-10 for dinner and starving at yoga this is my plan. About 5:30 I'm going to have some tuna salad with crackers that I'm going to make. Then I was thinking a protein smoothie tonight when I got home. I need some calories so I was thinking peanut butter and a banana..what do you guys think? I don't want to eat real heavy really late at night and don't want to starve at yoga. I'm high on the sodium today too because I had cottage cheese for breakfast. I'm assuming I'm gonna have to add ice or something to the smoothie to make it creamy. Let me know! Thanks!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Deb: Have fun trying on clothes!

    Laila: Glad you'll be back with us more starting Monday. I've missed you! You'll be in the 190s soon. Yay!

    Jess: Your plan of attack sounds good to me. You definitely don't want to be running low on fuel for yoga; nor do you want to eat anything heavy before yoga!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks Heather. I've got this tuna at work so I figured I would make it and eat it before I leave. That gives it a good hour and a half to 2 hours to settle. Then have a yummy protein shake tonight.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess: Sounds good. I've become a big fan of lots of small meals. I hate feeling full & heavy now. Blech!
    And the key to a creamy smoothie is totally half or 1/3 of a banana. :smile: I know you've mentioned something about being lactose intolerant, right? Do you eat yogurt (I know a lot of folks who can handle yogurt much better than milk or cheese)? I can't recall. But if you do, I love a protein smoothie with protein powder, 4oz yogurt, a cup or so of frozen strawberries, and 1/2 a banana (Add a little water to make it more drinkable. Or no water if I want a soft-serve consistency.). If yogurt is a no-go I suppose you can use soy/almond milk instead, right?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-I am lactose intolerant. Depending on what it is depends on how much it bothers my stomach. If that makes sense. I still eat cheese, in moderation, but I can't stand to drink regular milk. I do eat some kind of yogurts. Mostly the greek kind. They don't seem to bother me. I can do the soy and almond or rice milk. I completely forgot about putting the almond milk in it though. Great idea! I know my Mom has some at home, least I HOPE she still does. Now I'm excited about this smoothie! :laugh: Was gonna throw some peanut butter in there cause I need the calories and lets face it, I love peanut butter like you do!

    I can't seem to eat big meals either without feeling like a bloated cow. If it's over 400 I'm hurting! :sick:
  • purpleprose
    Jess - Congrats on making the decision to stop eating lunch out...I think that you're right, that even making healthier decisions when eating out are never as healthy as what you eat when you make it yourself. :flowerforyou: I hope you see some benefit from that soon.

    Deb - have fun trying on clothes! It's always nice to find that you fit into a smaller size than you did even just a few months ago.

    Julie - that smoothie sounds delicious - I'll totally be stealing that recipe from you! :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- I use plain greek yogurt in my smoothies. :wink: And because of that, sometimes I add a packet of Splenda (GASP! :laugh:) if the strawberries & banana aren't ripe/sweet. You could also just add sugar or honey or whatever.