Over 200 New year New Me Part 33



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Meokk-You can totally o the 5 pounds by your fitting. Your going to look beautiful in your dress!

    So I just got offered tickets to tomorrow nights baseball game. Rangers VS Yankees...pretty excited! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, Jess, look how skinny your legs look in your new pic!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Deb: I definitely also know what you mean about being the "fat couple." My boyfriend and I are the chubbiest in his group of friends, but we're so close to being close to a few of the other couples. Like one of his friends said, if we keep up our hiking and snowshoeing, we'll be the "skinny couple." Oh, how I wish!

    This is funny. I just realized my husband is BY FAR the fittest guy among our closest couple friends in town (we really only regularly hang out as a couple with 2 other couples since most of our other friends either moved away or never lived here). And, yep, I'm the fat girl. :laugh: Score! There is another couple we hang out with occasionally and the guy is SUPER skinny. But the girl is bigger than me. Couples are apparently all wonky in this city. Bud I do think dh and I are the fittest couple overall, so that's nice. :laugh: The 2 couples we hang out with regularly are becoming more and more active with us so that's really cool. We play tennis with one couple & I think now that I've gotten the guy in couple #2 on board with eating better & exercising (he's lost 30 pounds since June, by the way!!!), we'll probably start playing with them, too. Too bad we all royally suck at tennis. :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow, Jess, look how skinny your legs look in your new pic!

    I never noticed till you pointed it out! Holy smokes I look like one of those "girls" wearing a dudes jersey! Thank you:smile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Wow, Jess, look how skinny your legs look in your new pic!

    I never noticed till you pointed it out! Holy smokes I look like one of those "girls" wearing a dudes jersey! Thank you:smile:

    Your legs do look really skinny and I agree it looks like that jersey is not yours ...it is very big on you...:smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wow, Jess, look how skinny your legs look in your new pic!

    I never noticed till you pointed it out! Holy smokes I look like one of those "girls" wearing a dudes jersey! Thank you:smile:

    Your legs do look really skinny and I agree it looks like that jersey is not yours ...it is very big on you...:smile:

    HAHA...it's not..my Cowboys jerseys I have are all XL's and they are the "fake" ones. and my friend had a size Large so it's his...but it's stil too big.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Wow, Jess, look how skinny your legs look in your new pic!

    I never noticed till you pointed it out! Holy smokes I look like one of those "girls" wearing a dudes jersey! Thank you:smile:

    Your legs do look really skinny and I agree it looks like that jersey is not yours ...it is very big on you...:smile:

    HAHA...it's not..my Cowboys jerseys I have are all XL's and they are the "fake" ones. and my friend had a size Large so it's his...but it's stil too big.

    That is awesome that the large is that big on you...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow, Jess, look how skinny your legs look in your new pic!

    That's EXACTLY what I thought when I saw it!! Jess, I think your legs are smaller than mine will EVER be! :laugh:
  • purpleprose
    Jess - I love the "girl in a boy's clothes" look, and you're definitely rocking it! I prefer darker hair, but I think that's just me....I have really dark reddish brown hair that I really don't do much to, color-wise. What color is the dress? Sometimes that's useful...if it's pale green or something, I wouldn't wan to be blonde in it!

    Julie - yay on being down 5 pounds/ up a quarter of an inch! Isn't it nice to know that your scale at home matches "official" scales? I was paranoid about using the Wii for awhile until it was confirmed at the doctor and at the gym. And congrats on one year with MFP - I'm not sure I was able to say that a few days ago.

    Deb - Halfway in one year is amazing, so keep up the work! I'm also tired of being "that fat girl" in a new place or job, so I totally get where you're coming from. I have to start interviewing for jobs soon, and I really really do not want to do it fat.

    Meokk - I hope we get to see pics of the dress and congrats on your loss, regardless of how small it is a loss is a loss (that's what I tell myself, anyway).

    Elmo - I miss yoga in the park! Congrats on your loss and there really are times I wish I was back in the city. I miss Park Slope.

    I think/hope I got everyone. It's nice to see the board so busy today as it's been really quiet here this week!

    Yesterday was good...went to a friend's house for Jersey Shore and one of my girl friends said I looked "tiny" (which is ridic as I'm still at 260ish pounds), but when I protested, she said that I definitely looked smaller and asked if I was losing weight. When I said I'd lost nearly 25 pounds she and several of my other friends gave me high fives and stuff, which was sweet. AND made me feel good! Having baggy pants is awesome, but having someone notice and comment was really amazing. :happy:

    On another note, I realized I never told any of yall my name...it's Allison! And now it's time for the pool.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    purple-Thank you for the wonderful compliment. The dresses are actually a very rich brown. Theres a pic in my profile of it. And it's so great to hear the compliments from other people. Knows your hard work is paying off. My best friend always tells me I'm getting all skinny and it makes my day!

    Julie-My legs aren't all that small. Must be the denim making them look small. I can finally fit my calves into boots, I think they are about 14 inches around but my thighs are still pretty big...about 24 inches or so..not too sure. But nonetheless..thank you! I love hearing it! Makes my day and makes me smile.

    So far I have been pretty good with the snacks. Only had 1 cookie, a handfull of popcorn, a few cocktail weenies (or whisky d!cks as I like to call them) and some chicken and dumplings for lunch...sounds like a lot but it could be way worse. Just a little bit. That's all I need.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allison: I think it's fantastic that your friends are being supportive and commenting that they see the changes. Woo hoo!

    Julie: I wish we had active couples to do things with, but our friends tend not to leave their houses. Several of them use having children as their excuse to never go anywhere, but considering my bf has a son, that's an excuse we're not buying!

    Jess: Looks like you need to shop for a smaller jersey. I forget what color your dress is too, but it's a darker color, isn't it?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I am totally calling cocktail weenies "whiskey ****s" from now on! Thanks!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Haha, guess no one with the name D!ck should use MFP since they bleep it out!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Haha, guess no one with the name D!ck should use MFP since they bleep it out!!

    Yeah it does!! LOL I went back and edited it. My manager calls them that and I ilke them way better then cocktail weenies...

    My dress is brown and I have a pink peak a boo skirt..I do need a smaller jersey! I'm just borrowing this one. Maybe my sisers I'll steal my sisters! :tongue:

    I'm so excited. I got my whole crew up at work to get on the weight loss band wagon starting Monday!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - that is good you got everybody at work to get on the bandwagon, that should make it a lot easier for you.

    I agree it makes you feel really good when other completment or notice your weight loss. my mom's husband who is a old angry grump , has said that both me and hubby are looking good.

    We calculated today me and DH together have lost more than my sister :) probably her soaking wet holding some weights :smile: She weighs about 120 (yeah don't ask how we are releated, cause i don't think i could ever get down there), but she has much smaller frame...anyway...we have lost 134 combined...when you put it like that it is hard to imagine us togther carrying my sister on our back :smile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess - that is good you got everybody at work to get on the bandwagon, that should make it a lot easier for you.

    I agree it makes you feel really good when other completment or notice your weight loss. my mom's husband who is a old angry grump , has said that both me and hubby are looking good.

    We calculated today me and DH together have lost more than my sister :) probably her soaking wet holding some weights :smile: She weighs about 120 (yeah don't ask how we are releated, cause i don't think i could ever get down there), but she has much smaller frame...anyway...we have lost 134 combined...when you put it like that it is hard to imagine us togther carrying my sister on our back :smile:

    Yeah I'm really excited. Were going to each put in $20 and whoever loses the most % wise by a set date will win the money too. Plus we get paid at work for losing weight too. It's all win win situations!

    My sister is the same Deb! She's maybe 120...and that's after having a baby too. Only she gains 50 pounds and goes right back to a size zero. She can shop in a jr's department and she's 34 years old. Makes me sick. She takes after my Mom's side and I take after my Dad's...so I'm built all...big! LOL
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - that is good you got everybody at work to get on the bandwagon, that should make it a lot easier for you.

    I agree it makes you feel really good when other completment or notice your weight loss. my mom's husband who is a old angry grump , has said that both me and hubby are looking good.

    We calculated today me and DH together have lost more than my sister :) probably her soaking wet holding some weights :smile: She weighs about 120 (yeah don't ask how we are releated, cause i don't think i could ever get down there), but she has much smaller frame...anyway...we have lost 134 combined...when you put it like that it is hard to imagine us togther carrying my sister on our back :smile:

    Yeah I'm really excited. Were going to each put in $20 and whoever loses the most % wise by a set date will win the money too. Plus we get paid at work for losing weight too. It's all win win situations!

    My sister is the same Deb! She's maybe 120...and that's after having a baby too. Only she gains 50 pounds and goes right back to a size zero. She can shop in a jr's department and she's 34 years old. Makes me sick. She takes after my Mom's side and I take after my Dad's...so I'm built all...big! LOL

    My sister is 44 and she wears like a 2 , of course she wears like a size 6 shoe and i wear a honker of an 11. She takes after my mom said too...my grandma was a rail , my mom too until her 30's or 40's...she eats like a freaking bird ...she lives on ceral and tv dinners...guess it works for her but i like my food :smile: My middle sister is between us both, she is like 160 and very atheltic...i really think if i was skinny i am built more like her she has bigger hips and such...

    My dad is not build big, but my grandma and my aunt are , have lots bigger features...i got a big nose, big hands and big feet!!! I have faced it i will never be in the "petite category"
  • Danielle_81
    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%
    Littlespy............. 0....................... 0%

    So I got on the scale and was down another 0.8lbs from 2 weeks ago. I was so shocked I actually got tears in my eyes a little bit! I scared DH he thought I hurt myself or something :laugh: I just said no I've lost more weight! I have been hesitant to say I'm out of the 280's for good, but I will say it now because I believe it now!! No more 280's. Here's to 260's soon!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I almost wish I could relate to those of you with skinny sisters.
    I don't have a sister, which is fine, but my brother is BIG. He was never chubby at all until college. He was actually pretty fit as far as I can remember. But he's big now. Like I majorly worry about him big. :frown: It makes me really sad because he's really really unhealthy. His wife is big, too, but she's been big since I've known her (10+ years?). I'd guess she weighs about the same as my brother or more (maybe 175-200 pounds overweight. Of course I'm not judging, I just wanted to give a reference) and she's probably 5'7-5'8" or so. I wish I could convince them to take better care of themselves. My brother referred to me as "scrawny" the last time he saw me. That's probably one of the most condescending ways to comment on someone's weightloss. I know he was kidding, but really?

    My SIL wears a size 11 shoe, too, Deb. :laugh: I always thought I had pretty big feet, too (usually size 9), especially for my height. It's funny, my SIL's sister is pregnant and just posted an ultrasound picture on facebook and all you can see of the baby is a big honkin' foot so they're joking about how the baby girl inherited feet like her auntie. :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Julie - me and hubby have had this converstaion since we are on the path to being healthy we want others to do the same, all you can do is give them information, they will have to do on their own time..I know for years we were big, people would say about diets and we were like nah...then something just clicked in us...we don't want to do this anymore...we have to do something...

    i used to wear a 10 ..but my babies make my feet grow...what i have been told is that they have made my arches collapse probably didn't help i don't wear shoes that much espscially when i was pregant...

    So i will be skinny with big feet !!! They will think i am a clown :smile: so when i reach my goal weight please don't let me by any red shoes...and i already have curly hair so no bright red hair dye either :bigsmile: