Over 200 New year New Me Part 33



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay girls. I want your opinions! It's the time of year I usually color my hair dark. My cousins coming into town next weekend so we need to do something. Either re do highlites or go dark like I did last year. Let me know what you think. Like me in the light hair or the dark? Here's a pic of me in the dark hair last year. Please excuse my d-bag ex boyfriend in the pic. No photo editor at work and this is the best pic I have of the color. I will be more tan this year as I am tanning for my sisters wedding.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - WTG on maintaining...you will see a loss next week i know it !!!!

    On the hair, i like them both..think about what you think would look better for your sisters wedding...I like the darker personally it is much richer, but i have always been a brunette (well there is that time i had my hair purple, but that is a different story :smile: )
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Purple hair? That's awesome! I've always been a blonde until the last few years I always go dark during the fall and blonde in the summer. So far everybody seems to be a fan of the lighter hair. We shall see! I was digging the dark last year but it really washed me out since I was so pale.

    Deb-Just wanted to say how proud of you I am! You have done so well these last few months. You really put your mind to it! Your doing awesome!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Purple hair? That's awesome! I've always been a blonde until the last few years I always go dark during the fall and blonde in the summer. So far everybody seems to be a fan of the lighter hair. We shall see! I was digging the dark last year but it really washed me out since I was so pale.

    Deb-Just wanted to say how proud of you I am! You have done so well these last few months. You really put your mind to it! Your doing awesome!

    yeah , i was young !! My mom and sister had a cow....I have like light brown hair, i have done it red like auburn and dark brown, i didn't like those too well it was just too dark for me. I want to go lighter, but my sister doesn't want to do it, she will put color on but not stripping color out :sad: I am very pale ..i love abby's hair color i wish i had it :smile: it is light brown but lots of blond highlights...it is soo pretty...

    Thank you very much!!! It feels soo good to hit almost 70 lbs , but then i turn around and see i am not even to my 1/2 way mark yet...i know i will get there, i just got to keep at it...I think joining the gym in may is what did it...for the most part i just go, the more i work out the more i don't want to sabatoge my good work...it helps sooo much that hubby is 150% in this..

    We are thinking of getting pictures done at christmas, last time we took pics was when abby was 2 (she will be 4 in decembmer) and i was definetly over 300 lbs. I saw the pick (very large) at my moms a few weeks ago, and was like damn i was fat...not like that i am skinny now..I like to get the girls pics taken , and it will be abby's 4th bday so if we can get some $$ i think we will go and gte them taken..I won't be at my goal or anything but definetly over 1/2 way.

    anyway...thank you !!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%

    Jess I like the dark too but then again I am a brunette.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%

    Jess I like the dark too but then again I am a brunette.

    Momma - WTG on the 2 # ...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: What color hair do the bride and other bridesmaids have? It may help you determine what would look best for the wedding.

    Deb: Jess is right; you are doing awesome! Way to go on seeing the 240s!

    As for me, the scale said 187.4. I am not changing my ticker because I know 185 will be back soon. It's frustrating, but I'm comfortable in knowing I've done what I should be doing this week with staying in my calories, drinking my water, doing ok on the sodium and being active.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 93
    Sodium: Over by 1260
    Fiber: 12
    Water: 86.7 oz.
    Exercise: jogging with the rider who wanted to trot for most of a 30 minute session!
    Proud: That I have such an awesome boyfriend. When I got home from volunteering last night, dinner was ready and waiting for me, he gave me a full body massage without me asking, then on to bed pilates. Is it any wonder I love the guy?
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks Debbie it has been a long time and I am ready to get back to it.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-I think your right. It seems after you joined the gym and hubby got on board you really started to kick it in the rear. And I think pictures is a fantastic idea!! I thought about doing something like that when I get to my goal. I hated my senior pictures and lets face it, this girl isn't getting married anytime soon. So thought it might be kinda nice to do glamour shots or something. We'll see.

    Heather-185 WILL be back!! I don't blame you for lovin that man. He sounds amazing. Can we clone him maybe!? As far as the other girls..lemme think..maid of honor has light brown hair last time I saw her..about my color..1 bridesmaid has darker brown hair and the other one, my soon to be niece has almost black short hair...soo...if I keep what I've got it'll be similar to everybody else.

    Momma-Way to rock the 2 pounds loss! Way to have a come back! Glad to hear Ryan is still hanging in there!!

    By the way I heard from Cris last night. She said she will be back she's just not ready yet. Just wanted to keep you all in the loop.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%

    Let me just say I was shocked when I stepped on the scale and got 174.0, but it happened over and over again, so I guess it's legit.

    Check-in from yesterday:
    Cals - 12 cals over w/exercise = 1463
    Water - 64 oz
    Fiber - 21 g (7 over)
    Exercise - Walked a mile at lunch, yoga in the park for an hour
    Proud - 174!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    elmo - Way to rock it !!!!! You go girl!!!!

    Jess - We love this place called Portrait innovations..they don't do the standard camera on a tripod and cheese...they take litterly like 100 + pics with the photoagrpher holding the camera's so they can get great shots and take several in a row, especially for the little ones it is great...since they don't always do the best.

    I am about 1 month away from our 1 yr w/ mfp...Hubby was on with me (well i did all his calorie entry and stuff), but then once he joined the gym, he got really into it ...I am hoping by my 1 yr anniversy with MFP i will be past the 1/2 way mark..then at least i will have less to lose than i have lost...I know in reality it will be probably another year before I am to my goal (and who knows if that is really my final goal)..

    I am hoping to be as close to my 1st goal (168 ) as possible when we move next summer. We will move in a new neighboorhood which we don't know anybody, and would be nice to start out as not the "fat couple", there are soo many activites in our new neighboorhood and wnat to be able to hit the ground going.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    No loss for me this week (lame). TOM can't decide if it wants to start or not... one day yes... the next day no... and then yes but no... and no... but then yes... AAHHH!!!

    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%
    Littlespy............. 0....................... 0%

    Lauren -- That rocks! 174.0 is my "Hey, I'm not obese anymore!" weight, so I'll be insanely excited to be where you are!

    I'm super happy with the 194.4 I got this morning. I'm down 5 freaking pounds from Tuesday. Awesome. New year (with MFP), fresh start. I'm loving my 1500 net cal plan.

    I had a health screening this morning. I weighed 197.0 with my clothes & shoes on after drinking a glass of water so I'm glad to know my scale is on par with a doctor's scale (it agrees with the scale at the gym as far as I can tell, too). I grew up in a house full of scales (okay, so there was only 1 scale) that always read like 15 pounds lighter than a doctor's scale so that's a nice change. Also, I'm about 3/4" taller than I thought! 5'4.25"! Wowee! :laugh: Not that big of a deal because I've always claimed 5'4" but I guess it does mean I'm just a little less fat than I thought. :tongue:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren-Way to rock the 174! Great job!

    Julie-YAY for dropping the 5 pounds of what not this week! Feels good to drop that and maintain rather then gain!

    Deb-I think your plan sounds fabulous. I know what you mean about not wanting to be the fat new couple in the neighborhood. You will have come so much further in a year. Keep at it. Your doing great!

    So were having a football themed day at work. Lots of snacks. UGH! So tempting. Must be good must be good must be good!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- I like the dark hair!

    I dye my hair dark so I'm obviously partial to dark hair in general.

    I'm with Deb on the crazy colors. I used to dye 2 sections of my hair in high school. Blue, purple, green, red, pink, orange. Yep, I've had hair all those colors. I had really blonde hair when I was little. As I got older, it turned dirty blonde/light brown which I think is totally boring. I'm super pale but I look better with dark hair. I guess I dig the washed out look. :laugh: I have a pink skin tone so I guess that helps me look irish instead of sick and pale. :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Lauren-Way to rock the 174! Great job!

    Julie-YAY for dropping the 5 pounds of what not this week! Feels good to drop that and maintain rather then gain!

    Deb-I think your plan sounds fabulous. I know what you mean about not wanting to be the fat new couple in the neighborhood. You will have come so much further in a year. Keep at it. Your doing great!

    So were having a football themed day at work. Lots of snacks. UGH! So tempting. Must be good must be good must be good!
    Julie - YAY for the 5 lbs and the little more height, i have shurnk an inch and would be jumping for joy if the dr told me i was back up to 5'7 :smile:
    jess - YOU can do it !!! YOu can do it!!! Avoid the snacks avoid the snacks, (or just take a little)...they bring any healthy snakcs, carrots or celery?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Missing you all and this week was, once again, super busy and stressful.

    TOM blew into town overnight so I didn't show much of a loss on the scale but down 0.2 and I know that will be more in a few days as I feel quite bloated. So that's proof to me that the higher calories is still working. My net cals most days were in the mid 1400s.
    I had my first dress fitting on Tuesday and since the bodice is going to be very fitted and tight she says I can lose what I want for the next 3 weeks but then we'll do the final fitting and I CANNOT lose more than 2 or 3 lbs after that before the wedding which will be another 3 weeks. Since my losses have slowed - I don't think it will be a problem but I have to be careful.
    So, I have a mini goal of losing 5 lbs before Sept 28th which will put me at 167.6 and back into the 160s for the first time in 10 years.
    xoxo to all!!!!

    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%
    Littlespy............. 0....................... 0%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    meokk - good luck on loosing the 5lbs before the fitting. I am sure you are going to be looking great!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Congrats on being taller than you thought!

    Jess: Since the rest of the girls are brunettes, you could stay with your current color or go darker. I was just thinking if all the girls were blond, you'd really stick out if you went dark. As far as cloning Nate, you could certainly try, as long as I get to keep the original! Oh, and thanks for the update on Cris.

    Meokk: Have fun with the dress fitting. If you stay on track, you can probably hit that 5 lb goal.

    Deb: I definitely also know what you mean about being the "fat couple." My boyfriend and I are the chubbiest in his group of friends, but we're so close to being close to a few of the other couples. Like one of his friends said, if we keep up our hiking and snowshoeing, we'll be the "skinny couple." Oh, how I wish!