Over 200 New year New Me Part 33



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Julie-Your smoothies sounds DELICIOUS!! I'm going to have to start pre making them and putting them in a cooler for after the gym or something. I know they are filling and soo soo good for you.

    Soooo I'm thinking about giving insanity a try. I don't know if I can handle it. But my best friend has all 10 discs...I'm kind of scared to even try it but so many people have had such great results! :indifferent: :noway:
  • Danielle_81
    Ugh! I am so irritated right now. I was typing a reply in between phone calls had a bunch typed and then I had a problem and IT had to shadow my terminal and I had to close my browser. :mad: :explode: So now I'll try to remember everything I had said.

    First off, I'm not caught up on posts, I'm working on it, will respond in more detail later....this one is just about me :bigsmile: my check in.

    So anyway, I've been off the boards since Monday. You all know I'm moving and my daughter started school on Tuesday. So she is staying at my parents house while I finish out my 2 weeks at my current job. I have been back and forth between my parents house, and it's like a 90 minute drive, with a 10 month old :grumble: and still will be a few more times before "the move" is complete. So my eating has been off....:indifferent: especially with TOM hitting me like a friggen freight train last weekend. I had awful cravings, not to mention being insanely hungry for 2-3 days before it hit.

    I have been battling back and forth how I want to approach my eating until the 27th, with being in the car so much. 1. Do I want to have the added stress of planning and packing my meals, along with the babies, and my daughter's?
    My answer is no not really, pretty much because I know that I'll fail at it. I know myself and even on a "normal" day I still have difficulty packing my lunch. It is usually the last thing I do, and I actually, more often than not, ask my husband to do it for me.
    2. Do I not want to log, let the chips fall where they may and pick it up with renewed vengance when I get settled at my parents?
    My answer is no not really, but this may be the best thing for me. It's less stress and less pressure. I already have so much to do with packing and traveling and stuff for work (both leaving and starting) that sometimes I feel like I'm gonna pull my hair out :sad:

    So anyway I haven't been logging much anyway. When TOM hit me I was shocked by my pains and cravings that I just wanted comfort food and felt like I was going crazy if I denied myself. I know it sounds ridiculous but believe me when I say this was VERY abnormal for me. My last 5 days has been up and down. Saturday we went to the buffet, I totally gorged myself. Sunday was probably not "that bad" but I know I had to have gone over. Monday I worked and ate "ok" at work, after work though we had to drive to my parents house. I ALWAYS put eating (for me) last. I came home fed the baby, packed and then was in the car at the gas station and realized I hadn't eaten for hours! I think my daughter is telepathic because she then said, 'Hey mom! I'm hungry, what are we doing for supper?' :noway: I couldn't believe I had forgotton! So we hit Wendy's on our way. And I wish I could say that I at least ate a chicken sandwich but no, I got a burger! I was so craving red meat, which makes sense with TOM. But that was just the beginning of my down slide. I had McDonald's and Applebee's over the past 2 days also, yeah and chocolate, alcohol and potato chips.

    So I was feeling pretty crappy about myself and had pretty much decided that I was going to just not log my food, and let the chips fall where they may and pick them up when I get settled. And of course when I am home I will eat better, because I do have access to better food. So this morning while getting ready for work the scale was mocking me! :laugh: I just had to know how much "bad" I'd done to myself over this week. So I get on my scale and I'm down 0.8 from 2 weeks ago! :noway: Needless to say I'm very shocked. Even though I am guessing some of my "weight loss" was dehydration. So I'm chugging water today and upping my protein to try to flush out my kidneys. I'd be happy with a maintaining this week. I was expecting like a 3lb from last week.

    So anyway my looong sharing session is over...:laugh: back to work, and catching up in the meantime!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: If you do the Insanity, let me know how it goes. I may very well order ChaLean Extreme this week. I've wanted it for a LONG time but didn't want to shell out the money, but with Amazon and eBay, I can get it for $40-60 instead of $120!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - that sounds like a plan.

    Danellie - good luck with the going back and forth over the next few week.s
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I will let you know. If I can muster up the courage to try it. My best friend has all the DVD's so I figure for free I could give it a try. Just scared to death. I hear it's intense!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    just checking in for yesterday...
    calories: over by 150 ... but I'm happy with that
    exercise:none - unless you count unloading, re-loading and unloading the dishwasher after I found out it a) hadn't finished running the load I unloaded, b) it didn't finish not because my husband turned it off in the middle and forgot to turn it back on (which he has been known to do) ... but because it is actually broken so I had to unload it AGAIN and do 2 loads of dishes by hand last night .... it's been awhile since I've had to do that! and then emptying all the stale water from the bottom of the dishwasher one cup at a time.
    water: not so good
    proud: that I made it through the day yesterday ... it started with THREE :explode: $33 parking tickets for myself, my husband, and my daughter. Very irritating since my husband and I didn't see any 'no parking for street cleaning' signs since the one by our house had blown away, even more irritating since my daughter did see a sign farther down the block but thought we knew about it and would remind her to move her car later when we moved our own ... which of course didn't happen. I was going to try to fight two of the tickets but since there was a sign, I'm not sure it is worth my time to try - even if the sign closest to us blew away and we didn't see the other sign. aaargh! I woke up in the middle of the night last night when I heard the street cleaner go by again and couldn't go back to sleep because I was so angry thinking we may have gotten more tickets ... but at least we didn't - he must have been just driving by. I wasn't happy either with hubby not getting the garage cleared out of deck building materials so that I can park there again and not worry about tickets!
    Then the day ended with the broken dishwasher and hubby not home to help or look at it.

    Today is a new day, and so far nothing too bad has happened. I made it to step class this morning and have made fairly good food choices so far today.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member

    What a crazy day it's been! They switched around my job at work... and since I am at their mercy while working from Chicago, I said "okay!" (the longer they can keep me on, the better!)

    I have also been doubling as a nurse today, my poor boyfriend is home from work with a terrible case of the flu.. and on his birthday!

    Yesterday wasn't too bad! Went out for dinner for the boyfriend's birthday and managed to behave myself :)

    Judging by the scale, I don't think we'll see a loss this week, but I'm quite sure it's all water/sodium.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    lstpaul - sorry to hear about your dishwasher. I abosultely hate ours...it doesn't wash very well usally gets things more dirty...it is cheap and crappy but we rent the house so can't do much about it and it soo freaking loud...We have a really nice one in our house in MS...it is soo quiet...this stupid thing so loud that when it is going through it is cycle you have to yell to hear some one over it.

    I am soo ready for this day to be over with...

    I had an awesome workout at the gym...I felt great...tired but great !!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Deb, how exciting going to try on new clothes. you have come a long way I am really proud of you!!!!!!

    lstpaul, yuck dishes I hate them. When we bought our house 8 years ago it did NOT have a dishwasher. I swore to my hubby that I would not mind that even though I have always had a dishwasher. I wanted our house sooooo bad. Thankfully, I now have 3 dishwashers and they take turns:blushing: I have 4 table washers and 3 floor sweepers!:laugh: :laugh: I am hoping to start my 4th dishwasher going here in a couple of years.:laugh: :laugh: Wait, he may just be my lawn mower since I do that. I am such a mean mother!!!!!

    tstout, I hope your boyfriend feels better soon!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Danielle, good luck!!!:flowerforyou:

    Laila, I hope you have a wonderful time with your family!!!!

    I am doing well today sticking with the calories, my water has been terrible though so I really need to work on that and I did exercise today.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Blue, I am sorry that you cried:cry: I will keep you in my prayers. I know that you are such an asset to all the children you work with. I am sure you will never know exactly how much you have meant to all those children you teach daily. Chin up sister, and it is okay to cry:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Deb, how exciting going to try on new clothes. you have come a long way I am really proud of you!!!!!!

    Thanks :blushing: I have not gone in a store and tried anything ...well since last september when i had to get a dress for my sisters wedding...and i had to buy a 26 :noway: :noway: I am almost afraid...i know that sounds silly...i just know that i will get something and be too small and make me feel that i haven't done much...i know it sounds silly...

    HOw is ryan doing in K.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Hey Deb, thanks for asking about Ryan. He is still a work in progress but improving daily! How has Serena been? (I hope they remember how hard we worked for them when they are grown:laugh: )
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I've been on an eating rampage. Today I went to Happy Hour and had Long Island Iced Teas and appetizers galore. I am praying that tomorrow I will get it together. I didn't mind the one day of overeating on Friday, but then to do it again on Monday, Tuesday, and today is a little extreme. Ugh.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hey Deb, thanks for asking about Ryan. He is still a work in progress but improving daily! How has Serena been? (I hope they remember how hard we worked for them when they are grown:laugh: )

    I am glad he is getting better.

    Serena is doing awesome...I was a little worried last week, but seems she was just having a bad week i guess...So far this week she got a sticker every day so far (not in trouble for anything), she is doing homework at day care most of the time if she has it, she even told me she wrote almost a whole page in her journal.. DH keeps reminding me she is 7 and she will act up sometimes.but it seems to be alot alot better, the principal thought soo too, she said that it seems she has a much better attitude , she come in to school smiling...

    Nancy - I am sorry about your rampage, you will get back on track you will i know it.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Debbie, we do have to remind ourselves that it is "normal" for a 7 yo and a 5 yo to be naughty on occasion:flowerforyou:

    Blue, Don't beat yourself up too much! Just realize what is triggering this. Try to relax and move forward.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    So i will be the 1st to weigh in this morning.

    Very happy to see a 248.6 , wasn't the 248 that i neeeded to get me to 70 lbs loss...but i know i am close next week here i come...still 2.5 lbs is great and i will take it.

    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%
  • purpleprose
    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%

    Deb - congrats on both the 2.5lbs down AND seeing the 24#s!!!

    I finally lost the weekend weight plus a little extra, but not much. I really have no idea what the hell happened, but I am NOT a fan of that random gain. However, I looked at my Wii Fit weight loss graph this morning and it seems all my losses are followed by a gain before dropping again a few days later. SO while it was incredibly frustrating, it appears that is my pattern. Lovely.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Purple - At last you had a little loss...that is great!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%

    Really have tried to keep caught up with you girls but, have been super busy (my norm these days). Stress load is still out of control! Have a funeral to go to today for a cousin. Sometimes, I wonder when will things settle down! I feel pretty overwhelmed! But, am forging forward!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%

    Yay congrats to our losers so far this week! Great job Deb on seeing the 240's!!

    No loss for me again this week. I think it's a good sign that my body is responding well to the higher calories. A few days I know I was closer to 1800 then 1400. TOM is coming so I'm hungry ALL the time! Only got 2 workouts in this week and on Tuesday I was up to 218 so I'll take another week maintaing. Next week, it's on! I mean it this time! I'm ready to get down to BUSINESS!! Getting the DVD's for insanity this weekend. I gotta try it. I just have to. It's free, I have no excuses.