A decent 2000kcal day with 40/30/30 macros from McDonalds



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    still not convinced that eating fast food is ok! Look at the sodium alone!

    Advocating the idea that fast food places are not so bad just fosters people to think it is ok to eat there. I do believe that eating at a fast food place is ok on occasion, I myself try to keep it at 1 or 2 times per year. But advocating three daily meals at mcD's is unhealthy and sets a bad example to young people.

    I eat it 2-3x per day due to travelling. I am healthier than I have ever been.

    Unfortunately health is not an immediate thing. Usually our lifestyle ( especially if it is prolonged ) in the present shows consequences 10-15-20 or more years in the future.....:o(.

    I love the old "you'll get yours!" argument.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    still not convinced that eating fast food is ok! Look at the sodium alone!

    Advocating the idea that fast food places are not so bad just fosters people to think it is ok to eat there. I do believe that eating at a fast food place is ok on occasion, I myself try to keep it at 1 or 2 times per year. But advocating three daily meals at mcD's is unhealthy and sets a bad example to young people.

    I eat it 2-3x per day due to travelling. I am healthier than I have ever been.

    Unfortunately health is not an immediate thing. Usually our lifestyle ( especially if it is prolonged ) in the present shows consequences 10-15-20 or more years in the future.....:o(.

    It's been 12 years since I worked at McDonald's and ate there 10 meals a week. Still doing fine.

    Well clearly you don't count. Or have to wait until your older. Just take it on faith, don't worry about actual proof. Because reasons. Claiming 'You'll see 20 years from now' is totally not a pathetic way to win/end a conversation, since the other party has no recourse to fight back. Not at all.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    That's the real sticking point in all of these fast food and "health" discussions - the tendency is to assume that everyone here is or has been overweight simply because many are/were.

    I look forward to you contributing something, anything, meaningful.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    That's the real sticking point in all of these fast food and "health" discussions - the tendency is to assume that everyone here is or has been overweight simply because many are/were.

    I look forward to you contributing something, anything, meaningful.

    Scroll up and read what I wrote before the extremists had the discussion devolved into yet another "fast food is grrrreat! vs. fast food will kill you immediately" discussion.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member

    I know this is personal preference, but I'd rather just get my big mac with cheese and fries, and use the rest of the day to adjust for macros elsewise. Bending the McDonald's menu around suitable macros as the sole source of calories for the day seems to have created options that I wouldn't want to eat.

    To each their own.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    That's the real sticking point in all of these fast food and "health" discussions - the tendency is to assume that everyone here is or has been overweight simply because many are/were.

    I look forward to you contributing something, anything, meaningful.

    Scroll up and read what I wrote before the extremists had the discussion devolved into yet another "fast food is grrrreat! vs. fast food will kill you immediately" discussion.

    Oh! I missed your post regarding sodium. Not bad. Though, in the future when citing specific studies, if you could link the source material for us nerdier types to delve into, I would appreciate it.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member

    I know this is personal preference, but I'd rather just get my big mac with cheese and fries, and use the rest of the day to adjust for macros elsewise. Bending the McDonald's menu around suitable macros as the sole source of calories for the day seems to have created options that I wouldn't want to eat.

    To each their own.

    You could do that as well. The example in the OP was just one method. And if you open it up to other fast food sources, your options become quite large.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Fast food is bad for you in so many ways...and lack flavor. Cook with fresh foods at home!

    Because that is so easy to do while making a 700 mile road trip, or when you work at McDs and they offer to let you have $X of food free, or while you are out shopping all day...
    Basically, the message here is "When you eat, eat the healthiest that you can, even if it is McDs, or Burger King, or TacoBell, or...whatever. Just pay attention and you can do it".
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Fast food is bad for you in so many ways...and lack flavor. Cook with fresh foods at home!

    Because that is so easy to do while making a 700 mile road trip, or when you work at McDs and they offer to let you have $X of food free, or while you are out shopping all day...
    Basically, the message here is "When you eat, eat the healthiest that you can, even if it is McDs, or Burger King, or TacoBell, or...whatever. Just pay attention and you can do it".

    my day here is complete...
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    still not convinced that eating fast food is ok! Look at the sodium alone!

    Advocating the idea that fast food places are not so bad just fosters people to think it is ok to eat there. I do believe that eating at a fast food place is ok on occasion, I myself try to keep it at 1 or 2 times per year. But advocating three daily meals at mcD's is unhealthy and sets a bad example to young people.

    I eat it 2-3x per day due to travelling. I am healthier than I have ever been.

    Unfortunately health is not an immediate thing. Usually our lifestyle ( especially if it is prolonged ) in the present shows consequences 10-15-20 or more years in the future.....:o(.

    It's been 12 years since I worked at McDonald's and ate there 10 meals a week. Still doing fine.

    Back when I was younger, I worked at a mom and pop fast food joint... I ate there all the time... and I lost weight. It kinda helped I was exercising like crazy and walked between work and school all the time...
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    That's the real sticking point in all of these fast food and "health" discussions - the tendency is to assume that everyone here is or has been overweight simply because many are/were.

    I look forward to you contributing something, anything, meaningful.

    Scroll up and read what I wrote before the extremists had the discussion devolved into yet another "fast food is grrrreat! vs. fast food will kill you immediately" discussion.

    Oh! I missed your post regarding sodium. Not bad. Though, in the future when citing specific studies, if you could link the source material for us nerdier types to delve into, I would appreciate it.

    And deprive you of an opportunity to show off your calorie-burning Google skills?

    I pulled it from a propritary database, so there was no link to share. They have this on their public site though if you need the basics and some source material:
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    That's the real sticking point in all of these fast food and "health" discussions - the tendency is to assume that everyone here is or has been overweight simply because many are/were.

    I look forward to you contributing something, anything, meaningful.

    Scroll up and read what I wrote before the extremists had the discussion devolved into yet another "fast food is grrrreat! vs. fast food will kill you immediately" discussion.

    Oh! I missed your post regarding sodium. Not bad. Though, in the future when citing specific studies, if you could link the source material for us nerdier types to delve into, I would appreciate it.

    And deprive you of an opportunity to show off your calorie-burning Google skills?

    I pulled it from a propritary database, so there was no link to share. They have this on their public site though if you need the basics and some source material:

    My Google skills are mighty impressive. Glad you noticed.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    No dressing on the salad!? No thank you!

    I've never gotten a salad at Mcdonalds before but I was intrigued, after reading this thread so I went tonight and got a 20cal side salad. Instead of dressing I got a couple packets of regular mustard and it actually tasted pretty good on the salad. I paired it with a cheeseburger and a water for a decent light supper (I was still pretty full from my Taco Bell lunch :laugh: )
    comes down to calories lol........people get so caught up on sodium and carbs.......blah blah blah........
  • Greytfish
    comes down to calories lol........people get so caught up on sodium and carbs.......blah blah blah........

    Weight, not health, comes down to calories. If it didn't althletes could be getting their 3,000-4,000 calories per day in the drive thru.
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    I think most of you are missing the point in what the op is trying to accomplish. He's not promoting this as the healthiest of options, nor even it as being optimal. It's simply a post stating that calorie/macro goals can be accomplished while "cheating" at a fast food joint. A feet many have claimed impossible.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Fast food is bad for you in so many ways...and lack flavor. Cook with fresh foods at home!

    Because that is so easy to do while making a 700 mile road trip, or when you work at McDs and they offer to let you have $X of food free, or while you are out shopping all day...
    Basically, the message here is "When you eat, eat the healthiest that you can, even if it is McDs, or Burger King, or TacoBell, or...whatever. Just pay attention and you can do it".

    my day here is complete...

    And it only took how many pages lol. Personally I don't do McDonalds currently because I like the high calorie stuff and know it would leave me hungry for the rest of the day. As I get closer to maintenance it will be included in my diet on occasion. But for someone to say it lacks flavour!!!
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    If you have to eat out for a day I think this is a pretty reasonable option. I don't see why you shouldn't enjoy your day out, may it be because of work or just for fun. If you just want to have a cheat day at a fast food then you don't even have to make the healthiest choices, but if you want to, you can always find a way to make those foods fit into your diet. I personally don't eat at Mc Donalds since I am a vegetarian and I am still focusing on losing weight, so there are so many other things I could eat for the same amounts of calories which actually would make me feel more satisfied. But I think I could easily have a decent meal by having a salad, some cheese sticks, a serving of fruit and a milkshake. Probably not very complete about macros but I personally don't even eat there all day long so I could make up for it by dinner time. I'm going to have a cookie with american coffe from the Mc Cafe this afternoon and I just actually had to check the calories to make sure I could make it fit by adjusting my luch and dinner calories. It's only surprising if you don't know what's in it, but if you can look for it, why complaining? It's not like they use flour and poison to make their food. It's only unhealthy if you keep eating that stuff too often. When I was younger and I started being overweight I could still eat at Mc Donalds, but I wouldn't eat reasonabily during the rest of the day, that's why I got overweight. If I had stopped my "mistake" at having 1 Mc Donalds meal a week and then behaving quite fine, I wouldn't have gotten fat.
  • Greytfish
    Flavor is developed and influenced based on taste experience. Someone from the U.S. who frequently eat McD's as a youngster will be likely to find it flavorful. Someone from a middleeaster culture or one of the Asian cultures is less likely to find it flavorful as it's pretty bland in comparison to the general diets they experience in their youth. There are lots of factors influencing taste, but experiential conditioning is significant.

    And I don't think anyone argued that one cannot meet calorie/macro goals at a fast food joint. Hell, you can do that lost deep in a forest with no drive thru or grocery store in sight.
  • paigenevaeh
    paigenevaeh Posts: 64 Member
    I work at a Mcds, eat there twice a week and lose weight. Most of the menu can easily fit round your macros (it's the fries/soda that'll get you). Saying that, 9 hour shifts running round screaming "we need more fries!!!" Makes weight loss a little easier ha.