I think I'm in love.



  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member

    "It rubs the lotion on its skin"...

    I'm ever-so-slightly older than you, so maybe it's just an age thing, but texting just seems so... tacky to me.

    The best 'first thing' to say to a woman is, "Hi". That's it. It's simple. It's just two little letters. The margin of error is minimal. She will probably return your 'hi' with one of her own. From there you just need to strike up a conversation.
  • nutellabrah
    Also Twilight is one of the most psychologically profound reflections of the human condition in the last decade. Mixed in with the plot and story there are strikingly accurate renderings of IRL biological drives that drive women to attraction.

    Its very accurate and primal and is a masterstroke of writing. So enough with the snarky pop culture comments too, its just comes across as low-brow.


    You probably don't even realize the allegorical nature of the Joker in cohesion with the thesis I am talking about which is that biology and chaos always prevails.

    Even the joker was a manifestation of Chaos and the Dark Knight along with No Country for Old Men a realization that nothing means anything and everything is chaos. And the reactionary anti-tudes to Twilight is a fear of that chaos. The unleashing of our primal instincts, empowered by the internet, christened by youth, and with all the power and knowledge of the universe, coming at you to destroy you, to destroy ourselves.

    So maybe you SHOULD be more serious because you're only in love and young for a short time. Its as serious as life and death.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Twilight is terrible actually but thanks for that.

    At any rate this type of creepy longing for a chick has me so thankful I'm not in the dating scene anymore. Because yikes.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    The poetry is nice, but you might want to save it until she actually agrees to go out with you. LOL!

    It's really sweet. Don't listen to the others telling you it's creepy. It's only creepy if she doesn't receive it. If she doesn't like it, go find a girl that will.

    Men who are romantic are hard to find.

    Poetry is nice, quoting gushing lines from a film is a bit weird. You'd say something over emotional and scripted and she'd say "did you just quote twilight" and that would be the end.

    Wait... that was from Twilight?

    Okay, yeah, don't say none of that **** then.

    But if this isn't a joke and you really like the girl, try being genuine. It will work out for you much better.
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    I'd appreciate advice from older guys who have experience with women.. some of the women are being rude and sarcastic. So please, if you're a girl, move on...this is a now a guy thread ONLY.

    I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt until this.
  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    Twilight is terrible actually but thanks for that.

    At any rate this type of creepy longing for a chick has me so thankful I'm not in the dating scene anymore. Because yikes.

    LOFL dem feels lady. I have been married for 14 years and its coming to an end shortly. I am not excited to get back in this ridiculous game.

    You keep forgetting that he is in high school. Its not creepy its just being young.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Also Twilight is one of the most psychologically profound reflections of the human condition in the last decade. Mixed in with the plot and story there are strikingly accurate renderings of IRL biological drives that drive women to attraction.

    Its very accurate and primal and is a masterstroke of writing. So enough with the snarky pop culture comments too, its just comes across as low-brow.


    You probably don't even realize the allegorical nature of the Joker in cohesion with the thesis I am talking about which is that biology and chaos always prevails.

    Even the joker was a manifestation of Chaos and the Dark Knight along with No Country for Old Men a realization that nothing means anything and everything is chaos. And the reactionary anti-tudes to Twilight is a fear of that chaos. The unleashing of our primal instincts, empowered by the internet, christened by youth, and with all the power and knowledge of the universe, coming at you to destroy you, to destroy ourselves.

    So maybe you SHOULD be more serious because you're only in love and young for a short time. Its as serious as life and death.

    Brains and abs? :love:
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Also Twilight is one of the most psychologically profound reflections of the human condition in the last decade. Mixed in with the plot and story there are strikingly accurate renderings of IRL biological drives that drive women to attraction.

    Its very accurate and primal and is a masterstroke of writing. So enough with the snarky pop culture comments too, its just comes across as low-brow.

  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    Also Twilight is one of the most psychologically profound reflections of the human condition in the last decade. Mixed in with the plot and story there are strikingly accurate renderings of IRL biological drives that drive women to attraction.

    Its very accurate and primal and is a masterstroke of writing. So enough with the snarky pop culture comments too, its just comes across as low-brow.


    You probably don't even realize the allegorical nature of the Joker in cohesion with the thesis I am talking about which is that biology and chaos always prevails.

    Even the joker was a manifestation of Chaos and the Dark Knight along with No Country for Old Men a realization that nothing means anything and everything is chaos. And the reactionary anti-tudes to Twilight is a fear of that chaos. The unleashing of our primal instincts, empowered by the internet, christened by youth, and with all the power and knowledge of the universe, coming at you to destroy you, to destroy ourselves.

    So maybe you SHOULD be more serious because you're only in love and young for a short time. Its as serious as life and death.

    I think I love you....
  • nutellabrah
    Twilight is terrible actually but thanks for that.

    At any rate this type of creepy longing for a chick has me so thankful I'm not in the dating scene anymore. Because yikes.

    -Book inspires a whole generation and eclipses Harry Potter on best selling list.
    -Poster says its "terrible"

    Im sure you're the best.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I disagree with everyone saying not to quote Twilight. Quote ALL THE TWILIGHT. Don't hold back, lay it on as thick as you can with your eyes as wide and shimmery as you can make them. Women LOVE a guy who can make them laugh, and this behavior will provide endless mirth for her and her friends in the cafeteria later.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I happen to like a little cologne so whatever. Don't hug her unless you have done it before. Ask her how her day went, etc. If the convo doesn't start rolling, just be honest and say you are nervous but really would like to ask her out. If she wants time to think about it, it's ok, because she might be in shock. Ask if you can call her later maybe, too. Might sound traditional and boring, but I always liked going to a movie on a first date because you don't have to think of much to talk about if you're the shy type.

    Oh, no, no, no! I didn't see that someone had advised him to out on cologne until I went back and read the replies. I love for my man to wear cologne. I was referring to him saying he would spray some on and just go for a hug.
  • nutellabrah
    I disagree with everyone saying not to quote Twilight. Quote ALL THE TWILIGHT. Don't hold back, lay it on as thick as you can with your eyes as wide and shimmery as you can make them. Women LOVE a guy who can make them laugh, and this behavior will provide endless mirth for her and her friends in the cafeteria later.

    Finally a women who understands
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Twilight is terrible actually but thanks for that.

    At any rate this type of creepy longing for a chick has me so thankful I'm not in the dating scene anymore. Because yikes.

    You say that now, but you think differently as you cry yourself to sleep because you're lonely at 40 years (or older)

    Dude, if you base all your game on Twilight, then it won't be her that's lonely at 40.

    Hey, why not quote 50 Shades of Grey? That's sure to get you some action!
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Hi. You said you only wanted advice from men, but I promise, women know a whole lot more about what females want then men do. So here's my advice: if you don't chill out, she'll freak out! Nervousness in a guy is one thing, but you seem obsessed. There's a .0001% chance that she finds obsession attractive. Or maybe even smaller than that. Calm yourself down. Do NOT spray on cologne and grab her. Text her if you need to, but if you can work up the courage, ask her out in person. Just calm down about it.

    Lol lol lol this is exactly the reason why he only wants advice from men ^

    You think you know but you have no idea what you and your kind respond to IRL field tests.

    Your words and thoughts say one thing, but your instincts say another.

    You seriously think a woman's instincts are to be attracted to someone who is exhibiting obsessive behavior? Really? My kind and I, (I'm assuming you are referring to females) actually DO know what we want.
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member

    I disagree. It is creepy. That level of attachment to someone you barely know is unhealthy. Wanting to start a relationship by changing into whatever someone wants you to be unhealthy.
    And I must have an odd sense of humor because it took me three pages of responses to realize this may actually not be a joke.

    My advice to OP, stay away from girls that make the world stand still. Find one that you don't feel like you have to change for.

    Iisten, I like you because you have a pretty face and my daughters name is Penny but you seriously need to remember he is in high school and the game is different. I cringe at the crap I used to do in high school to get a girls attention. It worked though.

    Awww. Thank you, that's sweet.
    Yes you are right, high school is different from the real world.But the relationships you have, and fail at as teenagers are the building blocks for more serious relationships later in life. It sounds like this kid may have some misconceptions. I don't think putting someone on a pedestal is ever a good thing. Of course part of it is trial and error so I'm sure he will find what works for him.
  • pinkname
    I did not read this whole thread other than OP. I registered just to let you know that hate is a strong word and I HATE you!
    You are a man there is no such thing as love at first sight! got to be kidding me! If you like a girl, go up to her and make the move. Forget these feminist crying rape this rape that. Society has made you extremely beta. Grow some balls!
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    Twilight is terrible actually but thanks for that.

    At any rate this type of creepy longing for a chick has me so thankful I'm not in the dating scene anymore. Because yikes.

    -Book inspires a whole generation and eclipses Harry Potter on best selling list.
    -Poster says its "terrible"

    Im sure you're the best.

    The books are ok...the movies are an affront to humanity, however.