I think I'm in love.



  • BRB_sardines
    BRB_sardines Posts: 624 Member
    Sigh....now Im getting trolled by randoms..well I have last period in 15 mins...Ill see what happens.

    You'll be fine! Seriously! Take a deep breath, be confident, and just start with a hello.

    Hello, bby. ;)

    See, OP? Just like that.

    Das it mane.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    i felt like this when i met mia_ragazza......it faded quickly

    I will slap you

  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    Oh now that's a love i can get on board with!
  • missyj1115
    missyj1115 Posts: 1,220 Member
    Yes seriously hello is a good start ;) After conversation ends just DEW IT!!! Hey by the way I was wondering if you would
    like to go out sometime!!! I know nervous but oh so simple words that could potentially produce so much :) Good Luck you!!
  • Log_n_Jog
    Log_n_Jog Posts: 64 Member
    You're quoting Edward Cullen???
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 672 Member
    for the record....I felt the same way about Banana Pudding. It took me forever to get over it. But, it will pass. :cry:

    Why would you ever have to get over that??? WHY!!!!! Have the banana pudding, it will love you back, I promise:smile::laugh: :flowerforyou:

    As for the OP. You are young. There are going to be ALOT of stars shooting across your sky. If you don't reach for one or two, you will miss them all.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    It seems like you need a sure fire way for her to go out with you, without any chance for her to say no. So, you can try the 'be yourself, just say hello' route, but if that doesn't work try ketamine and zip ties. :devil:
  • nutellabrah
    Hi. You said you only wanted advice from men, but I promise, women know a whole lot more about what females want then men do. So here's my advice: if you don't chill out, she'll freak out! Nervousness in a guy is one thing, but you seem obsessed. There's a .0001% chance that she finds obsession attractive. Or maybe even smaller than that. Calm yourself down. Do NOT spray on cologne and grab her. Text her if you need to, but if you can work up the courage, ask her out in person. Just calm down about it.

    Lol lol lol this is exactly the reason why he only wants advice from men ^

    You think you know but you have no idea what you and your kind respond to IRL field tests.

    Your words and thoughts say one thing, but your instincts say another.

    You seriously think a woman's instincts are to be attracted to someone who is exhibiting obsessive behavior? Really? My kind and I, (I'm assuming you are referring to females) actually DO know what we want.

    I stopped reading at "exhibiting obsessive behavior"

    Like no girls I know classify guys like they are studying a primate in a lab.

    In reality a guy could be doing anything obsessive/not obsessive/controlling/abrasive/dishonesthonest/positive/negative.

    It doesn't matter, if he has the important factors down none of that would matter. Thats why your advice is disposable. Because you can't possibly see yourself, or yourselves for what you motivated by.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    I feel like all of my friends should disown me for knowing this is a Twilight reference.

    *hangs head in shame*

    I am hanging my head right there with ya darlin! :ohwell:
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    1. oneitis

    Often confused with love, this is the feeling that a particular woman is actually special. This is just an illusion; she is the same as the other three or so billion. "Go **** ten other women" is the most commonly prescribed treatment for this "disease" (hence the "itis"), as it tends to show quite quickly how very alike people are.

    In other words, get over yourself and your obsession with that girl, because it's just an illusion. And when you get rejected, don't be depressed. Because there's really not much to worry about.

    I'm just curious, so don't get offended. You do know that the suffix -itis stands for inflammation, right?
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    not to defend a potential troll buy I lurked this site way before I became active.

    Did you lurk the site without an account? I'll bet you were logging your food and lurking with your account up and running for a few months.

    Individual stated that they just signed up in order to respond to this thread.
  • MissDevin
    MissDevin Posts: 608 Member
    Stop being a p*ssy a** b*tch and ask her out.
    If she says no, then get the *kitten* over it.
    If I was there, I would have had her and her panties, and I'm not even an lesbian...all while you're over there stalling and writing poetry on a fitness website.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    OP - you don't sound obsessive AT ALL. Keep doing what you're doing, player. I see great things in your future.

    You must be his dad.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Should I spray on a little Green Irish Tweed ? Im a little sweaty from being so nervous..

    Axe or gtfo
  • nutellabrah
    Stop being a p*ssy a** b*tch and ask her out.
    If she says no, then get the *kitten* over it.
    If I was there, I would have had her and her panties, and I'm not even an lesbian...all while you're over there stalling and writing poetry on a fitness website.

    U wot m8?

    I think some of you are getting a little too horny over this teenage love story.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I beginning to think scumbag and nutellabrah are in this together....just sitting back and laughing at all the responses they are getting.
  • nutellabrah
    I can confirm, girls love Axe!! Especially blended with a cologne.