Nobel Prize Winner picks Diet of the Future



  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    No one could be a healthy vegan without the convenience of modern technology unless maybe you live at the equator where plant life is abundant year round

    That can't be true. stores that offer veggies and fruit year round even in winter year among other things...and even then it's still work to make sure you're eating a wide variety of plants to get all the nutrients you need.

    Keep forgetting all carnivores hunt.
    But that's beyond the point. In certain climates and especially in the dead of winter you would have to hunt to survive or you would die. Thats your only option. Your plant choices are pretty thin, no avocados, nuts...and certainly not enough to survive on without serious malnutrition.
    I think we have all gone beyond the point here. I know a lot of places where wild foragers could survive. If things were as bad off as described above why not migrate duh.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Veganism was impossible before the advent of B12 supplemtd made from microbes.


    Just pointing it out. Veganism is impossible without chemicals produced and refined in a lab.

    Again, it baffles me why this matters to you.

    It was in reference to the claim that humans are herbivores.
    Also, that vegans claim that "its the way we are supposed to eat"

    Many diets work. I never claimed the vegan diet is 'the way we are supposed to eat.' However, it may become necessary in the future, or at the very least, a meat-reduced diet.

    You're actually not the only person in this thread.
  • MadameLAL
    MadameLAL Posts: 108
    How can you tell if someone is a vegan?

    Don't worry, they'll tell you.

    Over and over again.

    How can youtell if someone eats meat?


    Once you tell them youdon't, they'll tell you they do.

    Over and over and over.

    Disclaimer: I am neither vegetarian nor vegan.

  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    No one could be a healthy vegan without the convenience of modern technology unless maybe you live at the equator where plant life is abundant year round

    That can't be true. stores that offer veggies and fruit year round even in winter year among other things...and even then it's still work to make sure you're eating a wide variety of plants to get all the nutrients you need.

    Keep forgetting all carnivores hunt.
    But that's beyond the point. In certain climates and especially in the dead of winter you would have to hunt to survive or you would die. Thats your only option. Your plant choices are pretty thin, no avocados, nuts...and certainly not enough to survive on without serious malnutrition.
    I think we have all gone beyond the point here. I know a lot of places where wild foragers could survive. If things were as bad off as described above why not migrate duh.
    Name one
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I can just see it...

    The year is 2214 and meat has been outlawed....we are all gardening, eating lab grown protien.

    All the cows, chickens etc have been set free and we are being over run by herbivores, our gardens are no more because of the over abundance of cows and sheep eating our gardens......

    then the lions and tigers and bears...OH MY

    start to take over and get bigger and bigger...oh nooooooooooooes

    They get so big they are now at the top of the food chain...

    Humans become prey...we die out...meat eaters take over.

    why all because of vegans....jeez.

    *goes to have a bacon cheese burger to console herself*
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I look forward to this as it will drive meat prices down.

  • MadameLAL
    MadameLAL Posts: 108
    I can just see it...

    The year is 2214 and meat has been outlawed....we are all gardening, eating lab grown protien.

    All the cows, chickens etc have been set free and we are being over run by herbivores, our gardens are no more because of the over abundance of cows and sheep eating our gardens......

    then the lions and tigers and bears...OH MY

    start to take over and get bigger and bigger...oh nooooooooooooes

    They get so big they are now at the top of the food chain...

    Humans become prey...we die out...meat eaters take over.

    why all because of vegans....jeez.

    *goes to have a bacon cheese burger to console herself*

    That's a lovely work of fiction. This wouldn't happen overnight.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    Veganism was impossible before the advent of B12 supplemtd made from microbes.


    Just pointing it out. Veganism is impossible without chemicals produced and refined in a lab.

    Again, it baffles me why this matters to you.

    It was in reference to the claim that humans are herbivores.
    Also, that vegans claim that "its the way we are supposed to eat"
    Hope your not claiming I said humans are herbivores. Although many are. Or that I claim that " this is the way we are supposed to eat" .
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't give two wits about whether humans are herbivores, omnivores or carnivores. That's not the point of this thread, as I understand it.

    I also don't need to romanticize about people living off the land. With 7 billion people on this planet requiring roughly 2000 calories per day per capita, I know a complex food system is necessary. I can play at growing my own food, but realistically I can't do it all. Most of us can't. We need to look at sustainability of many contemporary practices, including how we feed our growing population.

    So, can we put the past aside and talk about future considerations?

    Refer to the bolded, I want to point out it was the OP that took us down the discussion of herbivores, etc. Regardless of the original topic, if the OP is the one that derails it and others follow their discussion - then we are, in fact, on topic.
  • MadameLAL
    MadameLAL Posts: 108
    I don't think widespread adoption of a plant-based diet would happen overnight. I think demand for meat would decrease gradually, as cost would reflect the true cost of producing it. Farm animals would not be set free. They would probably just not be bred as aggressively.
  • Sunka1
    Sunka1 Posts: 217 Member
    I would like to see home gardens become more popular.


    Home gardens don't produce many calories per day.
    Why not?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I can just see it...

    The year is 2214 and meat has been outlawed....we are all gardening, eating lab grown protien.

    All the cows, chickens etc have been set free and we are being over run by herbivores, our gardens are no more because of the over abundance of cows and sheep eating our gardens......

    then the lions and tigers and bears...OH MY

    start to take over and get bigger and bigger...oh nooooooooooooes

    They get so big they are now at the top of the food chain...

    Humans become prey...we die out...meat eaters take over.

    why all because of vegans....jeez.

    *goes to have a bacon cheese burger to console herself*

    That's a lovely work of fiction. This wouldn't happen overnight.

    Haha yes ficton and poking fun...I mean come on...

    ...when the Deer population becomes too large there are issues for the agricultural community...think about it...I mean god forbid we kill something and not eat it that's just wasteful and disgusting...

    We are on top of the food chain for a reason...

    *thinks about the underground meat market that could ensure...$$$$$$$$$$$$ mama gonna get some new boots...*
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    I can just see it...

    The year is 2214 and meat has been outlawed....we are all gardening, eating lab grown protien.

    All the cows, chickens etc have been set free and we are being over run by herbivores, our gardens are no more because of the over abundance of cows and sheep eating our gardens......

    then the lions and tigers and bears...OH MY

    start to take over and get bigger and bigger...oh nooooooooooooes

    They get so big they are now at the top of the food chain...

    Humans become prey...we die out...meat eaters take over.

    why all because of vegans....jeez.

    *goes to have a bacon cheese burger to console herself*

    That's a lovely work of fiction. This wouldn't happen overnight. If it happened at all, meat would become more expensive, tasty plant-based alternatives would be available, and people's shopping habits would change. Fewer farm animals would be raised, not released on the streets.
    So animals are just going to stop reproducing? We didn't get to the top of the food chain by eating twigs, and "tasty" plant based alternatives.
  • jeardawg
    jeardawg Posts: 110 Member
    Veganism was impossible before the advent of B12 supplemtd made from microbes.


    Just pointing it out. Veganism is impossible without chemicals produced and refined in a lab.

    Again, it baffles me why this matters to you.

    It was in reference to the claim that humans are herbivores.
    Also, that vegans claim that "its the way we are supposed to eat"
    Hope your not claiming I said humans are herbivores. Although many are. Or that I claim that " this is the way we are supposed to eat" .

    There is a difference between "being" a herbivore and successfully living a vegan lifestyle, there are a lot of vegan humans but as of yet it is science and industry that accomodate this, not being born a herbivore....
    which has been argued ad nauseam in this very thread.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I would like to see home gardens become more popular.


    Home gardens don't produce many calories per day.
    Why not?

    because I live in New Brunswick Canada and our growing season is short and veggies don't have a tonne of calories and it's hard when you have a big garden to actually eat it all before it goes bad...I even can/bottle/pickle and I still have to give a crap tonne of the stuff away...and even then lots ends up in the composter.

    We have a hard time growing tropical items in a zone 4a or 4b
  • MadameLAL
    MadameLAL Posts: 108
    I can just see it...

    The year is 2214 and meat has been outlawed....we are all gardening, eating lab grown protien.

    All the cows, chickens etc have been set free and we are being over run by herbivores, our gardens are no more because of the over abundance of cows and sheep eating our gardens......

    then the lions and tigers and bears...OH MY

    start to take over and get bigger and bigger...oh nooooooooooooes

    They get so big they are now at the top of the food chain...

    Humans become prey...we die out...meat eaters take over.

    why all because of vegans....jeez.

    *goes to have a bacon cheese burger to console herself*

    That's a lovely work of fiction. This wouldn't happen overnight.

    Haha yes ficton and poking fun...I mean come on...

    ...when the Deer population becomes too large there are issues for the agricultural community...think about it...I mean god forbid we kill something and not eat it that's just wasteful and disgusting...

    We are on top of the food chain for a reason...

    *thinks about the underground meat market that could ensure...$$$$$$$$$$$$ mama gonna get some new boots...*

    Yes, I understood you were adding some lightness to the discussion and I actually appreciate that. As for the food chain, I like the Simpsons' version.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I would like to see home gardens become more popular.


    Home gardens don't produce many calories per day.
    Why not?

    because I live in New Brunswick Canada and our growing season is short and veggies don't have a tonne of calories and it's hard when you have a big garden to actually eat it all before it goes bad...I even can/bottle/pickle and I still have to give a crap tonne of the stuff away...and even then lots ends up in the composter.

    We have a hard time growing tropical items in a zone 4a or 4b

    Come on! All of those millions in urban settings need to become self sufficient. Nothing like fields of kale growing in lower manhattan
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I would like to see home gardens become more popular.


    Home gardens don't produce many calories per day.
    Why not?

    because I live in New Brunswick Canada and our growing season is short and veggies don't have a tonne of calories and it's hard when you have a big garden to actually eat it all before it goes bad...I even can/bottle/pickle and I still have to give a crap tonne of the stuff away...and even then lots ends up in the composter.

    We have a hard time growing tropical items in a zone 4a or 4b

    Come on! All of those millions in urban settings need to become self sufficient. Nothing like fields of kale growing in lower manhattan

    Kale already tastes like crap:sick: you add in urban Manhattan toxins...amg...blech...:sick:
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member

    It's a coooooook booooook.........!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I would like to see home gardens become more popular.


    Home gardens don't produce many calories per day.

    Oh no doubt. I do not mean as the sole means of produce, but rather as a way to utilize free space on a persons property and reduce dependence. There are many regions where this would mean a short growing season (Unless they build a heated greenhouse), but I could grow different things year around.