Very Unrelated Question



  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I like how everyone makes fun and antagonizes OP and when she gets frustrated and upset everyone wants to call her out on it and continue to make fun of her.

    I realize that we get bored and hangry and we enjoy taking it out on others in the forumz but still. It's a bit ridiculous sometimes. I know people are going to be mean sometimes, it's the internet. It just disappoints me sometimes. Want to talk about star trek? Then start a star trek thread. I would be all for it.

    Want to disagree with OP that's fine too. State opinions and what not.

    But making fun of someone for what they believe and antagonizing them for the religous or spiritual beliefs seems a little too much in my opinion. We have enough opportunity to do so with all the Dr. Oz threads (Not that I condone maliciously attacking people for what they don't know, just sometimes intervention is neccessary)

    OP: I wouldn't say I am empathic but I do find that many people feel comfortable talking to me for one reason or another and I can often empathize for them. I can even tell moods from people really well but I wouldn't say I'm an empath though. Just deepy empathetic.

    Thank you. It's ok though. They can poke fun all they want, a couple people got what I was talking about, and I did infact get the answer I was really searching for as well. But, again thank you for being kind :flowerforyou:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I like how everyone makes fun and antagonizes OP and when she gets frustrated and upset everyone wants to call her out on it and continue to make fun of her.

    I realize that we get bored and hangry and we enjoy taking it out on others in the forumz but still. It's a bit ridiculous sometimes. I know people are going to be mean sometimes, it's the internet. It just disappoints me sometimes. Want to talk about star trek? Then start a star trek thread. I would be all for it.

    Want to disagree with OP that's fine too. State opinions and what not.

    But making fun of someone for what they believe and antagonizing them for the religous or spiritual beliefs seems a little too much in my opinion. We have enough opportunity to do so with all the Dr. Oz threads (Not that I condone maliciously attacking people for what they don't know, just sometimes intervention is neccessary)

    OP: I wouldn't say I am empathic but I do find that many people feel comfortable talking to me for one reason or another and I can often empathize for them. I can even tell moods from people really well but I wouldn't say I'm an empath though. Just deepy empathetic.

    In lieu of lack of context, people associated the subject with the context of which they are most familiar with. Had OP been a little more clear about what she was asking, then people would not have to draw from their own experiences to provide her with an answer, and her thread would not have gotten derailed.

    It wasn't until page 3 that I even had a clue of what she was referring.

    OP, I have had experiences where I "feel" as if I know when someone is thinking about me. I'm not sure if that is the same thing that you are discussing here though.

    I can admit that it could have used clarification, which OP later provided in the thread. I can understand confusion. That's acceptable. What I am calling out are the ones who knew and then continued making fun of. I'm pretty sure most people could have figured it out by reading or deductive reasoning. If you are not one of those people then it was not directed towards you. If you are then it is. I'm sure you can deduce which section you fall under and either apply my comment towards you or not.

    I am not intending to be offensive. Just calling out what I see.

    Yeah, but the point that I'm getting at is that the majority in this thread did not understand what the OP was asking until someone else popped in on page 3 and described it, and the OP confirmed it.

    They made jokes because they had no context for the question and suspected it was a joke thread anyway.

    Seriously, lighten up. It's not like OP was called names. She initiated that behavior herself.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    "No it's ok that we tease her, she spelled something wrong or said something the wrong way, so we're allowed. Plus at one point she tried to stick up for herself, and we hate that most of all."

    Know what's cool about being empathic? You realize that most of the teasing comes from people's deep insecurities. So I hope the OP knows that and isn't quite so bothered by it.

    ^^^^^^^yes, this :smile:
  • LVCeltGirl
    Empathic here. Totally sucks not knowing if the emotions are your own or someone else's nearby.

    I've been learning to block out the emotions outside of me, which helps.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Is anyone on hear Empathic?


    If you don't understand it you can use Google.

    If the argument being made is "We didn't know what she was talking about, so we mocked her.", guess what? You're being a bully.

    I did Google it. The definition was "pertaining to or showing empathy".

    That doesn't really describe what the OP was referring to.
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    "Yeah, but the point that I'm getting at is that the majority in this thread did not understand what the OP was asking until someone else popped in on page 3 and described it, and the OP confirmed it.

    They made jokes because they had no context for the question and suspected it was a joke thread anyway.

    Seriously, lighten up. It's not like OP was called names. She initiated that behavior herself"

    And instead of a person just simply asking" Hey, OP What do you mean exactly?" She puts up a picture. Honestly, it ticked me off at first, but then I realized that not only did SHE, but others picked up on her "cleaverness"
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    "No it's ok that we tease her, she spelled something wrong or said something the wrong way, so we're allowed. Plus at one point she tried to stick up for herself, and we hate that most of all."

    Know what's cool about being empathic? You realize that most of the teasing comes from people's deep insecurities. So I hope the OP knows that and isn't quite so bothered by it.

    You know, it's a catch-22. With such a vague OP, and sometimes even with a detailed OP, people become suspicious of trolling. They have two options. Take the OP seriously and be made to look like a fool. Or make a joke and hope the OP finds it funny.

    Either way, this is some pretty light-hearted stuff to be taking it so seriously. And over-reaction could bring a tragic and unneccessary end to a thread I found fun and interesting, which I think was what the OP was hoping for in the first place, being that it's in Chit-Chat, Fun, & Games.

    So you said that you didn't understand what the OP was saying but here you are presenting yourself as believing to understand what the OP intended?

    Also, there is the third option, which is to say nothing at all. Wait it out until you do understand it? Just thought I would present that as an alternative.
    Yeah, but the point that I'm getting at is that the majority in this thread did not understand what the OP was asking until someone else popped in on page 3 and described it, and the OP confirmed it.

    They made jokes because they had no context for the question and suspected it was a joke thread anyway.

    Seriously, lighten up. It's not like OP was called names. She initiated that behavior herself.

    I'm light as a feather stiff as a board.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    "No it's ok that we tease her, she spelled something wrong or said something the wrong way, so we're allowed. Plus at one point she tried to stick up for herself, and we hate that most of all."

    Know what's cool about being empathic? You realize that most of the teasing comes from people's deep insecurities. So I hope the OP knows that and isn't quite so bothered by it.

    ^^^^^^^yes, this :smile:

    Deanna Troi is an empath! I still don't know how that translates into making fun of and/or me being insecure about... what? That I didn't make it through Starfleet Academy? I have pretty bad motion sickness.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    "Yeah, but the point that I'm getting at is that the majority in this thread did not understand what the OP was asking until someone else popped in on page 3 and described it, and the OP confirmed it.

    They made jokes because they had no context for the question and suspected it was a joke thread anyway.

    Seriously, lighten up. It's not like OP was called names. She initiated that behavior herself"

    And instead of a person just simply asking" Hey, OP What do you mean exactly?" She puts up a picture. Honestly, it ticked me off at first, but then I realized that not only did SHE, but others picked up on her "cleaverness"

    That was the point I was trying to make.

    Anyway, now that we are done with all that jazz let's get back to the party! Woot Woot! Why do I suddenly have the urge to listen to 5th dimension? lol
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Yes, I am highly empathic. It sucks sometimes.

    Do you pick up on other people's emotions, before they even convey what's wrong with them?

    Yes. Usually only with people I am comfortable with and know fairly well.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Is anyone on hear Empathic?


    If you don't understand it you can use Google.

    If the argument being made is "We didn't know what she was talking about, so we mocked her.", guess what? You're being a bully.

    I did Google it. The definition was "pertaining to or showing empathy".

    That doesn't really describe what the OP was referring to.

    I don't get what you're talking about 80% of the time. Would you like it if I responded with a series of Adam Sandler gifs?

    Actually, I would. :smooched:

    Or better yet... Fight Club gifs!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    What is even going on up in this bish?
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    IN for manipulation!

    10/10 would manipulate. and i'd use effort too. hi DC :flowerforyou:
  • SavageRabidBeast_version2

    I'm actually only responding cuz Adam Sandler ROCKS!!! But speaking of shampoo and conditioner, I better go hit the showers!!!
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    Sorry, not an Empath.

    I'm a Rogue. Or on an off-day, a Hunter. Or sometimes something undefinable that The Buzzing tells me to be.
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Well, this thread certainly went into the toilet.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    IN for manipulation!

    10/10 would manipulate. and i'd use effort too. hi DC :flowerforyou:

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
    rolled a natural 20 on your CHA check.