Boyfriend & Boobies

Okay, ladies. I was all excited to get back on track this month with my workouts and healthy eating. I've lost 25 pounds since mid-June of 2013 with a few months of maintaining (not intentionally, but thank God I wasn't gaining!) & I still want to lose at least 30 to 40 more pounds. My boyfriend is around 6'2 and weighs 135. I'm 5'4 and weigh 180. Needless to say, he's quite a bit thinner than I am. I've noticed though that a lot of the things I'm insecure about he likes. He touches my stomach all the time too, which shows that he isn't repulsed by it. I'm unhappy with my body, so I assumed he would dislike my figure too. When I told him about me wanting to lose weight again (he's always been extremely supportive, even back when we were best friends) his biggest issue was that he didn't want me to lose my chest! He told me he'd be behind me no matter what I do. I know I have to lose weight so that I can be happy in my own body but I also would really love for my chest to stay around a size C. I've read that chest exercises can strengthen the pectoral muscles, making your breasts look perkier and more uplifted. I know there really isn't any way to tell how much fat I will lose in my chest, but I'm curious. So ladies, what has happened to your chest size after you lost weight? Any tips or advice?


  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    some people lose it, some don't.

    I was a 42DD at 307 lb and I'm 38DD at 198 lb. A friend of mine went from 220 lb to 190 lb and lost 2 cup sizes (from D to B). Another woman I know had no change in her bra size from 190 lb to 145 lb.

    If you do wind up with a smaller bust perhaps it will look better on your smaller figure anyway. Tell the boyfriend not to sweat it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    some people will- some people won't.

    There isn't a way to control it.

    Just go with it and buy push up bra's if you lose to much. Next to surgery- there really isn't much else you can do. Building your pecs will only get you so far since breast tissue sits on top of it.
  • Fragilebird24
    Fragilebird24 Posts: 202 Member
    I have already lost about .5 to 1 cup size already so hopefully I won't lose anymore. If I do, I do and I'm sure my boyfriend with love me just the same!

    Congrats on your weight loss by the way. That's awesome!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Like everyone else says, it just depends on how your body loses fat. I lost ten pounds and about half a cup size. Some people lose 30 pounds and not an ounce of boobage.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    They're your boobs not his. Take care of your body.....He'll be ok if you end up with smaller boobs.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    They're your boobs not his. Take care of your body.....He'll be ok if you end up with smaller boobs.

    ehhhhhhhh That's not 100% true.

    Yes they are her's
    and Yes she has to do what's right.

    But that doesn't mean he is or has to be okay with it. He is entitled to his opinion and tastes.

    I can tell you right now if my boyfriend got fat like- seriously fat- it would be over. I'm just completely not attracted to that type of life style behavior and body type.

    I can barely stand how he is now because he is the epitome of skinny fat-he is massively squishy- but he has some really amazing qualities that makes me want to be with him- but I honestly hate what his body looks like. It's awful. And guess what- that's my choice and my decision to stay or go based on that.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't lose my chest as I lose weight. It depends on what kind of tissue is dominant -- fat or mammary. Exe cises can help perk them up, but nothing you do can top you from losing them if that's your body type.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yes they are her's
    and Yes she has to do what's right.

    But that doesn't mean he is or has to be okay with it. He is entitled to his opinion and tastes.

    I can tell you right now if my boyfriend got fat like- seriously fat- it would be over. I'm just completely not attracted to that type of life style behavior and body type.

    If her boyfriend is disrespectful to her or leaves her because she loses her boobs as she loses weight, she probably is better off without him, anyway.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yes they are her's
    and Yes she has to do what's right.

    But that doesn't mean he is or has to be okay with it. He is entitled to his opinion and tastes.

    I can tell you right now if my boyfriend got fat like- seriously fat- it would be over. I'm just completely not attracted to that type of life style behavior and body type.

    If her boyfriend is disrespectful to her or leaves her because she loses her boobs as she loses weight, she probably is better off without him, anyway.

    Agreed...I am married and I am half the size I was when we got married...and I was still the smallest woman my husband had been with since high school...he likes full figured women...

    my boobies got smaller...but because of my age they aren't as perky either...:sad: and I have a child...well man child...and breast fed...

    At first my husband was a bit leary...but now...he is constantly slapping my newly perky butt and rubbing my back commenting on how nice it is...etc.

    I suspect any man who really loves you will love your body as long as you do...he will just find different things to love about it...
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    They're your boobs not his. Take care of your body.....He'll be ok if you end up with smaller boobs.

    ehhhhhhhh That's not 100% true.

    Yes they are her's
    and Yes she has to do what's right.

    But that doesn't mean he is or has to be okay with it. He is entitled to his opinion and tastes.

    I can tell you right now if my boyfriend got fat like- seriously fat- it would be over. I'm just completely not attracted to that type of life style behavior and body type.

    I can barely stand how he is now because he is the epitome of skinny fat-he is massively squishy- but he has some really amazing qualities that makes me want to be with him- but I honestly hate what his body looks like. It's awful. And guess what- that's my choice and my decision to stay or go based on that.

    What's love got to do with it? Right?
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    You cant really predict what will happen with your body by what we tell you because your body is going to do whatever it does as you get more fit.

    I have lost a few cup sizes so far and will lose more, but I am pleased with how other parts of my body are improving.

    I want to be healthy and strong as possible. Yes I want to look good, but I cant worry about how different parts of me are going to respond that I have no control over.

    Focus on being your best, and feel good about your accomplishments.

    As far as your boyfriend hopefully he likes the confidence you feel when you reach milestones and goals that are important to you and not focus on one physical trait.
  • mel4bee
    mel4bee Posts: 225 Member
    I lost 20 pounds. I was a 34 B before I lost the weight. Now I am a 32 B
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Eh, boobies are overrated.

    Also,my husband (of 10 years) is a self proclaimed "boob-man". I wear a 36B. He loves me and finds me attractive anyway.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    From a full DD to a small B.... I have the Sadz about it too
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Lost them.

    Okay, ladies. I was all excited to get back on track this month with my workouts and healthy eating. I've lost 25 pounds since mid-June of 2013 with a few months of maintaining (not intentionally, but thank God I wasn't gaining!) & I still want to lose at least 30 to 40 more pounds. My boyfriend is around 6'2 and weighs 135. I'm 5'4 and weigh 180. Needless to say, he's quite a bit thinner than I am. I've noticed though that a lot of the things I'm insecure about he likes. He touches my stomach all the time too, which shows that he isn't repulsed by it. I'm unhappy with my body, so I assumed he would dislike my figure too. When I told him about me wanting to lose weight again (he's always been extremely supportive, even back when we were best friends) his biggest issue was that he didn't want me to lose my chest! He told me he'd be behind me no matter what I do. I know I have to lose weight so that I can be happy in my own body but I also would really love for my chest to stay around a size C. I've read that chest exercises can strengthen the pectoral muscles, making your breasts look perkier and more uplifted. I know there really isn't any way to tell how much fat I will lose in my chest, but I'm curious. So ladies, what has happened to your chest size after you lost weight? Any tips or advice?
  • wjstoj
    wjstoj Posts: 884 Member
    My boyfriend is around 6'2 and weighs 135..........Any tips or advice?

    Advise your boyfriend to start eating before the wind blows him away
  • JenX15
    JenX15 Posts: 103 Member
    A lot of valid comments. My husband made a comment that boobs got smaller.....although I went from a 38E to a 34F in the last 6 months - same brand, same bra - go figure. Relatively they may look smaller, but so is the rest of me. I am still proportionate and my overall shape is the same, just slimmer.

    He also regularly squishes me ... makes me really uncomfortable and I tell him that, but I do know that he loves me regardless of my size and is really supporting of the changes I've made to my lifestyle and the examples I am setting for our children.

    My last two cents ....have you lost your boobs up until this point? If not, chances are they are here to stay..... and if your boyfriend's only concern is the size of your breasts, oh well .... he'll have to "suck it up buttercup".
  • When my wife started losing weight, the first thing to shrink were her boobies. Now I LIKE big boobs, but I LOVE my wife, so for her to lose weight and feel better about herself is more impotant that her chest size. YOur guys statement that he is behind you no matter what really says it all. That's what love is. Build the body that you want, and he will love you all the way.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    They're your boobs not his. Take care of your body.....He'll be ok if you end up with smaller boobs.

    ehhhhhhhh That's not 100% true.

    Yes they are her's
    and Yes she has to do what's right.

    But that doesn't mean he is or has to be okay with it. He is entitled to his opinion and tastes.

    I can tell you right now if my boyfriend got fat like- seriously fat- it would be over. I'm just completely not attracted to that type of life style behavior and body type.

    I can barely stand how he is now because he is the epitome of skinny fat-he is massively squishy- but he has some really amazing qualities that makes me want to be with him- but I honestly hate what his body looks like. It's awful. And guess what- that's my choice and my decision to stay or go based on that.

    Well at least you aren't shallow. That's true love right there.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member
    Eh, boobies are overrated.

    As a man, I have to strongly disagree with that statement...but I will add that boobs do not make the relationship unless that is what the relationship was based on...I know a few people who dated others strictly based on boob size.
    My wife has a nice boobs...and I like 'em but they do not define our relationship.