Boyfriend & Boobies



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    Not that sad if you think about it. I was a child of passion and got to watch my parents marriage implode because they built it poorly. I have a strong passion for my wife, but it didn't come before the commitment to stand by her always. We dated for quite a while, much to her chagrin, and built something to last. Like I said, I love my wife fiercely, but don't disparage the power of faithfulness. It breeds its own type of love.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member

  • the unconditionalilty of the love is the statement that (I love you so much, I am vowing to stay with you no matter what, even if you get sick ,or fat, or ugly, or *****y, or we have 12 kids or get really poor). No matter what means DESPITE the conditions we find ourselves in, I'll stay, because I love you.

    His being abusive toward me certainly wouldn't be any type of reflection of his love toward me, so no, I would not stay. I'm not saying I would stay in absolutely any case, I'm saying why one of us getting sick, or us being poor would not be grounds for splitting up. Hard times in general are not the same thing as abuse.

    Yes because you spoke vows. You said "For better or for worse". Everyone who is defending the vows is stating that you can't put conditions on them. Leaving because your husband is abusive would technically be a 'condition'. As I stated earlier I am merely playing the Devil's Advocate here.

    And if your husband had an addiction and he refused any sort of help and it began to hurt you financially and emotionally and caused you to became depressed and resentful over it you would still stay in the relationship? Because of your vows?
    IF you look back at my statements, I was never defending the vows, but the love. I stay out of love. Not the vows.

    "I love you so much, I am vowing to stay with you no matter what, even if you get sick ,or fat, or ugly, or *****y, or we have 12 kids or get really poor"
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    Why would it make him shallow if he's sad that her boobs shrank? I didn't see any place where the OP said that he'd be so upset that he'd leave her over it.

    The conversation kind of moved on to that when someone basically said that would be perfectly understandable and she'd leave her SO (whom she claims she loves) if he got fat.


    I'd leave my husband if he got fat and he'd leave me for the same reason. We both know this and agreed that it's acceptable. Once one is no longer physically attracted to their SO then it doesn't matter how much you love them. Would it be better if, in that situation, the couple stayed together and the non-fat one decided to cheat because they were aroused by someone else who met their physical needs?

    My vows stated in sickness and in health, for better or worse. I don't understand people who get married but have conditions.
    Sure, there are things I would leave my husband for, abuse of myself or my child for example. But he is an amazing person. He is currently 60 pounds over weight and I am 40. What is the cut off point? At what point should I say, oh you're too fat, I can't be with you anymore?

    Technically, isn't vowing to stay in sickness or in health and such...conditions?

    No, vowing to stay with someone regardless of their health is not putting a condition on it. It is the very definition of unconditional love.

    I don't see vowing to stay with someone regardless of medical health is a reflection on unconditional love. There are those in arranged marriages of sorts that stay married and care for each other to a point because it is expected...not because they love each other unconditionally. There are those that due to religious circumstances get married due to an accidental pregnancy and stay together not because they love each other, but because they fear retaliation and judgement from family and such.

    But the rest of the line follows with - until death do you part. So isn't that making it a condition?

    the unconditionalilty of the love is the statement that (I love you so much, I am vowing to stay with you no matter what, even if you get sick ,or fat, or ugly, or *****y, or we have 12 kids or get really poor). No matter what means DESPITE the conditions we find ourselves in, I'll stay, because I love you.

    And if you're completely miserable in the relationship yet for what ever reason you still love them, then because of your vows you stay?

    Just playing Devils Advocate here but if it's "for better or for worse" wouldn't the "worse" include abuse because it couldn't get any worse than that and if you're claiming that you wouldn't break your vows if your husband got fat than why break them if he abuses you?

    His being abusive toward me certainly wouldn't be any type of reflection of his love toward me, so no, I would not stay. I'm not saying I would stay in absolutely any case, I'm saying why one of us getting sick, or us being poor would not be grounds for splitting up. Hard times in general are not the same thing as abuse.

    But by not staying you're putting a condition on the vows that you spoke.

    Do you HONESTLY think that someone being over weight vs. being abusive is on the same playing field?

    If my husband had an addiction I would get him help. If he got sick I would stay by his side. If he got fat(er) I'd still love him.
    BUT, if he put me in fear for mine or my child's life in danger I would leave. I'd still try to get him the help he needed while keeping myself and my son safe.

    So what if he refused to get help and basically ignored you and your child. What if he ended up getting so overweight that he couldn't walk anymore and still refused to get help?

    Those scenarios are so far out of the realm of reality that I haven't pondered them. I guess we will just have to wait and see if I am strong enough to be the person that I should be if that were to occur. The point I was trying to make is that I won't make my love conditional to my husband's weight, health, wealth or anything else that comes our way and it surprised me that others do.

    To each their own.
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Okay, ladies. I was all excited to get back on track this month with my workouts and healthy eating. I've lost 25 pounds since mid-June of 2013 with a few months of maintaining (not intentionally, but thank God I wasn't gaining!) & I still want to lose at least 30 to 40 more pounds. My boyfriend is around 6'2 and weighs 135. I'm 5'4 and weigh 180. Needless to say, he's quite a bit thinner than I am. I've noticed though that a lot of the things I'm insecure about he likes. He touches my stomach all the time too, which shows that he isn't repulsed by it. I'm unhappy with my body, so I assumed he would dislike my figure too. When I told him about me wanting to lose weight again (he's always been extremely supportive, even back when we were best friends) his biggest issue was that he didn't want me to lose my chest! He told me he'd be behind me no matter what I do. I know I have to lose weight so that I can be happy in my own body but I also would really love for my chest to stay around a size C. I've read that chest exercises can strengthen the pectoral muscles, making your breasts look perkier and more uplifted. I know there really isn't any way to tell how much fat I will lose in my chest, but I'm curious. So ladies, what has happened to your chest size after you lost weight? Any tips or advice?

    Hi, OP. I don't want to read 8 pages of bickering, so if this has been answered already, I apologize. Breast tissue does not melt away like fat elsewhere on your body does. That being said, it's entirely possible extra fat is being stored in your breasts and your current cup size is not just breast tissue, but plain and simple obesity. The caveat is that you have no way of knowing by looking or feeling how much of your cup size is breast tissue and how much is adipose. As you begin to lose weight, track your bust measurements. You will likely see an initial decline, but as adipose in your breasts is burned, you will eventually plateau despite continuing to lose weight and inches elsewhere. That's when you know you have reached just tissue.

    Some women store adipose in their hips, some their bellies (me!) and some their busts. If your partner isn't pleased with the lack of volume should you decrease in size, tell him a breast augmentation is only $5000 and it can be the gift to himself that keeps on giving. :wink:

    Again, sorry if you already got that answer before.
  • This thread went from a serious concern to a war zone of opinions.

    OP, I am sorry that your concern is no longer the focus.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member

    "I love you so much, I am vowing to stay with you no matter what, even if you get sick ,or fat, or ugly, or *****y, or we have 12 kids or get really poor"

    Grammar, kids. The love is the active verb in the sentence. The am vowing is the passive action.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    To be clear, those who claim they will leave their SO over weight gain are NOT in LOVE. What you have is barely a performance contract.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    Right? All over some itty bitty t***ies.
  • MagJam2004
    MagJam2004 Posts: 651 Member
    This thread went from a serious concern to a war zone of opinions.

    OP, I am sorry that your concern is no longer the focus.


    Guilty...I'm done.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    This thread went from a serious concern to a war zone of opinions.

    OP, I am sorry that your concern is no longer the focus.

    Whatev, it was answered in the first two pages.
  • Okay, ladies. I was all excited to get back on track this month with my workouts and healthy eating. I've lost 25 pounds since mid-June of 2013 with a few months of maintaining (not intentionally, but thank God I wasn't gaining!) & I still want to lose at least 30 to 40 more pounds. My boyfriend is around 6'2 and weighs 135. I'm 5'4 and weigh 180. Needless to say, he's quite a bit thinner than I am. I've noticed though that a lot of the things I'm insecure about he likes. He touches my stomach all the time too, which shows that he isn't repulsed by it. I'm unhappy with my body, so I assumed he would dislike my figure too. When I told him about me wanting to lose weight again (he's always been extremely supportive, even back when we were best friends) his biggest issue was that he didn't want me to lose my chest! He told me he'd be behind me no matter what I do. I know I have to lose weight so that I can be happy in my own body but I also would really love for my chest to stay around a size C. I've read that chest exercises can strengthen the pectoral muscles, making your breasts look perkier and more uplifted. I know there really isn't any way to tell how much fat I will lose in my chest, but I'm curious. So ladies, what has happened to your chest size after you lost weight? Any tips or advice?

    Hi, OP. I don't want to read 8 pages of bickering, so if this has been answered already, I apologize. Breast tissue does not melt away like fat elsewhere on your body does. That being said, it's entirely possible extra fat is being stored in your breasts and your current cup size is not just breast tissue, but plain and simple obesity. The caveat is that you have no way of knowing by looking or feeling how much of your cup size is breast tissue and how much is adipose. As you begin to lose weight, track your bust measurements. You will likely see an initial decline, but as adipose in your breasts is burned, you will eventually plateau despite continuing to lose weight and inches elsewhere. That's when you know you have reached just tissue.

    Some women store adipose in their hips, some their bellies (me!) and some their busts. If your partner isn't pleased with the lack of volume should you decrease in size, tell him a breast augmentation is only $5000 and it can be the gift to himself that keeps on giving. :wink:

    Again, sorry if you already got that answer before.


    I lost a bunch of weight years ago, and I can't remember if I lost a cup or not. I probably did a little, but I tend to store most of my fat in my stomach and in my thighs. I do remember my ladies getting perkier though! I lost that weird side boobage-fat that I had goin' on.
  • To be clear, those who claim they will leave their SO over weight gain are NOT in LOVE. What you have is barely a performance contract.

    Yes. Because you know so much about other people's relationships.

    Now I must go look for the secret cameras that you have hidden around my house where you are viewing myself and my husband which has led you to the above conclusion.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member

    Do you HONESTLY think that someone being over weight vs. being abusive is on the same playing field?

    If my husband had an addiction I would get him help. If he got sick I would stay by his side. If he got fat(er) I'd still love him.
    BUT, if he put me in fear for mine or my child's life or put us in danger I would leave. I'd still try to get him the help he needed while keeping myself and my son safe.

    Yes because you spoke vows. You said "For better or for worse". Everyone who is defending the vows is stating that you can't put conditions on them. Leaving because your husband is abusive would technically be a 'condition'. As I stated earlier I am merely playing the Devil's Advocate here.

    And if your husband had an addiction and he refused any sort of help and it began to hurt you financially and emotionally and caused you to became depressed and resentful over it you would still stay in the relationship? Because of your vows?

    Edited because I am tired of looking at the huge block of quotes.

    If you take your vows that seriously, then you would remain married. You might do other things to try to help your husband. You might decide to put physical and/or emotional distance between you to try to keep him from causing more damage. You might get him sent to prison or committed in an institution if it came to that. But you'd still stay married.

    Unless you're me. If my husband raises a hand to me, he'd better do it only once because if he tries it again, I'll kill him. Problem solved. Death occurred, we part. <-- Only half-kidding here. Probably a good thing I'm not married, yes?
  • I really love how there is one group of women saying that If their man became unattractive (physically or personality/behavior wise) to them, through circumstances within his control (like over eating, laziness and a bad attitude) and he had no intention of correcting these behaviors - they might leave him. They assume it is because of reasons he has control over.

    Then there is a second group of women who counter that by saying CANCER, CRIPPLING ACCIDENT, ED!!!!! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE HIM BECAUSE OF THAT! because they assume that the only reason a person would get fat is because of reasons they have no control over.

    omg. im giggling my butt off.

    Im giggling because I know that the women who are talking about a man or woman refusing to change things within their control - are the ones that know that getting fit is within your control. It's the ultimate in taking responsibility for your existence. And they cant be yoked to someone who cannot take/maintain control of their own lives.

    Im giggling because of the implied opposite of this and those that maintain that mindset.

    Then I picture the fit women who have control - facing off against the ones whining about what they cannot control... and I know that I am right when I tell myself - always focus on what you can control, not on what is out of your hands.

    Or you'll never see how to change, only that you cant.

    And it goes back to my original answer to the girl who wrote this blog.

    Dont worry about what you cannot control. Focus on what you can control. And that is your health. Focus on getting fit and continuing to make good decisions.

    If the shrinking boobs become a problem, im sure your lovely other half will be willing to at least talk to you - if he even notices a difference :heart:
  • lnoelg
    lnoelg Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I lost around a hundred pounds and went from a 44 F to a 36 C which is a huge difference but most people don't notice much from my appearance because I lost all over my body. My boyfriend doesn't seem to notice a big difference either. Definitely do the workouts to help keep them perky because you'll notice they sag a little as you lose cup sizes but it won't be noticeable to anyone but you. One thing to keep in mind as you slim down is that when you get smaller clothes they will also be designed for smaller breasts so if you didn't lose there as well your clothes wouldn't fit correctly. It sounds like you have a great supportive guy and as long as you're healthy he will be happy for you. Best of luck!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    To be clear, those who claim they will leave their SO over weight gain are NOT in LOVE. What you have is barely a performance contract.
    Congrats on your ESP. There's a thread for empaths that was started last week.
  • To be clear, those who claim they will leave their SO over weight gain are NOT in LOVE. What you have is barely a performance contract.

    or suddenly you're married to a food addict, who spent rent on fast food and hides the evidence in the kids toybox, jeopardizes his health and the bank to keep it under wraps and lies more often than not and has no care at all as to how this would affect your children - and not just the financial strain - but the attitude that trickles down - the attitude of gluttony and over indulgence without consequences.

    A+ would divorce
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I really love how there is one group of women saying that If their man became unattractive (physically or personality/behavior wise) to them, through circumstances within his control (like over eating, laziness and a bad attitude) and he had no intention of correcting these behaviors - they might leave him. They assume it is because of reasons he has control over.

    Then there is a second group of women who counter that by saying CANCER, CRIPPLING ACCIDENT, ED!!!!! HOW COULD YOU LEAVE HIM BECAUSE OF THAT! because they assume that the only reason a person would get fat is because of reasons they have no control over.

    My husband is overweight through his own overeating and lack of willpower. And no, I'd never leave him for it. He has control over it. I still love him anyway.