Boyfriend & Boobies



  • steampunk_pilot
    Love most certainly is NOT enough. It has to be balanced with sexual attraction, chemistry, similar life paths, common sense, mutual respect, complimentary perspectives, respect for responsibilities and where you are both steering your lives.
    omg thank you. I felt like I was the only one who realizes sexual attraction and other things matter. jesus.
    Same thing, if you know your husband is madly in love with your cleavage, then you can explain to him that your health has to come first and if your boobies suffer and it still bothers him, then you will work together to see what you can do.

    GTFO with that logic!!! work together to find a compromise?

    NONSENSE_ that's not how a good working relationship works!!!

  • BeckyGee84
    BeckyGee84 Posts: 124 Member
    If your boyfriend is going to give you crap for losing weight and ending up with smaller boobs, that's his problem, not yours. Give him a pair of balloons to squeeze. You would think that he'd be supportive of your new healthy lifestyle, not strictly concerned with the size of your chest. I was a 36C right after I had my son when I was at my biggest (about 150. I'm 5'3"). Sure I had bigger boobs but I also had a big gut, huge thighs and a flabby, wiggly butt. I'd much rather have smaller boobs and have the rest of my body look nice (I'm a 34B now and weigh 130). I'm not saying that it doesn't suck seeing your boobs shrink and having to buy smaller bras, but boobs aren't the only thing that define women as people. If you're really self-conscious about it, make him pay for you to get fake ones.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I can relate, my boyfriend met me at my heaviest and he loves my curvy big butt & boobs. I've lost 5 lbs so far so it's really not noticeable, but I warned him that *everything* will be shrinking in the next 6 months, so be prepared!

    My bf is 5'8" and 165 and I'm at 166, I've never been lighter than him, it's exciting! He reassured me he wants me to be healthy and be able to go on long runs with him, and that it's really not about the ACTUAL size of my boobs. As women, I feel like it's hard to believe it's not just about the size. We're so concentrated on the size - not just of our boobs, but of everything.
  • steampunk_pilot
    Yes they are her's
    and Yes she has to do what's right.

    But that doesn't mean he is or has to be okay with it. He is entitled to his opinion and tastes.

    I can tell you right now if my boyfriend got fat like- seriously fat- it would be over. I'm just completely not attracted to that type of life style behavior and body type.

    If her boyfriend is disrespectful to her or leaves her because she loses her boobs as she loses weight, she probably is better off without him, anyway.

    This 100%
    and yet if a woman takes issues with a man's small penis it's okay for her to walk away from that instead of just love him anyway?

    Way too much jump on the "love covers everything" band wagon. The reality is it doesn't.

    If you don't find a certain thing attractive- it doesn't make you shallow- it makes you know what you like. No this is not a hard line- there is without a doubt a wide gray swath of what is acceptable on each side and what someone is willing to accept- but everyone has a point where they would no longer be attractive things wouldn't be so hot to trot.

    That's a reality. I'm at least adult enough to admit that I could never be attracted to certain things. That isn't shallow- it's reality.
    You are introducing a sentiment that no one here has expressed, so I'm not sure why you think it's relevent.

    Where did I say it was OK for a woman to ridicule or leave a man she claims she loves over something like that? Where did I say I would do so or have done so?

    If you can find that quote from me, I might take this last post seriously.

    good point. considering they never said that you said any of that. Love seeing people ready to fight about anything. Ohh yippee skippy! so exciting!!! I get to be offended! -does dance-

    On the topic at hand, I am also adult enough to admit there are some physical attributes that are deal breakers for me. Inactive lifestyle? Out of shape? Refuse to exercise? Average or smaller in certain departments?

    Cant do it. Im out. Cause without attraction, we are just friends. And Im not dating someone I feel just 'friendly' toward.

    If I really loved my boobs, and I lost them in a weight loss incident, and my husband dearly missed them and wanted them back, i would find a way to get them back. Cause it would be important to both of us for me to feel desired and sexy and beautiful.

    Love most certainly is NOT enough. It has to be balanced with sexual attraction, chemistry, similar life paths, common sense, mutual respect, complimentary perspectives, respect for responsibilities and where you are both steering your lives.

    If your husband was in love with your long beautiful hair and you knew that was his favorite part - would you say screw him and chop it all off in a pixie cut? no let's hope you dont surprise him after work like that.

    Same thing, if you know your husband is madly in love with your cleavage, then you can explain to him that your health has to come first and if your boobies suffer and it still bothers him, then you will work together to see what you can do.

    Okay, I'm going to chime in on a serious note here, because this has become a pretty serious discussion and for a noob you are one harsh chick.

    My husband absolutely LOVES my long hair. Hates short hair on women. Hates it. I keep it long for him.
    Now, I was diagnosed with brain cancer this year. I was able to keep my hair when I had my craniotomy and tumor resection.
    HOWEVER. When my tumor grows back (and it will, eventually), I will have to have radiation. My hair will fall out. I won't have the long hair my husband loves. We can't compromise on that and find some way for me to keep it for him, I'll lose it.
    Guess what? He's going to stay with me anyway. Even when I don't have hair, the long hair he really likes.

    Know why? Because he loves ME. Not my hair, ME. And that my dear, is what true, long-term love is all about.

    Im not a noob, but thanks for thinking that people who are new cant participate as well as others. I remade my account cause I used to be here and didnt use this place and now im doing a race with a bunch of my bf's friends on here this summer, so im back.

    I said that you wouldnt chop off your hair just because you felt like it, and didnt tell your hubs even though you know he really loves it. This is not the same as going through medical procedures over time to save your life.

    I dont think that should have to be specified because common sense says that if you were losing your hair because of cancer therapy, your husband would, im hoping, know about it - and I specifically said 'surprise him'.

    My mother is fighting the same battles, I wish you lots of love and care and support from your friends and family.
  • steampunk_pilot
    the idea being if you don't like something about somebody- you leave. That's the general concept. And it's a common joke with women but the second a man says he isn't happy his woman might drop a cup size- everyone jumps on the man hating band wagon. Double standard much?

    You're addressing me directly. I have never made such a joke nor laughed at it when others did.

    And, again, if you LOVE someone and are IN A RELATIONSHIP and you leave over something like that, it's shallow. Just own it.

    It's not shallow - it's reality. People change. Sometimes you can deal with it- sometimes you cannot. Sometimes the change is beyond your margin of acceptability. People are stuck in this idea that relationships are static and love fixes it. It doesn't. PEOPLE CHANGE.

    This is why there are hundreds of wildly unhappy married couples- who would be better off divorcing and finding someone who fits their lifestyle better. I know what I can accept- and I know what I cannot. People would be a lot happier if they were more honest about themselves rather than trying to force themselves to stay with people they aren't attracted to.

    yes- love covers a lot-and if you truly love someone- that gray area for what you are willing to accept can be very large- but everyone has a point where they can't do it any more.

    You do know that love is a choice, not an emotion? It is a choice that committed couples make every day. Day after day. It really is a wonderful thing to not be at the mercy of people's whims.

    cant it be both, or is that beneath yall?
  • steampunk_pilot
    Okay, I'm going to chime in on a serious note here, because this has become a pretty serious discussion and for a noob you are one harsh chick.
    No way she's a noob.

    I'm not sure who she used to be or why she has such a hard-on for me, but I do love the ignore feature. She might want to try using it if I bother her so much.

    Oooh a mystery...

    It's not a mystery, I was chopper pilot - i admit it when anyone asks - im back cause i signed up for a spartan.
  • Greytfish
    Wow. This went to crazy town fast.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    the idea being if you don't like something about somebody- you leave. That's the general concept. And it's a common joke with women but the second a man says he isn't happy his woman might drop a cup size- everyone jumps on the man hating band wagon. Double standard much?

    You're addressing me directly. I have never made such a joke nor laughed at it when others did.

    And, again, if you LOVE someone and are IN A RELATIONSHIP and you leave over something like that, it's shallow. Just own it.

    It's not shallow - it's reality. People change. Sometimes you can deal with it- sometimes you cannot. Sometimes the change is beyond your margin of acceptability. People are stuck in this idea that relationships are static and love fixes it. It doesn't. PEOPLE CHANGE.

    This is why there are hundreds of wildly unhappy married couples- who would be better off divorcing and finding someone who fits their lifestyle better. I know what I can accept- and I know what I cannot. People would be a lot happier if they were more honest about themselves rather than trying to force themselves to stay with people they aren't attracted to.

    yes- love covers a lot-and if you truly love someone- that gray area for what you are willing to accept can be very large- but everyone has a point where they can't do it any more.

    You do know that love is a choice, not an emotion? It is a choice that committed couples make every day. Day after day. It really is a wonderful thing to not be at the mercy of people's whims.

    cant it be both, or is that beneath yall?

    Love being a choice means it is both, by definition. :ohwell:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You do know that love is a choice, not an emotion? It is a choice that committed couples make every day. Day after day. It really is a wonderful thing to not be at the mercy of people's whims.

    and yet- we are still are attracted to certain features and things. it's not JUST a choice. It's not JUST an action. It's an emotion. It's not one dimensional.
    There is a reason it has what- at least 3 different variations for the word LOVE in Hebrew? Because ONE word doesn't do it justice- it doesn't encompass all of it's aspects.

    It's not JUST one of those things.

    It's so much MORE than that- and one of those things is physical attraction. It's foolish and naive to think there isn't and shouldn't be some sort of physical attraction.

    i'm not saying you should live your life to please them- I cut my hair and dye it all the time- it's an accessory- I don't ask him. I do not live on a whim- but I don't expect him to sit around quietly if I drastically changed who I was as a person- either becoming too skinny or too fat. And at some point- I would expect he wouldn't want to make love to me- and then he would leave. I don't think it would be immediate and I never suggested it should be- but appearances and physical attraction matter.
  • axelgoldstein
    My fear is that I WON'T lose my boobs! I have always been big-chested, but these DDDs gotta go! I think they will shrink some. I have already noticed that my cups no longer run over, if you know what I mean.

    THIS EXACTLY!!!!! cup still slightly runs over.....
  • steampunk_pilot
    You do know that love is a choice, not an emotion? It is a choice that committed couples make every day. Day after day. It really is a wonderful thing to not be at the mercy of people's whims.

    cant it be both, or is that beneath yall?

    Love being a choice means it is both, by definition. :ohwell:

    but you just said it was one or the other.

    Maybe committed couples who fall in love and fully feel that emotion, make a decision together to nurture that emotion and evolve together so they will have a successful relationship.

    I feel like love is an emotion and relationships are a decision.

    So for the OP, her man loves her and they have decided to continue their relationship - just as they will decide what they think of the boobs/no boobs when they cross that bridge.

    In the meantime, she should not allow this fear to keep her from trying her best, because the fear is not based on imminent pain or suffering, so i wish the best for them both.-
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Yes they are her's
    and Yes she has to do what's right.

    But that doesn't mean he is or has to be okay with it. He is entitled to his opinion and tastes.

    I can tell you right now if my boyfriend got fat like- seriously fat- it would be over. I'm just completely not attracted to that type of life style behavior and body type.

    If her boyfriend is disrespectful to her or leaves her because she loses her boobs as she loses weight, she probably is better off without him, anyway.

    This 100%
    and yet if a woman takes issues with a man's small penis it's okay for her to walk away from that instead of just love him anyway?

    Way too much jump on the "love covers everything" band wagon. The reality is it doesn't.

    If you don't find a certain thing attractive- it doesn't make you shallow- it makes you know what you like. No this is not a hard line- there is without a doubt a wide gray swath of what is acceptable on each side and what someone is willing to accept- but everyone has a point where they would no longer be attractive things wouldn't be so hot to trot.

    That's a reality. I'm at least adult enough to admit that I could never be attracted to certain things. That isn't shallow- it's reality.
    You are introducing a sentiment that no one here has expressed, so I'm not sure why you think it's relevent.

    Where did I say it was OK for a woman to ridicule or leave a man she claims she loves over something like that? Where did I say I would do so or have done so?

    If you can find that quote from me, I might take this last post seriously.

    good point. considering they never said that you said any of that. Love seeing people ready to fight about anything. Ohh yippee skippy! so exciting!!! I get to be offended! -does dance-

    On the topic at hand, I am also adult enough to admit there are some physical attributes that are deal breakers for me. Inactive lifestyle? Out of shape? Refuse to exercise? Average or smaller in certain departments?

    Cant do it. Im out. Cause without attraction, we are just friends. And Im not dating someone I feel just 'friendly' toward.

    If I really loved my boobs, and I lost them in a weight loss incident, and my husband dearly missed them and wanted them back, i would find a way to get them back. Cause it would be important to both of us for me to feel desired and sexy and beautiful.

    Love most certainly is NOT enough. It has to be balanced with sexual attraction, chemistry, similar life paths, common sense, mutual respect, complimentary perspectives, respect for responsibilities and where you are both steering your lives.

    If your husband was in love with your long beautiful hair and you knew that was his favorite part - would you say screw him and chop it all off in a pixie cut? no let's hope you dont surprise him after work like that.

    Same thing, if you know your husband is madly in love with your cleavage, then you can explain to him that your health has to come first and if your boobies suffer and it still bothers him, then you will work together to see what you can do.

    Okay, I'm going to chime in on a serious note here, because this has become a pretty serious discussion and for a noob you are one harsh chick.

    My husband absolutely LOVES my long hair. Hates short hair on women. Hates it. I keep it long for him.
    Now, I was diagnosed with brain cancer this year. I was able to keep my hair when I had my craniotomy and tumor resection.
    HOWEVER. When my tumor grows back (and it will, eventually), I will have to have radiation. My hair will fall out. I won't have the long hair my husband loves. We can't compromise on that and find some way for me to keep it for him, I'll lose it.
    Guess what? He's going to stay with me anyway. Even when I don't have hair, the long hair he really likes.

    Know why? Because he loves ME. Not my hair, ME. And that my dear, is what true, long-term love is all about.

    Im not a noob, but thanks for thinking that people who are new cant participate as well as others. I remade my account cause I used to be here and didnt use this place and now im doing a race with a bunch of my bf's friends on here this summer, so im back.

    I said that you wouldnt chop off your hair just because you felt like it, and didnt tell your hubs even though you know he really loves it. This is not the same as going through medical procedures over time to save your life.

    I dont think that should have to be specified because common sense says that if you were losing your hair because of cancer therapy, your husband would, im hoping, know about it - and I specifically said 'surprise him'.

    My mother is fighting the same battles, I wish you lots of love and care and support from your friends and family.

    My hair reference was to your point about health coming first and boobs going away not being important. You said that if it was important to him, the woman should find a way to fix it. A breast enhancement runs in the $7000-$10,000 range and is not covered by insurance. Most people can't afford to hand out that kind of cash for a breast job. So if he really liked her boobs, she lost weight, and they are saggy now, and they can't afford the fix, what's your answer?
    That's my question.
    If he loves her, it won't matter.
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    Lots of crazy up in here quick!

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Yes they are her's
    and Yes she has to do what's right.

    But that doesn't mean he is or has to be okay with it. He is entitled to his opinion and tastes.

    I can tell you right now if my boyfriend got fat like- seriously fat- it would be over. I'm just completely not attracted to that type of life style behavior and body type.

    If her boyfriend is disrespectful to her or leaves her because she loses her boobs as she loses weight, she probably is better off without him, anyway.

    This 100%
    and yet if a woman takes issues with a man's small penis it's okay for her to walk away from that instead of just love him anyway?

    Way too much jump on the "love covers everything" band wagon. The reality is it doesn't.

    If you don't find a certain thing attractive- it doesn't make you shallow- it makes you know what you like. No this is not a hard line- there is without a doubt a wide gray swath of what is acceptable on each side and what someone is willing to accept- but everyone has a point where they would no longer be attractive things wouldn't be so hot to trot.

    That's a reality. I'm at least adult enough to admit that I could never be attracted to certain things. That isn't shallow- it's reality.
    You are introducing a sentiment that no one here has expressed, so I'm not sure why you think it's relevent.

    Where did I say it was OK for a woman to ridicule or leave a man she claims she loves over something like that? Where did I say I would do so or have done so?

    If you can find that quote from me, I might take this last post seriously.

    good point. considering they never said that you said any of that. Love seeing people ready to fight about anything. Ohh yippee skippy! so exciting!!! I get to be offended! -does dance-

    On the topic at hand, I am also adult enough to admit there are some physical attributes that are deal breakers for me. Inactive lifestyle? Out of shape? Refuse to exercise? Average or smaller in certain departments?

    Cant do it. Im out. Cause without attraction, we are just friends. And Im not dating someone I feel just 'friendly' toward.

    If I really loved my boobs, and I lost them in a weight loss incident, and my husband dearly missed them and wanted them back, i would find a way to get them back. Cause it would be important to both of us for me to feel desired and sexy and beautiful.

    Love most certainly is NOT enough. It has to be balanced with sexual attraction, chemistry, similar life paths, common sense, mutual respect, complimentary perspectives, respect for responsibilities and where you are both steering your lives.

    If your husband was in love with your long beautiful hair and you knew that was his favorite part - would you say screw him and chop it all off in a pixie cut? no let's hope you dont surprise him after work like that.

    Same thing, if you know your husband is madly in love with your cleavage, then you can explain to him that your health has to come first and if your boobies suffer and it still bothers him, then you will work together to see what you can do.

    Okay, I'm going to chime in on a serious note here, because this has become a pretty serious discussion and for a noob you are one harsh chick.

    My husband absolutely LOVES my long hair. Hates short hair on women. Hates it. I keep it long for him.
    Now, I was diagnosed with brain cancer this year. I was able to keep my hair when I had my craniotomy and tumor resection.
    HOWEVER. When my tumor grows back (and it will, eventually), I will have to have radiation. My hair will fall out. I won't have the long hair my husband loves. We can't compromise on that and find some way for me to keep it for him, I'll lose it.
    Guess what? He's going to stay with me anyway. Even when I don't have hair, the long hair he really likes.

    Know why? Because he loves ME. Not my hair, ME. And that my dear, is what true, long-term love is all about.

    Im not a noob, but thanks for thinking that people who are new cant participate as well as others. I remade my account cause I used to be here and didnt use this place and now im doing a race with a bunch of my bf's friends on here this summer, so im back.

    I said that you wouldnt chop off your hair just because you felt like it, and didnt tell your hubs even though you know he really loves it. This is not the same as going through medical procedures over time to save your life.

    I dont think that should have to be specified because common sense says that if you were losing your hair because of cancer therapy, your husband would, im hoping, know about it - and I specifically said 'surprise him'.

    My mother is fighting the same battles, I wish you lots of love and care and support from your friends and family.

    First of all, I don't think the person who made the comment about new people meant to insinuate that new people can't participate "as well" as others. (Although a lot of new people act like it's the first time they've ever been on a forum). Either way, most people in a lot of places tend to assume that those who are new may not be aware of how discussions here go...or that the blunt/straight forward tone of some may be in the situation of you assuming that she was making assumptions at your abilities to participate in a forum. We try to ease people into things around I would have thought someone who used to be here would have realized.

    Second - You said that her hair loss due to her medical condition wouldn't be a "surprise" to him. As far as I know, most people who lose weight are aware that certain body parts will shrink...not to mention the fact that unless they are getting lipo done, it isn't going to be a "surprise" either when things start getting smaller. In fact, someone's hair loss due to chemo would be much more faster/extreme than someone losing weight (granted, I'm assuming they aren't going through any surgeries or drastic measures).
  • steampunk_pilot
    Yes they are her's
    and Yes she has to do what's right.

    But that doesn't mean he is or has to be okay with it. He is entitled to his opinion and tastes.

    I can tell you right now if my boyfriend got fat like- seriously fat- it would be over. I'm just completely not attracted to that type of life style behavior and body type.

    If her boyfriend is disrespectful to her or leaves her because she loses her boobs as she loses weight, she probably is better off without him, anyway.

    This 100%
    and yet if a woman takes issues with a man's small penis it's okay for her to walk away from that instead of just love him anyway?

    Way too much jump on the "love covers everything" band wagon. The reality is it doesn't.

    If you don't find a certain thing attractive- it doesn't make you shallow- it makes you know what you like. No this is not a hard line- there is without a doubt a wide gray swath of what is acceptable on each side and what someone is willing to accept- but everyone has a point where they would no longer be attractive things wouldn't be so hot to trot.

    That's a reality. I'm at least adult enough to admit that I could never be attracted to certain things. That isn't shallow- it's reality.
    You are introducing a sentiment that no one here has expressed, so I'm not sure why you think it's relevent.

    Where did I say it was OK for a woman to ridicule or leave a man she claims she loves over something like that? Where did I say I would do so or have done so?

    If you can find that quote from me, I might take this last post seriously.

    good point. considering they never said that you said any of that. Love seeing people ready to fight about anything. Ohh yippee skippy! so exciting!!! I get to be offended! -does dance-

    On the topic at hand, I am also adult enough to admit there are some physical attributes that are deal breakers for me. Inactive lifestyle? Out of shape? Refuse to exercise? Average or smaller in certain departments?

    Cant do it. Im out. Cause without attraction, we are just friends. And Im not dating someone I feel just 'friendly' toward.

    If I really loved my boobs, and I lost them in a weight loss incident, and my husband dearly missed them and wanted them back, i would find a way to get them back. Cause it would be important to both of us for me to feel desired and sexy and beautiful.

    Love most certainly is NOT enough. It has to be balanced with sexual attraction, chemistry, similar life paths, common sense, mutual respect, complimentary perspectives, respect for responsibilities and where you are both steering your lives.

    If your husband was in love with your long beautiful hair and you knew that was his favorite part - would you say screw him and chop it all off in a pixie cut? no let's hope you dont surprise him after work like that.

    Same thing, if you know your husband is madly in love with your cleavage, then you can explain to him that your health has to come first and if your boobies suffer and it still bothers him, then you will work together to see what you can do.

    Okay, I'm going to chime in on a serious note here, because this has become a pretty serious discussion and for a noob you are one harsh chick.

    My husband absolutely LOVES my long hair. Hates short hair on women. Hates it. I keep it long for him.
    Now, I was diagnosed with brain cancer this year. I was able to keep my hair when I had my craniotomy and tumor resection.
    HOWEVER. When my tumor grows back (and it will, eventually), I will have to have radiation. My hair will fall out. I won't have the long hair my husband loves. We can't compromise on that and find some way for me to keep it for him, I'll lose it.
    Guess what? He's going to stay with me anyway. Even when I don't have hair, the long hair he really likes.

    Know why? Because he loves ME. Not my hair, ME. And that my dear, is what true, long-term love is all about.

    Im not a noob, but thanks for thinking that people who are new cant participate as well as others. I remade my account cause I used to be here and didnt use this place and now im doing a race with a bunch of my bf's friends on here this summer, so im back.

    I said that you wouldnt chop off your hair just because you felt like it, and didnt tell your hubs even though you know he really loves it. This is not the same as going through medical procedures over time to save your life.

    I dont think that should have to be specified because common sense says that if you were losing your hair because of cancer therapy, your husband would, im hoping, know about it - and I specifically said 'surprise him'.

    My mother is fighting the same battles, I wish you lots of love and care and support from your friends and family.

    My hair reference was to your point about health coming first and boobs going away not being important. You said that if it was important to him, the woman should find a way to fix it. A breast enhancement runs in the $7000-$10,000 range and is not covered by insurance. Most people can't afford to hand out that kind of cash for a breast job. So if he really liked her boobs, she lost weight, and they are saggy now, and they can't afford the fix, what's your answer?
    That's my question.
    If he loves her, it won't matter.

    If he loves her, no it wont matter. Sometimes breast enhancement IS covered. I also said that if it was important, they would figure something out together.

    but if it really hurts HER and her self esteem, then plastic surgery COULD BE an option that might help.

    As far as I know, anyone who leaves their wife because cancer took her breasts - is going to be spending eternity in a very special level of hell.
  • steampunk_pilot
    If your husband was in love with your long beautiful hair and you knew that was his favorite part - would you say screw him and chop it all off in a pixie cut? no let's hope you dont surprise him after work like that.

    ^ this was not referring to cancer.


    This is referring to someone who purposefully ignores what their SO loves and brashly destroys it without a care for his opinion.

    The OP doesnt want to do that and was asking for advice.

    My advice is to go for gold and discuss the boobs/no boobs with her husband.

    How that is offensive or implies that she doesnt love herself or her man or that one of them is shallow, I will never understand.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    If he loves her, no it wont matter. Sometimes breast enhancement IS covered. I also said that if it was important, they would figure something out together.

    but if it really hurts HER and her self esteem, then plastic surgery COULD BE an option that might help.

    As far as I know, anyone who leaves their wife because cancer took her breats - is going to be spending eternity in a very special level of hell.

    push up bra's or surgery- one's just a more fixed solution. no shame either way.

    Also- medical conditions and leaving or staying through those is a totally different ball of wax. And I am inclined to agree- leaving on terms of severe medical illness isn't a reason to walk away- but I know it happens.
  • steampunk_pilot
    So if he really liked her boobs, she lost weight, and they are saggy now, and they can't afford the fix, what's your answer?
    That's my question.

    the same as it has been from the start. they'll figure it out TOGETHER.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    So if he really liked her boobs, she lost weight, and they are saggy now, and they can't afford the fix, what's your answer?
    That's my question.

    the same as it has been from the start. they'll figure it out TOGETHER.

    wtf kind of question is that?

    what if something on him eventually sags?

