Over 200 New year New Me Part 34

awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
So here it is!! My new plan of action is to be out of the 200's by the New Year.I think thats realistic and even if I don't make it all the way out I will be happy with being close to being out of the 200's at least I will have a goal to get to.


  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    That is a great goal! My goal is to loose another 25lbs by the 1st of the year! I think it doable!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    That is a great goal! My goal is to loose another 25lbs by the 1st of the year! I think it doable!
    Love the new profile pic !! you look amazing
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Co girl-I love the new pic! You are looking amazing!

    Ann-I think that's a good goal for you!

    Today has been a boring day. TOM's coming. I want to eat everything in sight. I did some cleaning. No workout this morning. I slept late so I didn't go to spin. Getting the Insanity DVD's from my best friend today or tomorrow..I hear the fitness test will knock you on your butt. We will see what happens! I'm off to go watch Florida State VS OU at Hooters with my neighbor and his daughter. Hope everybody has a great day!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Cogirl, the first thing I noticed was your profile pic. Look at those jaw bones all showing. WOW!!!! I actually came on here to brag and show off my profile pic. and yours blew me away!!!!!

    Okay ladies, look at my profile pic. Isn't she lovely? Just ask her momma
  • Julie - congrats on hitting the new low weight!

    COGirl and awestfall - those are both great goals, and I think totally doable. :happy:

    Jess - don't let the boredom get you down! Hope you have fun at the game.

    Yesterday was a gorgeous day here...spent most of it outside enjoying the sunshine with various friends. Did week 5 day 2 of Couch to 5K in the morning and thought I was going to die! The good news is that, even with a little bit of fair-food (a hot dog and some potato chips), I'm still down over a pound from yesterday, meaning I'm about .4 pounds from being 260 - which is my 25 pound mark! SOOOO close I can taste it.

    Happy Saturday!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Cogirl, the first thing I noticed was your profile pic. Look at those jaw bones all showing. WOW!!!! I actually came on here to brag and show off my profile pic. and yours blew me away!!!!!

    Okay ladies, look at my profile pic. Isn't she lovely? Just ask her momma
    She is gorgeous!!! So glad you are back posting with us even though you are really busy with Ryans Kinder class.We love you !! By the way how is Ryan doing and is Momma taking care of herself???
  • CMellymel
    CMellymel Posts: 3 Member
    Hi eveyone am new here and can you please tell me how you guys got started on weight loss am reading and looking at all the information on this site but still is walking into a wall am 250 :sad: and would like one day to be 150-180 any help will be great thanks
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ann -- Thanks for the new thread! I know you're busy but I hope to see you here more often. I miss you and Momma terribly! You're the 2 here who welcomed me into this group and have been with me from the beginning so while I love all the ladies here, you 2 are definitely special to me. :flowerforyou:

    Momma -- See above. And yes, your daughter is gorgeous! :happy: I know you're so proud of her (and rightly so).

    Purple -- Way to go with W5D2! You're really rocking C25K! I'm super impressed. I didn't start C25K until I was around 250 and I definitely had to repeat week 4 before I could get through week 5!

    CoGirl - WOW!!! I love your new profile picture! Your face looks SO THIN! You're doing such an amazing job, proving to all of us that it CAN be done even when your life is busy and overwhelming. Truly amazing.

    CMellymel -- Welcome to this amazing group of ladies! I started here last September at over 270 pounds (I weigh in the low 190s now). My best advice is to read the posts at the top of the "General Diet and Weight Loss" section of the forums here and figure out a plan of action that will work for you. I think the keys to success are knowledge and determination.

    Well ladies, for the first Saturday in a LONG time, I've completely controlled my eating. I'm sitting around 1100 calories right now and plan to get to around 1500 before the day is over. Tomorrow, dh and I are going to go to the zoo to get some exercise. I'm taking my new focus and running with it. I've decided to reevaluate my Halloween goal because I don't think 175 is doable anymore after I only maintained my weight for the last month. My new very ambitious goal is 180 for 10.31. I think I can, I think I can!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildebbie .............-2.5.................0.99%
    Littlespy............. 0....................... 0%
    Blue....................+5......................0% :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed:

    Ah well, I guess three days in a row of Happy Hours took its toll. Just gotta work harder this week!

    Momma - your daughter is beautiful!
    COGirl - I LOVE the pic! You look fabulous!!!
    CMel - welcome! You will love it here.
    Julie - great job controlling your eating today! I did a bit better today as well.
    Ann - I agree with Julie. I miss you and Momma. You two and lstpaul were the ones who welcomed me as well. I will never forget that as long as I live.

    I am making a commitment to us sisters that I will NOT go to any Happy Hours this coming week! Too many calories!!! I am focused and ready to lose this week! Please keep reminding me of my promise!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Bump to find later...

    I will be back home later tonite ( sunday). We are all having so mucch fun, kids are in the pool most of the day. I did manage to take advantage of the exercise room burned 350 calories doing 30 minutes on the elliptical. But I also ate a lot of chinese food yesterday..today is a new day.

    love and miss ya all,

    be back tomorrow 100% of me!

    have a great sunday!!
  • Momma - your daughter is gorgeous!

    Julie - I really don't think I'll get through the 20 minute run today...I might start week 4 or 5 over again so that I feel more comfortable with week 5 day 3! I still can't believe I ran 2 segments of 8 minutes each. Have you completed the whole program? Also, congrats on a good Saturday!

    Blue - good luck not going to happy hours this week....those drink calories can sneak up on you quickly if you're not careful.

    POS - good job using the elliptical at the hotel!

    CMellyMel - welcome to the group. As far as tips on how to lose weight, I'm on a doctor-mandated low-fat diet as I had my gallbladder out in August and my body now has a very hard time digesting fat. Other than that, I really don't restrict what I eat as long as it fits into my daily plan. I try to eat a lot of whole grains, lean protein, and a LOT of fruits and veggies. I try to avoid as much processed foods as possible, and I do 90% of my shopping on the outside rung of the grocery store. Hope that helps a little!

    I am .1 pounds away from 260 and my first 25 pounds lost! I'm so close to it that I can taste it. Heading to the gym with the roomie today then getting work done at school, so I won't have a lot of time to snack, which is awesome.

    Yesterday's check-in:

    Cals - 270 under
    Water - 7-8 cups
    Exercise - none
    Fiber - 17 (4 under....failed challenge)
    Sodium - 1435 under
    Proud - 9/11 is a really hard day for my family and I made it through it without stuffing my face for the first time in 9 or 10 years, which is huge. I even went to a football game and had fun!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Thank you girls for the kind comments! pray.gifI still have a ways to go as right now I am sitting at 238. I can't wait below 200 (that is what I weighed when we got married 8 years ago) With some hard work and perseverance I should be there next spring! As you know things have been chaotic and will continue to be for a while.

    I actually slept until 8:15 this morning. I am normally up between 3 and 5. I guess I needed the extra sleep! Now I am trying to wake up which is taking me a bit today! I need COFFFFEEEE!drinking36.gif

    Last night my husband and I went to a cousins house to spend some more time with my extended family. (3rd and 4th cousins) It amazed me how when I was little we saw each other several times a year and now it took a funeral of one of the cousins for us all to make the effort to spend some time together. (it has been years). I guess the good part in all of it as we were able to just pick up where we left off!family1.gif

    The broncos play today at 11 so, my boys will be parked in front of the TV. Sports_0131.gifhomedonkey.pngI plan to get some laundry done and need to work in the yard a little. If I get real energetic I will work some more on my paper work. (did I mention I hate paper work) smiley-face-pcwhack.gif

    Momma - wow, your daughter is gorgeous... something tells me she looks like you!winking0070.gif

    CMellyMel -smiley-face-welcome.gif I started my journey last October and met these girls in November. I would read what Julie said, it helped me a lot. I guess for me my best thing has been to get rid of all the processed foods. No more mac and cheese, and boxed stuff. By making things myself I am able to simplify and KNOW what is in it. Whole grains, fresh veggies and fruits, fat free cheese, milk and homemade yogurt. At 1st it was difficult, but as you gradually add and change things it becomes a lifestyle! One of my other big things is we hardly ever eat out anymore, (maybe 3 times a month). I know just learning how many calories in something really makes you make better decisions. I use to get a BIG slurpy 600 calories :noway: now I opt for crystal light with crushed ice at home! Sure adds up fast!

    Julie - great job on your eating today! I am proud of you! Looks like you are back in the loosing mode!flirt3.gif
    Ann - I love your new goal.. It made me stop and think I need to hold myself accountable and make my own goal as well.
    Blue - we all have those weeks! next week will be better. Look how far you have come! I am proud of you for holding yourself accountable!
    Pos - Great job with the elliptical.. I really need to get back to working out. I pretty much have not worked out most of the summer due to the plantar F. but, it is getting better! So, soon I hope!

    Well, I should get moving.. check back in later
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning Girls, Ha I was laughing Cogirl's guys will be in front of the Bronco's game, lstpauls guys in front of the vikings game mine the 49ers, and so on. We all come from so many different places and backgrounds but we all came together in a common goal. I love and miss all the support this site offers. I am so proud of each of you and grateful to know you.

    Thanks for all the sweet comments. :blushing: I loved greeting new people I was so excited when someone new came around and looked forward to getting to know them. You all have reminded me how helpful that was on this journey. My renewed commitment to this journey. Thanks again.

    Also thanks for the nice remarks about my girl. I told her and she was embarassed that I put her on my profile but I am so proud of her. She is doing so well in highschool and her future is looking bright. Cogirl, um she looks like I use to look. My husband swears I still do but love is blind. Love you guys!!!!

    Hope all your football teams win today, unless of course they are playing my hubby's team. :heart:

    Blue, NO HAPPY HOUR GIRL!!!!!!!:drinker: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    blue-I find it hard to stay away from happy hour as well. Lets make a vowe to stay away!!

    Momma-Your daughter is beautiful! You SHOULD be very proud.

    CoGirl-Glad to see you still sticking around and I love your new pic. Your doing so great even with all the challenges life has thrown at your recently.

    Julie-I love your new determination. Let's get back in this together. We know what it is to maintain. Lets get the losing bus going again! I'm ready!!

    I ended up not going to the game last night. Couldn't find someone worth going with last minute. I didn't wanna take someone who doesn't like baseball. And what a game it was!! DANG! Rain delay and all. Oh well. Just woke up from a good 2 hour nap. LOL going up to Hooters to watch the boys play here in a bit. Spent Friday night with my family...my sister quit her job so we are celebrating. She works for the most annoying man on the planet. My Mom use to work there, I use to work there. This company sucks the life out of you. She turned into a person nobody wanted to be around so this is a good thing. She has a wonderful man to stand behind her in the decision. They have a rough road to finding her a job but he's willing to do what it takes to support them. Very excited for them!

    I hate the scale. I was back up 5 pounds again this morning. I'm guessing my co worker who made chicken and dumplings LOADED it down with salt so I'm going to be retaining water for like a week. I can normally fit my fingers around my wrist and overlap them, they barley touch. So I'm trying to drink some water. Hope you are all enjoying the weekend!
  • Jess - I'm sure it's just water weight....chug that water!!!

    Just had an awesome low-cal low-fat version of chicken parmesan this evening (something we were both craving this morning). We took those frozen pre-cooked, breaded chicken breast tenders from trader joe's, topped them with a little provolone, then had some whole wheat pasta and sauce - all in all it was a really healthy dinner and SOOOO hit the spot in terms of squelching that craving without being bad for us!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the first football Sunday of autumn! Green Bay won, so yay!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I should've gone to Krispy Kreme & eaten the doughnut I was craving and taken my being over 200 cals and called it a night. Instead I stayed home and ate stupid stuff trying to satisfy the craving so now I'm about 200 cals over anyway and I'm STILL craving a doughnut. :laugh: Oh well. I should have about a 300 calorie deficit anyway though my sodium intake was kind of out of control.

    I saw a 192.8 this morning, so that's awesome. :bigsmile: 1 pound from lowest weight ever, 0.6 under lowest weigh-in ever. So yay!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    evening all,
    I'm so tired I can hardly sit up straight. Jillian Michaels kicked my butt !!! I tried the "no more trouble zones" dvd for the first time and it is HARD.

    Still hanging in there - eating OK, went to the wedding food tasting this evening and everything was delicious, tons of food but only small bites and I had planned for it.

    anyway, hope everyone is doing well.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello girls !!

    Julie - wtg on saturday keeping on your cals, but sorry about last night...they closed the krispy kreme near me, and it is probably a good thing!!!

    Jess - Sorry about the gain :( you know it is water and will come off

    blue - NO more happy hour...no more happy hour...its the one thing i don't get tempted from since i work from home unless i want to go drink by myself after i get off :smile:

    MOmma - your daugter is beautiful..

    ANn - Sounds like a plan...my goal is to be to 100 lbs lost by new years, of course that is about 30 lbs so we will see...if i can get close i will be estatic.

    COlorodo - your pic is beautiful, you are looking soo great.

    hello to anyone else i forgot.....

    okay i had a weekend full of very very stupid eating...i think i lost my freaking mind...i didn't log 1 calorie all weekend i know it was alot over and even more sodium over, as of thsi morning i was like 4 lbs up of course back over 250, but all what i ate i know i should be :sad: HOpefully i got it all out of my system.

    But we did got to the mall last night...Hubby fit into 36 jeans...he and i were both shocked. We knew he was in 38's and he has 1 pair he was wearing, but when the sales guy said the 38's he put on were too big, we both were thinking a 36 is going to be too tight...nope they fit in a few different store...we didn't buy any as we didn't really have the $$ but still a 36 from a 42 a year ago i am soo proud of him :blushing:

    Okay now me :smile: So i go to lane bryant and try on some 22 jeans and a 14/16 shirt...not sure what was going to come out of either, as the lanebyrant 24 jeans i have at home fit just right....welll the 22's were tight...but they buttoned and zipped...and the 14/16 shirt fit !!! I now wear the smallest size at lane bryant (in a top at least). Then we went to j.c.penny's. I was wondering if i could actually where like a XL in the "normal" secion, so i found one i would try on and then i tried on a 22 pair of jeans there. They both fit!! THe jeans much better than LB. THey were a little stretchier though, the top fit, it was a little snug but not like not going out in public tight...THen i saw a dress...they had a 24, 18, and 14...so i am thinking 24 going to be too big, i will just grab the 18 knowing it wouldn't fit at all...and it did i zipped up and all..So of course being the dork i am i took pictures of me in the dressing room. I didn't get anything , but having these pics made me happy ...i spent soo many years upset that 24's were soo tight whenever i tried them on unless they were super stretchy ones from avenue...anyway i will quit rambling now.

    Here are the pics from the dressing room, sorry they are soo fuzzy, they were with my cell phone, they didn't come out that way but when i uploaded them they did.

    Here is one of me and me and dh


    And for comparison, me and him december 2007, when my little one was only 1 year old.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    meokk - how fun! Did you guys decide on a menu yet?

    I went to the gym today and weighed on the scale. OUCH. Even more than five up! :sad:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    after 1000 times...finally got the pictures posted...tell me whatcha think...
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