Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I am scared of Insanity too. Part of me wants to do it because then I can workout at home and not have to shower at the gym. Hate doing that because I get so freaking hot and sweaty because it's so humid in the locker room. I feel nasty. But I still want to try the Shred With Weights. But I'm nervous. Always nervous with something new! And Genghis Grill is a Mongolian place so it's probably very similar. I just hope I have the right amount of calories set aside. I think 400 sounds about fair. I'm diggin the no starch idea. Just meat and veggies!

    Momma-awww I'm sorry Ryan still isn't feeling well. I was feeling the same way last week. Sore throat but no fever. I think mine was just allergies. Could it be allergies for him maybe? I don't know about where you are but here in Texas they are TERRIBLE!! Hope he gets to feeling better! :flowerforyou: Great to hear he is seeing improvement in school though. And don't be sad, you are going to rock your 40's!! I just know it!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey girls,

    NOT feling good today, on top of TOM ( yesterday's visit) I have some sort of virus...crap from both ends...yuck! My son has/had a fever yesterday evening and didn't want to eat...and today I feel the same way. I hope we both get better soon because I HATE being sick.

    I have not read any post since my last post..sorry.

    Check in (yesterday)
    calories: way over...I HATE TOM!!!!
    water: about 100 oz
    exercise: elliptical
    proud: nothing really...

    Have a great day girls!!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks Jess, I wonder but I don't know. We live in what is know as the "Central Valley" in California. My town is smack dab in the middle of farm land. Near a River that flows from the high sierra all the way to the ocean. So we have a lot of junk that we grow. A lot of dust from the farms. I should not say junk since we are a very fertile valley that is able to grow everything. My husband has allergies really bad and he is not bothered right now. I just don't know. But Ryan feels good for a minute and wants to play then he is ready to lay down just as quick. Tomorrow is going to be better, I know it is!!!!!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-I hope tomorrow is better for him!

    So my work just sent out an email they are offering free Zumba classes on Tuesday nights. I got my co worker here to go with me...and we registered. It's free! Gotta giveit a shot! I hear so many great things about it and they pay me $10 if I go to all 8 classes!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: Here's to hoping Ryan feels better soon. He is SO adorable! The kind of kid you just want to squeeze in a big hug.

    Jess: That's so awesome that your work is giving free Zumba classes AND giving you $10 if you attend them all. Pretty sweet incentive. I went to one Zumba class through community ed and loved it. Unfortunately, it didn't really fit into my normal schedule so I haven't been able to go back, but I burned 600 calories in one hour! Don't worry about getting the exact steps down as long as you keep moving and have fun!
  • Well I just blew the whole day at lunch. We're on a field trip in Richmond for the day and some friends and I went to lunch at a nice restaurant. The crab cake salad I ordered had nearly 1000 calories and 69 grams of fat!! :sad: My gallbladderless self is gonna be freaking out later. I couldn't find nutritional info online until after I'd eaten or I so would not have ordered that.

    I hadn't planned to hit the gym today but now I'm def planning to go now to as soon as we get back to school.

    Julie - the fiber will actually probably be good for me; after my surgery things have been...loose...if you will and tue doctor put me on the metamucil crackers and high fiber to get my system aligned.

    Trying not to freak out, but am nervous that the high-fat nature of this food is going to really damage my system today. :sick:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So you guys know that no matter how much I preach the "eat more" philosophy, I still struggle with wrapping my own head around it. I guess it takes a lot of proof & convincing to counteract 20+ years of ignorance.

    Proof --
    I ate close to maintenance calories for the majority of the last month. And then,
    Calories (9/8 - 9/14):
    Wednesday 1485 (net & total)
    Thursday 1502 (net & total)
    Friday 1872 total (1279 net)
    Saturday 1833 total (1352 net)
    Sunday 1937 (net & total)
    Monday 1654 total (1356 net)
    Tuesday 1441 (net & total)

    Real --
    I weigh 2.8 pounds less today than I weighed last Friday.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    MOmma - I hope ryan feels better...abby has had some junk for a while, one day she spiked a fever and then was better, like a fever only from 4 am - 8 am :smile: that was after waking up every hour crying :sad: that was a few weeks ago, she seems to get bad allergies like i do so who knows...hope he can go back to school tomorrow and do awesome !

    So we have had bugs and our landlord had said he would send someone out so DH asked him and they had terminex out here on friday ..soo all is good he sprayed all outside and downstairs some, i said i hadn't seen anything up stairs so he didn't spray...welllll since friday we have an infestation of ants upstairs...liek all in abby's carpets (she likes to sleep on her floor sometimes so fighting with her that she can't do that has been fun , in addition or our normal bed time trauma)..and in our bathroom...so they are supposed to come out today and respray, they said 1-3 and i have a meeting from 2-3 i am really hoping they come like asap (it is 10 after 1 now ) or not till after 3

    momma - I know i am going to be a mess ...i can't even imagine my girls graduating...i am having hard enough time imagining abby starting K in 2 years...she goes to day care now, but being in big kid school something else, i didn't have a hard time when serena started, but i think i may with abby...she is my baby :sad:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    purple-Hope you don't get sick from eating tha crab salad. Drink some water. I don't know what would help to prevent something like that. Sorry girl. Try not to fret.

    Heather-I'm excited to try it out. We have a whole wellness department where we have events called "downsize" and they basically pay us to lose weight. Pay us cash at the end of the year. With all the walks and seminars and weight I've lost I'm already at over $200 for the year. Pretty sweet deal! I'm glad my co worker is going with me though.

    I feel good about my decision on Genghis. I made it without having any starch. No rice and no tortillas! YES!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So you guys know that no matter how much I preach the "eat more" philosophy, I still struggle with wrapping my head around it.

    Real --
    Calories (9/8 - 9/14):
    Wednesday 1485 (net & total)
    Thursday 1502 (net & total)
    Friday 1872 total (1279 net)
    Saturday 1833 total (1352 net)
    Sunday 1937 (net & total)
    Monday 1654 total (1356 net)
    Tuesday 1441 (net & total)

    Real --
    I weigh 2.8 pounds less today than I weighed last Friday.

    Wow! It's working for you girl!!

    Deb-I feel ya on the ants! I got them once and they were horrible to get rid of. Hope the bug guy comes soon!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay Julie. I'm giving it your approach. I'm going for the eating more band wagon here! Days I work out I want to net 1200 calories and days I don't I want to stick around 1400-1500 calories. Let's see what happens! Can't hurt to give it a shot!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    momma: I hope Ryan is feeling better. Awestfall and I will be in the same boat next year that you are now with all the senior year costs! it's going to be hard emotionally too.

    calories: I am proud of myself for ending my day well yesterday ... I went over on calories because I was out before I even left work ... but I had oatmeal and milk for my dinner so I was happy with that choice. I'm doing well so far today but getting hungry.
    exercise: great yesterday - my usual step class but was late so only got in 45 minutes... none yet today
    proud: that I packed a lunch today ... and a healthy and different lunch than usual - slice of deli chicken breast (that my husband said I paid way too much for), slice of gouda cheese, avacodo, lettuce, onion all on a whole wheat nut bread. It was yummy.
    Have a great night all!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    oh ... and for those of you that have been following our complicated issues with our waterfront property that we are trying to sell(nasty neighbors) and the family farmhouse that I inherited 1/5th of and want to buyout my brothers and cousins for the rest:
    1) the land hasn't sold ... no activity at all ... so that is a bummer - we will just continue to be patient
    2) we are working on getting a loan to do the buyout of the farmhouse to have as our vacation home ... so cross your fingers everyone that we are able to get the loan approved!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    oh ... and for those of you that have been following our complicated issues with our waterfront property that we are trying to sell(nasty neighbors) and the family farmhouse that I inherited 1/5th of and want to buyout my brothers and cousins for the rest:
    1) the land hasn't sold ... no activity at all ... so that is a bummer - we will just continue to be patient
    2) we are working on getting a loan to do the buyout of the farmhouse to have as our vacation home ... so cross your fingers everyone that we are able to get the loan approved!

    Oh I'm crossing my fingers for you girl!! Hope you get the approval! Know how badly you want it!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Quick hello - week is going OK but lots of drinking and partying for fashion week and I had a bit of a chocolate binge on Monday night ..... whoops.
    I think I've managed the challenge every day so far though so yay for that.

  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    quick check in
    calories - a little under ( 1128)
    exercise - nothing, too sick
    water - about 100oz
    fiber- 31 grams
    proud - I stayed within calorie range today, after that big overload..ok a binge :(

    Have a great evening!
  • Hey everyone, I'm caught up on posts and still logging but really not in the mood for all of this. I had such a long weekend trying to clean my parents upstairs and we didn't even get half way done. I've had some spats with my mom about leaving her stuff around with a baby in the house, which always leaves me in tears. I am just feeling overwhelmed right now. Tomorrow is my last day at my current job and I'm happy about it but also sad about the people I will miss. I'm nervous about starting my new job and depressed about living with my parents. And worried that we will be screwed financially until hubby gets another job up north..:frown:

    So anyway, I may not be around much.:indifferent:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Danielle - it's all going to work out, sweetie. Yes, it will be very different, but you will make it, girl! You are a strong woman!
    Momma - is that RyRy on your profile pic? SO CUUUUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    check in:
    cals: OK
    water: 100
    exercise: not much today - 15 minute walk
    proud: Another good day of eating and no Happy Hour!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under
    Water: Probably about 40 ounces, IE not good
    Sodium: Under
    Exercise: Couch25k Week 1 Day 2
    Proud: See Exercise. Also I made tacos for dinner and despite being super munchy, I still ate only what I planned.

    I turned my very first grad school homework on Tuesday. I hate to sound like a baby, but I'm pretty nervous about it. The class is so abstract (and the professor even more so!) it's hard to know what it is that he is looking for.

    (PS - if anyone speaks a Non English or Non Spanish language as their first language and wants to help me out with a project, I would be SUPER grateful)

    Happy Thursday everyone :)
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    I was offline all day yesterday at a conference, but I'm caught up. However, now I'm getting ready to leave for work, so I'm just going to check in for yesterday. I feel pretty lame this week with my posting, but I have been crazy busy!

    9/15 Check-in
    Cals - Over just a but w/exercise - 1756 (140 over)
    Water - 88 oz - Challenge met.
    Fiber - 19 g - Challenge met.
    Exercise - Hot yoga for an hour
    Proud - Bought new clothes today - feel comfortable and confident buying 10s. What a cool feeling!
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