Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    lstpaul, How exciting. You will :heart: :heart: :heart: San Fransico. I guarantee you will see some very interesting people. We love it there. We go regularly. It is a little over an hour drive for us, so we have never stayed over night. It is close enough for a day trip. But I really enjoy it. By the way if you are planning any boat tours around the bay I would look into booking it now. It is hard to get on those tours the day you arrive. Not impossible but hard. I just recommend that if that is on your list try to book it now. Here is a link to the one that is very popular on the warf.


    They have a nice tour around Alcatraz I just recommend doing it. If you are going to go to SF you should get the full touristy thing done!!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    lstpaul, one more thing. There are lost of neat things to see in SF. Of course pier 39 is the ultimate touristy place to go. If you just walk down that street that the pier is on you will come across all kinds of neat things. Part of the fun is just walking down that street. The pier itself is not that big. I am not sure if that is what you had in mind. But if you walk a mile or so past the pier 39 you will end up on a beach and a Mariners type museum. Well, you know what you want to do when you get there just some suggestions.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm at my whits end. Woke up this morning after FINISHING c25k just knowing I was gonna see some kinda loss on the scale. Nope. Nothing. Back to 211.2
    Totally took away from my excitedness of finishing c25k...guess I gotta pick myself up by my boot straps and keep on keeping on. I'm not gonna lie girls, I'm upset. I don't want to bring your Friday down so I don't know how much I'm going to be on today. I'm about in tears just writing this because I don't know what to do anymore. It could be because TOM's due this weekend and I normally retain up until it shows up but I don't now. I'm tired of looking for the underlying reason this could be happening.
    Hope everybody has a better weigh in then me.

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think my scale knows I'm angry. I weighed again before I left for work and now it says 211.0 like 5 times.
    Not gonna take it though since I already did my weigh in. Makes me a little happy, sort of. Maybe tomorrow I'll see a loss. I looked back at my exercise log and I only worked out 7 days in the last 3 weeks. So maybe I need to go more often. You'd think eating less would do it. Sorry to rant and rave I'm just flustered! I promise if I come back to the board today I'll be positive. It is Friday after all!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I'm at my whits end. Woke up this morning after FINISHING c25k just knowing I was gonna see some kinda loss on the scale. Nope. Nothing. Back to 211.2
    Totally took away from my excitedness of finishing c25k...guess I gotta pick myself up by my boot straps and keep on keeping on. I'm not gonna lie girls, I'm upset. I don't want to bring your Friday down so I don't know how much I'm going to be on today. I'm about in tears just writing this because I don't know what to do anymore. It could be because TOM's due this weekend and I normally retain up until it shows up but I don't now. I'm tired of looking for the underlying reason this could be happening.
    Hope everybody has a better weigh in then me.


    Jess - i am sorry the scale isn't moving for you...you just started trying the eating more, give it a few weeks and you might see the scale move...TOM coming up could very well be it too.

    Even though you aren't loosing lbs, you know you are loosing as look how much better your dress looks...don't give up ,..it will come off..

    As for me, not a huge loss i will take it though... 0.7 lbs for me...but that puts me at 70 lbs lost so am pretty excited...
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    Jess, first and foremost, CONGRATS for finishing C25k!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Please, please don’t give up:sad: :heart: ! The reason for your standstill on the scale could be a result of muscle retaining water and/or TOM. I know when I expected it this month I was up 5 pounds. If it makes you happy and puts a smile on that sweet face, I gained weight too so you are not alone. I ate what I was supposed to eat. I fit my dinner (chicken parm and fettuccine alfredo ) and a small red velvet cupcake into my food diary..but when I got on the scale today I was @ a standstill. So those 5 I gain are still on me. Yea it frustrates me, however, I feel myself a different person..so I am not down by what the scales says…I’m embracing it and moving on.

    I think you should give yourself a break. Relax and refocus on why you are here..don’t let the scale determine how you feel inside. Stay focused and finish what you started. Big hug and lots of xoxo…

    Litdeb - congrats on your weight loss..you are doing awesome!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Jess.............0................0%
  • Jess - CONGRATS on finishing C25K! I know how hard it is, and am inspired by you completing it. I'm sorry the scale has been frustrating you, though. Your measurements have been changing, though, right? Maybe change up the exercise....get a training session or two to learn some different things you can do to try and kick-start your weight loss again. I just want to give you a hug!

    Deb - congrats on another loss AND the overall total of 70 lost!

    POS - sorry you had a gain this week, especially after fitting in some awesome sounding foods.

    I have finally hit the 250s, so I have lost 25.1 pounds to-date! I am thrilled to have actually reached that number after two weeks of "almost 25 pounds".
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - CONGRATS on finishing C25K! I know how hard it is, and am inspired by you completing it. I'm sorry the scale has been frustrating you, though. Your measurements have been changing, though, right? Maybe change up the exercise....get a training session or two to learn some different things you can do to try and kick-start your weight loss again. I just want to give you a hug!

    Deb - congrats on another loss AND the overall total of 70 lost!

    POS - sorry you had a gain this week, especially after fitting in some awesome sounding foods.

    I have finally hit the 250s, so I have lost 25.1 pounds to-date! I am thrilled to have actually reached that number after two weeks of "almost 25 pounds".

    That is awesome on hitting the 250's !!!! and loosing 25 lbs that is great.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Littlespy.... -1.8...........0.93%

    191.6. I ate pizza for 2 meals yesterday and TOM is here. Down 2.8# from last Friday and 1.8# from my lowest Friday weigh-in. Woot!

    I have new hire orientation all day today. Boo.

    Jess -- "You'd think eating less would do it." You know better than to even think that. You've been at this so long, your body is on to what you're doing. And since it doesn't want to starve to death, it's conserving energy. You're not losing weight anyway, right, so you may as well eat maintenance cals for a month to rev up your metabolism & then drop them again to a reasonable (not huge) deficit. I bet you $50 you'd lose weight that very first week of the new deficit. Just sayin' it's something to consider. :wink: Seems to have worked wonders for me though it wasn't exactly planned or intentional. :laugh:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    momma: I hope Ryan is feeling better. Awestfall and I will be in the same boat next year that you are now with all the senior year costs! it's going to be hard emotionally too.

    calories: I am proud of myself for ending my day well yesterday ... I went over on calories because I was out before I even left work ... but I had oatmeal and milk for my dinner so I was happy with that choice. I'm doing well so far today but getting hungry.
    exercise: great yesterday - my usual step class but was late so only got in 45 minutes... none yet today
    proud: that I packed a lunch today ... and a healthy and different lunch than usual - slice of deli chicken breast (that my husband said I paid way too much for), slice of gouda cheese, avacodo, lettuce, onion all on a whole wheat nut bread. It was yummy.
    Have a great night all!
    Istpaul and Momma I will cry my eyes out next year when Samantha becomes a senior in high school!! I just don't know where the time has gone.I can remember her being 7 years old and asking me to show her how to ride a bike and now shes all grown up on me and the year is flying by.I am going to be a mess this time next year.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'm at my whits end. Woke up this morning after FINISHING c25k just knowing I was gonna see some kinda loss on the scale. Nope. Nothing. Back to 211.2
    Totally took away from my excitedness of finishing c25k...guess I gotta pick myself up by my boot straps and keep on keeping on. I'm not gonna lie girls, I'm upset. I don't want to bring your Friday down so I don't know how much I'm going to be on today. I'm about in tears just writing this because I don't know what to do anymore. It could be because TOM's due this weekend and I normally retain up until it shows up but I don't now. I'm tired of looking for the underlying reason this could be happening.
    Hope everybody has a better weigh in then me.

    Honestly Jess I am right there with you.I have tried eating more eating less,exercising more ,exercising less,low carb,low fat and no matter what at the end I am still confused on what really works.Honestlt so far 1200 calories and moderate exercise and no eating my exercise calories is the only thing that seems to work for me.I know how you feel though because my weight has gone up and down for the past 3 months now.I am sitting at 224 this morning and 3 months ago I was down to 216.This is the result of eating more so I guess I am going back to 1200 calories and exercising moderately for at least 30 minutes.I hope you find what works for you and believe me when I say I know your frustration.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thank you all for the encouragement. I'm not giving up just really frustrated. As far as inches I'm losing everywhere but where I really want it, my hips and stomach. By eating less I mean less then pigging out...staying at 1200-1400 calories. I'm not letting it get me down. I'm going to keep on keeping on. I wish I could afford some PT seession but I just can't afford that right now. Maybe once I get my finances in order. I really really appreciate all your support and encouragement! Love all you girls! The important part is I'm at least maintaing this 211.2 and not gaining..even with my bad days here and there.

    Julie-So glad that you are kicking butt again at losing!! I had a hard time hitting 1400 calories this week so my goal next week is to try and eat more..seems the harder I try to "eat more" the harder it is for me. Weird!

    Deb-YAY on the 70 pounds! That's so awesome!!! Your doing soo sooo sooo great!

    purple-Congrats on the 250's and 25 pounds lost!!!!

    POS Me and Ann-I'm with you! We will get through this together!! We WILL figure out what it is our bodies want and beat this.

    I did some serious thinking this morning on my way to work and I realized that this whole lifestyle change and weight loss journey as been probably one of the most frustrating and hardest things I've done in my life. But then again I've never raised kids or been married, I hear that's hard work! LOL I don't see myself ever letting myself get back to where I was because I worked so freaking hard to get here! So with that said...I promise I'm not giving up! I know there is more to this to benefit me other then just losing the pounds. I'm doing this for my health and the pounds coming off will follow!! I'm making today a good day and I'm not letting my scale get me down anymore! THANK YOU ALL!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jess I am with you!! This is extrememly hard.I think I am going to eat at least 1400 calories a day no matter what (exercise or not) because I feel grouchy if I haven't had enough to eat.I know that sounds strange but I am .When I eat less you definitely don't want to be around me.For now I am not going to freak on the scale and I really haven't for quite some time and thats a huge accomplishment for me.I think I am going to stick to 1400 cals and exercising for 30-45 minutes 5 days a week and see if this works better for me.Yes 1200 cals and exercise and no exercise calories was working for me but like I said I am a complete GROUCH.So I am guessing I need a bit more and if I feel hungry after a workout I will find something healthy to snack on.We can do this and we will and we also have been.Come on we need to shed that 30 pounds before the new year.I think this will be a good plan for me what do you gals think?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ann I think it's a great plan. I started eating at least 1400 calories this week even without working out and let me tell you. I have had so much more energy this week then I have in at least a month. And even with working out those 3 days I still wasn't really that hungry after but I did allow myself to eat a little of my exercise calories on the day that I was hungry. So I believe 1200 was too low for me. So I'm sure my body is all outta whack from keeping it at 1200 calories and I just need to get it back on track and show it who's boss!

    For those of you who have facebook this is a repeat but this morning on my way to work I was listening to the songer Figher by Christinia Augilaria and it really spoke to me. This is how I feel about my journey and my relationship with my scale! :laugh:

    'Cause it makes me that much stronger
    Makes me work a little bit harder
    It makes me that much wiser
    So thanks for making me a fighter
    Made me learn a little bit faster
    Made my skin a little bit thicker
    Makes me that much smarter
    So thanks for making me a fighter
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Well today I am officially 40 and my 23 birthday present has turned 17!!! I am out of my 30's and I am ready to make my 40's so much more healthier.

    Littlespy.... -1.8...........0.93%

    Ann, this last year of highschool has been very emotional. I got up this morning and realized that next year on our birthdays my daughter will be in college. So proud of her about the college part but so sad that she will be living else where. She has a very high chance of being excepted into several colleges in CA. Thankfully, she wants to stay here. I am kinda hoping for the college that is about an hour away from home. She is hoping for the one in San Diego and since we live around 10 hours north that makes me sad.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma- Happy Happy Birthday to you ...and here is to being hot in your 40's !!! I understand about being sad about your daugther being away next year...I cannot even phathom past 2nd grade...
  • Jess.............0................0%
    Littlespy.... -1.8...........0.93%
  • Julie-Yay! on the weight loss!!

    Jess- Keep going, it will come off eventually!

    Allison-congrats on the 250's!!

    Momma-Happy Birthday!! and to your daughter!!

    Deb-honestly, I can't remember, but I KNOW I was going to say something to you. So 'hi' and happy friday!! :laugh:

    Well girls, I made it through my last day of work....I was quite emotional when leaving, but I made it! Now today is a happy day. (or it was supposed to be) My hubby is making me breakfast. Omelets, canadian bacon and mimosa's!! :noway: But I'm not feeling guilty about it. It seems DH woke up in a pissy mood. He has been trying to update our iPhones for a week and left his plugged in overnight. And now it seems that iTunes has erased everything on his phone. EVERYTHING!!! over 1000 pictures he's taken in the past 2 years, his contacts, everything. It looks like the back up he did didn't work. :cry:

    We are headed back to my parents house today to maybe clean some more. Maybe I'll wait until SUnday to start again. DH b-day is tomorrow so plans for that.

    Ok talk to you later....maybe not for a couple days. It's impossible to get on the computer at my parents. My mom is addicted and is literally on the dang computer 24/7. So as soon as we get ours up there I'm sure I'll get on more often.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Momma-Happy happy happy birthday to you and your daughter!!!

    Danielle-So glad you made it through your last day of work. Hope today picks up from here. Gotta love the iPhone. Sometimes they are more trouble then their worth!!
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