Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thought I would share a local story that gave me the heebie geebies (local as in \ CA not my town)

    Teen Bitten By Snake In Bed
    More Local NewsBELL GARDENS (AP) ― Click to enlarge1 of 1

    A 15-year-old boy has been bit by a snake that poked its head from a wall heater in his Bell Gardens apartment.

    Arturo Lopez told City News Service that he was sleeping early Tuesday when he felt something on his hand that bit him. Firefighters examined the teen and found that he hadn't been bitten by a poisonous snake.

    The snake was two to three feet long and apparently had belonged to a previous tenant who had a pet snake that got loose. Animal control officials believe the snake had been living in the wall and inside the heater for about two months.

    ewww that's just nasty! I hate snakes! Poor kid. I hope he's okay! Momma hope you get to feeling better and more like yourself.
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Crazy busy day today! And I'm off and running again here in about 10 minutes to go to class.

    Still feeling great from my run yesterday, lead to good eating and walking today! Woo!

    PS - Julie, your profile picture is awesome! And inspiring :)

    Have a great evening ladies!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma: Thanks for sharing that scary, creepy story. Eww.

    Julie: Way to use ricockulous in a sentence!

    I just got a fairly big project at work with more to come for our fiscal year end, so I may be on less in the next few weeks. I'll apologize ahead of time if it happens that way, but will do what I can to stay up-to-date.

    Anyway, I'm out for today, so have a great evening!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh my goodness gracious Julie that Dark Chocolate peanut butter is to die for! I was licking the package over here! I'm covered in peanut butter. Had to get all my 170 calories! :laugh: :happy: :tongue: :bigsmile:
  • It's so good to see this post starting to move quickly again!!!

    Deb - I think I forgot to mention how noticeable your weight loss is in those pictures. And congrats on fitting into a smaller size!

    Jess - glad you're feeling better, though maybe don't do high intensity exercise while you're still feeling so poorly? It doesn't seem like that would be the best thing to do for a recovering body.

    Amy - thanks for giving us all such a good pep talk!

    Heather - good luck with your project.

    My goal for the New Year is to be down to 230. That's 30 pounds from now until Jan 1, just over about 15 weeks. So, theoretically, it's doable, but it seems ambitious. I'll need to really stay focused through the holidays to make it. I just really want to be significantly slimmer for my two-week trip to India; I don't want to be enormous at the Taj Mahal!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Seems like several of us have that 30 lbs goal for the end of the year...we can do it girls !!!!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    just speed read pages 1 & 4 - missed everything in the middle.

    momma: your daughter is lovely - is she graduating this year or was it last spring? my daughter is a junior - I can't believe how fast time is flying by!

    lilebbie: I LOVE your pictures, you look great and are an inspiration!

    I haven't been logging into MFP again for quite a few days ... I'm TRYING, TRYING, TRYING to get my motivation back. It's so hard to make this a priority but it HAS to be. I've been doing well with exercise every other day ... and packing lunches which is good ... but went out to lunch today fast food and have already eaten all my calories for the day ... including my exercise calories! :mad:
    Tomorrow will be a new day. Although I will try my best tonight to keep it light to not go over my calories by too much.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    I am proud to say I have NOT attended a Happy Hour in two days and today I had a very good eating day! Whew! One day at a time!
  • Not feeling well and have to be at school at the crack of dawn tomorrow for a field trip and I think that the Chipotle we had at the women's association dinner is going to have me massively bloated tomorrow. But, I've taken a TON of vitamin c as well as some Nyquil so I really can't be bothered to care at the moment!

    Today's check-in:

    Calories: 364 under
    Water: 72 oz (CHALLENGE MET!)
    Sodium: 737 OVER (yikes) :noway:
    Fiber: 41 g (20 OVER - CHALLENGE MET!)
    Exercise: Week 5 day 2 of C25K (16 running, 15 walking)
    Proud: I nearly stopped running during the second eight-minute segment but kept going.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Checking In

    Calories: 1477
    Sodium: 1865 WOOOO!!
    Fiber: 25 yes ma'am I did it!
    Water: 10 Glasses
    Exercise: 30 Day Shred Level 2
    Proud: I stayed on track today and went and bought veggies instead of munching on junk food!
  • Well girls, I've been super busy with work today and trying to catch up on posts and I still am not! But it's time to go home, so I'll finish tomorrow.

  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Sooooo tired. Hosted a BBQ for 22 work people. Wish there was a calorie count for setting up, hosting, and cleaning up from a party. I would totally enter in those cals!!

    So tired so I can't comment on lots. However, here's what I got.

    Blue - way to resist the happy hour!
    lstpaul - wlecome back lady!
    Julie - TOM should be here any day for me. Hope he's kind to you.
    Jess - way to meet/exceed both challenges!

    Checking in for today
    Cals - Over, but I'm ok with that. 1706
    Water - 56 oz - too busy running around. Challenge FAIL
    Fiber - 20 g - 6 g over - Challenge MET
    Exercise - Hosting a party = tired Lauren, but not sure how much exercise that is
    Proud - While the beer was flowing (BYOB of course!), I limited myself to one Bud Light. Could have hit the beer hard, but am happy I was too busy to drink.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    I am proud to say I have NOT attended a Happy Hour in two days and today I had a very good eating day! Whew! One day at a time!

    Thank you Much !!

    And wTG on not going to happy hour...

    Check in for yesterday

    Cals - 1887 (under by 35 with most of my exercise cals)
    Exercise - 611 cals in spin class
    Water - only 5 cups :sad:
    Fiber - 45 g (over)
    Proud - I made it through spin class i could of done better but was proud i made it through.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Nancy: Great job on avoiding happy hour for two days!

    Last night I did the Jillian Michaels Shred with Weights and it was HARD! I can't remember the last time I felt like passing out both before and after a workout. Even eating dinner about 15 minutes after working out, I twice had to leave the table and lay on the floor with a cold pack on my head. It's only a 30 minute workout (including warm up and cool down), but whew. The only place I'm sore is my hamstrings because there were several dead lift exercise. If anyone is thinking of trying this one, I cannot stress the importance of holding the abs in tight enough. I can see where it would be VERY easy to injure one's back working with kettlebells if the abs were not held tight. I burned 199 calories in 27 minutes and this included sitting down to breathe during the "Turkish Getups" in the third circuit.

    As an FYI for you Jillian Michaels fans, she has yet another DVD coming out on November 30th called Six Week Six Pack.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Under by 79 (exercise calories)
    Sodium: On target
    Fiber: 29...challenge met
    Water: 108.5 oz (13.5 glasses)...challenge met
    Exercise: Jillian Michaels Shred With Weights
    Proud: That I worked out and gave the video my best effort even though I felt like dying!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1441 (goal 1500)
    Exercise: None to speak of. I worked 8.30am-10pm
    Water: 10 cups. Could have been better but I gave in to the diet soda monster right around 6pm and never looked back.
    Fiber: I have 21g logged but the ice cream I ate wasn't in the database when I added my dinner this morning. I seriously doubt it had 4g fiber though. It was real ice cream (no pretense of being healthy in any way) so I doubt it contained any fiber at all. So... fail (my personal goal is 25g/day)
    Proud: I'm learning not to hoard my calories until the end of the day. This is especially helpful and important on days I can't eat dinner until 11.30pm. Saving my calories until the end of the day has been been a big problem for me in the past. I guess I've been doing it to literally feed my urge to binge. No more!

    Blue -- Hooray to no happy hours! That's so healthy in way more than one way. :smile:
    IstPaul -- Glad to see you here!
    Elmox -- Way to go on the light beer. Don't think I could've done it!
    Jess -- Yes, the dark chocolate peanut butter is freaking delicious! So is the white chocolate, the cinnamon raisin, and the honey. I once owned all 3 jars at once for a very brief period of time (yeah, I didn't lose any weight that week! :tongue:).
    Purple -- Way to go on C25K! Fair warning -- too much fiber with not enough water to move along will often err.... clog the pipes. :laugh: Don't want you to learn the hard and painful way. :tongue: Hope you feel better soon!

    I have a new lowest weight ever! On day 2 of TOM to boot. :happy:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    just speed read pages 1 & 4 - missed everything in the middle.

    momma: your daughter is lovely - is she graduating this year or was it last spring? my daughter is a junior - I can't believe how fast time is flying by!

    lilebbie: I LOVE your pictures, you look great and are an inspiration!

    I haven't been logging into MFP again for quite a few days ... I'm TRYING, TRYING, TRYING to get my motivation back. It's so hard to make this a priority but it HAS to be. I've been doing well with exercise every other day ... and packing lunches which is good ... but went out to lunch today fast food and have already eaten all my calories for the day ... including my exercise calories! :mad:
    Tomorrow will be a new day. Although I will try my best tonight to keep it light to not go over my calories by too much.
    My daughter is a junior this year too.Boy does the time fly!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Employee #2 fired & arrested for embezzlement.
    Much much less money this time. And unrelated to the last employee arrested. Our finance department is majorly shaking in their boots (seriously -- one of them had a panic attack yesterday afternoon when the media published the story about the latest arrest).
    I love my job. (that's sarcasm, by the way)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren-I say hosting is definitely exercise!! You sounded like a busy beaver. Hope you got some rest.
    Way to go on having a Bud Light and only 1. That's a great accomplishment.

    Heather-I am now terrified to try that DVD. LOL I love the kettleball idea but now I'm scared. Hope you aren't too sore today.

    Julie-Congrats on the lowest weight!! Wow ANOTHER one? That's just crazy!!

    Okay so I know I agreeded to not go out to lunch. My friend called and wants to do lunch. We agreeded on Genghis Grill. This way I can control what goes into my food. For those of you who don't know what it is you basically choose from raw meat and pick veggies etc and take it to the grill where they cook it. I built my bowl online and it told me my calories. I'm going with mostly veggies, peppers, squash, zucchini and sugar snap peas. No rice no tortillas! I think this will keep my calories withint about 400. And I'm going to workout tonight. I figure it's better then fast food. At least I hope! And my manager text me to bring us breakfast and I politely declined the offer. I'll stick wtih my granola bar for today thank you very much! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    day 2 of Ryan staying home sick. This causes me so much stress because he has a cough with NO fever but he just does not feel that great. So I wonder should I have sent him to school? Am I making the right decision? I don't want him to go back to what he was doing in the beginning. On Monday he was having a harder time than usual and then I keep him out Tues. and Wed. NOw I have to wonder how is Thursday going to be? grrrr..... These types of decisions were so much easier with my daughters. I need to just relax and have some faith. He has made so much progress that even the teacher says she is absolutely amazed at his progress.

    Lstpaul, my daughter is a Senior this year. We do the pictures at the beginning of the year so they can make it into the yearbook. They are expensive. I paid 85$ just for one 8x10. They asked to use her pics for a brochure and then gave me some pics for allowing that (I am sure by paying 85 for the 8x10 I actually pd for the extra pics) They rip you off because they know you want your senior pics real bad. Thankfully, my neighbor is a photographer and he did a whole spread for free, I only have to pay for them to be printed. But because we don't have the cap and gown yet I went ahead and purchased that from the studio. I am finding senior year is going to be quite expensive. Thankfully again, I have people willing to help me. Be prepared though, I had to keep myself from crying during the whole picture thing. As soon as she put on the cap and gown:cry: . My baby my 23rd birthday present. By the way she will be 17 on Friday so guess what I will officially be OUT of my 30's:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Julie, sounds like you work with a great group of citizens:laugh: Congrats on the lowest weight ever!!!!!!!!!!

    Blue, good job on NO HAPPY HOUR:laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: OMG, Genghis Grill sounds delicious. I'm guessing it's the same as the Mongolian Grill we have around here, which I LOVE but don't get to have very often. The bf hates when I eat garlic (he has a sensitive nose to it) and there isn't one real close to me. I'm so going to find someone to go there with next week. Yum!
    Don't be scared of the Shred with Weights...I'm more scared of Insanity, so I'm eager to hear how that works for you. I'm only sore in the hamstrings and triceps today, which is good because they're probably the hardest muscle groups to work effectively (at least for me).

    Julie: Congrats on a new lowest weight! I think you need to tell your employer that you deserve a raise for not embezzling. That's crazy stuff!

    Apparently I'm procrastinating a little bit today, so I suppose I better get to work on my projects. Boo! I may stalk a bit later.
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