Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    for later :)
  • This seems like a great goal. I am unsure if I could personally really, but I'd like to try to see how close I could get to 200 by the new year. :-)
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Finally had a few minutes to read posts this morning as I'm waiting at home for a plumber (nothing serious though).

    Pos Me - So happy for you that you made it through the month of fasting without gaining and hope you enjoyed your weekend at the shore.

    LilDeb - You ook amazing - in that top photo especially, it's actually hard to believe that you are still in the 240's. I think I looked like that top photo when I was in the 220s - Way to Go you losing machine !!!!
    Love that Serena had such a good week :flowerforyou:

    Blue - Oopsy on the happy hours :bigsmile: - we all have days and weeks like that, I know you'll be over it soon and back on the losing train. Remember what Mstahl always says - a loss is fat, a gain is water !!! :bigsmile:
    We did chose almost everything yesterday and I'm so excited. hors d'oeuvres = grilled shrimp, steak skewer, squash soup shot, seared ahi with chilli vinaigrette, eggplant crostini with robiola. Appetizer = shaved zucchini with this super soft mozzarella and lemon & mint. Main courses = roast chicken with swiss chard & potatoes + either branzino or beef short ribs. Dessert = red velvet cupcakes, mini lemon meringue tarts, macaroons, chocolates, white sangria lime cheesecake all on a dessert table on pedestals and pretty display platters. I'm so into the food - can't wait !!!! It's less than 6 weeks away now.

    Momma - great to see you back with us and to hear that Ryan is doing well :flowerforyou:

    Thanks everyone for your wedding support.

    Elmox - I think your were the biggest loser this week - I'd love a challenge. Seems like ages since we had one but maybe I just missed them :embarassed:

    CoGirl - Your photo really says it all - your face looks so much thinner than your last headshot.

    I'm so proud of all of us - we are doing so well, even those of us who are not losing 3 lbs per week - we are still at it and have not lost sight of the end goal even if it seems like it will take another year or two or more. I just love that even when we are having rough days, weeks, months that none of us really ever give up and we pick ourselves up and keep going. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    LilDeb - You ook amazing - in that top photo especially, it's actually hard to believe that you are still in the 240's. I think I looked like that top photo when I was in the 220s - Way to Go you losing machine !!!!
    Love that Serena had such a good week :flowerforyou:

    Thank you :smile: well after this weekend the 250's :sad: but thank you. I have a little top, i think that sometimes makes me look smaller than i am...but my waist down very large :sad: but i am getting there...Thank you for your kind words !!

    Well to top off the sodiumfest 2010 that i had this weekend and eatint everything thing in sight...TOM started last night...i wasn't expecting it..of course then i looked at the calendar and i was like yep right on time...ugg...so i am sure some of my 4-5 lb gain is from that too...i am going to need to drown in water today...hoping by friday i am at least back to where i was last friday.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Morning! I've had family in for the weekend (they are here until Wednesday morning) so we've been walking all over the city, but also eating pretty good! So eh... :-)

    Checking for the weekend, then I'm back to work. I'm taking the afternoon off to hang out with my family.

    Cals - Over, 2095 - this is what happens when you eat 4 meals....whoops!
    Water - 64 oz
    Exercise - Walked about a mile
    Fiber - 10 g - under :-(
    Proud - Eh...

    Cals - Over by just a little w/exercise - 1551
    Water - 72 0z
    Exercise - Walked 3.7 miles throughout the day YEAH!
    Fiber - 12 g, under
    Proud - All that walking and I made good food choices!

    Cals - Over, but I'm not sure by what. We went to a food/beer event and I had a few small plates, so I'm not really sure about how much. But for sure over :-)
    Water - 40 oz - under :-(
    Exercise - Walked about 2 miles
    Fiber - Under
    Proud - Didn't eat all of the dishes at the event, shared some stuff. :-)

    So I think I was the Biggest Loser last week. I'm going to stretch out last week's challenge of eating all your fiber and drinking at least 72 oz of water (yup, that more than 8 glasses!).
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I had one of those major kind of realizations this morning when I was walking behind a woman I figured was pretty close to my current size. As we walked by a window, I looked at our reflections... and she didn't have one -- vampire!

    Wow, sorry, I watched too much Buffy the Vampire Slayer this weekend. I looked at our reflections and I was quite seriously HALF her size. :noway: Now, I know I'm really not in any way but for the first time in my life, I saw myself as LITTLE (gotta love relativity). It was bizarre.

    Deb -- You truly look amazing!! I remember the last picture you posted about 30 pounds ago and you have come SO far! So proud of you. :happy:

    I was back up to 193.6 this morning. I lost my brain last night and ended up around maintenance cals (guessing). That's okay. If my crazy eating weekend day equals maintenance calories, that's an awesome improvement over the last 4-5 months! And if my upswing-bloated-after-a-day-of-not-the-greatest-eating weight is 193.6, then I'm thrilled.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I had one of those major kind of realizations this morning when I was walking behind a woman I figured was pretty close to my current size. I looked at our reflections as we walked by... and she didn't have one -- vampire!

    Wow, sorry, I watched too much Buffy the Vampire Slayer this weekend. I looked at our reflections and I was quite seriously HALF her size. :noway: Now, I know I'm really not in any way but for the first time in my life, I saw myself as LITTLE (gotta love relativity). It was bizarre.

    Deb -- You truly look amazing!! I remember the last picture you posted about 30 pounds ago and you have come SO far! So proud of you. :happy:

    Julie - That is awesome...that your shadow was 1/2 hers...

    Thank you very much!!! I am almost almost to my 1/2 way mark...depressed and happy at the same time...happy that I am almost lost 75 lbs and 1/2 of my goal, depressed cause i still have 80ish # to lose...I know the day will come and i should relish in the today and I put on a size 18 dress and it fit, i hadn't worn anything like that in many many years
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Okay i know i am picture happy, one more and i will stop :smile:

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Just wanted to check in this morning with my wonderful weight loss sisters. I read all your posts but am too out of it to to comment. Just want to say Deb you are looking amazing. Congrats on your progress and I love your pics. You are looking so incredibly good! Can definitely see the difference with you and the hubby.

    I'm home from work today sick. I went to Hooters to watch the game last night. Got home and went to bed and woke up it the middle of the night with the worst pain in my lower stomach. Spent most of the night in the bathroom feeling like someone stabbed me in the stomach. Had "what not" coming out of both ends...finally made it back to bed and the only comfortable position was a fetal position. So I'm home today. Stomachs sore from all the pain. Going to see how today goes and if it happens again, off to the doctor I go. Had a PB and J a little while ago. Hope it sits okay.

    I got the Insanity stuff. Gotta find time to do the fitness test and start. Thinking of maybe doing the fitness test weekend. Not sure. I hear you need a few days to recover after it.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - sorry to hear you aren't feeling well..hopefully it was a just one time thing and doesn't keep on. Try to get some rest today an feel better.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Aw Jess, hope you feel better soon! Sounds like a nasty stomach bug to me. :frown: Hoping that's all it was & that you're back 100% within 24-48 hours like it usually goes with those things.

    Deb, we love your pictures! Post away!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: Hope you feel better soon!

    Deb: I love the pics! You and your hubby have done amazing. Congrats to both of you on fitting into much smaller clothing. I'm so excited that you can comfortably shop at JC Penney now and that you don't have to go to Lane Bryant for clothes. Such a huge accomplishment!!

    Julie: Thanks for the info on the new ice creams you tried. You know I'll always appreciate ice cream reviews.

    Momma: Your daughter is gorgeous!

    CMellyMel: As for me, I take a less restrictive approach to weight loss. I eat whatever I want, just in moderation so it fits into my daily allowance for calories. I also try to watch the sodium levels and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. I haven't lost as much as many of the others, but it's be a stress-free journey for me, which means I'll be able to keep it long-term. I've been here for just over a year now. Best of luck to you!

    Purple: That chicken parmesan sounds amazingly delicious and easy. Thanks for the tip!

    Meokk: Way to go on doing the "No More Trouble Zones." I have it and do it once in a while. It's brutal! Keep up the great work.

    This weekend, I was definitely off track because my eating was terrible and I didn't exercise but it was one of those nice relaxing weekends where I didn't have a schedule to follow. I got to sit and read a book with my cats curled up beside me most of yesterday, with the breeze and sunshine coming in the open windows. Lovely.

    Yesterday, the scale said 188.8 and I didn't even care. I ate everything I wanted to anyway, without any guilt. I'm back on track today and went back and logged everything from the weekend. I'm sure most of it's sodium (chinese food, Dairy Queen, McDonalds, Taco Bell were all enjoyed this weekend). Now I'm drowning myself and am going to *try* really hard not to weigh myself until Friday morning. I'm taking the stress-free approach this week. I'll watch my eating and log calories and try to exercise, but no scale. We'll see how it goes.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Aw Jess, hope you feel better soon! Sounds like a nasty stomach bug to me. :frown: Hoping that's all it was & that you're back 100% within 24-48 hours like it usually goes with those things.

    Deb, we love your pictures! Post away!

    Thanks Julie :smile:

    I love your new profile pictures...you look soo freaking awesome, i would of not guessed form that pic you were in your 190's, i would say you looked more like 160's...I hope i look as hot as you do at 190 :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thanks Deb! My huge *kitten* does wonders for making my waist look smaller by comparison. :wink:

    edit: I love that MFP allows "*kitten*" but not d!ck. :huh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks Deb! My huge *kitten* does wonders for making my waist look smaller by comparison. :wink:

    edit: I love that MFP allows "*kitten*" but not d!ck. :huh:

    ROFL....you look great even with your *kitten* !!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Wow, I need to get some updated pics. I think my most recent ones are from about 10 lbs ago.

    Oh, and of course *kitten* is allowed....they "*kitten*"ume you're talking about a donkey.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    how about *****kitten* ? is that allowed?

    guess not, what about ****inson?

    nope we can't even talk about Emily D!ckinson !!:laugh:
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Just got back from completing week 1 day one of Couch25k!

    Not too bad for my frist day out :)

    Any advice on how to log it as exercise? I can't seem to find it in the exericise database.
  • tstout - I count the minutes of jogging versus the minutes of walking and enter them individually. So week 5 day 1 would be 16 minutes of walking and 15 minutes of jogging. I pick an average speed and then enter that.

    Does that help? I don't know if we are "friends" but if we are, you can see my exercise log. If not, add me!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Just got back from completing week 1 day one of Couch25k!

    Not too bad for my frist day out :)

    Any advice on how to log it as exercise? I can't seem to find it in the exericise database.

    I just go my my HRM which for me burned about 275 calories for C25K in the first few weeks. I think I logged it as running 6mph and adjusted the minutes until it was about 275 cals worth. With all that hockey playing you do you're probably fitter than me but may have burned the same amount of calories if you covered a greater distance. It's a tricky one, without an HRM - it's an educated guess at best.
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