Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Laila: Glad you're back! Jess informed us last week (I think) that Cris just isn't quite ready to come back, but she will be back. It seems like people have gotten busy and they're checking in less often. Hopefully they'll all be back, at least once in a while. You're right. We can do this! I need to get back to the exercising.

    Speaking of which, I did not do the Jillian DVD last night because I was feeling a bit down, so I relaxed and read a book before going out to dinner with the bf. We may do something active tonight, but I know eating should be a problem because we have ribs in the crockpot for dinner. Yum!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 240
    Sodium: Over by 702
    Fiber: Under by 10
    Water: 140.50 oz!
    Exercise: None
    Proud: Not sure.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    PosMe -- I was NOT pregnant. I think what I was (and still am... :grumble:) experiencing is a little hormonal imbalance. My theory is that my body is like "um.... yeah... you weigh like 30% less than you used to... I can't figure out the correct level of hormones. How 'bout this much? No? This much? No? Eh.. I'll keep messing around with the levels until it works..." Yeah, thanks body. :indifferent:
    But yeah, since then, dh and I have decided we're ready whenever it happens so we're on to the not preventing (but not trying) phase. :blushing:

    And holy crap, I just realized I really DO weigh 30% less than what I weighed a year ago. :noway: :bigsmile:

    On that note, at about 1am this morning I got the craziest urge to get out of bed, find my prom dress from my Junior year of high school, and try it on. I did. It was too big. Like, a lot too big. I'm a good 2 dress sizes smaller than I was my Junior year of high school. That's sad and awesome all at the same time.

    Calories: 1654 (Goal: 1798; Deficit: 644 calories)
    Exercise: Walk @ Home w/ Leslie Sansone 2 miles. I don't care how lame it is, I really love the Walk at Home workouts. I. am. not. coordinated and these workouts allow me to get my heart rate up without tripping over myself trying to learn stupid dance/aerobic steps. :smile:
    Water: 12 cups -- In your face, challenge!
    Fiber: 26g -- Again I say, in your face, challenge!
    Proud: I exercised. I exercised because I wanted ice cream after dinner, but I exercised. :tongue:

    192.6 this morning! :drinker: I'll now cautiously say my new plan is working. :happy:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Water: 12 cups -- In your face, challenge!
    Fiber: 26g -- Again I say, in your face, challenge!

    Julie, the challenge shakes in your mighty presence!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Good morning ladies. Gotta go back and catch up on all the posts from yesterday and today. Back to work this morning. Stomach yuckyness is gone but still got my allergies kicking my butt. Just want it to go away. I don't have enough energy to workout with this crud! :angry:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay all caught up!

    Momma-I think your goal for Disneyland is totally doable. I want you to have that confidence as well. You have so many reasons to kick her in the booty. Were here for you! I know you can do it!

    Heather-How was the new DVD?!

    POS Me-Don't let TOM ruin your re start. Thank you for the encouragement on insanity. I looked over the fitness test laying in bed yesterday. Maybe do the fitness test tonight depending how I feel.

    Lauren-Thanks for the challenge this week!

    Julie-You had me laughing my butt off over here at work talking about getting up to try on your prom dress. That's so great that it's too big! I can't wait for my Seniory ear homecoming dress to fit. I loved that dress!

    Okay. I'm setting some goals for myself. Until I'm 100% and am back to working out on a regular basis I must stay within my calories, drink my water, and check in everyday! I'm going to try to work out tonight even though I'm not 100%. Try is the keyword. I'm dizzy and light headed right now. This is what I get for moving to my parents out in the boonies. Allergies!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    JUlie - That is too funny about your prom dress at 1 am...I don't have my prom dress or really any clothes from high school, but you girls are much younger than me :sad: I did try on my wedding dress back a month ago and it ift, curious if i try it on again if it will be any bigger...:smile:

    Jess - Glada you are are feeling better...
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I saw on FB that Cris is sick so hopefully she'll be back with us very soon
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Laila, I have no problem sharing my daughters pic with you:blushing: :laugh: I am just slightly proud if you can't tell

    I hope everyone has a great day. Exercise plans have to move indoors Ryan is sick.:sick: Poor baby
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I posted the picture and it came up and it was HUGE! Miranda would kill me so I put it back as my profile pic.:blushing:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    just found out our instructor for spin that is crazy (crazy in a good way, she is super good and pushes you but super nice)

    she is going to be at the class tonight...we are hoping to make it, it is earlier than we usually go.

    Mayb this is what i need to get my but in gear this week.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Let the planning begin. I have started to plan my sisters bachelorette party. Decisions decisions decisions! Do we stay in 1 place and splurge on a nice hotel or do we rent a limo or party bus and go around town? I'm not good at these things. I find one bar I like and stick with it! :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    My plan/goals for New Years would be to be 30 pounds lighter. I think that is doable. If I put my mind to it I can do it. My plan to be 30 pounds lighter will be simple...stay @ 1200 calories on days I do NOT exercise and 1400 calories on days I do, drink 100 oz of water a day, exercise @ least 4 times a week, and keep my fiber high and sodium low.

    How does that sound..attainable?

    Julie - When ever the time comes it will happen (pregnancy). Good luck on your journey!

    Momma - thanks for uploading the picture, she is beautiful!!

    Jess - when ever you try doing the fit test let me know what you think...I was thinking of doing Insanity or p90x because a lot of people rave so much about them..

    I was going to say something else but I forgot..brain fart

    Have a fabulous day!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Julie: Wow, 30% lighter? That's amazing. I can't wait until I can say that. I'm at about 15% right now. I love that your prom dress was too big. I tried mine on two weeks ago and it's close to fitting. Both of my sister's size 6 prom dresses fit now...have I ever mentioned I hate her? Okay, maybe I'm a bit jealous, but this is the girl who used to sit and eat a bag of chips while watching me workout. Somewhere along the line she decided to start working out and now spends about an hour a day on the treadmill. Oh, and I like the Leslie Sansone DVDs, too. They're easy but effective. I originally bought them for my mom but I use them way more than she does.

    Jess: I'm glad you're feeling a little better. I'm with you about sticking to one place unless the place I'm at is really boring. Then again, everyone else I know likes to bounce around between different bars on their nights out. Apparently we're a minority in that regard. No matter what you end up deciding, I'm sure you gals will have a blast!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Pos - I am right there with you on the 30 lbs by new year !!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    TMI alert!
    Alllllrighty then. TOM just showed back up for me. I kind of expected an early TOM this time and BINGO, I was right. So, still not sure why the hiccup last month but it seems my body wants to carry on the original schedule anyway. I would have expected TOM to start today or a couple days before if it hadn't been really late last month. So, I feel like I'll probably be back to normal now. I hope so! My head may explode if TOM decides to be 11 days late again over the next few months. :laugh:

    On the upswing of things, HEYO, I was 192.6 this morning when TOM was about to start! That's 0.8 from my lowest weight ever and 0.8 UNDER my lowest weigh-in ever! Hooray!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    30 pounds by New Years!? I'm in! I'm not gonna make my 20 by Halloween. Life happens. Time to make new goals and challenges!

    Julie-Yay for a low weight even with TOM! That's great news!!

    So I must say I'm pretty proud of myself. I'm in the I want to eat anything and everything in sight constantly because I'm starting TOM soon phase. So as I sat and ate a cookie on lunch I said to myself "Jessica, you can't do this. It's crunch time. The wedding is just over a month away." so I marched to my car and right over to Walmart and bought lots of yummy veggies to stuff my face with while in the phase. And Julie you will love this. I found some pre packaged packages of peanut butter from peanut butter and co for 68 cents a piece. I bought a few to try and see how I like them. 1 package is 170 or 180 calories depending on if it's the dark chocolate or not. I hope this curbs the sweet tooth craving. Bought some yummy apples and celery to eat with it. Pretty proud of myself and I'm definitely gonna get my fiber in!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    The prepackaged servings are probably a much better idea than buying the jars.

    I bought a jar of Bee's Knees last Thursday. I have been controlling myself better than I've ever been able to around that stuff. And the jar is still half empty (err.. half full! :tongue:) only 5 days later. Dh has helped a lot. But I've eaten a serving of it every day for breakfast and probably at least half a serving of it several days for a snack. It's so good. I love ALL of the flavors so much. *sigh* Well, I've never had the plain "Smooth Operator" kind but I imagine it's plenty delicious.

    lol, I was just texting dh about my "lady time" (Hey, if I have to deal with it, he at least has to hear/read about it. That's just being fair.) and he texted me "I was just thinking about babies!" :tongue: We're ridiculous. I mean recockulous.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    The prepackaged servings are probably a much better idea than buying the jars.

    I bought a jar of Bee's Knees last Thursday. I have been controlling myself better than I've ever been able to around that stuff. And the jar is still half empty (err.. half full! :tongue:) only 5 days later. Dh has helped a lot. But I've eaten a serving of it every day for breakfast and probably at least half a serving of it several days for a snack. It's so good. I love ALL of the flavors so much. *sigh* Well, I've never had the plain "Smooth Operator" kind but I imagine it's plenty delicious.

    lol, I was just texting dh about my "lady time" (Hey, if I have to deal with it, he at least has to hear/read about it. That's just being fair.) and he texted me "I was just thinking about babies!" :tongue: We're ridiculous. I mean recockulous.

    I have a hard time controlling myself as well. I know at 68 cents it's probably cheaper to buy the jar but for now I'm going to go this route. I love peanut butter soooo much as well. Hard to control!! I think you and hubby have baby fever! But that's great your on the same page!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Julie, Congrats on the lowest weight. you are looking really good and your figure is to die for!!!!!!! By the way nothing wrong with baby fever. As you can see by my family size I get it about every 3 years!!!! I was able to pass on it this last time.

    I am starting to feel bad. Almost like I have been driving on winding roads. A bit car sick feeling. It may be my blood pressure I am not sure but it sure has knocked me off my feet for the day. I am dragging and having a hard time getting anything done.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thought I would share a local story that gave me the heebie geebies (local as in \ CA not my town)

    Teen Bitten By Snake In Bed
    More Local NewsBELL GARDENS (AP) ― Click to enlarge1 of 1

    A 15-year-old boy has been bit by a snake that poked its head from a wall heater in his Bell Gardens apartment.

    Arturo Lopez told City News Service that he was sleeping early Tuesday when he felt something on his hand that bit him. Firefighters examined the teen and found that he hadn't been bitten by a poisonous snake.

    The snake was two to three feet long and apparently had belonged to a previous tenant who had a pet snake that got loose. Animal control officials believe the snake had been living in the wall and inside the heater for about two months.
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