Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • Yay! People are in the thread again! I did well this weekend, staying within calorie goals and getting lots of water and fiber.

    Julie - I like the exercise challenge! Especially since I'm sort of already doing it and it will make sure i get my *kitten* to the gym this week.

    Deb - I hope everything goes well you you all with the pre-qual and house build! One of my friends recently built a house and I know she loved picking out all the hardware and cabinetry and whatnot.

    Jess - The lowlights look great!!!

    POS - good luck with staying on track today! Hopefully having a plan (for both food and exercise) means that you'll stick with it and get those 5 pounds off before October!

    Cris - welcome back! Good luck with your goals - we're all here to help you get there.

    Elmo - you're looking amazing!!! Sometimes those weekends just happen, and if you had fun and enjoyed yourself, you know that you can get the pounds off soon.

    I'm in the middle of planning out this coming week as my class will be on a trip for 3 - 4 days...gotta know if the places I'm going have a gym, what I can expect to be eating, etc. I'm getting stressed, because I know how badly my stomach reacts to really fatty food now. Hopefully I can research ahead of time so I'm not taken unawares like I was last week!

    Big presentation in an hour - wish me luck!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lauren -- Seriously? You look freaking amazing! How about I'm going to use you and your size 10s as motivation to take my lazy size 12 *kitten* to the gym after work? :smile:

    Edit: Just a few minutes ago, an employee told me I "favor" my supervisor and asked if we are related. I took that as a huge compliment because my supervisor is GORGEOUS! And a size 6! :laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Lauren: You look awesome! Way to rock the size 10s. I have to agree with Cris about your hubby holding on tight and having a gun to fend off other guys.

    Julie: Thanks for the challenge. It's definitely needed while I wait (not so patiently) for my ChaLean Extreme program.

    Cris: Welcome back! You know I've missed you, so it's nice to see you here again.

    Deb: Best of luck on the house. It's gorgeous! Congrats on the shopping adventure as well.

    Nancy: Great job avoiding happy hour all of last week. We knew you could do it!

    As for me, I ate pretty terribly all weekend, but we did hike a bunch yesterday AND I did the BL Power Sculpt DVD. My triceps are the only part of me that is unhappy at the moment, but they're one of the places I need the most work, so that's okay.

    Reminder to you Biggest Loser fans...it starts again tomorrow!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Welcome back!! So happy to see you here!

    Meokk-Hope your doing well. We miss. Hope you don't have too much wedding chaos going on. It's crunch time.

    Heather-I ate terribly this weekend as well and drank terribly. Oopsies! Insanity starts the 27th! Let's do it!! I'm really excited to compare results

    Lauren-I can't wait to see the pic tonight when I get home. Can't see it at work!!

    purple-Good luck on your presentation!

    Julie-That's a great compliment. I think I might have to use Lauren's size 10 self as motivation as well..haha..get my size 18 butt to the gym! I did try on some 16's yesterday and they did zip this time, just wasn't pretty!!

    Not real hungry today. And my stomach is all kinds of angry at me. Probably punishment from this weekend. But I had a great time..despite the drama Saturday night. Never seen men have so much drama and get involved in their boys love life. MEN! haha! I need to get a workout in tonight and hit the tanning bed...least I don't have laundry to do tonight! :drinker: :tongue:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Juile , thanks for the great challenge! I am going to work my butt and get to 200 soon. Btw, Love (:love: ) the profile picture.. (I'm not intrested in you in that kinda way.....just stating the truth)

    Jess, I love your hair color. You look great girly! I dyed my hair ( a while back) to mahogany red and it looked great, however, with all the pool water my hair feels so dry and the mahogany does look right anymore so I am planning on changing it back to my original hair color (black/brown).

    Litdeb, the home looks beautiful and I hope the pre -equl and home building pulls through. Congrats on shopping in the “skinny side” of the store…way to go girl!

    Meokk, miss you terribly. Hope everything is going great with the big day quickly approaching…

    Cris, where have you been…WE all MISSED you!!! WELCOME BACK!!!!

    Elmox, dang, you look great!!! Amazing progress :)

    Purpleprose , good for you for staying on track during the weekend! That is the hardest part for me. And god luck on your presentation :)

    Heather, way to go on doing BL power sculpting..and I can’t wait for Biggest loser to beginning I need more motivation :)

    I hope I didn't miss anyone..if so didn't mean too :flowerforyou:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hey, has anyone tried that new Dunkin' Donut breakfast sandwich/flatbread. I ordered it yesterday because I forgot my b-fast at home when I went to send my kids to religious school. I ordered that veggie, lowfat cheese, and eggwhite flatbread and it was like 250 calories.

    I am planning on buying that flatbread because it was soooo goood and making my own.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words! Makes me feel all fabulous! :smooched: :blushing: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    I'm taking Julie's challenge to heart today and will be hitting the gym for the first time in awhile. Time to put that membership $$ to work! Thinking I'll head home then immediately to the gym. Catch some fun TV on the treadmill. This is a good challenge for me this week because it's actually going to be a challenge!! I've got exercise plans tonight and tomorrow, but Wednesday and Thursday are going to be tougher to make happen. We've got friends coming in town on Thursday night, so I'll have to balance being a hostess and prioritizing myself.

    In other news, I am a peeing machine today! I've had 64 oz of water in the past 5 hours and gone to the restroom at least 5 or 6 times. At least I'm getting exercise getting up and down for the restroom!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    check in
    calories - on target (if I count all my exercise calories) which puts me @ 1,920
    water - currently @ 88oz...but I will get to 100oz before the day is over
    exercise/challenge - 25 minutes elliptical and 28 minutes shred (by jillian micheals) = 400+
    proud - that I didn't eat the entire house...which I wanted to do after finishing jillian's shred..my legs were like J.E.L.L.O. I was so famished so I had a protien shake then some peanut butter and gala apples. But I do have to confess that I had 3 (1oz) bags of Sun Chips...I feel like sh** and ashamed as to what I have done to myself. I thank GOD those were the last bags of chip we had in the house.

    enough rambling..have a great evening!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Pos me- Thank you for the warm welcome back! :flowerforyou:

    Heather- you know I missed you too!:smooched:

    Deb- not sure whats going on but apparently you are building a house?! thats awesome! Im freaking jealous:laugh:

    Lauren- hotness!

    Julie- I missed you! You've got a baby...in a sink, lol...baby fever?

    Blue- sorry I havent gotten to ur celebration I have something in mind...I hope u enjoy it! (if I ever get to it!)

    Checking in:
    calories- uhm way way way over
    water- eh...could be better prob near 100
    sodium- over over
    excercise- c25k w1d1
    proud- that even though I ate horribly I tracked it, still went to the gym, and ran my intervals between 5.5-5.7 which is the fastest I have ever run...even only for 60 secs!

    OMG I am so excited to be back on the board and that BL is back tomorrow!!!!!

    Now, lets get my eating under control...:grumble:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-Even if it was for 60 seconds that's awesome!! Great job getting back on track, even if you were over your calories. WIth your calorie burn I bet your netting a good amount!

    POS Me-Good job on doing your exercise you had planned for. Glad the chips are out of the house. Just looking at them is rough.

    Lauren-I'm with you! I been going to the bathroom allll morning..except I've only had 2 bottles of water!! Maybe I'm dropping some water retention from all the beer this weekend!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Arrgh....still at work and lilkely will be for another 30-45 min. Really wanted to hit the gym, however if I'm not getting home until after 8 p.m., my motivation goes down down down. Am not counting it out, but am saying...ehhhh.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Gals, I'm just now leaving work. Boo to being all busy again. I am also likely NOT going to the gym. Hmmm, since we are in our busy season I may need to rethink my workout plan. I did really well going in the morning in the spring, it might be time to be an early riser again....
  • jadegem_2002
    jadegem_2002 Posts: 101 Member
    i just did some intense jogging doing lounges squats. arms and legs lifts for 34 min.s how do i calculate how many cals. s i burned?
  • Jade - beyond checking the database, I suggest googling or wearing a heart rate monitor. That's all any of us do!

    My presentation ended up going surprisingly well, even though I received a MOST unwelcome visitor this afternoon - TOM is here like 8 days early!!! It explains why I've been so unbearably b!tchy/grouchy the last few days, but I am not thrilled that it's early.

    Though I suppose that it's better to have it now than next week when I'm on a school trip on planes and buses and stuff.

    Here's today's check in:

    Cals - 673 under
    Exercise - week 6 day 2 of C25K! 20 minutes of running plus 13 minutes of walking.
    Water - 6ish cups
    Sodium - 493 under
    Proud - (1) I did week 6 day 2 and didn't stop. (2) The presentation went well. (3) I had an insanely hectic day yet managed to both exercise and eat well.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren you look freaking amazing!!! Wow!!! Keep it up girl!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    Can I say my legs are killing me this morning. Yesterday's jello legs are todays painful.can't.walk. legs. I am still going to *try* to do day 2 of Shred. My abs also hurt but not as much as my legs...ugh! Can I take something that would hlep alleviate the pain? I am planning on doing the Shred @ 11am.. Any suggestions is greatly appreciated?

    Have a nice day!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Purple, glad you had a good day!
    Jess, thanks love!
    Pos, make sure you are adding stretching to the Shred. Jillian does not include enough stretching at the end of that routine -especially after all those darn squats!

    Checking in for yesteday:
    Cals - Over by 268. 1619
    Water - 88 oz
    Exercise - Walked for 35 min total yesterday. When I knew I wouldn't make it to the gym, I got off the subway a stop early and walked a mile home. This in addition to the usual walking I do to and from the train each day brought me to 35 min of activity. Since every bit of exercise counts, I say I met day 1 of this challenge for this week. Sound right Julie?
    Proud - That I made the choice to walk home and I went out of my way to make the walk longer. Wish I would have made some smarter choices in terms of eating, but oh well. We've got lots of leftovers (burgers, potato casserole, baked beans) here at home and I can't stand letting those go to waste. I suppose I could do some smaller portions....but they are so tasty!

    Whoa - am watching the Today show and Bob Harper is on wearing LEATHER CARGO PANTS. WHAT??!? Not OK Bob, not OK.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Absolutely, Lauren!
    PosMe-- Like Lauren suggested, add stretching. As for today, I suppose you could take some ibuprofen & put a heating pad on your legs. I worry about taking pain medicine prior to working out though. If you're hurting that badly, you really don't need to work through it. That's a good way to really injure yourself, you know? If you need to take it easy today, do. :smile:
    Purple -- Hooray, presentation & C25K! Boo, TOM!

    Calories: 1788 (goal 2015) = reasonable 700-800 calorie deficit
    Exercise: 40 minutes elliptical; 15 minutes strength training upper body. 25% of challenge met.
    Water: 10 cups
    Proud: I went to the gym! I'm feeling some motivation to workout coming back. Eating healthy(ish) during the week is pie for me. Now I just need to get my weekends under better control again & I'm all set.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren-I haven't see Bob on the Today show but by the sounds of that it is NOT okay!!

    POS Me-I say skip the shred DVD today and do light cardio. Just go for a walk. Don't sit cause you will definitely stiffen up. But I wouldn't push through it and do the shred. Give your body some time to recover. It's been awhile since you did any intense working out.


    Calories: 1379ish..had to make guesses on dinner
    Water: 4 cups, I suck!
    Exercise: NONE..
    Proud: Not really..missed working out AND not drinking enough...TOM arrived last night and I just got lazy. And I burned my entire backside in the tanning bed last night. The lady put me in too long. Not okay for this pasty white girl! No excuse. MUST workout tonight after dinner thingy for work! Someone hold me to this!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning friends!

    Jess- I really did not net good at all, I was like 1,000 over WITH excercise calories. So far this morning so good. Ugh, sorry to hear about the tanning bed incident, that sounds painful!

    Pos me- like Julie said Ibuprofen and heating pad will help. Maybe you should take today off or just do light activity?

    Lauren- left overs suck! I threw away a good amount of food yesterday simply because I knew if it was in the house I would eat it. I hate wasting food like that though.

    As for me....I officially sign up for the biggest loser competition at the gym today. Its kind of a big deal because even though its $40 bucks, thats $40 I dont really have. But I am looking at it as an investment into my future because I sure need the motivation. And what better to motivate me than defending my BL title? My hard core goal is to be 185 by the end of the competition, but my you did good goal is 190. I weighed in at 206.4 today. I usually take 2 weeks to detox from all the crap I eat so in 2 weeks I should have a better gauge of what weight I am actually at.
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