Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Stupid day. Our hiring freeze is over at work and I had to teach an orientation class today which is normally tiring enough. But one of the new employees showed up to her office at 9.30 this morning instead of HQ. Wouldn't have been such a big deal except her office is 3 hours away from HQ. So that meant she showed up 3 hours late which is precisely the time we broke for lunch. So I got to eat about 2 bites of food since I had to retrieve her from reception & show her around before I ran upstairs to try to eat. And then since she was late, she had to stay late so I could go over everything she missed. Which meant I also missed my afternoon snack and I had to stay at work an hour late (on Friday... :grumble: And I won't be compensated for it at all because I'm salaried. *sigh*).

    Anyway, so that meant by the time I got home at 6.30pm not only had I missed lunch, but I had also missed 2 snacks and about 7 cups of water.

    ... I've eaten 3 dinners. :embarassed:

    Calories: 1908
    Exercise: Yeah... Does standing up & flapping my lips for 9 hours count? I'm so not even joking -- I actually strained a muscle in my neck I had to talk so much today. It really hurts! Ridiculous!
    Water: No idea. Fail?
    Fiber: 21g. Fail
    Proud: Eh -- I sure like potentially being the biggest loser for the first time since like January! :happy: (Did everyone really already weigh-in? So many folks are missing lately. I'll give people a few more hours to check in just in case).
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I ate too much Chinese food last night. I am all bloated. I hope this did not mess up my next weeks weigh in. I got a new Leslie Sansone DVD with a work out ban. So excited to start that on Monday, when the kids are at school and can't sit around laughing at me. My mother had a bouquet of flowers sent to me and my sister had a bunch of black balloons attached to it. What a brat!!! I am getting my hair done today. So all in all my 40th was nice. I was with my family and yes I had cake. My mom was so dissappointed though some of my flowers were wilted. She called but I don't think they will do anything about it. My husband woke up this morning and asked if this meant he was married to a cougar now. He wanted to know if he was going to be persued by a cougar. I said I am only a cougar if your 20:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: So needless to say he was a tad dissappointed I guess he was liking the whole cougar idea:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: Maybe I should endulge him. He is a nice looking guy and all:blushing: :laugh:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thank You Sister Blue:flowerforyou:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    NO weight loss for me Friday !! Sorry I didn't post it earlier I forgot!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    WOW!!!! Where is everyone? This is a first. I get on here on a MONday morning and no one has been on since Sunday. Is everyone doing good? I hope all is well. I was just getting on here because after having my Birthday on Friday with my daughter, we celebrated my other daughters birthday yesterday because today is her birthday so I am just ready to get back on track. I feel yucky from over doing it all weekend. So Happy MOnday everyone
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Happy Monday!

    So I figured our challenge should be exercise related since I know a lot of us (especially me) have been struggling with getting enough.

    Sooooo.... This week's challenge is to get AT LEAST 30 minutes of exercise AT LEAST 4 days this week.

    I felt awful all weekend and I feel like I completely wasted it. I know the main reason I felt bad -- because I wasn't eating well. I wasn't that far over my calories, but most of my cals were coming from carbs and sugar. I felt exhausted and took long naps both Saturday and Sunday -- but I had no reason to be exhausted because I hadn't done anything. It was gross. Next weekend I'm definitely going to log my food & eat well to ensure I'm getting in enough protein. I did not enjoy feeling like crap all because I decided to eat pizza for like every meal 4 meals in a row. :noway:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy Monday Morning. Hope everybody had a good weekend. My was quite eventful to say the least! For those who sent suggestions regarding my hair color. I went with lowlites...I took a pic and posted it as my profile pic for y'all to see if you want.

    Julie-That does not sound like fun at all. I'm with you. I drank waaaaay too much Satuday night and I felt like crap all day yesterday. Not hungover just nasty and lazy! Felt like I wasted my day! I'm diggin the challenge this week, thanks!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello every one.

    Julie - YOur challenge seems great, since I have been doing that maybe i will acutally get a challenge done :smile:

    This weekend didn't track any caloires, whent out most of the weekend, but good news with all that I am still under 250 ...still a few lbs up from friday but under 250 i will take that...

    I had an awesome weekend...I should of been working but i didn't :sad: ..We went looking around at houses up in the area we want to buy (in june/july) we came upon a model home , and they have a floor plan we fell in love with...i mean if we designed a house this would be it like 98%). They are desperate to sell houses and "say" we can get all this stuff for our budget...I mean this house is sweet, it is a cape cod style house, 2 stoires, with covered porches front and back, and covered upper patios front and back. 4 bdr /2.5 bath 2 family room, with the 2nd one being all the way in the back of the house (which we are soo wanting), Master down (which i really wanted) ...big kitchen open living room...

    I want this sooo bad...We did the stuff online last night for a pre-qualify, if we go with the builders mortgage company they pay all our closing cost (like 5k ) so all we need is our down payment, which i don't have all now but will by june, with my savings plan and tax refund.

    so just praying that the pre-qual comes back and everything is great and we can get it...They would start building like decemberish...and will be ready in the summer...

    I love this house like really

    We would get the elevation with the columns, the 1st one on the top.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Deb-I was reading your post about your house thinking to myself "Geeze this sounds EXACTLY like my sister and her home building exeprience with all the deals and everything" sure enough she went with D.R. Horton on their house they just build. Where are you looking to build? Theirs is in McKinney/Frisco border. I will say her building experience was really pleasant but her closing was a fiasco and very unorganized. But they do good work. She loves her house! Glad you had a great weekend!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Deb-I was reading your post about your house thinking to myself "Geeze this sounds EXACTLY like my sister and her home building exeprience with all the deals and everything" sure enough she went with D.R. Horton on their house they just build. Where are you looking to build? Theirs is in McKinney/Frisco border. I will say her building experience was really pleasant but her closing was a fiasco and very unorganized. But they do good work. She loves her house! Glad you had a great weekend!

    We are looking up in Providence, it is up off 380 between denton and frisco. We were looking in savannah which is down the road, but the only builder is very pricey and the land is more i think..The girls will go to Aubry schools, where savannah was Denton schools. BUt it is rated exemplary from the state, so i am figuring it is good...just a lot smaller..like a 2a school instead of 5a, the whole school district has 2 elementary, 1 jr high and 1 high school..It is kinda out there...but all the kids in our neighboorhood would go to that school, there is a nother section that would go to denton schools so it is kinda split...i was a little nervous about this but I am sure it will be fine.

    We built a house when we lived here before i loved the house for the most part and the closing was hectic cause we could close but we couldn't move in and were in a hotel for a week...really was crappy,...Hopefully if this all goes through we will have a good closing..
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yeah I know exactly where you are talking about! Hope the pre qualify goes through for you!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yeah I know exactly where you are talking about! Hope the pre qualify goes through for you!

    The lot we are looking at is across the street (like a residential street) from the soccer field , a big open field that the girls can go play in ...no house right in front of you...of course if we get it we may pick another lot as that one may be taken...

    Worse case if we think the schools are really bad or something we can always send them to private schoo, but i think that they will be great, i mean if the state ranks them exemplry that is awesome

    The only thing it doesn't have that i wanted is a seperate office, but it has a dining room and breakfast room , we only use our breakfast room now and our dining room has toys in it, so that would be my office but it will be open and all not closed off..and no linen closet downstairs (which i don't have now ), and the girls rooms are a little smaller than i wanted , they were bigger, but then would add the game room so it makes them smaller, still bigger than they have now but they pretty much get all upstairs so i think they will live.

    Thank you...i hope it does go through...
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    My sisters had the same thing, the dining room and the breakfast area...they actually asked the builders to close off the formal dining room and put doors on it so it could be made into an office. If all goes well you could always ask the builders to do that. Thats the great thing about building a house.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yeah they said they could close it off...i just am not sure , it would make the hallway seem narrow, and we were concerened for down the road about re-selling it and not having a formal dining room...
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning girls,

    let me start by confessing I over did it (food wise) yesterday. I had roasted leg of lamb with flavored rice and another cupcake (I am thinking of throwing out the rest because red velvet is my favorite too). I already planned out my food log and I am going to stick with 1300 caloires today ( I am trying to make up for yesterday's bad food choices) and exericise for about 60 minutes or so.
    I will get through this....and I will lose those 5 pounds and be under 200 pounds by October 1.

    here is my workout schedule for this week..what do ya think?

    Monday: 20 minutes of either elliptical or treadmill and Jillian micheals 30 days shred ( level 1).
    Tuesday: 30 days shred, 30 minutes walking/ running outside/inside
    Wednesday: 30 days shred and 20 minutes elliptical
    Thursday: 30 days shred and 25 minutes walking/running outside/inside
    Friday: shred and 30 elliptical
    Saturday: shred and walking
    Sunday: shred

    I am planning on doing the shred for 30 consecutive days. Anyone can join me if they would like...I would love a support system.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Morning all,
    I've been AWOL for a while. I didn't check in on friday but weighed this morning and I'm up about 3 pounds - :sad: :sad:
    I know why - parties and eating out almost every day last week.
    I'm back on the wagon today and actually did workout both weekend days.
    Planning to eat about 1300 today and do Shred or no more trouble zones this evening.
    I'm thinking I might do lower calories for a week or two and then back up to 1400 again.

    Thanks for the challenge LilSpy !!
    LilDeb - how exciting getting a house built for you !!! My parents did that once, it was so cool getting to customize and choose what you want.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hi girls!!!!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA! LOVE U!!! :heart: :heart:

    I am here, back to logging, and plan on going back to the gym today! Work today wont allow me to stay and chat so I'll start my usual stalking tomorrow!

    But here is where I am:
    current weight: 208!!!! :explode: :grumble:
    goal weight: 170 (by my best friends wedding in May)

    So thats what my ticker is reflecting....38lbs to lose by then

    I want to set smaller goals, the 105lbs to lose just finally got to my head...amongst other things.

    So yup, my name is Cris and I'd like to lose 38lbs by May 14th!

    Talk to u all tomorrow, hugs for all!


    Meook- your wedding is in a month!!! eeekkkk!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris - Welcome back!
    Jess - Love the hair!
    Julie - Love the challenge and I need it like WHOA!
    Meokk - Good to see you and at least you had a fun weekend full of parties!
    Deb - What an exciting time - buliding a house to your specifications.
    Pos - Great workout plan for the week - I hope you inspire me into action!

    So this weekend was a free for all. Ate whatever I wanted, drank whatever I wanted, didn't exercise. This morning I was up about 5 lbs from last week, so while some may be sodium, I've also been doing my own thing and have not really focused on making good choices. To sum up a weekend of check-ins:
    Cals-Over each day
    Water - Just about at 64 oz each day
    Exercise - None the entire weekend
    Proud - Saw lots of people I haven't seen in a long time, called "skinny minny". :bigsmile:

    Jonathan's 10-year reunion was this weekend. Took a pic, sharing it here. That's me in my size 10 jeans and medium top. That's Jonathan holding a large Magnum (unloaded) gun. He's from southeast Missouri...what more can I say to explain the gun other than it was a prop!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    elmo - you look soo awesome!!!!

    IN all my house news...i almost forgot !!! I went to CATO and i got 2 shirts (1.99 each by the way ) on the skinny side of the store...They have a big wall when you walk in you go to the right for skinny clothes and to the left for fat clothes...given i still have to be on the left side for pants, but i got 2 xl shirts and they fit ...i was soo excited, 1 for getting them for 1.99 each and 2 for being able to get something on the skinny side of the store !!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Lauren you look AMAZING!!!! Woah girl! No wonder hubby is hanging on to u so tight! And hes got that gun to scare off potential suitors (duh!)
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