Over 200 New year New Me Part 34



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Danielle - glad you made it through your last day. so when do you start the new job? sorry about hubby's iphone...We are getting ones for christmas i am hoping we don't have much problems, i will make sure and backup stuff just to be sure :sad:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Allison/purple - congrats on being 250 and losing 25 pounds! You're doing awesome!!!

    Julie and litdeb - you girls seem to amaze me every single day with motivation to keep going..Thanks for being great friends:drinker:

    Jess and Ann - I am also in for the 30lbs by New Years. I am going to give it my all. I made it my signature a couple of days ago so every post I make it's a reminder to keep working to reach my goals. We CAN and WILL do this:bigsmile: !!!

    Momma - Happy *40th* birthday! My daughter's birthday was yesterday and I made her all her favorite foods..so I am paying the price today wiht my no weigh loss soga...My daughter is a Freshman..new school for her but she seems to adapt very good being only one week..I am hoping it continuies to be smooth sailing here on out.

    Danielle - those last days much have been so sad, but you are going into a better position/place so happy times are to come. sorry to hear about your hubby's Iphone..I will keep that in mind when I get mine soon ( can't wait) hubby is planning on suprising me wiht the latest Iphone...I found out when I got on his laptop ( my lips are sealed) I'll act suprised:laugh: :wink:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Julie and litdeb - you girls seem to amaze me every single day with motivation to keep going..Thanks for being great friends:drinker:

    Jess and Ann - I am also in for the 30lbs by New Years. I am going to give it my all. I made it my signature a couple of days ago so every post I make it's a reminder to keep working to reach my goals. We CAN and WILL do this:bigsmile: !!!

    Thanks !! I feel like not so hot this week..but seeing that 70 is nice...4.9 lbs and i will be at my 1/2 way mark ...good news i will have lost 1/2 the weight to my goal, bad news is i will still have 1/2 my weight to my goal.

    I am also on the bandwagon on loosing 30 lbs to the end of the year....i want to see that 100 lb loss before 01/01/11..
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I had my pitty party feeling sorry for myself cookie this morning. We have junk every Friday now! UGH! And now I'm done and over it. I refuse to eat my frustrations away! So I'm eating celery and lunch is planned out!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Littlespy.... -1.8...........0.93%

    Edited to include Lauren since we posted at the same time.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    TOM is most definitely here, so I'm up about 1.2 lbs from last week. However, given my eating and TOM, I'm not too worried.

    We're back in Missouri for the weekend. It's Jonathan's 10 year reunion, so we're headed down there this afternoon after I go get my hair done. I'm getting highlights (probably some darker color for the fall) and a trim. I'm wanting to grow out my hair, so just a little healthy trim.

    Littlespy.... -1.8...........0.93%

    We're running out the door here so no time to chat. However, much love to my other 0.0 girls - we'll get it - do NOT give up and step away from the cookies!!! Congrats to our losers!!

    Yesterday's check-in
    Cals - Over, but not too much considering my snack attack...and the fact that I ate like 1/2 c of whipped cream. Yes, there's no real rationale for that one!
    Water - 72 oz - challenge just met!
    Fiber - 20 g - challenge met!
    Exercise - nada
    Proud - To be back home and have my dad tell me I look great. That's always awesome!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jess: I completely understand your frustration. I'm with you, but we'll just keep trying and get healthier, if not thinner along the way.

    Julie: Congrats on a new lowest Friday weigh-in!

    Deb: Congrats on 70 lbs. lost!

    Allison: Nice job getting into the 250s and losing 25 lbs!

    Laila: Congrats on getting the iPhone you're not supposed to know about. :wink:

    My scale said 187.0 this morning, which means avoiding the scale all week has not been helpful. I'm lower than last Friday, but still haven't seen a repeat performance from 185. Boo! Whatever the results are next week, I'm going to change my ticker then. I've got my fingers crossed for 185. I'm guessing the poor number this morning MAY have had something to do with the fact that I was starving when I got home last night and ended up eating Ritz crackers with port wine cheese spread. It was delicious but a bit high in sodium.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 172 (darn you, Ritz!)
    Sodium: Over by 1240 (darn you, McDonalds!)
    Fiber: Under by 3...FAIL
    Water: 101.4 oz (12 glasses)...WIN
    Exercise: Volunteering
    Proud: That my lesson plan went well and the riders had a lot of fun.

    Tomorrow I'll get lots of exercise with walking around volunteering for Special Kids Day. An organic dairy farm is hosting an even for families with children with disabilities. There are things to do like petting zoo, horse rides, train riders and organic dairy and other foods for FREE. Obviously, I'm helping with the horse rides. It should be lots of fun, but I've heard it's non-stop action from 11am-5pm, followed by the arena tear-down! Whew.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    So I'm toying with the idea of going red with my hair, but more of an auburn (non Ronald...right, Nancy?) I was thinking a color like Emma Stone's hair. My bf would love it because he has a thing for cute redheads.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I'm toying with the idea of going red with my hair, but more of an auburn (non Ronald...right, Nancy?) I was thinking a color like Emma Stone's hair. My bf would love it because he has a thing for cute redheads.

    Heather I say give it a try!! I'm getting mine done Saturday. I bet you could totally pull off that color and if the bf likes it...why not!?
    Sorry you didn't see a loss today either. It's frustrating. But were doing it for the right reasons! Sounds like your going to have a BUSY day tomorrow. Sounds like a blast though. Enjoy!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    heather - i bet the red would look good...i had my hair red a couple dye jobs ago, like a aburn ...hubby loved it, he too had a thing for red heads ...i didn't like it on me , it looked too dark...it was like a deep red...i want to go lighter just don't know if i am comitted to that yet
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Well today I am officially 40 and my 23 birthday present has turned 17!!! I am out of my 30's and I am ready to make my 40's so much more healthier.

    Littlespy.... -1.8...........0.93%

    Ann, this last year of highschool has been very emotional. I got up this morning and realized that next year on our birthdays my daughter will be in college. So proud of her about the college part but so sad that she will be living else where. She has a very high chance of being excepted into several colleges in CA. Thankfully, she wants to stay here. I am kinda hoping for the college that is about an hour away from home. She is hoping for the one in San Diego and since we live around 10 hours north that makes me sad.
    Happy Birthday Momma!! I am sure you are so proud of your daughter and yes I can sympathize with you on letting her go off on her own journey.Its so hard to let them go after you have taken care of them for so long.My son who is 18 will be shipping off to the military next June.Time has flown by!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Thanks for all the happy Birthday's. I went to work in Ryan's class this morning. I thought I would leave early and get my haircut. DIDN"T Happen. Ryan decided to misbehave in class so I stayed the entire time. I wanted to get my hair done today, now I can't thanks to him. I hope when he is a grown man he appreciates me I work hard for my little man!!!!! He is so worth it though. He is my sweetheart and I know he can do this. I can too!!!!! He had been doing amazing and I know that everyone has off days. Just why on my day!!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Thanks for the feedback on red, ladies. I'll have to wait at least until next week to make any decisions (pay day). Especially since I bought ChaLean Extreme last night and should have it sometime next week. I thought I'd regret it as soon as I saw the money come out of my bank account, but so far I'm still feeling good about my decision. That's the plus side of waiting a while to determine if I still really want something.

    I'm so looking forward to having a more strict workout schedule to follow and to using more weights. I'll definitely be taking "before" pictures and measurements so I can visually see progress. I've heard nothing but wonderful reviews about this program, so we'll see. Oh, and I didn't even have to pay the $120 for it, which is awesome...I got it for less than half price! Gotta love the internet.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Thanks for all the happy Birthday's. I went to work in Ryan's class this morning. I thought I would leave early and get my haircut. DIDN"T Happen. Ryan decided to misbehave in class so I stayed the entire time. I wanted to get my hair done today, now I can't thanks to him. I hope when he is a grown man he appreciates me I work hard for my little man!!!!! He is so worth it though. He is my sweetheart and I know he can do this. I can too!!!!! He had been doing amazing and I know that everyone has off days. Just why on my day!!!!!

    He probably just wanted to be sure to spend extra time with his awesome mom on her birthday!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I think that's what it was, Heather!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Check in early today, busy evening :)
    calories - 1290, I might have another snack later in the evening
    exericise - 30 minutes elliptical (program 2) burnt 289 calories ( I'm bummed because I use to burn more calories, on the elliptical, in 30 minutes) I will push harder next time around
    water - going to get 100oz
    proud - I stuck to no snacking today.., I exercise (haven't said that in a while), and I feel great overall
    fiber - over by 3 ( my daily fiber is 25)
    sodium - under (not normal for me!) 1527

    Have a great evening and weekend!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    UGH what a horrible week, Thank God that work week is over! I overslept both days I had PT and missed them both. :cry: I did do better on the eating front, but the scale is not ready to reflect it. No worries. I know this next week will be better, scale-wise.

    I am proud to say I went to ZERO Happy Hours this week! I even turned one down today when I really wanted to go and drink. LOL

    check in:
    calories: OK
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 minutes bike
    proud: I survived a hellish week
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOMMA!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    ...and many more... :heart:

    The forties are fabulous!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Littlespy.... -1.8...........0.93%
  • Julie - it seems you're this week's winner, so what's our new challenge??

    Had such a nice day today...relaxed, had lunch with an old friend, made dinner, then went and had a campfire and smores at a friend's house! Hope y'all are having an equally enjoyable Friday.

    Today's check in -

    Cals: 381 under
    Water: 8-9 cups (challenge met!)
    Sodium: 279 over (oops)
    Fiber: 1 over (challenge met!)
    Exercise: none...today's my day off
    Proud: I hit 25 pounds down today!
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