chubby or skinny



  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    The guy I'm dating? He's just shy of 300 pounds and one of the most amazing men I know. Confident and sweet. Smart and sexy. Handsome and fun.

    slim and blonde (wouldn't consider myself beautiful!) seems to trigger some women into meltdown

    ^^true story

    i'm not pretty or busty enough to have caught any overt hate for it. lucky, i guess.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member



    Why can't people just be attracted to what they like without having to be mocked/shamed for it? "lolz you like skinny chicks, bet you just can't handle a woman with curves!!" Really?
    What about skinny chicks with curves? ;-)

    They're a myth. ;) You can only have curves if you're overweight, so that way you can say "that person just can't handle all these curves."

    Oh yes! And Marilyn Monroe at 5'5" and 118 pounds was a modern-day size 16, too, right? :laugh:

    actually pant sizes have grown allot to accommodate people and make them feel good, if I put on a size 14 made 10 to 12 yrs ago it just fits where as if I put that same size on now it is a bit to big, allot of store vanity size but there are a few out there that still stay true to size though. So yes back then Marilyn may have been a 14/16 at roughly that weight but I think she weighed a bit more than that, not by much though.

    Please see the bolded.
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    Hey.. Im fat. I know that no one wants fat people... and I personally know that cute and chubby is an insult. Skinny people get everything in life. Fat people get nothing.

    Not even remotely true.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Direct quote from McCindy.....Losing promotions for my looks

    Being that you don't know anything about me, does it make you feel better to say mean things to me?

    And I'd still like an answer to this question.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Direct quote from McCindy.....Losing promotions for my looks
    In direct response to your insults.

    Thin women didn't come to this thread and say things like, "Men who like fat chicks are just too stupid to handle a skinny girl."

    No, I said that no one wants a fat girl. People say they do to be nice and avoid hurting the fat peoples feelings. All men would take a thin woman over a fat one. Seriously Halle Berry or Gabby Sidibe from precious. Charlize Theoron or Mindy McCarthy... I mean who would you take

    Also, this was the first thing people reacted to, before you came along and added to it:
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    regardless of my size most of the teasing I have gotten were by other women who are at that same size or bigger, I can only think of one time where I was shamed by someone who was a lot smaller than me. When I was at a store that sold clothes that were only in small sizes and I was obese the lady that worked at it came up to tell me that they did not have anything in my size. I did not ask her if they had stuff in my size and as much as it really hurt I don't think she ment it to be hurtful, I think she ment it in a way to let me know that I would be wasting my time trying to find some that would fit because that store did not carry plus sizes or anything close to it, it was just a blunt way of putting it lol.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member

    It would be nice if we could have a thread where some woman didn't feel the need to come in and insult other women's body types.

    I guess that's too much to ask.

    I was thinking the same thing. It gets a little old, doesn't it? Imagine the outrage if there were body shaming directed at the overweight in every thread.

    Meh, I've been heavy most of my life and the people who've always done the teasing are skinny. I say let the skinny people have it. They deserve to feel what it's like. Maybe they'll actually develop a little empathy from it.

    Wow, really?!? You don't think we got it, too?!? You don't think that people told me I should eat a cheeseburger or forced to eat a sammich?? Screw that! No ONE should be tortured for their weight. No one!

    Yeah but when people tease skinny people it's usually coming from a different place. It's usually more a "you should fatten up so you don't make look so bad." When people tease fat people it's literally to punish them for being fat and to make themselves feel good. It's not balanced at all. You see this in so many areas. You can even look at extremes like eating disorders that cause you to be too skinny. Those are diseases right? That's accepted as such. But when someone says obesity is a disease people laugh and say "get some self control!"

    edit: spelling
    Ah, no. I've gotten some pretty hateful treatment from women based solely on my size. Comments like "slut" and "*kitten*" based entirely on the fact that I'm thin and being told right to my face that I should just stop starving myself so I can be thin and steal everyone else's man. Being ostrasized from a group of "friends" because they were all bigger than me and thought I'd make them look bad. Being called "skeleton girl". When a group of women look at you and laugh blatantly and whisper comments to each other and you know it's about your size. It's not any different.

    Why do people say this to you? It just doesn't make sense to me. I am not saying you are overweight by any means but from your pictures you do not look super skinny (I mean that in a good way by the way). I would say you are a (wouldn't say average since anymore average in America is overweight) "healthy and optimal" size. Are they just upset that you aren't fat and out of shape? Unless your pics are deceiving you def don't look like a "skeleton girl"
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member

    It would be nice if we could have a thread where some woman didn't feel the need to come in and insult other women's body types.

    I guess that's too much to ask.

    I was thinking the same thing. It gets a little old, doesn't it? Imagine the outrage if there were body shaming directed at the overweight in every thread.

    Meh, I've been heavy most of my life and the people who've always done the teasing are skinny. I say let the skinny people have it. They deserve to feel what it's like. Maybe they'll actually develop a little empathy from it.

    Wow, really?!? You don't think we got it, too?!? You don't think that people told me I should eat a cheeseburger or forced to eat a sammich?? Screw that! No ONE should be tortured for their weight. No one!

    Yeah but when people tease skinny people it's usually coming from a different place. It's usually more a "you should fatten up so you don't make look so bad." When people tease fat people it's literally to punish them for being fat and to make themselves feel good. It's not balanced at all. You see this in so many areas. You can even look at extremes like eating disorders that cause you to be too skinny. Those are diseases right? That's accepted as such. But when someone says obesity is a disease people laugh and say "get some self control!"

    edit: spelling
    Ah, no. I've gotten some pretty hateful treatment from women based solely on my size. Comments like "slut" and "*kitten*" based entirely on the fact that I'm thin and being told right to my face that I should just stop starving myself so I can be thin and steal everyone else's man. Being ostrasized from a group of "friends" because they were all bigger than me and thought I'd make them look bad. Being called "skeleton girl". When a group of women look at you and laugh blatantly and whisper comments to each other and you know it's about your size. It's not any different.

    Why do people say this to you? It just doesn't make sense to me. I am not saying you are overweight by any means but from your pictures you do not look super skinny (I mean that in a good way by the way). I would say you are a (wouldn't say average since anymore average in America is overweight) "healthy and optimal" size. Are they just upset that you aren't fat and out of shape? Unless your pics are deceiving you def don't look like a "skeleton girl"

    I've actually lost about 10 more lbs since my pictures. so the comments have gotten worse since then . But even when not "super skinny" I've gotten comments like that, I'm not sure why. I was a size 4 in the pictures I have up, I'm about a 2 now.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    It would be nice if we could have a thread where some woman didn't feel the need to come in and insult other women's body types.

    I guess that's too much to ask.

    I was thinking the same thing. It gets a little old, doesn't it? Imagine the outrage if there were body shaming directed at the overweight in every thread.

    Meh, I've been heavy most of my life and the people who've always done the teasing are skinny. I say let the skinny people have it. They deserve to feel what it's like. Maybe they'll actually develop a little empathy from it.

    Wow, really?!? You don't think we got it, too?!? You don't think that people told me I should eat a cheeseburger or forced to eat a sammich?? Screw that! No ONE should be tortured for their weight. No one!

    Yeah but when people tease skinny people it's usually coming from a different place. It's usually more a "you should fatten up so you don't make look so bad." When people tease fat people it's literally to punish them for being fat and to make themselves feel good. It's not balanced at all. You see this in so many areas. You can even look at extremes like eating disorders that cause you to be too skinny. Those are diseases right? That's accepted as such. But when someone says obesity is a disease people laugh and say "get some self control!"

    edit: spelling
    Ah, no. I've gotten some pretty hateful treatment from women based solely on my size. Comments like "slut" and "*kitten*" based entirely on the fact that I'm thin and being told right to my face that I should just stop starving myself so I can be thin and steal everyone else's man. Being ostrasized from a group of "friends" because they were all bigger than me and thought I'd make them look bad. Being called "skeleton girl". When a group of women look at you and laugh blatantly and whisper comments to each other and you know it's about your size. It's not any different.

    Why do people say this to you? It just doesn't make sense to me. I am not saying you are overweight by any means but from your pictures you do not look super skinny (I mean that in a good way by the way). I would say you are a (wouldn't say average since anymore average in America is overweight) "healthy and optimal" size. Are they just upset that you aren't fat and out of shape? Unless your pics are deceiving you def don't look like a "skeleton girl"
    Just being thin and in shape will bring on nastiness.

    You don't have to be a skeleton.

    When people were talking behind my back calling me anorexic, I was not skeletal. I was 5'3" and between 110-120 pounds. No bones sticking out except maybe where they should and plenty of muscle tone.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Can someone summarize the past 9 pages for me?

    Thank you.
    Fat women get abused and don't get dates and skinny women get all the perks.

    And if you're anorexic, you get dates and modeling contracts.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    That's what you keep bragging about. Look at Sarah Palin for an example of looks. The woman was bat**** crazy but people wanted her as vice president because she was hot. Hillary...not hot. Smart but frumpy and fat. Wont be president

    neither one have what it takes to do the job lol

    exactly. No prostate, no president.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Can someone summarize the past 9 pages for me?

    Thank you.
    Fat women get abused and don't get dates and skinny women get all the perks.

    And if you're anorexic, you get dates and modeling contracts.

    doh! I must have missed the line for modelling contracts back when I was anorexic.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Can someone summarize the past 9 pages for me?

    Thank you.
    Fat women get abused and don't get dates and skinny women get all the perks.

    And if you're anorexic, you get dates and modeling contracts.

    So... no mention of bacon, eh?
    There has been now.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Can someone summarize the past 9 pages for me?

    Thank you.
    Fat women get abused and don't get dates and skinny women get all the perks.

    And if you're anorexic, you get dates and modeling contracts.

    So... no mention of bacon, eh?
    Cheeseburgers and sammiches.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    At first I would say skinny, because the chubbier guys I've dated had some serious insecurity and self-esteem issues associated with being a little bigger, but I guess skinny guys can have their esteem issues with being smaller.. I would prefer to date a guy who is comfortable with who they are as a person, chubby or skinny.

    That's because the women the chubby guys have met have generally not been at all accepting of it LOL. Seriously, try to talk to a girl at a bar as a 300lb guy. It's not exactly a positive experience. Are all women flat out rude? Of course not. Do most dismiss you almost immediately. Yes. It's 10,000 times more harder than if you're skinny.

    Only if you make it harder. Picking up women at a bar is almost like shooting fish in a barrel no matter your body type. Confidence and humor is all you need.

    I agree. Confidence is attractive on every body type...

    How you doin?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Direct quote from McCindy.....Losing promotions for my looks

    Being that you don't know anything about me, does it make you feel better to say mean things to me?

    And I'd still like an answer to this question.[b[
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member



    Why can't people just be attracted to what they like without having to be mocked/shamed for it? "lolz you like skinny chicks, bet you just can't handle a woman with curves!!" Really?
    What about skinny chicks with curves? ;-)

    They're a myth. ;) You can only have curves if you're overweight, so that way you can say "that person just can't handle all these curves."

    Oh yes! And Marilyn Monroe at 5'5" and 118 pounds was a modern-day size 16, too, right? :laugh:

    actually pant sizes have grown allot to accommodate people and make them feel good, if I put on a size 14 made 10 to 12 yrs ago it just fits where as if I put that same size on now it is a bit to big, allot of store vanity size but there are a few out there that still stay true to size though. So yes back then Marilyn may have been a 14/16 at roughly that weight but I think she weighed a bit more than that, not by much though.

    a lot
  • b3st
    b3st Posts: 1,350 Member