chubby or skinny



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I can totally believe that, I left my last job because I was pretty much forced out, slim and blonde (wouldn't consider myself beautiful!) seems to trigger some women into meltdown. It got so bad that I had self confidence issues taking my son out to toddler groups and the like. Try being a slim mother, ostracized is totally the right word. Complete with nasty comments, dirty looks, whispering behind hands and outright attacks.

    Try being in your early 20s, thin and pretty in the suburbs with a kid in elementary school. 90% of the mothers wouldn't even look at me. And the ONLY ones who were nice were the ones who were thinner and prettier. I guess they weren't threatened?

    My mother had me young and had the same issue. I suspect women think I'm younger than I am purely because I'm short. I get ID'd all the time despite being WAY past that! I've had a few "well you do bounce back into shape if you have a baby whilst you're still a child yourself" comments, having had my one and only at 30 I wouldn't consider 30 a child!

    Yeah ... I have some really good genes as far as aging goes. I live in a college town and I get asked all the time what my major is.

    I was running with friends at a park a couple years ago and we were talking about my daughter. I mentioned her age (I think 17 at the time) and a guy running past actually stopped to tell me how shocked he was because he thought I was only 16 ... I wear my hair in a bun when I workout and I think that makes me look even younger.

    But women can just be so mean.

    It does seem to be primarily women who are the mean ones. I had my children young (I was 17 with the first and just turned 19 with the second). So having my children that young, and living in a very small town, it was a lot of fun going to their school activities. The other mothers were typically 10-20 years older than I was.
    Even at work I've had issues, especially when it comes to weight -one time when I was cold, a coworker told me, "maybe you wouldn't be so cold all the time if you'd just put some meat on your bones". And when treats were brought and I didn't eat them (I'm gluten-intolerant, and they were always baked goods) I was made fun of for starving myself.
  • PghPensFan69
    PghPensFan69 Posts: 2,393 Member
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I can totally believe that, I left my last job because I was pretty much forced out, slim and blonde (wouldn't consider myself beautiful!) seems to trigger some women into meltdown. It got so bad that I had self confidence issues taking my son out to toddler groups and the like. Try being a slim mother, ostracized is totally the right word. Complete with nasty comments, dirty looks, whispering behind hands and outright attacks.

    Try being in your early 20s, thin and pretty in the suburbs with a kid in elementary school. 90% of the mothers wouldn't even look at me. And the ONLY ones who were nice were the ones who were thinner and prettier. I guess they weren't threatened?

    My mother had me young and had the same issue. I suspect women think I'm younger than I am purely because I'm short. I get ID'd all the time despite being WAY past that! I've had a few "well you do bounce back into shape if you have a baby whilst you're still a child yourself" comments, having had my one and only at 30 I wouldn't consider 30 a child!

    Yeah ... I have some really good genes as far as aging goes. I live in a college town and I get asked all the time what my major is.

    I was running with friends at a park a couple years ago and we were talking about my daughter. I mentioned her age (I think 17 at the time) and a guy running past actually stopped to tell me how shocked he was because he thought I was only 16 ... I wear my hair in a bun when I workout and I think that makes me look even younger.

    But women can just be so mean.

    It does seem to be primarily women who are the mean ones. I had my children young (I was 17 with the first and just turned 19 with the second). So having my children that young, and living in a very small town, it was a lot of fun going to their school activities. The other mothers were typically 10-20 years older than I was.
    Even at work I've had issues, especially when it comes to weight -one time when I was cold, a coworker told me, "maybe you wouldn't be so cold all the time if you'd just put some meat on your bones". And when treats were brought and I didn't eat them (I'm gluten-intolerant, and they were always baked goods) I was made fun of for starving myself.
    I've been really lucky -- though I think it's more about being able to judge character than luck -- within my circle of friends to have strong, positive women who lift each other up rather than tear each other down. Even in high school, my friends were wonderful and we didn't have the ridiculous drama. The older I get and the more people I meet, the more I realize what a problem this is for a lot of women.

    I will never understand it.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    I can totally believe that, I left my last job because I was pretty much forced out, slim and blonde (wouldn't consider myself beautiful!) seems to trigger some women into meltdown. It got so bad that I had self confidence issues taking my son out to toddler groups and the like. Try being a slim mother, ostracized is totally the right word. Complete with nasty comments, dirty looks, whispering behind hands and outright attacks.

    Try being in your early 20s, thin and pretty in the suburbs with a kid in elementary school. 90% of the mothers wouldn't even look at me. And the ONLY ones who were nice were the ones who were thinner and prettier. I guess they weren't threatened?

    My mother had me young and had the same issue. I suspect women think I'm younger than I am purely because I'm short. I get ID'd all the time despite being WAY past that! I've had a few "well you do bounce back into shape if you have a baby whilst you're still a child yourself" comments, having had my one and only at 30 I wouldn't consider 30 a child!

    Yeah ... I have some really good genes as far as aging goes. I live in a college town and I get asked all the time what my major is.

    I was running with friends at a park a couple years ago and we were talking about my daughter. I mentioned her age (I think 17 at the time) and a guy running past actually stopped to tell me how shocked he was because he thought I was only 16 ... I wear my hair in a bun when I workout and I think that makes me look even younger.

    But women can just be so mean.

    It does seem to be primarily women who are the mean ones. I had my children young (I was 17 with the first and just turned 19 with the second). So having my children that young, and living in a very small town, it was a lot of fun going to their school activities. The other mothers were typically 10-20 years older than I was.
    Even at work I've had issues, especially when it comes to weight -one time when I was cold, a coworker told me, "maybe you wouldn't be so cold all the time if you'd just put some meat on your bones". And when treats were brought and I didn't eat them (I'm gluten-intolerant, and they were always baked goods) I was made fun of for starving myself.

    LOL women seem to hate all the wrong things. If women were stopping to compliment me and other guys hated me because I was so ripped that'd be awesome. Like I said, skinny body shaming isn't nearly the same.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I can totally believe that, I left my last job because I was pretty much forced out, slim and blonde (wouldn't consider myself beautiful!) seems to trigger some women into meltdown. It got so bad that I had self confidence issues taking my son out to toddler groups and the like. Try being a slim mother, ostracized is totally the right word. Complete with nasty comments, dirty looks, whispering behind hands and outright attacks.

    Try being in your early 20s, thin and pretty in the suburbs with a kid in elementary school. 90% of the mothers wouldn't even look at me. And the ONLY ones who were nice were the ones who were thinner and prettier. I guess they weren't threatened?

    My mother had me young and had the same issue. I suspect women think I'm younger than I am purely because I'm short. I get ID'd all the time despite being WAY past that! I've had a few "well you do bounce back into shape if you have a baby whilst you're still a child yourself" comments, having had my one and only at 30 I wouldn't consider 30 a child!

    Yeah ... I have some really good genes as far as aging goes. I live in a college town and I get asked all the time what my major is.

    I was running with friends at a park a couple years ago and we were talking about my daughter. I mentioned her age (I think 17 at the time) and a guy running past actually stopped to tell me how shocked he was because he thought I was only 16 ... I wear my hair in a bun when I workout and I think that makes me look even younger.

    But women can just be so mean.

    It does seem to be primarily women who are the mean ones. I had my children young (I was 17 with the first and just turned 19 with the second). So having my children that young, and living in a very small town, it was a lot of fun going to their school activities. The other mothers were typically 10-20 years older than I was.
    Even at work I've had issues, especially when it comes to weight -one time when I was cold, a coworker told me, "maybe you wouldn't be so cold all the time if you'd just put some meat on your bones". And when treats were brought and I didn't eat them (I'm gluten-intolerant, and they were always baked goods) I was made fun of for starving myself.

    LOL women seem to hate all the wrong things. If women were stopping to compliment me and other guys hated me because I was so ripped that'd be awesome. Like I said, skinny body shaming isn't nearly the same.

    You obviously don't get it.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    You obviously don't get it.

    Guys like you and women want to look like you. What's so bad about that? How is that some sort of life struggle? Get to some point where men are grossed out by you. Then you'll have real problems.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    LOL women seem to hate all the wrong things. If women were stopping to compliment me and other guys hated me because I was so ripped that'd be awesome. Like I said, skinny body shaming isn't nearly the same.

    Yes, losing your job for looking good and being bullied for being thin is SO WONDEFUL.
  • You obviously don't get it.

    Guys like you and women want to look like you. What's so bad about that? How is that some sort of life struggle? Get to some point where men are grossed out by you. Then you'll have real problems.

    How about you get to a point where you DON'T feel that way, instead? Do something about it, rather than bash others?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    You obviously don't get it.

    Guys like you and women want to look like you. What's so bad about that? How is that some sort of life struggle? Get to some point where men are grossed out by you. Then you'll have real problems.

    Losing promotions for my looks, losing friends for them, having people on the street say mean things to me for being "too thin"? Not being accepted in social groups like the mothers of all the children in my kids' school based solely on my looks? I brought books and sat and read by myself, every day, while my kids practiced, and when they were at meets and competitions. It was pretty lonely. I've had to work pretty hard to earn my way career-wise as well.
    It's also not much fun not being able to eat so many foods and being told how lucky you are for that because you 'get to be thin'. Ignoring the pain that you get to feel instead.
  • mochamommy
    mochamommy Posts: 187 Member
    See, the skinny ones rub it in. Look at me.. see what a burden being pretty is. Oh, I cant get a promotion because I'm too pretty. People hate me because I'm skinny. Whatever......
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    oh poor baby. You lost a promotion on your looks. You can eat anything you want. Oh poor poor skinny girl. Maybe if you didnt rub it in the fat ones faces they might like you a little more. Im sure your poop smells like roses and it offends the toliet as well
    Whose faces is she rubbing anything in?
  • mochamommy
    mochamommy Posts: 187 Member
    Guys like you and women want to look like you. What's so bad about that? How is that some sort of life struggle? Get to some point where men are grossed out by you. Then you'll have real problems.

    Amen. I agree.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    See, the skinny ones rub it in. Look at me.. see what a burden being pretty is. Oh, I cant get a promotion because I'm too pretty. People hate me because I'm skinny. Whatever......

    Are you serious? I didn't lose the promotion because I was too pretty, I lost the promotion because my boss wanted me to sleep with him and I refused. I wanted the job based on my own merit.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    See, the skinny ones rub it in. Look at me.. see what a burden being pretty is. Oh, I cant get a promotion because I'm too pretty. People hate me because I'm skinny. Whatever......
    The only reason this is being discussed at all is that a bunch of women came into this thread and threw nasty insults at anyone who isn't overweight.
  • mochamommy
    mochamommy Posts: 187 Member
    That's what you keep bragging about. Look at Sarah Palin for an example of looks. The woman was bat**** crazy but people wanted her as vice president because she was hot. Hillary...not hot. Smart but frumpy and fat. Wont be president
  • DamianaKitten
    DamianaKitten Posts: 479 Member
    See, the skinny ones rub it in. Look at me.. see what a burden being pretty is. Oh, I cant get a promotion because I'm too pretty. People hate me because I'm skinny. Whatever......


    You need help.

    If you don't like when people bash your looks, why is it okay for it to happen to others?

    Because you have personal issues. Love yourself and stop forcing your self loathing on others.

    It is a burden to be human. It is made even more difficult when people go around trying to tear others down.
  • Guys like you and women want to look like you. What's so bad about that? How is that some sort of life struggle? Get to some point where men are grossed out by you. Then you'll have real problems.

    Amen. I agree.

    Honestly? If anything, I would have to assume, based on both of your responses in this thread alone, that if anyone is "grossed" out by the 2 of you, its your ugly, hateful attitude, not your looks.
  • mochamommy
    mochamommy Posts: 187 Member
    Direct quote from McCindy.....Losing promotions for my looks
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    That's what you keep bragging about. Look at Sarah Palin for an example of looks. The woman was bat**** crazy but people wanted her as vice president because she was hot. Hillary...not hot. Smart but frumpy and fat. Wont be president

    Sarah Palin was an idiot. I'll vote for HIlary Clinton because she's intelligent, well spoken and has an excellent political record. I don't base my politics or my vote on looks, and most of the country doesn't either.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    That's what you keep bragging about. Look at Sarah Palin for an example of looks. The woman was bat**** crazy but people wanted her as vice president because she was hot. Hillary...not hot. Smart but frumpy and fat. Wont be president

    I hate to break this spoiler to you, but McCain lost the election and several people did NOT vote for him due to his choice of VP.