Are we all..sexist?



  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    He can have the "special treatment", but he shouldn't forget to enjoy the almost daily sexual harassment and lower salaries for the exact same job.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    -we can't get drunk at bars/clubs for, again, fear of being raped
    -when we are raped we're blamed for leading men on
    -women in the workforce are generally considered to have "slept their way to the top"
    -women in the work place are constantly coddled, underestimated, and dismissed regardless of their ability
    -if a woman has sex before marriage she's ruined, not to mention, y'know, a *kitten*
    -if a woman gets pregnant before marriage it's entirely her fault for not closing her legs
    -women who'd rather a career than raise children are looked down upon and considered selfish
    -women are constantly verbally/emotionally/physically assaulted and we're expected to grin and bear it (street/car calling, wolf whistling, butt slapping, etc)
    -women are expected to marry at a certain age otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women are expected to have children otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women can't even serve their country because the level of sexism and misogyny is the army/military is atrocious
    -women can't sleep around, admit to masturbating, or discuss sex without being considered a *kitten*
    -abortion and birth control. enough said.

    Do you live in the middle ages? The deep south? As part of a religious society? If the ones above are actually a part of day to day culture where you're from then I strongly suggest you move.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Hmm, that's strange.

    I hate everyone equally, male and female.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member

    The women probably got hired because they could pay them less.


    Don't u have equal opportunity laws and award wages that a qualified person has to be paid the same regardless of gender?

    Not in the US. Women generally get paid 77 cents to a man's dollar even if they're working the same position, pulling the same hours, outputting the same amount of work, etc. You get the idea. Men get paid more, the end. It's 2014 and yet it hasn't been changed. You'd think we were a developed nation...oh, wait.

    I am surprised at that.

    Is taken for granted in Australia that the same position gets paid the same amount, regardless of gender - is illegal to do otherwise.

    Yes, I know average male earnings are still higher than average female earning but this correlates to a range of factors - more women take time out from the workforce to raise children, more women work part time, more women go into lower paid industries etc.
    But Women don't get paid less if they are equally qualified and work the same hours in the same job.
  • reimaka17
    reimaka17 Posts: 48 Member
    -we can't get drunk at bars/clubs for, again, fear of being raped
    -when we are raped we're blamed for leading men on
    -women in the workforce are generally considered to have "slept their way to the top"
    -women in the work place are constantly coddled, underestimated, and dismissed regardless of their ability
    -if a woman has sex before marriage she's ruined, not to mention, y'know, a *kitten*
    -if a woman gets pregnant before marriage it's entirely her fault for not closing her legs
    -women who'd rather a career than raise children are looked down upon and considered selfish
    -women are constantly verbally/emotionally/physically assaulted and we're expected to grin and bear it (street/car calling, wolf whistling, butt slapping, etc)
    -women are expected to marry at a certain age otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women are expected to have children otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women can't even serve their country because the level of sexism and misogyny is the army/military is atrocious
    -women can't sleep around, admit to masturbating, or discuss sex without being considered a *kitten*
    -abortion and birth control. enough said.

    Do you live in the middle ages? The deep south? As part of a religious society? If the ones above are actually a part of day to day culture where you're from then I strongly suggest you move.

    Are you actually serious? These are everyday, common, MODERN happenings. What, you think women don't get raped and then blamed/shamed for it? You think we're not pushed into getting married and popping out children? You think we're not called *kitten* and sluts for every little thing? You think we're not considered "tarnished" if we choose to have pre-marital sex, or dirty slags if we sleep around? You think there aren't groups of people protesting in front of Planned Parenthood who think they have a right to determine what we do with our bodies and trying to shame us for it? You think guys don't shout disgusting things at us from their cars and balconies, or grope us as bars/clubs, and then laugh at our discomfort because "that's cute"? You think we don't get paid less for the same job--and usually a job we're thought to have slept and flirted our way up to?

    I live in good ol' liberal NYC but If anyone should be telling us where they live it's you because apparently you live in fantasy-land where these common things never happen and I'd very much like to move there. Also, could you please tell me where you bought those rose-colored glasses? I'd definitely like my own--yours are perfect.
  • reimaka17
    reimaka17 Posts: 48 Member
    Hmm, that's strange.

    I hate everyone equally, male and female.

    Oh, I do too (well, hate is a rather strong word, but I can't say I like most people all that much, so). I might be aware of sexism, misogyny, and gender expectations that work both ways, but I think men and women are equally awful--to themselves, to each other, and just in general.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Your friend sounds like a butthurt man-child who is used to getting what he wants and now that he's in the real world, he sees that it's not like the little bubble he grew up in, so he's taken on a misogynistic view. He has to blame someone, why not blame women?

    Just my opinion on the matter.

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    1. He's been going on job interviews as well, they were about to hire him until a lesser qualified piece of eye candy came into the picture and got the job instead..this happened to him twice.

    How does he know?

    Personnel files are confidential.

    I have never even seen other candidates for jobs I interviewed for, much less do I know whether they were qualified.
  • jackjb2
    jackjb2 Posts: 83 Member
    What part of the chicken does chicken fingers come from???? I checked and have never found any fingers on chickens Ive seen?????
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    What part of the chicken does chicken fingers come from???? I checked and have never found any fingers on chickens Ive seen?????
    What you on? Want.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Hmm, that's strange.

    I hate everyone equally, male and female.

    Some more than others.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    The women probably got hired because they could pay them less.


    Don't u have equal opportunity laws and award wages that a qualified person has to be paid the same regardless of gender?

    Not in the US. Women generally get paid 77 cents to a man's dollar even if they're working the same position, pulling the same hours, outputting the same amount of work, etc. You get the idea. Men get paid more, the end. It's 2014 and yet it hasn't been changed. You'd think we were a developed nation...oh, wait.

    I am surprised at that.

    Is taken for granted in Australia that the same position gets paid the same amount, regardless of gender - is illegal to do otherwise.

    Yes, I know average male earnings are still higher than average female earning but this correlates to a range of factors - more women take time out from the workforce to raise children, more women work part time, more women go into lower paid industries etc.
    But Women don't get paid less if they are equally qualified and work the same hours in the same job.

    Most of the time, salaries given are a range, not a specific amount. When I got hired, there was a range listed for the position and they asked me what I wanted. I was stupid and instead of asking for the high end, I asked somewhere in the middle, thinking there would be negotiation.

    A lot of the reason women make less is because they don't ask for more.

    Though since I got hired, they have lowered the range so I now make more than the people who got hired after me. Still, I could probably be making $10K a year more if I'd just asked for it.
  • thelowcarbrecipes
    thelowcarbrecipes Posts: 89 Member
    Ye we are all sexist to some degree, im not saying that I degrade or berate each gender.
    It's mainly the media the portratys the ways in which men and women should act, and just look at all the magazines targeted at women and then look at those targeted at men, quite easy to see how people can read those and think those itdeas are alright.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    -we can't get drunk at bars/clubs for, again, fear of being raped
    -when we are raped we're blamed for leading men on
    -women in the workforce are generally considered to have "slept their way to the top"
    -women in the work place are constantly coddled, underestimated, and dismissed regardless of their ability
    -if a woman has sex before marriage she's ruined, not to mention, y'know, a *kitten*
    -if a woman gets pregnant before marriage it's entirely her fault for not closing her legs
    -women who'd rather a career than raise children are looked down upon and considered selfish
    -women are constantly verbally/emotionally/physically assaulted and we're expected to grin and bear it (street/car calling, wolf whistling, butt slapping, etc)
    -women are expected to marry at a certain age otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women are expected to have children otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women can't even serve their country because the level of sexism and misogyny is the army/military is atrocious
    -women can't sleep around, admit to masturbating, or discuss sex without being considered a *kitten*
    -abortion and birth control. enough said.

    Do you live in the middle ages? The deep south? As part of a religious society? If the ones above are actually a part of day to day culture where you're from then I strongly suggest you move.
    I actually do live in the Deep South, smack in the middle of the Bible Belt. I agree with some of that list to a point, but most of it it ridiculous.

    Maybe in some industries some of that is true. I don't know. All but one of my bosses is female and the one who isn't isn't at the top. And his position was previously held by a woman who left because she got offered a ton of money to go elsewhere and not one person ever even considered sex had anything to do with it. She's a wonderful, capable, highly respected woman.

    The rape stuff, though ... I just lived through the Jameis Winston debacle and the things people said were shameful and disgusting and to this day, really, no one knows what actually happened. Yet the concensus is that she's a lying slut and he's completely innocent.

    We do have to be careful drinking in public. I would never get drunk in public if I wasn't very sure about the people around me. And we have to watch that no one slips anything into our drinks. It does still happen, and a lot.

    However, the marriage and children stuff isn't the big deal it used to be. I'm not going to address every single point. The cat-calling is something you just have to shrug off. It isn't going to stop.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Are you actually serious? These are everyday, common, MODERN happenings. What, you think women don't get raped and then blamed/shamed for it?

    Not by decent people. Perhaps by a tiny fascistic subset of people. You seem to be suggesting that every day a majority of people condone rape. Which suggests it's you living in a fantasy land.
    You think we're not pushed into getting married and popping out children?

    By who? I'm 29, the majority of people I know around that age aren't married, nor do any feel under pressure to be. I know many couples who've been together for 5+ years with no plans to marry in the near future or have kids, and nobody cares.
    You think we're not called *kitten* and sluts for every little thing?

    Again, by who? This doesn't happen to anyone I know.
    You think we're not considered "tarnished" if we choose to have pre-marital sex,

    Seriously, who are you spending your time with? To any sane person the whole concept of "saving yourself for marriage" died many decades ago.
    or dirty slags if we sleep around?

    Perhaps, but that applies to both genders.
    You think there aren't groups of people protesting in front of Planned Parenthood who think they have a right to determine what we do with our bodies and trying to shame us for it?

    That's a cultural thing. I live in a country where the vast majority of people are pro choice and it's never been an issue of note.
    You think guys don't shout disgusting things at us from their cars and balconies, or grope us as bars/clubs,

    Yes, that happens. I don't envy you it. Walk away.
    and then laugh at our discomfort because "that's cute"?

    That's just flat out weird. If someone did that I'd have them ejected.
    You think we don't get paid less for the same job--and usually a job we're thought to have slept and flirted our way up to?

    If it's literally the exact same job, then that's illegal here.
  • sheepysaccount
    sheepysaccount Posts: 608 Member
    This is a widely discussed topic, therefore the answers you will get are completely different as well.

    I remember in my philosophy class we had those hardcore feminazis who will tell you that a man is always treated better because he's got a penis. They also complain about the language being biased and so on.
    But I shall just leave it there because those people you cannot reason with.

    Then you'll get those that never actually thought about it, and will drag in every example they can think of where a woman was treated better because she's pretty or she's got boobs.

    However, I would say that both men and women can be sexist. Yes, if a lesser qualified woman get's a job that's sexism because they prefer her for being a woman. Some may call it affirmative action because you should have a certain percentage of women in leadership positions. However, true equality would be achieved by not looking at the gender, but at the qualifications. If the qualifications are equal to both a male and a female, fine, go with the female because you want more women in high positions. But a man should't be snubbed for a job if he's got the better qualifications.

    I also believe that both men and women don't really try to understand the other side. For example, I recently read an article (I think it was even on here) where a man complained to his female friend that it's immensely difficult to find a good woman via internet dating. He ventured to a social experiment in which he created an online profile for a woman and within minutes he had several sexually explicit mails. He then came to the conclusion that women are still seen as objects by many men and deleted his profile.

    In short, yes, I'd say we are still sexist, but there are trends found into several directions. Some try to eliminate those discriminations, some seek to overthrow the order and have females dominate the males, and some will complain just because they can.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    He's a crybaby.

    ^^ This


    Face it, men and women are different, and while we want equality under the law, and *can* have that, it doesn't mean that all social interactions will always be the same. It's absurd to think that men and women ought to be treated the exact same in all social situations. Treating a man like a man is not being "sexist." It's being honest. Inequality under the law is sexism.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    There is some level of sexism, but there is also bias toward attractive people, in general. If you're an attractive female, most parts of life will be easier for you. But it's a double-edged sword, too, especially in the workplace, where you may be more likely to get hired if you're good-looking, but you're also less likely to be taken seriously because there's a general consensus that an attractive woman is less intelligent and less competent than a woman of average looks.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    The women probably got hired because they could pay them less.


    Don't u have equal opportunity laws and award wages that a qualified person has to be paid the same regardless of gender?

    Not in the US. Women generally get paid 77 cents to a man's dollar even if they're working the same position, pulling the same hours, outputting the same amount of work, etc. You get the idea. Men get paid more, the end. It's 2014 and yet it hasn't been changed. You'd think we were a developed nation...oh, wait.

    I keep hearing this, but I can only imagine that these jobs are corporate, salaried positions. Having only ever worked for wages, men and women have always made the same pay in the jobs I have held. I wonder where they come up with these stats? Is it from IRS 1040 forms or what?
  • the_texreb
    the_texreb Posts: 138 Member
    a less qualified piece of eye candy? Was he able to see her resume? Maybe she was a more qualified person who also happened to be attractive.

    Sounds like he needs one of these

    After reading this thread, it seems like A LOT of people need one of these.