Are we all..sexist?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    So one of my guy friends is starting to hate women because he thinks that everyone treats women so much better than guys. What do you guys think?

    I have a couple examples that he gave me..
    1. He's been going on job interviews as well, they were about to hire him until a lesser qualified piece of eye candy came into the picture and got the job instead..this happened to him twice.
    2. We were at a Spanish deli and we both ordered chicken, rice, and beans. They asked me what part of the chicken I wanted and they didn't ask him. Afterwards he points it out. I told him he should've let them know..he said he was being quiet to prove a point that women are always treated better than men. (Side note a third friend who usually goes to that deli says that they treat you better of you're a woman or speak Spanish so maybe it's based on the place..)

    Do you think we as a society are sexist???

    Oh yeah, women get treated so much better than men! Let me list the ways:
    -rape culture
    -most women can't walk outside at night for fear of being raped (1 in every 6 American women have been the victim of attempted/complete rape in her lifetime)
    -we can't get drunk at bars/clubs for, again, fear of being raped
    -when we are raped we're blamed for leading men on
    -we can't dress provocatively 'cause then we're *kitten* deserving of rape
    -women still make less than men (77 cents to a man's dollar) in the US. Never mind other countries where it's devastating less
    -women in the workforce are generally considered to have "slept their way to the top"
    -women in the work place are constantly coddled, underestimated, and dismissed regardless of their ability
    -women often lose high ranking positions to men despite being of equal/more qualified
    -if a woman has sex before marriage she's ruined, not to mention, y'know, a *kitten*
    -if a woman gets pregnant before marriage it's entirely her fault for not closing her legs
    -women who'd rather a career than raise children are looked down upon and considered selfish
    -women are constantly verbally/emotionally/physically assaulted and we're expected to grin and bear it (street/car calling, wolf whistling, butt slapping, etc)
    -women are expected to marry at a certain age otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women are expected to have children otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women can't even serve their country because the level of sexism and misogyny is the army/military is atrocious
    -women are expected to be rack thin and dolled up because otherwise we're ugly and plain and lazy
    -women can't sleep around, admit to masturbating, or discuss sex without being considered a *kitten*
    -women are continuously sexually objectified by everyone, but particularly the entertainment industry
    -women who bring these things to light and try to change things (feminists, womanists, etc) are called all number of things, such as: *kitten*, crazies, femi-nazis, radicals, etc. the word "feminist" carries so many negative connotations despite the fact that feminists are the ones who helped us get this far
    -abortion and birth control. enough said.
    -to a lot of people our worth amounts to how much leg and cleavage we show, and how attractive we are
    -the worst insults you could give a man is apparently calling him gay (which, to a lot of people, is synonymous with being girly) or comparing him to a girl
    -ETC, ETC, ETC (because I could seriously go on and on and on and on and on)

    And that's only in the USA.

    Here ya go. So the next time your friend whines about how hard he has it there's a list you can shove at him.

    (BTW: I'm fully aware that gender expectations goes both ways. I could easily make a list of the ways men are mistreated and discriminated against because of stupid social constructs, if anyone would like. It probably wouldn't be as long, but it wouldn't be short, either.)

    Yes, yes. We get it. Your life is so much harder . . .:sad:

    Right. Maybe that lady should get with OP's boyfriend! Stop crying! Learn to laugh. :flowerforyou:
  • reimaka17
    reimaka17 Posts: 48 Member

    The women probably got hired because they could pay them less.


    Don't u have equal opportunity laws and award wages that a qualified person has to be paid the same regardless of gender?

    Not in the US. Women generally get paid 77 cents to a man's dollar even if they're working the same position, pulling the same hours, outputting the same amount of work, etc. You get the idea. Men get paid more, the end. It's 2014 and yet it hasn't been changed. You'd think we were a developed nation...oh, wait.

    I am surprised at that.

    Is taken for granted in Australia that the same position gets paid the same amount, regardless of gender - is illegal to do otherwise.

    Yes, I know average male earnings are still higher than average female earning but this correlates to a range of factors - more women take time out from the workforce to raise children, more women work part time, more women go into lower paid industries etc.
    But Women don't get paid less if they are equally qualified and work the same hours in the same job.

    Our Government Accountability Office (GAO) continues to report that women still make less, even holding the same jobs (full time and year round). While the reasons you listed are accountable for 60% of the difference there is a good 40% that is unaccounted for and wholly unreasonable. It's also statically proven that the wage gap is higher for women of color (69c for African American women and 58c for Latinas/Hispanics, and again, this is for full-time, year round work). In the USA anyway-- I can't speak for other places.

    There are other interesting statistics I've come across (such as that women with children get paid 2.5% less while men with children get paid 2% more (GAO) as some convoluted "boost" and that after our lovely (/sarcasm) recession men were re-employed more frequently (an increase of one million between 2011-2012, whereas the re-employment rate for women remained the same) leaving many women to resort to finding part-time work) but I'd need to check the reports/numbers again before I can officially add those.

    Just to quickly add, I hear a lot of people justify the wage gap by pointing out the differences in male-dominant and female-dominant careers, but I never hear anyone mention anything about the fact that female-dominant jobs/careers are underpaid and undervalued which is a problem on its own and only contributes to the gap. Just some food for thought.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Personally, I get a little sick of the equality issue and the fact that those who call for equality usually want it tipped a little bit the opposite direction - they don't want equality, they want power of their own, for a while. My own mind set is that their should be blind equality. if two people apply for a scholarship or a college or a job, they should be considered solely on their merit, and whether they get accepted should have absolutely nothing to do with gender or race or religion or sexual orientation or age. In this day and age it makes absolutely no sense to judge someone based on anything other than merit. How anyone is treated should have nothing to do with appearance or beliefs.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hahaha he just loves to complain but it got me I get more special treatment then I realized??

    Of course you do, you're an attractive person. I wouldn't call this situation sexism. I would just say that attractive people in general seem to get preferential treatment.
    It's not JUST that you are a woman, because not every woman gets that type of attention. I definitely get treated way differentally now than when I was at a normal weight. I think it's the same for guys. Yeah, a hot guy is going to get more attention from women than an average guy. You know when you see someone you find attractive and you just go :love: ... it's like your hormones go haywire or something.
    People treat people that they find attractive better than those that they don't. IMO, it's as simple as that. Maybe I'm just jaded.
    that's not always true. People can be judged negatively for looks just as they can be judged positively.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What part of the chicken does chicken fingers come from???? I checked and have never found any fingers on chickens Ive seen?????

    They are from the tender part of the breast. Seriously, you have never made these before? They are yummy with BBQ sauce.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Love this one! Must cross-post to FB!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    The women probably got hired because they could pay them less.


    Don't u have equal opportunity laws and award wages that a qualified person has to be paid the same regardless of gender?

    Yes, we do. In the past, many corporations have been sued for not paying women equally. Claiming a woman will get hired over a man so they can pay them less is just as crazy as OP's boyfriend crying over not getting asked his chicken preferences.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Tell him to pay for a women's hair cut or women's dry cleaning prices instead of what they charge men. That should make him feel better.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Tell him to pay for a women's hair cut or women's dry cleaning prices instead of what they charge men. That should make him feel better.
    Or buy tampons and pads or have to go to and pay for the gyno every year or pay for birth control ...
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    So one of my guy friends is starting to hate women because he thinks that everyone treats women so much better than guys. What do you guys think?

    I have a couple examples that he gave me..
    1. He's been going on job interviews as well, they were about to hire him until a lesser qualified piece of eye candy came into the picture and got the job instead..this happened to him twice.
    2. We were at a Spanish deli and we both ordered chicken, rice, and beans. They asked me what part of the chicken I wanted and they didn't ask him. Afterwards he points it out. I told him he should've let them know..he said he was being quiet to prove a point that women are always treated better than men. (Side note a third friend who usually goes to that deli says that they treat you better of you're a woman or speak Spanish so maybe it's based on the place..)

    Do you think we as a society are sexist???

    Oh yeah, women get treated so much better than men! Let me list the ways:
    -rape culture
    -most women can't walk outside at night for fear of being raped (1 in every 6 American women have been the victim of attempted/complete rape in her lifetime)
    -we can't get drunk at bars/clubs for, again, fear of being raped
    -when we are raped we're blamed for leading men on
    -we can't dress provocatively 'cause then we're *kitten* deserving of rape
    -women still make less than men (77 cents to a man's dollar) in the US. Never mind other countries where it's devastating less
    -women in the workforce are generally considered to have "slept their way to the top"
    -women in the work place are constantly coddled, underestimated, and dismissed regardless of their ability
    -women often lose high ranking positions to men despite being of equal/more qualified
    -if a woman has sex before marriage she's ruined, not to mention, y'know, a *kitten*
    -if a woman gets pregnant before marriage it's entirely her fault for not closing her legs
    -women who'd rather a career than raise children are looked down upon and considered selfish
    -women are constantly verbally/emotionally/physically assaulted and we're expected to grin and bear it (street/car calling, wolf whistling, butt slapping, etc)
    -women are expected to marry at a certain age otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women are expected to have children otherwise there's something wrong with them
    -women can't even serve their country because the level of sexism and misogyny is the army/military is atrocious
    -women are expected to be rack thin and dolled up because otherwise we're ugly and plain and lazy
    -women can't sleep around, admit to masturbating, or discuss sex without being considered a *kitten*
    -women are continuously sexually objectified by everyone, but particularly the entertainment industry
    -women who bring these things to light and try to change things (feminists, womanists, etc) are called all number of things, such as: *kitten*, crazies, femi-nazis, radicals, etc. the word "feminist" carries so many negative connotations despite the fact that feminists are the ones who helped us get this far
    -abortion and birth control. enough said.
    -to a lot of people our worth amounts to how much leg and cleavage we show, and how attractive we are
    -the worst insults you could give a man is apparently calling him gay (which, to a lot of people, is synonymous with being girly) or comparing him to a girl
    -ETC, ETC, ETC (because I could seriously go on and on and on and on and on)

    And that's only in the USA.

    Here ya go. So the next time your friend whines about how hard he has it there's a list you can shove at him.

    (BTW: I'm fully aware that gender expectations goes both ways. I could easily make a list of the ways men are mistreated and discriminated against because of stupid social constructs, if anyone would like. It probably wouldn't be as long, but it wouldn't be short, either.)

    I go for walks at night and am not afraid - I even did that in downtown Baltimore when I worked there. I also was not raped. I even was able to get drunk in bars and not have any problems, even without being verbally and physically assaulted as you claim happens constantly. I proudly served my country, without any issues. I was stationed in the south and worked on the Avionics equipment on the airplanes - hardly a female dominated area, and again, without issues. Your list is an interesting one anyway.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Our Government Accountability Office (GAO) continues to report that women still make less, even holding the same jobs (full time and year round).

    Where do they get their numbers?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Personally, I get a little sick of the equality issue and the fact that those who call for equality usually want it tipped a little bit the opposite direction - they don't want equality, they want power of their own, for a while. My own mind set is that their should be blind equality. if two people apply for a scholarship or a college or a job, they should be considered solely on their merit, and whether they get accepted should have absolutely nothing to do with gender or race or religion or sexual orientation or age. In this day and age it makes absolutely no sense to judge someone based on anything other than merit. How anyone is treated should have nothing to do with appearance or beliefs.

    So agree! Physical attributes should NEVER be the basis of such a decision.
  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653 Member
    Hahaha he just loves to complain but it got me I get more special treatment then I realized??

    Of course you do, you're an attractive person. I wouldn't call this situation sexism. I would just say that attractive people in general seem to get preferential treatment.
    It's not JUST that you are a woman, because not every woman gets that type of attention. I definitely get treated way differentally now than when I was at a normal weight. I think it's the same for guys. Yeah, a hot guy is going to get more attention from women than an average guy. You know when you see someone you find attractive and you just go :love: ... it's like your hormones go haywire or something.
    People treat people that they find attractive better than those that they don't. IMO, it's as simple as that. Maybe I'm just jaded.

    Aww thank you!!!:flowerforyou:

    I think out of all the theories I kinda agree with this the most. I do have a soft spot for hot guys. :love: lol!!

    But I try to treat everyone equally as much as possible.

    Those of you that want to blame him and not look at the actual issue go ahead. But putting chicken and jobs aside..I know for a fact that we have professors that would favor males and professors that would favor females and most of us agreed on which gender they would favor...that doesn't make me a crybaby for accepting that it does happen. It's a part of human nature so stop trying to focus on my friend and how about we look at the bigger picture??
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member

    1. He's been going on job interviews as well, they were about to hire him until a lesser qualified piece of eye candy came into the picture and got the job instead..this happened to him twice.

    How does he know what her qualifications are?

    He has a friend that's a manager at the place. He was the one that told him what happened and her qualifications

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sorry, but your friend's friend was looking for a nice way to tell him he either bombed the interview or isn't qualified. He have a friend at the other place too?

    Your friend needs to get over himself. He's not being slighted cause womenz exist. He is looking to blame something for the outcome of these situations not meeting his expectation. It sucks he had a troubled life and mommy and daddy didn't care enough -- that is the story for many, many people.

    I agree. Very well said. :flowerforyou:

    I get where you guys are coming from but this thread wasn't meant to be a discussion of how horrible my friend is or if he's spoiled etc. I just wanted to bring up an opinion that he's had lately and see if people agree. Clearly he's a decent guy otherwise I wouldn't be friends with him so can we try not to turn this into a "lets hate on the guy who has this theory thread" and discuss if you had any sexist encounters.

    The point is your friend's logic is insanely sexist.

    If you wanted to talk about sexism, you didn't need to talk about your friend at all.
  • arwacky
    arwacky Posts: 1,653 Member
    ^ he was my muse...sorry for not realizing things get overly twisted here. Noob mistake, won't happen again. :smile:
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    How does he know that a lesser quilified piece of eye candy got the job over him? Did they send him a letter saying that we decided to give the job to a woman that we would rather look at better than you. Oh, and by the way, she doesn't know anything about this job. i'm not saying this doesn't happen as far as the hiring is concerned. But, you usually don't find out who they hired instead of you.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    I think we all have our own struggles, issues, etc, so you either learn to live with the hand you're dealt and make the best of it....or wallow in it like a cry baby about how unfair your life is compared to others \m/
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    Women suck!
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Hahaha he just loves to complain but it got me I get more special treatment then I realized??

    Maybe, but I say going through the horror and agony of squeezing a person out the hoo-hah earns us some special treatment. :laugh: #kiddingbutnotkidding

    Lmaooo and monthly agonies for those of us that aren't mothers. Omg!! Next time he complains or hates on women that'll be my response!!

    That's the price you pay for multiple orgasms

    That's funny, I had this same conversation this morning with the girl next to me on the Arc Trainer.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Women suck!

    Until they have been married for a year.