Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 4



  • Kristin77
    Hi everyone. My weight I slowly going down. I'm at 149.1 this week, from 149.8. I forgot to be excited last week about being in the 140's because I'd lost so little weight, but yay I'm finally in the 140's. My next goal is 3.6lbs away, at which point I'll be out of the overweight BMI category.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Happy Monday All!

    My new weight is 155.2
  • malpal0111
    malpal0111 Posts: 48 Member
    Dani--WTG on the 5k! I know I still couldn´t even run 1k without stopping..... :embarassed: You should feel super proud for pushing yourself and showing that 5k who´s boss! :happy:

    I´m weighing in at 139 today. I HIT THE 130´s!!!!!!!!!!! I haven´t seen the 130s on the scale in over 4 years. I met my first Mini-Goal a week early.....I feel like I should be more excited about this than I am....

    Maybe I should reward myself. What healthy and cheap (I would love to go buy a new pair of boots, but my pocketbook can´t afford that one) rewards do you give yourselves when you meet your mini-goals?
  • sheilabennett
    192.4 for me today. I was hoping for it to be more, but I'll take it.

    Dani - CONGRATS!!! That's awesome!!!
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    Erg, 133 again this week. Didn't lose anything.

    Correction. My current weight is 132.6. I guess that is something.
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning Pin-Ups!

    My weight is the still the same 141 lbs.

    I have come up with a new workout plan and I'm starting the P90X tonight in addition to my lunch hour workouts at the gym.

    Today is actually a tri-fecta workout day, lunch - gym - gliding class, P90X afterwork and belly dancing at 7:30 p.m. I'm sure I will sleep well tonight.

    Congrats to those that have seen the scale move. Keep up the good work.

    Cina - your photos are amazing - very inspiring, You are getting fabulous results from all your hard work.

    Dani - Wooo Hooo I knew you were going to kick *kitten* in your 5 km! WTG! You are also a huge inspiration!

    malpal - Congrats on reaching the 130's!

    Ladies it's a new week and my goal is to make that scale move next Monday with my new workout plan!

    Have a great day and great week.

    Stay focused and stay positive.

    We have such a great group of ladies that are committed to the same goal. It's no fun posting a gain or a stayed the same but we are here to encourage and support one another. We didn't put all the weight on at once so it won't come off all at once!

  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Weighed in at 157 for a loss of 2.5 lbs this week! woooo!
    "Congrats!" to everyone else who has lost poundage this week! And "keep going!" to the ones that didn't. :drinker:
    This is a great group of beautiful ladies full of motivation and inspiration....with a couple of laughs thrown in here and there! :laugh:

    Today starts a new week! Good Luck Girls!!! :flowerforyou:

  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Weighed in this morning and was down a lb to 179! I'm out of the 180's!! Can I get a Woot Woot!!!

    WTG to everyone this week! Your all doing so great!! I'm so excited to be apart of this group, you all keep me accontable even if you don't realize it. :happy:

    Lets have a great week ladies

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Wow, you all are doing amazing so far!!! I'm so inspired! I forgot to weight this morning so I'll do it after work, right before I post the chart.

    The weather is starting to cool down here in Texas and is reminding me of home (Maryland). I LOVE it! I'm so ready to run in this tonight!! :smile:
  • brittanydaniel79
    Happy Monday, Pin-Ups!

    According to my scales, and I hope they aren't lying, I weight 209.5! That's 5.5 lb loss since the last time I weighed--which has been more than one week, fyi. I really didn't expect to see those kind of results though. Very happy with that :happy: I must be doing something right!
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Hey everybody! Been MIA on the thread the last few days.
    So the 5k Saturday was freakin' awesome. My goal was to get under 40min.
    My final time was 36min. 34sec. Holy Smokes Batman! Never expected that!:noway: I really pushed myself!
    The best part was the end. I was slowing down on the last mile and was thinking about giving up and just walking the rest of the way. When I had about 1/2 mile left a girl about my age came up beside me (a total stranger) and said "come on, you are doing so good! You can see the end!". That's all I needed and I ran the rest of the way with her. I was so proud of myself and grateful to her that she gave me that extra push. After the race I gave her a hug and told her thanks. The awesome thing is that the beginning of this year I did my first 5k and my time was 49 min. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would do it in 36min 34sec.
    My next long term goal is to get my 5k time down to 30 min flat.....or less of course. :bigsmile:
    Thanks to everyone for their encouragement and motivation. If I can come this far so can YOU!


    Don't you love total strangers sometimes!!! Great time Dani!! You rocked it
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Good Morning!
    I love catching up with everybody Monday morning!
    I weighed in at 123 this am, a loss of 1.8. That's my biggest loss EVER! I am finally a few pounds into healthy range for my frame and height, (5' medium frame).

    Dani-- Congratulations on your 5k! That's really amazing! Plus, losing 2.5 pounds! What a week for you!

    Malpal-- 130's woo-hoo!!!

    Creechbc-- 5.5 pounds! That's great!

    I'm always in awe of everybody on here. I'm sure we all have so much going on, (I know I do) yet we find time to congratulate and support each other. It's nice. Thanks Rach, for keeping this going.
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Good morning, Ladies...
    Wow! Looks like alot of people had a great week with losing some pounds. Awesome job everyone!!! Keep it up.

    I weighed in at 153.4 down since last week. Totally busted my butt even with being on my cycle early in the week (i'm usually a garbage disposal during that time...LOL). So glad to be part of this group...keeps me motivated.

    Have a great week everybody! :smile:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Hey everybody! Been MIA on the thread the last few days.
    So the 5k Saturday was freakin' awesome. My goal was to get under 40min.
    My final time was 36min. 34sec. Holy Smokes Batman! Never expected that!:noway: I really pushed myself!
    The best part was the end. I was slowing down on the last mile and was thinking about giving up and just walking the rest of the way. When I had about 1/2 mile left a girl about my age came up beside me (a total stranger) and said "come on, you are doing so good! You can see the end!". That's all I needed and I ran the rest of the way with her. I was so proud of myself and grateful to her that she gave me that extra push. After the race I gave her a hug and told her thanks. The awesome thing is that the beginning of this year I did my first 5k and my time was 49 min. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would do it in 36min 34sec.
    My next long term goal is to get my 5k time down to 30 min flat.....or less of course. :bigsmile:
    Thanks to everyone for their encouragement and motivation. If I can come this far so can YOU!


    Don't you love total strangers sometimes!!! Great time Dani!! You rocked it

    YES I do!! It was one of those moments I think I will never forget.
    Thanks! I am super proud of myself!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Up to 152.2 this morning, but since I was still in the first 24 hours of this month's cycle, I'm not gonna beat myself up about it. I brought a salad, an apple, and pb&j for lunch, and was thinking about chicken for dinner, so hopefully I won't blow the day (or week!) just because of TOM.

    GREAT JOB, PIN-UPS!! :flowerforyou:
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    Dani: That is awesome! Good for you! My goal is to be able to run a 5K, so you are so inspiring to complete it!

    I weighed in at 180.4 which is great because it is TOM right now and usually I eat everything in sight to make myself feel better. I bought a pretty dress instead! This store was awesome, they sell all pin-up style dresses! I walked in and the lady just looked at me and started grabbing dresses that made me look super hot! I spent way to much but feel amazing in my new dress. I am actually going to keep getting it taken in as I lose weight!
  • alyz
    alyz Posts: 41
    My weight this morning was 150!! I'm soooo close to the 140s!! yayyyy! Thta's a 4lb loss for me this week! :) I don't know how I did it. The ONLY thing I changed was I stopped drinking cokes. It was only supposed to be for a week, but if I'm going to see this kind of loss, maybe i should continue!

    Thanks for all of the support. Great job ladies!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I bought a pretty dress instead! This store was awesome, they sell all pin-up style dresses! I walked in and the lady just looked at me and started grabbing dresses that made me look super hot! I spent way to much but feel amazing in my new dress. I am actually going to keep getting it taken in as I lose weight!

    Let's see pictures!!! :drinker:
  • ♥jewelchristian♥
    ♥jewelchristian♥ Posts: 3,666 Member
    Good morning pin ups!

    I'm sorry I've been mostly absent this past week, I have been sick and trying to avoice anything that looks like work (i.e., the computer, my phone) I am down 4 lbs this weeks. I'll try to drop in through the weeks.

    Best of luck to everyone!

  • sugarskull5
    NO weight loss for me :grumble: