My Experience with Dr. Oz Detox/Cleanse Smoothies



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    A detox can help clear wayfarin from you system much quicker than allowing your body to process it naturally. At least it helped my brother out.

    Three days was all he could take...things get kinda liquid. But felt significantly better after.
    Interesting, in that warfarin is not a toxin. It's also got a half life of about 40 hours, which means it's mostly out of your system in about 3 to 4 days. So I would say your brother feeling better after 3 days had nothing to do with any mysterious "detox."

    Ever taken it? I'd say my brother would dispute the claim it flushed out after three days. He struggled for quite a while feeling lethargic and moodiness. Docs tried different meds and nothing. Finally some internet foodie said try some cleanse for 30 days. Brother said "yah, no" but finally gave a few days a go... Figured he had nothing to loose--already felt like crap.

    He was surprised when he felt better... Once he finally left the bathroom.

    Anyway... Sometimes things work.

    Sounds like fortuitous timing to me.

    Glad he is feeling better. Hope he finds a blood thinner that doesn't make him feel ill.

    And I would expect you to say it was fortuitous timing because it falls outside of what you believe to be fact. Reality is that what is going on in our "gut" can impact our health. It is possible there was residual chemical that remained in my brothers system that was flushed out from the cleanse. It is also possible it was all psychosomatic. Either way, he feels better (takes some crazy herb (nutmeg??) to help thin his blood).

    The question was what toxins are flushed? It's possible this one can.

    It's not about beliefs, it is about science, which is based on facts. Beliefs are based on faith in what you cannot see or quantify. If you want to believe that Warfarin is a toxin despite the fact that it is not, I'm sure there is nothing on earth that could dissuade you.

    Having said that, I still try and explain my thinking: Warfarin has a well characterized half-life.. The body breaks it down, and eliminates it. This is done through the liver and kidneys. If something was hanging around and making your brother feel ill, it is much more logical to to think it was probably a virus, than the Warfarin. Those buggers can make you feel miserable for weeks depending on what it is.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    A detox can help clear wayfarin from you system much quicker than allowing your body to process it naturally. At least it helped my brother out.

    Three days was all he could take...things get kinda liquid. But felt significantly better after.

    isn't wayfarin a blood thinner?

    Yes sir. If you ever get a blood clot that's what you get prescribed. It's rat poison
    so your saying your body does not naturally expel this?

    I'm certain it does... Eventually. However the risks of leaving, essentially poison, in your system for too long could have some serious implications. I agree with his rational--get it out and get it out quickly. I think the medical profession should seriously find something less 18th century to thin blood. It's brutal.

    I'll tell you what is brutal. Blood clots. And Coumadin was discovered in 1933 - and it is even naturally occurring.
  • fitandfortyish
    fitandfortyish Posts: 194 Member

    A detox can help clear wayfarin from you system much quicker than allowing your body to process it naturally. At least it helped my brother out.

    Three days was all he could take...things get kinda liquid. But felt significantly better after.
    Interesting, in that warfarin is not a toxin. It's also got a half life of about 40 hours, which means it's mostly out of your system in about 3 to 4 days. So I would say your brother feeling better after 3 days had nothing to do with any mysterious "detox."

    Ever taken it? I'd say my brother would dispute the claim it flushed out after three days. He struggled for quite a while feeling lethargic and moodiness. Docs tried different meds and nothing. Finally some internet foodie said try some cleanse for 30 days. Brother said "yah, no" but finally gave a few days a go... Figured he had nothing to loose--already felt like crap.

    He was surprised when he felt better... Once he finally left the bathroom.

    Anyway... Sometimes things work.

    Sounds like fortuitous timing to me.

    Glad he is feeling better. Hope he finds a blood thinner that doesn't make him feel ill.

    And I would expect you to say it was fortuitous timing because it falls outside of what you believe to be fact. Reality is that what is going on in our "gut" can impact our health. It is possible there was residual chemical that remained in my brothers system that was flushed out from the cleanse. It is also possible it was all psychosomatic. Either way, he feels better (takes some crazy herb (nutmeg??) to help thin his blood).

    The question was what toxins are flushed? It's possible this one can.

    what about other people that flush it naturally?

    I think that's the problem...very few seem to be able to. Brother spend hours on the internet trying to find out what was wrong with him -- that's how he got onto the detox.

    Can I just interject here--I don't agree with cleanses as weight loss solutions-- it's kind of ridiculous. BUT....there might be some value health wise.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member

    Can I just interject here--I don't agree with cleanses as weight loss solutions-- it's kind of ridiculous. BUT....there might be some value health wise.

    Except the people who believe in cleanses can't actually name a toxin that cleansing gets rid of. "Toxins" is a catch-all term used heavily in marketing but no one really seems to be able to define what they are, where they come from, what harm they're doing, how eating a low-cal/super restrictive diet actually helps etc. And again, we're not talking about drugs.
  • fitandfortyish
    fitandfortyish Posts: 194 Member

    A detox can help clear wayfarin from you system much quicker than allowing your body to process it naturally. At least it helped my brother out.

    Three days was all he could take...things get kinda liquid. But felt significantly better after.
    Interesting, in that warfarin is not a toxin. It's also got a half life of about 40 hours, which means it's mostly out of your system in about 3 to 4 days. So I would say your brother feeling better after 3 days had nothing to do with any mysterious "detox."

    Ever taken it? I'd say my brother would dispute the claim it flushed out after three days. He struggled for quite a while feeling lethargic and moodiness. Docs tried different meds and nothing. Finally some internet foodie said try some cleanse for 30 days. Brother said "yah, no" but finally gave a few days a go... Figured he had nothing to loose--already felt like crap.

    He was surprised when he felt better... Once he finally left the bathroom.

    Anyway... Sometimes things work.

    Sounds like fortuitous timing to me.

    Glad he is feeling better. Hope he finds a blood thinner that doesn't make him feel ill.

    And I would expect you to say it was fortuitous timing because it falls outside of what you believe to be fact. Reality is that what is going on in our "gut" can impact our health. It is possible there was residual chemical that remained in my brothers system that was flushed out from the cleanse. It is also possible it was all psychosomatic. Either way, he feels better (takes some crazy herb (nutmeg??) to help thin his blood).

    The question was what toxins are flushed? It's possible this one can.

    It's not about beliefs, it is about science, which is based on facts. Beliefs are based on faith in what you cannot see or quantify. If you want to believe that Warfarin is a toxin despite the fact that it is not, I'm sure there is nothing on earth that could dissuade you.

    Having said that, I still try and explain my thinking: Warfarin has a well characterized half-life.. The body breaks it down, and eliminates it. This is done through the liver and kidneys. If something was hanging around and making your brother feel ill, it is much more logical to to think it was probably a virus, than the Warfarin. Those buggers can make you feel miserable for weeks depending on what it is.


    Could be Devine intervention for all I know. Just bringing a different point of view to the party.

    Science is never wrong of course.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member

    We're seriously going to let that last gif go? :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    For actual contribution: I did the Special K thing for the first two weeks of weight loss because I felt like I needed to "jump start" the process. The way I did it ended up being between 1200-1350 calories per day, so of course I lost weight. Then, I was scared to gain it back, so I kept going at 1200 calories until I realized that this was dumb; I could eat more, enjoy socializing with friends over food, and started running.

    Did it work? Yeah, but I was miserable. Losing weight becomes so much more enjoyable when you realize and accept that this isn't punishment and that's really all the "bullies" are trying to say. I know I'm glad I listened.
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