My Experience with Dr. Oz Detox/Cleanse Smoothies

meca85 Posts: 81 Member
If you don't like Dr. Oz or have your arguments over detox and cleansing that's fine, but this is just my experience.

As for those who are curious and thinking about doing it, I am just going to share what these last 3 days were like.
I've read other posts that claim that our organs are perfectly fine and capable of doing what they are supposed to and do no need to cleans or detox.
From lots of sources, I've come to the conclusion that yes I've eaten a ton of crap before that my poor organs shouldn't have had to endure. Therefore I wanted to treat them to a cleanse and kick off a new healthy lifestyle. Not a diet, but a whole change in my attitude and perspective.
In a perfect world I would be eating healthy organic produce, but no! I am either busy running around and grab anything I can, or I am too tired and lazy and eat any junk I find and can afford. I am well educated on the stuff I should be eating, but like I said I was either stuck in a busy rut or a crummy coach-potato mode.
Yes Dr. Oz is my guilty pleasure, but like he says out of the 3/5/7 tips he advises daily, your life can change by just including one of them.
So I actually found the Dr. Oz Smoothie on Pinterest.
I looked into it, and seemed pretty doable.
I already had coconut oil, green tea, and flaxseeds at home so My total bill came out to about $50, whis is pretty close to Dr. Oz's estimate of $16. per day.
I could have however done without the stevia. I didn't realize I was going to use so little of it, i bought a pack of 50 packets, and I just don't like it. I could take my green tea naked =).

So it does take time. I am a substitute teacher right now, so I knew I had no work this week and took advantage. I started on -Monday with my green tea and lemon and stevia (which I regretted buying and adding).
-Then I did my 30 Day Shred followed by 30min of Zumba. During my workouts I drank about 30oz-40oz of water.
-After my workouts I prepared my breakfast smoothie, which took forever.
-Between breakfast and lunch I would get my daughter ready, feed her, bathe her, change her, play with her, go out with her.
-Because the breakfast smoothie left me full I would actually have a late lunch smoothie around 2pmish. This one really took a while to puree.
-Afterwards I would continue to take care of my daughter, get house work done, clean up, and start working on dinner for my husband.
-I would start prepping on his dinner around 5pm/6pm, and by the time I was done making his dinner I would start prepping on my dinner smoothie.
-We would sit down together to have our "dinners" around 8pmish and it while I fed the baby it would take me about 30min-45min to finish mine, just like I would have had a regular dinner
-I would do the dishes and call it a day around 10pm/11pm without going to bed hungry at all.
This was my exact 3 day routine. Whenever I thought of snacking I just downed a glass of water.

I had trouble with the spinach and kale in terms of measuring because obviously you can fill a cup with a handful of kale, or smush it down and keep on adding it, so I got frustrated and just weighed my kale. I looked up the serving size and grams for kale and it was about 67grams. It turns out 67 grams of kale which equals a cup of kale, is A LOT of loose kale.
*My morning smoothie was OKAY, everyone raved about it, but the almond butter was very dominant.
*I have done green smoothies before, and I actually didn't mind the lunch smoothie at all. There have been so many complaints. I wonder if it is because others skipped certain ingredients, but I included the coconut oil and pineapple and to me those were the prominent flavors, sorta like a pina colada with a "green taste".
BTW i did not peel the cucumbers.
*My dinner smoothie I can just describe as a sweet smoothie, the mango and blueberries made it pretty sweet.
BTW I did skip the cayenne pepper, as I am very sensitive to spice and didn't want to "not drink".
All in all I favored the dinner smoothie and didn't mind the lunch one at all, but that's just my taste.

Overall: I never felt deprived, hungry, or famished.
I am proud of myself that was able to accomplish this and not cheat or give up.
I actually woke up this morning looking forward to more smoothies, but then realized I enjoy my Greek yogurt again.
You may think that detoxes are unnecessary, but I do believe that you need to give your body a break especially if you've been eating crap foods like I have. I felt like I was finally leaving the polluted city and going into a forest and taking a real breath of fresh air.
Now that I embarked on this and overcame, if I ever do put junk in my mouth I will only be failing and cheating myself and my body.
This was just my experience if you'd like to share your experience go ahead, if you have any questions I'd be more than happy to answer.
If you do not agree with detoxes, I respect your opinion and that's all.

This was my breakfast smoothie, for some reason it never was red as other smoothies I had seen. That was the biggest cup I had, it is roughly a 30oz cup, but the morning smoothie was about half of that.
Lunch smoothie, no need to chop things into tiny pieces. I cut my cucumbers and celery/apples in 8ths and 4ths. I had fresh pineapple to I did chop that so I could get my one cup measurement as close as possible.
If you are blending be very patient, it took at least 5min to get it to that consistency and just adding a little at a time.
The lunch smoothie sure is THICK! My straw stood up straight all three days LOL, and it almost filled my ginormous cup.
Here you can see what a cup of kale looks like after I weighed it, I threw the blueberries in that container too, but you can get an idea.
My poor blender did some heavy duty work these last three days. But the dinner smoothie wasn’t as bad as the lunch smoothie. But it did take several minutes for it to smooth out.

[img][/img This was the result of the dinner smoothie. It has a smoother consistency than the lunch smoothie. My daughter actually liked it and had a few sips of it. So what were my results? Keep in mind I was working out as normal. I started working out last Wednesday but barely had seen any progress. But when I started the smoothies on Monday I immediately shed 2.2lbs by Tuesday. On Wednesday I went down .9lbs, and Today I had gone down another .9lbs. So with de detox and my regular workouts, I lost 4lbs. I honestly wasn’t expecting to lose much since my goal was to just cleanse, but very ecstatic about those 4lbs. You might say that was probably water weight, but why didn’t that water weight start going away last week? Even if it is water weight, I am just gonna try my best to keep it up. I also lost 1” off my belly, 1” off my thighs, and 1” off my hips.[/img]20140306_073004_zpsodxwa9ok.jpg

I would suggest this detox cleanse if you are serious about getting a start in changing your lifestyle. I dedicated 3 days of my life to this, I could have been binge eating like I was accustomed, but if I was able to control myself for 3 days only on smoothies, I can control lots of other things in my life, especially my eating habits.
It is a challenge, but I am proud I completed it and successful.


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You may think that detoxes are unnecessary, but I do believe that you need to give your body a break especially if you've been eating crap foods like I have. I felt like I was finally leaving the polluted city and going into a forest and taking a real breath of fresh air.
    Now that I embarked on this and overcame, if I ever do put junk in my mouth I will only be failing and cheating myself and my body.
    This was just my experience if you'd like to share your experience go ahead, if you have any questions I'd be more than happy to answer.
    If you do not agree with detoxes, I respect your opinion and that's all.

    Curious as to what toxins you think you cleansed, thanks!
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    way too long..did not read all of it...

    here is my one question - What toxins did this magical cleanse release that your body does not naturally cleanse itself of?

    Oh, and Dr Oz is a quack.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    What is the obsession with cleanses/detox and "restarting", "jumpstarting" and "starting"? What is being started or jumpstarted?
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    You win the internetz for longest post EVER. Dear god.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    What is the obsession with cleanses/detox and "restarting", "jumpstarting" and "starting"? What is being started or jumpstarted?

    beats me ...I guess people have an obsession with jump starting their cars, so they translate that to their bodies...?
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    I'm in for pizza, cheeseburgers, fries, milk shakes oh and last but least ever...BACON! No detox needed here, I just go to the bathroom.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    $16 a day!! a DAY??? I could eat so many other things for that. Just too expensive.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member

    TOO SOON :sad:
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Mostly water weight.


    As soon as you go back to eating food, it will come back.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    So what were my results? Keep in mind I was working out as normal. I started working out last Wednesday but barely had seen any progress. But when I started the smoothies on Monday I immediately shed 2.2lbs by Tuesday. On Wednesday I went down .9lbs, and Today I had gone down another .9lbs. So with de detox and my regular workouts, I lost 4lbs. I honestly wasn’t expecting to lose much since my goal was to just cleanse, but very ecstatic about those 4lbs. You might say that was probably water weight, but why didn’t that water weight start going away last week? Even if it is water weight, I am just gonna try my best to keep it up. I also lost 1” off my belly, 1” off my thighs, and 1” off my hips.

    Why didn't the water weight start going away when you just started exercising last week? Because when you start a new exercise program, your body builds up its glycogen stores, which is fuel for your muscles, so that it can handle the new activity. Glycogen needs water, I think the ratio is 3g of water stored per 1g of glycogen. For this reason, the water weight does not fall off right away or even after 4 days of exercise.

    The second reason why you didn't see weight loss is that you have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound. There's no way you did that in the 4 days leading up to trying out the shakes, especially not eating at a deficit. The reason you lost weight on the shakes was that you created a massive calorie deficit by not eating, and exercising on top of that. Not a healthy thing to do long term and I would not recommend doing it again.

    Now that you are back on regular food and seem to very open to sharing your experience with others, it would be beneficial if you could update how your weight and measurements change over the next week, including the types of foods you are eating and your calorie intake.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member

    Well, now we know what killed him...
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Congratulations on your dehydration.

    BTW, you can fix all those photos and make them viewable by changing and to lower case.
  • Teenie71
    Teenie71 Posts: 52
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Somebody please read this and give me the Clif Notes version?

    Dr. Oz is universally panned in this community, so I was in for snarky comments, but after my mouse wheel broke trying to scroll through your post I gave up. Sorry.
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