My Experience with Dr. Oz Detox/Cleanse Smoothies



  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Not sure why people bash others, must be immaturity.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Dr. Oz 3 day Cleanse.

    thank you....

    I don't understand why if they simply don't agree, then why not just skip it and move on to a topic they do agree with.

    for me it will always be a threshold I crossed into focusing more on eating healthier.

    I would assume that those who have lost 20 or 30lbs would be understanding, as I know this doesnt happen over night, rather it is a lifestyle that you just have to get rid of certain foods and never let back in your life. Yes I feel my cravings have diminished too which is great.
    Actually, most of us who have lost 20 or 30 or 110 pounds understand that one doesn't have to "get rid of certain foods and never let them back in our lives". Learning to have the things we love, in moderation, is one of THE keys to sustainable, long term weight management.

    As for why people who disagree don't just skip your post...we respond so that people who are less informed don't get mistakenly convinced that they have to drink smoothies for 3 days to lose weight or be healthy. Some people would rather stay fat than drink kale and those of us who know that it's not necessary are here to say "this isn't needed, you can eat real food".
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    This has been a really negatively received post, and I don't understand why. Thanks for sharing your experience!!

    I feel like as a community we should be lifting each other up, not bashing each others choices.

    So your willing to have people do dangerous stuff?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    LoL sorry guys I was battling my old slowccomputer and photobucket.

    I tried to fix everything.

    anyways I AM aware it may be water weight, I am aware that it may have just been the workouts. Whatever it was, it was MY experience.

    And NO Inam not going to deprive myself of food. I LOVE to bake and cook. As for my body I am just going to change my eating habits.

    As for what "toxins" did I rid myself, I do not know, I should of done a blood test before and after to see how my body chemistry was affected.
    But I FEEL a lot better, not bloated at all.
    and even if it is just psychological, I feel I got rid of years of chips, sodas, chocolate, and processed foods.

    thanks for all the negative support. I really feel supported here.

    I never said this was magical or the answer but this was just my experience.


    Look, you want support? STAHP with the fads you saw on Dr. Oz. Eat at a moderate deficit. Exercise. There is no magic to this, its just math. You don't need a "jump start" (which, by the way, isn't a jump start, its just three wasted days of drinking sludge). Your body is not dirty and full of toxins. If a smoothie changed your blood chemistry, you would die. Jamba Juice would be on trial for systematic mass murder.

    Someone saying "you're doing it wrong" when you are doing it wrong is the best form of support there is.

    it should say She...
  • meca85
    meca85 Posts: 81 Member
    Anything that makes you feel better is worth it!!!!
    thank you!

    Yeah people say that our organs work perfectly but, I know people who suffer from liver and kidney disease, and kidney stones. Why not give your body a break and treat it to tons of fruits and veggies?
    Thankd for the support and understanfing though.

    OP - I give my body tons of fruits and veggies! I do this because it is delicious and healthy - not because I subscribe to the phantom idea of needing them for a detox! You feel better and that is great. But why delude people into thinking they need them to have a "healthy start"?

    Time and time again I said this was my experience, not THE answer.
    I've been experimenting with healthy foods for weeks now, and it has been difficult for ME to combine them and prepare meals with them especially Kale.
    You say you give your body tons of fruits and veggies well good for you, I haven't been able to do, which is why im gladnie been able to incorporate a ton of them these last couple of days.

    I did say that this was a landmark experience for me, which marks the beginning and continuation of my journey.
  • cardinalsfootball
    cardinalsfootball Posts: 167 Member
    What people don't get is that a LOT of people on MFP did a cleanse not so much to cleanse their liver, but instead to reset their appetite BEFORE they started a lifestyle change. I did, and many on my friends list. After 3 days, the calories and foods that I started eating tasted like the best food ever, and allowed long-term progress.

    I think all the naysayers should just realize that if it's the start of a normal healthy diet, then a simple 3 day fast/cleanse to get started is NOT bad. It's a starting point.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    May I ask, why you can't eat tons of fruits and veggies?
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    What people don't get is that a LOT of people on MFP did a cleanse not so much to cleanse their liver, but instead to reset their appetite BEFORE they started a lifestyle change. I did, and many on my friends list. After 3 days, the calories and foods that I started eating tasted like the best food ever, and allowed long-term progress.

    I think all the naysayers should just realize that if it's the start of a normal healthy diet, then a simple 3 day fast/cleanse to get started is NOT bad. It's a starting point.

    A) There is no such thing as resetting your appetite.
    B) You can actually just start a normal and healthy diet without a fast/cleanse.
    C) Cleanses are a waste of money because they don't cleanse you, your liver, kidneys, pee and poop do.
    D) There is no such thing as resetting your appetite.
  • cw822
    cw822 Posts: 107
    Why all of these rude comments. She clearly stated if you do not agree with this then ok - I believe she posted it for those interested in something like this. From her title if you disagree then why even stop by to read her post???

    Seriously, the level of snark on this site is incredibly annoying. I swear some people do nothing more than troll through posts all day, looking for the chance to berate someone else. Nobody made you read her post. If it's too long for your wee attention span, or you don't share the share the same view (and aren't able to articulate a constructive counter-viewpoint, it's quite simple really, just move on.
    Oh, the irony . Thanks for the contribution

    More of an observation or some user's intellect, but thanks for your input
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Somebody please read this and give me the Clif Notes version?

    Dr. Oz is universally panned in this community, so I was in for snarky comments, but after my mouse wheel broke trying to scroll through your post I gave up. Sorry.

    cliff notes..

    OP did a three day Dr OZ cleanse
    OP lost four pounds in water weight
    OP spent about 16.00 a day on this magical formula
    OP says that she will never, ever, ever eat any more "junk" food.

    end of least that is what I got out of it...

    Wow. Ok, my thoughts:

    OP, good for you on deciding to get healthier. If Dr. Oz or a chipmunk on your window sill motivated you to do so, then great. It doesn't matter why you did it, but you're DOING it. Good job.

    That being said, please realize that the snark on here is what it is: truthful and largely informative. The people that are active on this site offer just as good - if not better - advice than many personal trainers and doctors. There is a lot of misinformation available and you have to sift through it all. Unfortunately, Dr. Oz is a perpetuator of many fads and nutrition myths that are either questionable or outright lies.

    Your body is more than capable of detoxing without pills, powders, shakes, or whatever other placebo/snake oil is hot on the market. If this liquid diet helped you get started, great! Just don't deprive yourself of "junk" like a burger, pizza, or sweet every now and then. Get to know your body and how it responds to different caloric thresholds and a regular exercise regmen; THAT will be the key to any long-term success.
  • meca85
    meca85 Posts: 81 Member
    Not sure why people bash others, must be immaturity.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Dr. Oz 3 day Cleanse.

    thank you....

    I don't understand why if they simply don't agree, then why not just skip it and move on to a topic they do agree with.

    for me it will always be a threshold I crossed into focusing more on eating healthier.

    I would assume that those who have lost 20 or 30lbs would be understanding, as I know this doesnt happen over night, rather it is a lifestyle that you just have to get rid of certain foods and never let back in your life. Yes I feel my cravings have diminished too which is great.
    Actually, most of us who have lost 20 or 30 or 110 pounds understand that one doesn't have to "get rid of certain foods and never let them back in our lives". Learning to have the things we love, in moderation, is one of THE keys to sustainable, long term weight management.

    As for why people who disagree don't just skip your post...we respond so that people who are less informed don't get mistakenly convinced that they have to drink smoothies for 3 days to lose weight or be healthy. Some people would rather stay fat than drink kale and those of us who know that it's not necessary are here to say "this isn't needed, you can eat real food".

    I know this is a long term journey. But instead of having a sweet white bread in the korning with coffee and sugar, I had a smoothie with almond butter.

    I know it wasnt necessary, I never said this was the solution, but this was a stepping stone for me.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    This has been a really negatively received post, and I don't understand why. Thanks for sharing your experience!!

    I feel like as a community we should be lifting each other up, not bashing each others choices.

    so if someone is going to do a 30 day water fast, which is dangerous, we would all just post "hooray for you OP good luck on your waster fast journey", really?

    This is a community that is designed to draw on people experiences to try and help does not mean that we all just go lock step with every single idea that is put on public forum....
  • ComradeTovarich
    ComradeTovarich Posts: 495 Member
  • meca85
    meca85 Posts: 81 Member
    What people don't get is that a LOT of people on MFP did a cleanse not so much to cleanse their liver, but instead to reset their appetite BEFORE they started a lifestyle change. I did, and many on my friends list. After 3 days, the calories and foods that I started eating tasted like the best food ever, and allowed long-term progress.

    I think all the naysayers should just realize that if it's the start of a normal healthy diet, then a simple 3 day fast/cleanse to get started is NOT bad. It's a starting point.
    thank you, this was my starting point.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    This has been a really negatively received post, and I don't understand why. Thanks for sharing your experience!!

    I feel like as a community we should be lifting each other up, not bashing each others choices.

    thank you for understanding.
    I thought this was a community too. :-\

    If you want a "community" that will enable you with pseudo-science and the latest feel good fad you caught on daytime Dr. TV, you're in the wrong place sister. I hear that Curves and Weight Watchers are accepting new members, daily.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    op - all snark aside..I will give you some solid advice

    1. create a 500 calorie per day deficit so that you lose 1 pound per week
    2. set your macro % to 40p/30f/30carbs
    3. Follow the 80/20 rule ...80% healthy and 20% whatever you want = chips, ice cream, cookies, etc. Remember there is no "junk" food, there is just food that your body uses for energy
    4. Try to work out/move more whether it is waling, running, strength training ,etc. Eventually, I would recommend a program of heavy lifting built around compound movements. Starting strength and new rules of lifting for woman are great resources..

    repeat until you reach desired goals...

    cleanse do not jump start anything...

    I did the above and over seven years I have gone from 220# about 25% + body fat to 175# 12% body fat and have kept the weight off and you can too...

    now, back to my regular programming...
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Mostly water weight.


    As soon as you go back to eating food, it will come back.

    This is actually pretty awesome to see
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I'm reading this thread while eating Oreos.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    I would like to throw in my 2 cents. To those of you who think people are--rude, mean, insensitive etc. etc--on MFP, I would just like to say that I was amazed a couple of weeks ago when a young girl on here was going on and on about her troubles and low calorie diet and was losing too much weight. I thought she was trolling and maybe she was, but the veterans on here stuck with her, trying to convince her she had an ED and needed help. This went on for pages, and you could tell they were concerned. I'd just like to say thankyou guys--keep it up.
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