Ketosis/High Fat Diet



  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    He might be right about logging but Keto does fix the cravings for lot of people.

    Keto forums are full of non-calorie-counting people complaining about lack of weight loss.

    Keto isn't any better than anything else at fixing "cravings".

    If people want to eat that way (and I did, for a long time) it's totally fine - there's nothing "wrong" with keto. But the health benefits often claimed for it are complete bunk.

    Good luck to the OP!

    What keto forums are you looking at? Certainly not the ones I've seen. I do see people talking about issues on a keto diet (although no more so than other weight loss forums) but those issues are rarely lack of weight loss and almost never are "I'm going hungry." To that end, a lot of keto forums are full of people who do track calories/macros. While I'm with you on some of the health benefits being overstated (and more often than not you see people vilifying carbs unnecessarily), I don't really see the benefit in overgeneralizing and inaccurately representing the situation either.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    He might be right about logging but Keto does fix the cravings for lot of people.

    Keto forums are full of non-calorie-counting people complaining about lack of weight loss.

    Keto isn't any better than anything else at fixing "cravings".

    If people want to eat that way (and I did, for a long time) it's totally fine - there's nothing "wrong" with keto. But the health benefits often claimed for it are complete bunk.

    "Keto isn't any better than anything else at fixing "cravings"."

    It is medically proven, unfortunately most of the research on this comes from Sweden.

    "But the health benefits often claimed for it are complete bunk."

    This is the biggest bunk? Got any proof.

    I am not making up things, I lost 34 pounds from December 1st when I went to Keto, I measure my RMR,Vo2,Co2, RER, BF% every two weeks in the most accurate machines available. My BF% just fell like crazy, my Metabolism up by 18% and lost 9-10 inches of waist. Heck I even ran a half marathon last week and came third. All being in Keto. Its not very uncommon, I work with a guy who trains six professional athletes. If you don't know about something, don't call it bunk. I don't go preaching every one to follow or not follow Keto. Decide for yourself and see what works.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member

    Keto isn't any better than anything else at fixing "cravings".

    Ugh, no.

    I was a bonfide high carb addict. I was an obese kid, teen, and struggled in my early adult years from serious control issues with bread, pasta, sweets. Keto/high fat/low carb eating kicked me of all of my habits, except sweets, which I finally have learned to control. It was a miracle for my cravings and learning out to control what I put in my mouth.

    Now? I don't even keto and yet a good 70% of what I eat is meat, veg, and fat, all because I love eating that way. I can go years without craving pizza, pasta, bread, or any such thing; those things now have ZERO hold over me. I don't "fight" with cravings anymore, and have no control issues. The only reason I'm not fully high fat/low carb is because I still love sweets, and wanted to find a way to fold those into my diet in ways that allowed me to indulge, but not wreck my goals.

    I did the "eat everything in moderation as long as you cut calories" road. Did NOTHING for my cravings and just made losing weight so much harder. Keto was a wonder diet for breaking me out of the high carb/weight gain cycle.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    I am all about personal preference, if keto helps a person sustain their diet or feel fuller. Have at 'er.

    For people who are nerds when it comes to learning about nutrition (like me) this video (while not totally on ketosis there is a lot of keto talk) is an amazing info-fest.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I didn't ask you or anyone else to look through my diary and scrutinize what I'm doing... I asked to see examples of ketogenic meal plans. I frequently see the two of you doing the same thing to other posts so at least I know I'm not the only one.

    Ignore the dude-bro. That's what I do. If you want to see what I eat, feel free to take a look at my diary. Been keto-ing since July.
  • hasta_la_vista_belly
    I love how a lot of people that know nothing about Keto keep making assumptions. Let's go through a few of them.

    "Keto doesn't fix cravings" - Umm...yes it does. First week or 2 on Keto? No, but once adapted it will seriously fix your cravings in a number of ways. You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. As you cut sugar and starches out of your diet and become Keto adapted, you no longer crave them either.

    "Health benefits are bunk?" Says who? Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching.

    "Its unsustainable" - Please....You don't "need" carbs in your diet. If you decide to do Keto it is perfectly sustainable. Also Keto works as a lifestyle change more than a short term diet. So don't give me crap about it being unsustainable. And like someone else mentioned, what about all the people with epilepsy on Keto? They are sustaining and thriving just fine.

    "You don't have to count calories or log food" - The idea behind this is that because of the filling and satiating nature of Keto, you will naturally eat less. While this is true, we often have warped views on portions so I and many other Keto'ers continue to measure, weigh and log food like anyone else. And guess what? Weight lost!

    "Its not a magical diet" - of course its not magical. The same principles behind any diet of creating a caloric deficit is what makes you lose weight on Keto. The difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat. Nothing magical about that. IT just makes it easier to maintain that caloric deficit. Just real facts right there.

    Edit: And +1 for reddit Keto community. Lot's of good info over there.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I love how a lot of people that know nothing about Keto keep making assumptions. Let's go through a few of them.

    "Keto doesn't fix cravings" - Umm...yes it does. First week or 2 on Keto? No, but once adapted it will seriously fix your cravings in a number of ways. You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. As you cut sugar and starches out of your diet and become Keto adapted, you no longer crave them either.

    "Health benefits are bunk?" Says who? Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching.

    "Its unsustainable" - Please....You don't "need" carbs in your diet. If you decide to do Keto it is perfectly sustainable. Also Keto works as a lifestyle change more than a short term diet. So don't give me crap about it being unsustainable. And like someone else mentioned, what about all the people with epilepsy on Keto? They are sustaining and thriving just fine.

    "You don't have to count calories or log food" - The idea behind this is that because of the filling and satiating nature of Keto, you will naturally eat less. While this is true, we often have warped views on portions so I and many other Keto'ers continue to measure, weigh and log food like anyone else. And guess what? Weight lost!

    "Its not a magical diet" - of course its not magical. The same principles behind any diet of creating a caloric deficit is what makes you lose weight on Keto. The difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat. Nothing magical about that. IT just makes it easier to maintain that caloric deficit. Just real facts right there.

    Edit: And +1 for reddit Keto community. Lot's of good info over there.

    Great post, This and other thing on it being restrictive. My non Keto friends drool over my diary because of the range of foods I eat.

    OP, you can take a look at my dairy and certainly you won't see steak or bacon in it for more than 5 days a month.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I love how a lot of people that know nothing about Keto keep making assumptions. Let's go through a few of them.

    "Keto doesn't fix cravings" - Umm...yes it does. First week or 2 on Keto? No, but once adapted it will seriously fix your cravings in a number of ways. You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. As you cut sugar and starches out of your diet and become Keto adapted, you no longer crave them either.

    "Health benefits are bunk?" Says who? Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching.

    "Its unsustainable" - Please....You don't "need" carbs in your diet. If you decide to do Keto it is perfectly sustainable. Also Keto works as a lifestyle change more than a short term diet. So don't give me crap about it being unsustainable. And like someone else mentioned, what about all the people with epilepsy on Keto? They are sustaining and thriving just fine.

    "You don't have to count calories or log food" - The idea behind this is that because of the filling and satiating nature of Keto, you will naturally eat less. While this is true, we often have warped views on portions so I and many other Keto'ers continue to measure, weigh and log food like anyone else. And guess what? Weight lost!

    "Its not a magical diet" - of course its not magical. The same principles behind any diet of creating a caloric deficit is what makes you lose weight on Keto. The difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat. Nothing magical about that. IT just makes it easier to maintain that caloric deficit. Just real facts right there.

    Edit: And +1 for reddit Keto community. Lot's of good info over there.

    Great post, This and other thing on it being restrictive. My non Keto friends drool over my diary because of the range of foods I eat.

    OP, you can take a look at my dairy and certainly you won't see steak or bacon in it for more than 5 days a month.

    LMAO, you chastise others for posting untrue things then praise a post that has untruths
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I love how a lot of people that know nothing about Keto keep making assumptions. Let's go through a few of them.

    "Keto doesn't fix cravings" - Umm...yes it does. First week or 2 on Keto? No, but once adapted it will seriously fix your cravings in a number of ways. You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. As you cut sugar and starches out of your diet and become Keto adapted, you no longer crave them either.

    "Health benefits are bunk?" Says who? Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching.

    "Its unsustainable" - Please....You don't "need" carbs in your diet. If you decide to do Keto it is perfectly sustainable. Also Keto works as a lifestyle change more than a short term diet. So don't give me crap about it being unsustainable. And like someone else mentioned, what about all the people with epilepsy on Keto? They are sustaining and thriving just fine.

    "You don't have to count calories or log food" - The idea behind this is that because of the filling and satiating nature of Keto, you will naturally eat less. While this is true, we often have warped views on portions so I and many other Keto'ers continue to measure, weigh and log food like anyone else. And guess what? Weight lost!

    "Its not a magical diet" - of course its not magical. The same principles behind any diet of creating a caloric deficit is what makes you lose weight on Keto. The difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat. Nothing magical about that. IT just makes it easier to maintain that caloric deficit. Just real facts right there.

    Edit: And +1 for reddit Keto community. Lot's of good info over there.

    Great post, This and other thing on it being restrictive. My non Keto friends drool over my diary because of the range of foods I eat.

    OP, you can take a look at my dairy and certainly you won't see steak or bacon in it for more than 5 days a month.

    LMAO, you chastise others for posting untrue things then praise a post that has untruths

    LMAO. lets hear what you know about Keto and whats untrue.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I love how a lot of people that know nothing about Keto keep making assumptions. Let's go through a few of them.

    "Keto doesn't fix cravings" - Umm...yes it does. First week or 2 on Keto? No, but once adapted it will seriously fix your cravings in a number of ways. You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. As you cut sugar and starches out of your diet and become Keto adapted, you no longer crave them either.

    "Health benefits are bunk?" Says who? Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching.

    "Its unsustainable" - Please....You don't "need" carbs in your diet. If you decide to do Keto it is perfectly sustainable. Also Keto works as a lifestyle change more than a short term diet. So don't give me crap about it being unsustainable. And like someone else mentioned, what about all the people with epilepsy on Keto? They are sustaining and thriving just fine.

    "You don't have to count calories or log food" - The idea behind this is that because of the filling and satiating nature of Keto, you will naturally eat less. While this is true, we often have warped views on portions so I and many other Keto'ers continue to measure, weigh and log food like anyone else. And guess what? Weight lost!

    "Its not a magical diet" - of course its not magical. The same principles behind any diet of creating a caloric deficit is what makes you lose weight on Keto. The difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat. Nothing magical about that. IT just makes it easier to maintain that caloric deficit. Just real facts right there.

    Edit: And +1 for reddit Keto community. Lot's of good info over there.

    Great post, This and other thing on it being restrictive. My non Keto friends drool over my diary because of the range of foods I eat.

    OP, you can take a look at my dairy and certainly you won't see steak or bacon in it for more than 5 days a month.

    LMAO, you chastise others for posting untrue things then praise a post that has untruths

    Untrue? read the thread and show the proof.

    "You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. "

    Numerous studies have shown fat is not satiating, off the top of my head the Holt et al study on satiety would be a good starting point. That one also found evil carby white potatoes to be the most satiating food in their tests.

    "he difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat."

    Weird how tightly controlled studies that control for both protein and calories, show no significant difference in fat loss between high and low carb diets. So much for putting your body in a metabolic state that helps you lose fat

    " Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching."

    Well that certainly settles it, me and some other people feel better therefore it has health benefits. Strong evidence
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I love how a lot of people that know nothing about Keto keep making assumptions. Let's go through a few of them.

    "Its not a magical diet" - of course its not magical. The same principles behind any diet of creating a caloric deficit is what makes you lose weight on Keto. The difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat. Nothing magical about that. IT just makes it easier to maintain that caloric deficit. Just real facts right there.

    since you quoted me..that was exactly my point...Keto, low carb, IF, whatever are just tools that you use to create a calorie deficit...there is nothing magical about any of them...yet, people love to claim .."oh, I was in a deficit and not losing, and then I switched to X and started losing weight so calories in vs calories out do not apply to me" When in reality, they switched to X and it just helped them reduce calories to a point where they were in said deficit..

    so we agree, it is calories in vs calories out not Keto or whatever that leads to weight loss..
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    I've been eating the high protein / high fat / low carb way for a year and three months, and it's done wonders. I've added 20 lbs of muscle while losing all my fat. It works, and you get to eat A LOT.

    Here's a post on how to lose the last 5 lbs.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I love how a lot of people that know nothing about Keto keep making assumptions. Let's go through a few of them.

    "Keto doesn't fix cravings" - Umm...yes it does. First week or 2 on Keto? No, but once adapted it will seriously fix your cravings in a number of ways. You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. As you cut sugar and starches out of your diet and become Keto adapted, you no longer crave them either.

    "Health benefits are bunk?" Says who? Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching.

    "Its unsustainable" - Please....You don't "need" carbs in your diet. If you decide to do Keto it is perfectly sustainable. Also Keto works as a lifestyle change more than a short term diet. So don't give me crap about it being unsustainable. And like someone else mentioned, what about all the people with epilepsy on Keto? They are sustaining and thriving just fine.

    "You don't have to count calories or log food" - The idea behind this is that because of the filling and satiating nature of Keto, you will naturally eat less. While this is true, we often have warped views on portions so I and many other Keto'ers continue to measure, weigh and log food like anyone else. And guess what? Weight lost!

    "Its not a magical diet" - of course its not magical. The same principles behind any diet of creating a caloric deficit is what makes you lose weight on Keto. The difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat. Nothing magical about that. IT just makes it easier to maintain that caloric deficit. Just real facts right there.

    Edit: And +1 for reddit Keto community. Lot's of good info over there.

    Great post, This and other thing on it being restrictive. My non Keto friends drool over my diary because of the range of foods I eat.

    OP, you can take a look at my dairy and certainly you won't see steak or bacon in it for more than 5 days a month.

    LMAO, you chastise others for posting untrue things then praise a post that has untruths

    Untrue? read the thread and show the proof.

    "You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. "

    Numerous studies have shown fat is not satiating, off the top of my head the Holt et al study on satiety would be a good starting point. That one also found evil carby white potatoes to be the most satiating food in their tests.

    "he difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat."

    Weird how tightly controlled studies that control for both protein and calories, show no significant difference in fat loss between high and low carb diets. So much for putting your body in a metabolic state that helps you lose fat

    " Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching."

    Well that certainly settles it, me and some other people feel better therefore it has health benefits. Strong evidence

    Numerous studies have shown fat is not satiating, off the top of my head the Holt et al study on satiety would be a good starting point. That one also found evil carby white potatoes to be the most satiating food in their tests.

    " Quote them, and also what was their macros in the studies? The studies, numerous have shown that low carb high fat diets had more weight loss and satisfaction. However, once people went back to normal diets, most of them gained it back. In short term, low carb diets had significant advantage but over long term once the people were no longer controlled there was no significant advantage.

    Weird how tightly controlled studies that control for both protein and calories, show no significant difference in fat loss between high and low carb diets. So much for putting your body in a metabolic state that helps you lose fat
    Again not every study is Keto just because its low carb. Show me the macros of these studies. The keto is helpful because it stabilizes insulin levels. Lot of people who have metabolic syndrome go through insulin highs and lows, at the low point is when hunger starts. Its simple science.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I love how a lot of people that know nothing about Keto keep making assumptions. Let's go through a few of them.

    "Keto doesn't fix cravings" - Umm...yes it does. First week or 2 on Keto? No, but once adapted it will seriously fix your cravings in a number of ways. You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. As you cut sugar and starches out of your diet and become Keto adapted, you no longer crave them either.

    "Health benefits are bunk?" Says who? Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching.

    "Its unsustainable" - Please....You don't "need" carbs in your diet. If you decide to do Keto it is perfectly sustainable. Also Keto works as a lifestyle change more than a short term diet. So don't give me crap about it being unsustainable. And like someone else mentioned, what about all the people with epilepsy on Keto? They are sustaining and thriving just fine.

    "You don't have to count calories or log food" - The idea behind this is that because of the filling and satiating nature of Keto, you will naturally eat less. While this is true, we often have warped views on portions so I and many other Keto'ers continue to measure, weigh and log food like anyone else. And guess what? Weight lost!

    "Its not a magical diet" - of course its not magical. The same principles behind any diet of creating a caloric deficit is what makes you lose weight on Keto. The difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat. Nothing magical about that. IT just makes it easier to maintain that caloric deficit. Just real facts right there.

    Edit: And +1 for reddit Keto community. Lot's of good info over there.

    Great post, This and other thing on it being restrictive. My non Keto friends drool over my diary because of the range of foods I eat.

    OP, you can take a look at my dairy and certainly you won't see steak or bacon in it for more than 5 days a month.

    LMAO, you chastise others for posting untrue things then praise a post that has untruths

    Untrue? read the thread and show the proof.

    "You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. "

    Numerous studies have shown fat is not satiating, off the top of my head the Holt et al study on satiety would be a good starting point. That one also found evil carby white potatoes to be the most satiating food in their tests.

    "he difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat."

    Weird how tightly controlled studies that control for both protein and calories, show no significant difference in fat loss between high and low carb diets. So much for putting your body in a metabolic state that helps you lose fat

    " Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching."

    Well that certainly settles it, me and some other people feel better therefore it has health benefits. Strong evidence

    Numerous studies have shown fat is not satiating, off the top of my head the Holt et al study on satiety would be a good starting point. That one also found evil carby white potatoes to be the most satiating food in their tests.

    " Quote them, and also what was their macros in the studies? The studies, numerous have shown that low carb high fat diets had more weight loss and satisfaction. However, once people went back to normal diets, most of them gained it back. In short term, low carb diets had significant advantage but over long term once the people were no longer controlled there was no significant advantage.

    Weird how tightly controlled studies that control for both protein and calories, show no significant difference in fat loss between high and low carb diets. So much for putting your body in a metabolic state that helps you lose fat
    Again not every study is Keto just because its low carb. Show me the macros of these studies. The keto is helpful because it stabilizes insulin levels. Lot of people who have metabolic syndrome go through insulin highs and lows, at the low point is when hunger starts. Its simple science.

    Again read the Holt study, it doesn't deal with macros, it deals with isocaloric portions of various foods.

    Had more weight loss? Why not focus on fat loss as the initial loss of water and glycogen on low carb/keto is well established, as well as the inferior lbm retention on such diets, which also contributes to greater weight loss

    Right, due to keto magic you'd lose more fat than a low carb or higher carb diet.
  • hasta_la_vista_belly
    Lol. Fat is very satiating. How do I know? I actually do Keto. Don't need your "study", if there even is one saying its not when I am actually doing KEto and can tell you with complete 100% certainty that that statement alone is compelte garbage. And if you actually did Keto, you would understand. Instead you are arguing from a point of complete ignorance trying to spout of so called studies to support your side.

    And yes calories still matter, Keto or not. But keto does change how your body uses energy, so that makes a difference and is what helps make Keto a great way to live. Is it magic? No. Its actually just how it works. If you want to call that "magic" that's just being stupid and ignorant.

    And like I said it is a lifestyle, not a short term diet. Of course people gained it all back when they went back to eating a normal carb diet that got them fat to begin with. That's true of any diet.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I love how a lot of people that know nothing about Keto keep making assumptions. Let's go through a few of them.

    "Keto doesn't fix cravings" - Umm...yes it does. First week or 2 on Keto? No, but once adapted it will seriously fix your cravings in a number of ways. You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. As you cut sugar and starches out of your diet and become Keto adapted, you no longer crave them either.

    "Health benefits are bunk?" Says who? Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching.

    "Its unsustainable" - Please....You don't "need" carbs in your diet. If you decide to do Keto it is perfectly sustainable. Also Keto works as a lifestyle change more than a short term diet. So don't give me crap about it being unsustainable. And like someone else mentioned, what about all the people with epilepsy on Keto? They are sustaining and thriving just fine.

    "You don't have to count calories or log food" - The idea behind this is that because of the filling and satiating nature of Keto, you will naturally eat less. While this is true, we often have warped views on portions so I and many other Keto'ers continue to measure, weigh and log food like anyone else. And guess what? Weight lost!

    "Its not a magical diet" - of course its not magical. The same principles behind any diet of creating a caloric deficit is what makes you lose weight on Keto. The difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat. Nothing magical about that. IT just makes it easier to maintain that caloric deficit. Just real facts right there.

    Edit: And +1 for reddit Keto community. Lot's of good info over there.

    Great post, This and other thing on it being restrictive. My non Keto friends drool over my diary because of the range of foods I eat.

    OP, you can take a look at my dairy and certainly you won't see steak or bacon in it for more than 5 days a month.

    LMAO, you chastise others for posting untrue things then praise a post that has untruths

    Untrue? read the thread and show the proof.

    "You stop binging because you are never starving from the high amount of fat on keto which also means you are satiated longer because of the fat and as such also have more sustained energy levels throughout the day. "

    Numerous studies have shown fat is not satiating, off the top of my head the Holt et al study on satiety would be a good starting point. That one also found evil carby white potatoes to be the most satiating food in their tests.

    "he difference though is that Keto makes it so much easier to enjoy the foods you are eating, not feel like you are starving yourself, and puts your body in a metabolic state that will help you lose fat."

    Weird how tightly controlled studies that control for both protein and calories, show no significant difference in fat loss between high and low carb diets. So much for putting your body in a metabolic state that helps you lose fat

    " Here are real people all over who have done Keto (including myself) that have felt much better in a variety of ways since switching."

    Well that certainly settles it, me and some other people feel better therefore it has health benefits. Strong evidence

    Numerous studies have shown fat is not satiating, off the top of my head the Holt et al study on satiety would be a good starting point. That one also found evil carby white potatoes to be the most satiating food in their tests.

    " Quote them, and also what was their macros in the studies? The studies, numerous have shown that low carb high fat diets had more weight loss and satisfaction. However, once people went back to normal diets, most of them gained it back. In short term, low carb diets had significant advantage but over long term once the people were no longer controlled there was no significant advantage.

    Weird how tightly controlled studies that control for both protein and calories, show no significant difference in fat loss between high and low carb diets. So much for putting your body in a metabolic state that helps you lose fat
    Again not every study is Keto just because its low carb. Show me the macros of these studies. The keto is helpful because it stabilizes insulin levels. Lot of people who have metabolic syndrome go through insulin highs and lows, at the low point is when hunger starts. Its simple science.

    The protein content of the 2 experimental diets was comparable—≈30% energy—but the KLC diet was high in fat (60% of energy; saturated fat, 21% of energy) and very low in carbohydrates (beginning with ≈5% of energy), whereas the NLC diet was low in fat (30% of energy; saturated fat, 9% of energy) and carbohydrates (≈40% energy).

    Moreover, the reduction in fat mass over the 6-week trial was not significantly affected by diet (5.5 and 3.4 kg for NLC and KLC dieters, respectively; P = 0.111).
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Lol. Fat is very satiating. How do I know? I actually do Keto. Don't need your "study", if there even is one saying its not when I am actually doing KEto and can tell you with complete 100% certainty that that statement alone is compelte garbage. And if you actually did Keto, you would understand. Instead you are arguing from a point of complete ignorance trying to spout of so called studies to support your side.

    And yes calories still matter, Keto or not. But keto does change how your body uses energy, so that makes a difference and is what helps make Keto a great way to live. Is it magic? No. Its actually just how it works. If you want to call that "magic" that's just being stupid and ignorant.

    And like I said it is a lifestyle, not a short term diet. Of course people gained it all back when they went back to eating a normal carb diet that got them fat to begin with. That's true of any diet.

    Phew, that settles it n=1. I take it you controlled calories and protein and varied the amount of carbs and fat to determine such?,d.dmQ&cad=rja

    Read the discussion section on fatty foods, but since you find it satiating it must be garbarge
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Oh I am liking the sound of this keto way of eating... I want to do it!!! If anyone would be kind enough to message me the high fat or typical foods you eat that would be great!!

    Not eating great at the moment, I want to clean up my diet and this sounds like your always full and never hungry!? sounds great!!!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Who gives a damn what a study says?

    If you eat high fat and don't find it satiating, switch to something else.

    If you do, and find it incredibly satiating, such as myself, be glad you found something that works.

    What's the point of this tit-for-tat? If somebody declares that something works for themselves, no "proof" to the contrary matters.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Who gives a damn what a study says?

    If you eat high fat and don't find it satiating, switch to something else.

    If you do, and find it incredibly satiating, such as myself, be glad you found something that works.

    What's the point of this tit-for-tat? If somebody declares that something works for themselves, no "proof" to the contrary matters.

    Yeah screw science, go anecdotes!