We should do a walk challenge.



  • lynne_p
    lynne_p Posts: 173 Member
    5 more miles today. Not sure how many more times I'm going to get outside to walk. It's getting colder!
  • bump
  • I missed out on this challange as I just found it. But I was wondering since everyone here is either walking or running about proper shoes. I am looking for suggestions. I have arthritis in my left ankle and some times it gets really stiff causing me problems just walking normal. There really is no rhyme or reason when this flares up, but I am thinking I need a really good shoe with proper support. I have bad arches and need lots of support but cannot seem to find a comfortable walking or running shoe.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Love the tickers you use and I am adding that to my signature. :happy:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I missed out on this challange as I just found it. But I was wondering since everyone here is either walking or running about proper shoes. I am looking for suggestions. I have arthritis in my left ankle and some times it gets really stiff causing me problems just walking normal. There really is no rhyme or reason when this flares up, but I am thinking I need a really good shoe with proper support. I have bad arches and need lots of support but cannot seem to find a comfortable walking or running shoe.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Love the tickers you use and I am adding that to my signature. :happy:

    I have flat feet and bad knees, and I've been wearing Converse. Don't get these shoes... they will not help you, they don't help me but its all I have atm. Once I lose 2 more lbs I'll be in the market for some new shoes. Anytime I switch shoes my knees will hurt for hours or days.... I also have arthritis in them which will cause them to ache anytime the humidity is up (my knees predict storms!)

    When I was young my step-mom always made me wear Reeboks because they have high arch support. So I would look into that brand. Go to a specialty store, they will measure you and watch how you walk/run and find the perfect shoes for your feet. It may be a little on the expensive side but if you are heavily training it will definately be worth it.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    2.83 on the elliptical today...going to update my ticker now!
  • oh, I forgot about the bad knees...lol But I think you are right I may go to a speciality store. I don't ever think I have tried Reeboks maybe I will take a look at what they have out. I don't mind spending the money for a decent pair of shoes especially if they are going to provide the comfort and support I need.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I missed out on this challange as I just found it. But I was wondering since everyone here is either walking or running about proper shoes. I am looking for suggestions. I have arthritis in my left ankle and some times it gets really stiff causing me problems just walking normal. There really is no rhyme or reason when this flares up, but I am thinking I need a really good shoe with proper support. I have bad arches and need lots of support but cannot seem to find a comfortable walking or running shoe.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Love the tickers you use and I am adding that to my signature. :happy:

    Definitely try some on and walk around the store, and ask about their return policy lol I went through about 6-7 pairs of shoes before I found some that I can wear. I would always get cramps in my feet, I haven no arch, which is probably because I don't wear shoes about 90% of the time...I'm just always barefoot. So shoving my foot into a sneaker...no bueno...

    But I finally settled on a Nike on my aunt gave me (because she didn't like them), I was skeptical because they looked very similar to ones I had bought already and taken back, but to my surprise they were comfortable enough for me to walk 8 miles in so far. I usually cramp up within the first mile or so, and that's when I know the shoe is going back to the store!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi and another 3.5 miles done today!!!
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    I missed out on this challange as I just found it. But I was wondering since everyone here is either walking or running about proper shoes. I am looking for suggestions. I have arthritis in my left ankle and some times it gets really stiff causing me problems just walking normal. There really is no rhyme or reason when this flares up, but I am thinking I need a really good shoe with proper support. I have bad arches and need lots of support but cannot seem to find a comfortable walking or running shoe.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Love the tickers you use and I am adding that to my signature. :happy:
    I would suggest that you find your local Road runner Sports or a walking store and go in and get fitted with the shoes that will match your situation as well as your gait.. They will have you walk and assess your gait and find the right shoe for you. and you will get to walk in them for a mile to see how they feel. Some stores might even let you try them for a week.
    Having the right shoes make a huge difference.
    To your health
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I got in 8 miles today. :)

    Not sure ill get to 200..I may lower it to 150. I'm doing other workouts so my walks are less. 2-3 days a week i play on my wii all morning..then evenings i go out for 2 hours and walk.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Learning2LoveMe... Thanks a lot for that chart! I can really see how good I was doing in week 1 compared to number 2. I'm especially impressed that you managed to figure out my weekly miles without me hardly posting. Nice work! I appreciate that. I lowered my goal to half what it was though. If I can still reach that, I'll be happy.
    I went to ticker factory and copied and pasted this, but my ticker didn't show up just the words - what am I doing wrong?
    smacaulay... I think the problem might be that you are posting the wrong ticker code in the wrong place. See how you have pointy brackets in your signature? Like this: < and > ? Try using the code with the square brackets, that tickerfactory also gives you. The ones like this: [ and ] . It should start with Paste that one in your signature box, and hopefully that will solve it.

    I agree with continuing this through November. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get in all 100--but I rented one of those 'walk away the pounds' DVDs from the library so I'll get an extra 5 miles per day in on top of my outdoor activities so I should make it!
    ChubbieTubbie... You totally made me just remember that I have a walk away the pounds DVD!! I need to throw that in the DVD player! Looking forward to that tomorrow. Thanks!
    I have arthritis in my left ankle and some times it gets really stiff causing me problems just walking normal. There really is no rhyme or reason when this flares up, but I am thinking I need a really good shoe with proper support. I have bad arches and need lots of support but cannot seem to find a comfortable walking or running shoe.
    ginastnly... I'd say go to a podiatrist and have him/her make sure you don't have any need for insoles. If you do, than that could fix your issue pretty simply. If not, they could recommend a good brand for you (although they might want you to buy directly from them, which could be a lot of money, but the quality is probably worth it.) Other than that, I agree with going to a running shoe specialty store. Ask the people there to help you find a shoe suited to your style of movement: walking, running, basket ball, etc, and they will find you a match! They are also expensive, but SO worth it. I need to buy a new pair of shoes again soon.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Only got in one measly mile today, but I only had like 30 min before Zumba haha, so I barely fit it in. Tomorrow I'll do more.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Just passed the 1/2 way mark to my new goal of 50 miles walking. I feel good to have done this much, but sad that I had to lower my goal. :ohwell:
  • lynne_p
    lynne_p Posts: 173 Member
    5 more miles today! I had to put on several layers of clothes to ward off the strong, cold wind.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    HI, I have had a good day today on both food and walking and managed 6.5 miles :happy: but it is getting much colder :huh:
  • smacaulay
    smacaulay Posts: 62 Member


    I don't know why I lost my image - so here it is again.:smile:
  • smacaulay
    smacaulay Posts: 62 Member


    This one should be better
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member


    This one should be better

    You should put your code in your signature and it will auto update itself when you log your miles on the ticker website. Makes it so much easier!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I'm downgrading my numbers just a bit to 150...I'm still walking, but doing other exercises to split things up.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    HI, I have walked for 6 miles today :happy: and been good with my food...even though i have been given a huge tin and a box of candy but have not opened them :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: YET!:devil:
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